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a/n: the reason why i reread this book is because of the comments that creates their own story in each chapter, its fun reading them and getting to know my readers better.

p.s the last 2 drawings are super rushed and uninspired

this chapter is dedicated to @Fan1776Hamilton (tysm for letting me vent to you, it rlly helped.)


"Paris....?" Alexander whispered in disbelief, his grip on the phone tightening.

"Yes sir, Paris- We are just calling him for his comfirmation--"

"He's not going."

"WHAT!?" John screamed as he snatched the phone from his hand "Oh, I see- We'll find a new student right away, thank you for your ti--"

"NO!" John yelled "I-I haven't decided yet!" He said.

"But your guardian-"

"He is not my guardian." He said and glared at Alexander, who had an unreadable expression on his face "Please, I need more time."

The other line was silent for a moment "O-okay, we will talk about this with the others soon, thank you for your time Mr. Laurens, goodbye."

John hung up.

"Paris?" Alexander scoffed, a bitter smile plastered on his face "W-wow.."

Alexander paced around the room, running a hand through his hair "I wasn't qualified enough to be informed about this?"

"Technically, yes." John scoffed, crossing his arms.

"BULLSHIT!" Alexander screamed as he slammed his hand on the desk, making the younger boy flinch "I AM YOUR FUCKING GUARDIAN YOU BRAT! I HAD ALL THE RIGHTS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS!"

"You ain't the boss of me Hamilton!" John screamed back "Yes I fucking am, and until you turn 18 I still am, and when I say you're not going, you are not going."

"Why do you care so much anyway!?" John yelled, making Alexander speechless "Didn't you want me gone in the first place?"

"It's different now!" Alexander said.

"How is it different?" John said, looking at him "Tell me, Hamilton."

Alexander didn't know how to respond "How is now different?"

"You know why." Alexander gritted his teeth "No I don't."

"You're just trying to make a fool out of me!"

"You're changing the subject."

Alexander gulped "Why don't you want me to leave?"

He didn't respond "Why won't you let me go?"

He still didn't respond.

John stared at the man infront of him, almost pitifully I might add "Alexander..."

"Do you love me?"

That caught Alexander's attention.

"I..." Alexander was speechless, but John patiently waited for his response "Is it me or Eliza?"

Alexander felt a pain in his chest "It's your decision Hamilton."

"Choose me or lose me."

Alexander was silent, and it stayed like that for a few more minutes.

"Y-you know I can't answer t-that J-john--"

"Just as I thought." John said, almost laughing "Why do I feel like crying...?" He whispered as he chuckled "It hurts Hamilton..."


"Please don't call me that." He whispered, pain evident in his voice "I-I wanna cry, but no tears are coming out.."

"Why, Hamilton?" John whispered, looking down "Why does it hurt this much...?"

"John.." Alexander mumbled, placing a hand on his cheek, his expression softening.

John looked up.


James felt broken.

That's what he's been feeling for the past few days.

And yet nobody cared enough to try and cheer him up.

Except for one person.

"James, please eat." Jefferson said as he tried and pry the blanket off of him "You haven't eaten anything for 5 days straight."

James didn't respond "James, please.."

"Leave me alone..." James mumbled tiredly, gathering the last of his strength to pull the blanket over him.

Jefferson huffed before shoving the blanket off him, making James hiss at the sudden lack of darkness and warmth.

"Eat, James." Jefferson said, placing a spoon full of food infront of his mouth.

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screamed, shoving the spoon from his hand into the corner of the room.

Jefferson flinched before sighing "James--"

"I DON'T NEED YOU! I DON'T NEED ANYONE!" He screamed, venom filled his voice "James--"

"Why can't you just fucking leave me alone? You're like my damn parents, you can't give me my own space." James hissed, clenching his fists.

Jefferson saw his chance "Maybe they were just trying to help you James--"

"No they didn't." James cut him off "They wanted me to go to the damn psychiatrist, and when I refused, they threatened to throw me out."

