Chapter 6: Two Teams Into One/Putting Some Bullies In Their Place

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(Ozpin is seen in his room as he suddenly sees Team RWBY coming in.)

Ozpin: Oh, hello. Need help with something?

Ruby: Well, what can I say... uh...

Ozpin: Well?

Weiss: We want to join Team Smash?

Ozpin: Wait, what?

Blake: We want to join Y/N and his team.

Ozpin: But... your team has been formed only two days ago!

Yang: Please.

RWBY: Please, please, please, please, please!

(Ozpin is still reluctant, but he knows he might get annoyed non-stop, so he sighs and gives his answer.)

Ozpin: Okay, you can join his team. (in mind) Thank God I made a wise choice of words. Or else, I'd be annoyed by their constant beggings like they were five years old children.

(Team RWBY scream in joy as they rush back to their dorms and pack their stuff, which doesn't go unnoticed by Team JNPR.)

Nami: Uh... why are they packing their stuff?

Pyrrha: You don't know? Team RWBY convinced Ozpin to let them join Y/N's Team.

Nami/Ren: Oh...

(Jaune gets shocked and jealous by hearing this.)

Jaune: (in mind) Dude, what does Y/N have and I don't? Well, besides a cool suit, a powerful weapon and other things?

(Pyrrha pats Jaune's shoulder as Team RWBY go to Team Smash's dorm. Weiss then glares at Jaune.)

Weiss: What are you looking at?

(Jaune yelps as Weiss catches up with her teammates.)

(Meanwhile, Team RWBY is seen going to Team Smash's dorm as most of the team open the door and smile.)

Y/N: Hey girls, welcome to Team Smash.

Nora: Ozpin warned us you'd come, so...

(Team RWBY hugs Y/N, making Risky and Nega-Shantae jealous.)

Risky: (in mind) Just... who do they think they are?

Nega-Shantae: (in mind) The nerve of those bitches TO HUG MY MAN LIKE THAT!

(After Team RWBY is done hugging Y/N, Ruby turns to the other girls.)

Ruby: So... should We all lay down some ground rules while we share this Penthouse Dorm?

Tiny: Yes. Rule One, no sneaking on Y/N's shower or bedroom when he's getting ready.

Everyone: (nods) Yes.

Dixie: Rule Two, no cookies before bed.

(Ruby and Nega-Shantae gasp in shock.)

Tiny: Rule Three, NO arguing or fighting for the shower We draw straws who goes first.

Dixie: Rule Four, NO arguing or fighting. Even one of us is a faunus. (turns to Blake.) Blake, remove your bow.

(Blake does so and has her cat ears shown, much to her teammates' shock.)

Tiny: You see, Blake. We are not like those racist bastards in Atlas are.

Dixie: I mean, look at Me and Tiny we're literal Monkey Girls.

Yang: Well, Blake always liked Tuna a lot.

Ruby: Not to mention her bow twitched every time.

Weiss: About that... (turns to Blake) Why did you hide your cat ears to begin with?

(Everyone gets silent as Blake speaks up.)

Blake: I'd rather tell this another day. Let's place our stuff.

(Everyone starts helping Team RWBY with their stuff.)


(Y/N is seen ready to fight Team CRDL as he pulls out his blaster.)

Y/N: (smirks) Ha! This will be easy!

Cardin: Someone's getting cocky, eh?

Russel: Well, we don't care if you're the famous "Earthworm Jim". We're gonna kick your ass!

Dove/Sky: Yeah!

Y/N: Just shut up and attack!

Glynda: Ready? Fight!

(Team CRDL charges at Y/N, and try to attack him, but their weapons break as they get in contact with his suit.)

Cardin: (shocked) What?

Y/N: My turn!

(Y/N then kicks Cardin's balls, causing him to scream in pain. Russel tries to punch Y/N, who grabs his fist and throws him at Dove before using his own "head" as a whip to grab Sky and slam him down countless time. He then slams Sky into Cardin, and finally blasts Team CRDl away, sending them to crash into a wall.)

Y/N: Ha! Too easy!

Glynda: And the winner is Y/N L/N!

Y/N's Teammates: (excited) YAAAY!

(They rush to hug their leader as Jaune, who was sleeping, wakes up.)

Jaune: What did I miss?

Pyrrha: (smiles) Y/N put Cardin and his lackeys in their place!

Nami: Well, we may not have seen the last of them... but it was worth it.

(Then the bell rings, and everyone leaves the classroom as the screen fades out.)

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