A Child

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a/n: okay im starting to get annoyed by the 'omfg why does it say completed' and 'is this discontinued' comments like oh ny God ive mentioned it a thousand times even before i published the last 2 chapters of act 1- GUYS THIS BOOK IS COMPLETED- I marked it completed because it is completed and the only thing that keeps this book updating is the ongoing sequel RIGHT NOW. Please stop with those comments geez..

anyways, Lams arc will be delayed whoopsie- i made changes with the arcs and decided that ------'s arc will be prioritized for now.

also, guys- so sorry for the lack of updates, the Hamilton vibe really just disappeared and i sometimes i cant force myself to write these books anymore- Im considering on giving away my Self/Less fanfiction and shorten the 365 days and Home fanfics as well, and as for Welcome to hell- I'll try and shorten it too.

also thanks for 1k followers? means a lot to me though honestly i dont really care about the amount of followers i get, but im glad many people are joining the fam- ill try and make a proper thank you soon.

also super short ass chapter since this will be the introduction to ------'s arc.

ahh God it's 3:30 am and i just finished this, it took me thirty minutes so sorry this was so rushed and i was sleepy as hell

also if someone references a certain song at the last sentence of this chapter i will legit kill myself.


It was a normal morning for John Laurens, his walk towards school was just like any other day, the breeze was refreshing, the sunlight filled his body with energy and the cool air felt like feathers upon his skin.

It was just gonna be a normal day at school, he thought. But why has he been staring at the child for almost five minutes now?

The child looked nothing special, rather- It looked like any other child he has seen everyday. But something about this boy intrigued him, his fluffy hair captured his attention, his pale, bruised skin sent pain and compassion through his golden heart, and his eyes almost begged the teen to go and help him right there and now.

The poor boy was digging up food from a trash bin, he desperately tried and looked for food that could fill his thin stomach, and that scene practically broke his heart.

He really wanted to help him, but he was late for class. He looked away and decided to help him later, but when he glanced back once again, he saw the distressed look on the poor boy's eyes, and the sight almost sent him crying as well.

He quickly rushed over to the poor boy, and when the child noticed him coming, he hugged himself in defense, standing up in a more threatening but obviously frightened positioned.

John finally got a good look of him, the boy barely looked like he was at the age between ten or nine, he looked miserable.

Then, a thought got John wondering: Where were his parents?

"Hey kid.." He cooed softly, and as John cursed himself for sounding like a total creep, the boy wanted to praise him for sounding like an angel "You hungry?"

The boy hesitated, then glared at him "What are you implying?"

John looked taken aback "Well, I-I was gonna ask if you wanted to come home with me and grab a tiny snack, you looked s-starving so I hoped.."

At this point, the boy knew that the weird, freckled teen was telling the truth judging from his small stutters and gestures, he then confirmed that the stranger infront of him was very easy to read just by looking at his actions.

"Hmm.." The boy softened his gaze, his once tensed body relaxing at the warm look of the stranger "Okay."

John grinned before awkwadly scratching the back of his neck "So, what's your name?"

"Am I obligated to tell you?" Philip asked, his voice cold and suspicious "Daddy said not to tell personal information to strangers." He said "And I have just met you a few minutes ago,"

John looked surprised for a moment "Well, technically I'm taking you home for a bite to eat so your kinda obligated to tell me."

"Says who?"

"Basic Social Interaction."

"I don't want to, I have my rights." The boy looked away before crossing his arms "I don't trust you."

"Well, if you don't trust me then why are you so willing to come with me for food?" John raised a brow.

"Because I know you won't have the capability hurt me, nor friends that are capable to." He replied "And besides, it's food- Who can say no to food?"

John laughed at his last remark "You're funny kid," He smiled before placing his hands inside his pockets "Let's go."

The boy smiled slyly before walking besides him, going to the opposite direction from school.

It was a relaxing walk.


"Woah, I guess I misjudged you- You do have friends who can hurt me." The boy gaped as he stared at the huge mansion infront of him "What do you mean?"

"Any person who lives in this kind of house bounds to have that one person they know who knows how to use a gun." The boy remarked before looking at him with a smile "I apologoze for my hostility before, I completely misjudged you."

John raised a brow "Are you being nice to me now 'cause you think I'm rich?" He frowned "That's just low, kid."

"I was being sarcastic," The boy frowned "Couldn't you tell?" He sighed "I don't see why I should trust nor be kind to you just because your loaded, that's just stereotypical."

"I treat people equally, so if you think I don't- Then you better check again before calling me low." He hissed before walking through the gate, surprising John.

"Damn," John breathed out "Did that kid get raised by a pack of wolves or something?"


John was relieved to see only a few faces in the mansion.

He watched as the young boy practically gobble all his food up from the plate like an animal, with no shame nor guilt in doing so. John was jealous honestly, he wished he too could express himself truthfully without the care of anything else.

"I envy you." John blurted out "You look so carefree and expressful, I wish I had the confidence to be myself as well."

The boy wiped the corner of his mouth "You should be careful on what to say, bub." He said "You don't know who I am, so before you start comparing your flaws with mine then you better think again."

"You're nothing like me, so don't pretend you can relate." He hissed before standing up "You don't know how much I've suffered..."

John blinked twiced before looking away in shame "You're right, I'm sorry." He apologized, surprising the boy for a moment "I was being selfish, I apologize."

"It's fine, you're not a bad person." The boy muttered before quickly looking away "It's not a mistake, it's human."

John smiled at his statement.


"Is this enough for the road?" John asked as he reluctantly let go of the plastic bag filled with food "I can get some more if you like."

"This is enough, you've already done so much- No need to burden yourself for more." The boy said before taking the bag away from his hands "So, I guess I owe you one huh? Considering that's why you helped me in the first place."

John looked confused "No, I didn't help you because of that," He said "I helped because you needed it."

"No need to be humble," The child said "I understand, no need to defend yourself for such a common embarrasment." He continued "It is a common fact that people only help when they want something in return, even if they say they don't- You felt obligated to help me so you did it, now you have the power to also ask favors from me- So if you need anything, just try and find me."

The boy started walking away, but John wasn't gonna let this arguement left unfinished "You shouldn't judge people by common facts."

The boy stopped his tracks "Just because a person is born a boy doesn't mean he has to live with it," He said "Just because it is a fact that he has male genitals doesn't mean he has to go with it."

"Don't judge people based on common facts of preferences, that's just rude." John looked away "I think you'll understand that better than anyone, kid."

"Everyone has free will, and what I chose to do was to help you because you needed it, not because I wanted sonething in return." He started to walk away.

"Helping someone isn't an obligation." John said "It's human."

Before John could stomp away conmpletely in embarrasment and frustration, The boy finally spoke.


"Huh?" John turned around, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw tears streaming down the boy's broken but smiling face.

"My name is Philip."

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