Stuck in the Friendzone?

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a/n: sorry for updating so late! school was already so horrifying and it's still the fourth day, i also need to finish my IP aka Thesis for tomorrow :') i feel like im already 19 when im still 14 holy rabies

also sorry for short chapter, i was rushing to update, only 1276 words.


"My eyes are up here, you know."

John quickly averted his gaze from the ground and to the man infront of him. He blushed when he saw Alexander staring at him with this new emotion written all over his eyes, this new emotion he's been so oblivious about has been going on for six months already, and he was always too shy to ask what it was.

Alexander chuckled as John struggled on what to say, he always found the little things the freckled boy does cute to his perspective, and he just couldn't wait to finally have him for himself.

But he couldn't yet, he's waited for six months, he won't let that go to waste, and besides- John's turning the legal age soon, he just had to wait a bit more.

"I-I j-just, I m-mean- I-I-" John was beet red "I'm sorry," He looked away "I got distracted."

"By what?" Alexander asked "It couldn't have been me, what were you distracted from?"

"A-ah.. I-I don't know, b-by my thoughts..?" John said, but he questioned his statement.

Alexander decided to drop the subject by chuckling "You're too adorable."

John felt his heart race, but he reminded himself that every compliment Alexander said to him all platonic, after all- Alexander never had a real friend before, so maybe he thought compliments are obligated to say to a friend, he has to explain they're not to him though, but he couldn't help but hope.

"You don't have to compliment me every minute ya' know." John muttered, averting his gaze "Friends don't work that way."

Alexander raised a brow, amused by his obliviousness "Oh?" He started before gently grabbing his chin to let John face him instead of somewhere else "Then care to explain to me.." He leaned in "How 'friendship' works?".

John was as red as a tomato before turnibg away from his grasp "Well it's definantly not l-like this!"

"Like what?" Alexander asked, trying to sound oblivious.

"W-well!" John looked at him "F-friends hang out! Eat lunch together, play games and tell problems.." John said "T-they're there for each other, tease each other and hook them up with people.."

"And what are we doing? Aren't we also like that?" Alexander tilted his head innocently, but he was already a smirking mess inside.

"W-well, y-yeah but.." John looked away "W-we also sleep together--"

"Friends do that," Alexander butted in.

"In the same bed." John continued, glaring at him "A-and we b-become.. I-intimate at times.."

"Define intimate." Alexander couldn't help but smirk.

"We hug closer than normal friends do, call each other pet names and feed each other, not to mention we also sometimes sleep half naked." John replied, annoyed "Friends don't do that.."

"Then are you sure were friends?" Alexander said "Or something more?"

John didn't hear the last part since he was too surprised by the first one "W-well yeah, aren't we?"

"I don't know." Alexander said as he leaned towards him "You tell me."

"What are we, John Laurens?"


"I'm still unsure yet," Kira said as she placed her chin onto her hand "I'm deciding on whether or not to be a Surgeon or a Pediatrician."

"Well, what do you like the most?" Francis asked as he spun the fork around his spaghetti "And don't lean your head on your hand while eating, it's disrespectful."

Kira groaned and did as she was told, taking a bite of her spaghetti as she looked at him "That's what I don't know as well."

"What's easier for you then?"

"Well..." Kira looked up "I'm good with children, although I'm not sure if I can treat them or even put a syringe onto their skin, they might freak out and they can be hard to handle."

"Then are you considering on being a surgeon?" Francis tilted his head.

"Maybe," Kira looked at him "I mean, it's easy enough."

"It's not easy, Kira.." Francis sighed "Yes it is."

"Surgery is just stabbing people back to life." Kira stated as she ate the last of her meal.

Francis gaped at her "Please never become a Surgeon."

"Hey guys." George suddenly barged in "Sorry to interrupt your date-"

"This is not a date." Francis cutted him off.

The thirteen year old glared at him before continuing "Well, I'm currently having a crisis."

"You need help on how to woo Frances, don't you?" Kira said blankly, making George nod.

"She doesn't seem to be accepting me yet." George sighed "I think she doesn't like me at all."

"Then give up." Francis stated "What's the point of trying when you know you'll end up failing eventually?"

"Hush, don't be like that Francis." Kira frowned "Find out what she likes first then give her that."

"Oh, you're right." He grinned as he walked away "Thanks Kira,"

When George left, Kira turned back to her empty plate "They're not going to end well."

Francis raised a brow "Then why did you encouraged him?"

Kira looked at where George once stood "I didn't want to hurt him." She said "Sometimes, it's better to lie."

"That's not true." Francis said "Lying only makes things worse, what do you think will happen to George once Frances rejects him?"

Kira didn't reply at first "I was only trying to help..."

"Then help him learn the truth." Francis said "It's better to hurt him now than let him be more hurt later."

"I'm sorry." Kira mutterred, sadness laced onto her voice "I just wanted to hel-"

"Now, don't be sad Kira.." Francis sighed as he turned her head to make the younger woman face her "I was just lecturing you for the future, it's fine now- It already happened, and you get to learn for your mistake."

Kira looked away for a second before going back to character "You sound like my dad."

"And here we go again." Francis chuckled, ruffling her hair.

"Francis~" John suddenly came up to them in distress "I think I got stuck on something worse than the friendzone."

"What is it?" Francis raised a brow, looking down at the man he once loved months ago.

"Alexander told me to rethink our friendship." John said in horror "He said that we weren't friends."

"What?" Kira looked surprised "He said that?"

"W-well- N-no! But it sounded like that..." John stuttered "He asked me what we were."

Francis and Kira both looked at each other and turned back to John, who was moping on the table "I think he wants to kick me out of his life."

John stood straight, his expression turning to one that was filled with fear "Was I too clingy? Did I do something wrong?! Is that why he asked me if we were friends at all!?" He started running away "I NEED TO APOLOGIZE!"

Francis and Kira both blinked before turning to each other hopelessly "He misunderstood."

"I can't believe a person who can't tell the difference between flirting and friendzone exists." Francis gaped, looking completely hopeless "At this rate they'll never be together."

"They will." Kira said as she looked at him straight in the eye "Have hope, John's birthday is coming soon."

"Yeah.." Francis said as he smiled worriedly "Hope."

"Let's just pray nothing bad happens until then."

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