"So I threw myself out." James laughed "That's what they wanted anyway, they didn't want anything to do with their useless child."

"They don't think that." Jefferson said "And what makes you sure about that!?"

"Because they are looking for you James." Jefferson said as he handed him a flyer.

James hesitantly took it.

It was him. The flyer had his old picture and some information about him.

"They miss you James." Jefferson said softly "They want you back--"

"NO!" James screamed "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!" He yelled "James--"



"James please--"

"No, you fucking shut the fuck up." He hissed "You're just a fucking moron who thinks he can have ANYTHING he wants just because your a rich fuck who didn't made an efforg to be this succesful." He said "Your just a daddy's boy who got lucky to be given the company you don't even deserve."




A silence occured.

James stared in shock at the man infront of him, who was in thr brink of tears.

"I-I..." Jefferson was surprised himself "I-I'm sorry for shouting.."

"James.." Jefferson whispered softly "I never had a family." He said "I was a street rat who did everything he can just to be the person I am now."

"I never had riches when I was a child." He said "I had to earn it."

"But you.." Jefferson whispered "You have a family who you can go back too.."

"You have a chance to make a change not just for yourself but for them too.." He said "You have someone who will be proud for something you have done.."

"Someone who will say 'I'm p-proud of you' or talk about you.." He said, a small bit of envy in his voice "I-I never had those things when I became succesful.."

"I only got money.." He whispered "Oh, how much money I would sacrifice just to hear someone I cherish say those words.." He laughed bitterly "I would give anything just for someone I love make me feel special for once.."

"But, I-I don't have those people.." He whispered sadly "B-but you have those people, aren't you satisfied?"

"There are people in this world who don't have families, but they didn't go on and mourn about it, they fought for their lives." He said "But you? You have a family, and instead of fighting for it, you tortue yourself with sadness."

"James..." Jefferson said, inching closer to him "Please go back."

James snapped.

"NO!" He screamed, grabbing the nearest thing he could grab onto and slashing it towards the older man's face.

Jefferson closed his eyes for the impact.


James looked up.


Lafayette was worried.

He hasn't seen Hercules all morning, and he didn't have the guts to knock on his room.

But what if something bad happened?

He gulped and slowly raised his hand, knocking on the door slowly.

For a moment, he heard nothing. But then a feminine groan made his heart beat fast.

The door creaked open

"Who are you?" Lafayette hissed at the half naked woman infront of him, his eyes staring at her venemously.

"Ugh.." She groaned "Hercy~ There's some dude on the door!" She said sleepily "Hercy?---"


Lafayette gulped at the sight.

Hercules stood on the door weaeiny nothing but his boxers, his hair was all messy and his bandana wasn't on either, his muscles were all sweaty, making him look more sexy than ever.

"H-hercules, quel est le sens de cette...?" He whispered in disbelief "English please!" Hercules sassed, running a hand towards his hair.

Lafayette tried to ignored the sexual tension "W-what is the meaning of this?"

"What do you mean? Can't a guy fuck a girl for once in his life?"

Lafayette turned red from his boldiness, and it's not because of embarrasment "B-but--"

"But what?" Hercules raised a brow.

"B-b-but--" Lafayette couldn't bring himself to say it "I-I thought w-we--"

"We?" Hercules chuckled "Last time I heard it was You and Adrienne." He said angrily, making the frenchman flinch.

"You have a damn wife Lafayette." He said "A sick wife." He hissed "Still you had the guts to seduce me?"

"What are you? A slut?" He mocked, making Lafayette silent "You're no better than me."

"Atleast I fucked a single woman." He said "But you hid the fact that you have a damn wife and let me fuck you, and you blame me for that?"

"You whore, I can't believe I fell for you-"


Hercules looked up.


Maria felt scared.

"Do you think I'm dumb, girl?" Evil laughed as she held the younger woman's collar "I know there's something going on with you and that pathetic girl."

"I have eyes, you brat." She hissed, her venom filled eyes staring at her pitiful ones "Now, I want you to stay away from her, am I clear?"

"I-I can't just do that--" Maria whimpered.

"Silence girl, you will do as I say." She hissed "Or, you don't want your precious aunt and uncle to suffer the consequences, do you?" She threatened.

Maria looked mortified, her eyes screaming for help "If you go near her again, you know what will happen." Evil said as she left, leaving Maria falling to her knees, crying.

She stayed there in the hallway for God knows how long, her tears falling down like waterfalls.

She didn't want to leave Eliza, but she didn't want anything to happen to hef only family either.

What should she do?


Maria looked up.


Samuel felt lifeless.

Eversince the incident with King, he felt nothing but a void in his heart.

He couldn't even face Lee.

He sighed and ran a hand towards his hair, what was he supposed to do?


Samuel looked up.


"Open the door Hamilton!"

Alexander jumped away from John, hesitantly going to open the door.

But John fought him to it, he opened the door as quick as possible and dashed away, not minding Evil's prescence.

"What was his problem?" Evil hissed before stepping in.

John stopped running and waited until the door closed before placing his ear on the door.

Evil looked at Alexander with a stern expression "The wedding will be at April 1st, So you better get ready for it." She said.

Alexander widened his eyes "But that's in 10 days! The preperations aren't ready--"

"I don't give a damn." She said "You're a millionaire! Make it happen!" She said as she walked towards the door.

John heard her footsteps amd quickly ran to the corridor.

His phone beeped.


James stared in horror as blood poured down Jefferson's face.

He didn't slash his eye, thank goodness. But a scar was made.

He didn't notice the cutter until he slashed it onto his face, of all the things he could have grabbed it had to be his cutter.

"J-Jefferson.." James mumbled, fear evident on his voice "I-I..."

He reached out his hand but Jefferson quickly ran out the door.

"JEFFERSON!" James screamed helplessly before dropping to the ground "T-this is all my fault..." He whispered to himself.

"E-everything is always because of me.." He cried "I-I'm sorry Jefferson..."

His phone beeped.


"Je vous déteste." Lafayette hissed before running away, tears pouring down his eyes.

Hercules stood there, an unreadable expression on his face "Hercy?"

He turned around to see Chloe fully dressed, he clenched his teeth before pushing her towards the bed.

"H-hey!" She squeaked out as she struggled out of his grasp "Don't struggle, woman."


Hercules snapped out of it "C-Chloe--"

Chloe sighed "It's fine." She said as she pushed him "I was a rebound, huh?"

"WHAT!?" Hercules yelled "N-no!"

"It's obvious dude." She said "You're inlove with a married man, huh?"

"You have serious issues." She sais as she laid down "I'm going back to bed, g'night."

Hercules blinked twice before laying down besides her, sighing.

His phone beeped.


"E-Eliza..." Maria said in a voice barely audible.

"Mari? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.." Eliza chuckled worriedly "I-I..."

"E-Eli..." Maria said, tears welling up on the corner of her eyes "Mari?"

"I CAN'T BE YOUR MAID OF HONOR!" She yelled before dashing away, leaving Eliza worried, confused and especially heartbroken.

Her phone beeped.


"Charles." Samuel said in surprise, a familiar feeling rising on his chest, and he did not like it.

"Sam? I heard what happened! Are you okay? Are you hurt? I--"

"I'm fine." Samuel hissed, turning around to clench his chest, his heart was beating so fast "B-but--"

"I said I'm fine! Now leave me alone!"

Charles felt hurt, but he left with tearful eyes.

Samuel felt guiltly, but he tried and ignore it.

His phone beeped.


Good day to you! I'm Hermione Granger, I'll be the one who will guide you regarding the scholarships. Please come early to school tomorrow for a meeting, and please finalize your decisons about the scholarship because there is no backing out after tomorrow. Thank you and have a good day!

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