The Call

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a/n: i want to taste twinkies, but sadly there are no twinkies in our country :')

this chapter is dedicated to @Wetflame and their friends ♥



"M-Ms. S-schuyler..." Samuel looked away from the newspaper to see the taller woman walking towards him, hugging him afterwards "I'm sorry for all the things Mr. King did to you, you must've felt so afraid and--

"I-It's fine Ms.. I-it's not a problem.." Samuel smiled and gently pushed oldest Schuyler away "No, it's not.."

Angelica held his shoulders "I knew there was something wrong with his mental health.." She confessed "But I never thought it would go this far."

"Was he always like that?" Samuel mumbled "No."

"It was my first time seeing him act like this.." She sighed "I guess his love for you... Triggered him in a way.."

Samuel clenched his fist "But I was surprised, hearing that he survived such a tremendous explosion."

"How is he?" Samuel asked "Severely injured, he deserved it though."

"What will happen once he's out of the hospital?" Samuel asked once again, Angelica blinked before averting her gaze to the newspaper besides his foot then back to him "I think you already know the answer to that question."

Samuel didn't respond "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Samuel said and removed her hands from his shoulders, looking away, his eyes meeting the newspaper's headline.


"I'm fine."


"Mornin' babygirl..." A soft voice cooed onto the woman's ear, making her smile "How was your sleep?"

"Alright..." She replied, cuddling closer to the person besides her "Hey... It's time to wake up babe."

"Let me sleep~" She huffed and buried her face onto the person's chest, the voice giggled "You're so adorable, how can I say no to that?"

"You know you can't resist me, Eliza." She said sleepily "Maria~ Wake up beautiful."

"Stop calling me those names." Maria said, embarrased "Why? It's cute."

"No~" Maria was fully awake now, covering her head with a pillow "Baby... Look at me."




Eliza pouted and rolled over ao she was on top of Maria, which only resulted to the more submissive girl to bury herself more into the pillow "Mari~"

"Nuuu..." Maria trailed in a muffled voice.

Eliza frowner before smirking "You asked for this."


Maria laughed uncontrollably as Eliza tickled her sides, causing her to throw the pillow to God knows where "S-stop! Please! Ahahaha!"

Eliza giggled before removing her hands and dropping onto the side, staring at her.

Maria smiled, gazing onto her eyes "I'm glad."

"Huh?" Maria broke out of her trance "W-what do you mean?"

"I'm glad I decided to go out with you rather than going on that date with Alexander." Eliza smiled "I'm glad I finally confessed to you." She continued, making Maria blush.

"But you know what I was not glad with...?" Eliza whispered, leaning her face closer to her "What..?"

"Me not kissing you last night.."

Maria was flustered "N-now that I've said it.." Eliza placed her hand on her chin "Wanna try doing it now?"

Maria was speechless "Maria."

The way she said her name was so arousing, it made Maria feel so hot "Can I kiss you?"

Maria didn't respond, instead- She watched as Eliza leaned in, slowly closing her eyes in the process.

There lips were about to meet, they were finally gonna share there first real kiss together-


The two woman quickly backed away from each other from the familiar voice, Eliza watched in horror as the door was being forced open.

"Hide." Eliza whispered in panic as Maria nodded, quickly hiding herself in the closet.

"YOU!" Eliza turned around, a slap greeting her cheek "YOUNG LADY ARE FOOLISH!"


"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Evil screamed, glaring at her, and if looks could kill, Eliza would be dead by now "How dare you disobey my orders? Where have you been last night? Why didn't you attend the date? I told you 8pm sharp."

Eliza couldn't respond "You made the press waiting for nothing." Evil hissed "It was so embarrasing! What will the media say about us now?"

Evil huffed before patting herself "I-it's fine, it's fine." She said, nervously smiling "T-there's always next time."

Eliza looked away before saying "W-well, how about we just tell the media a-after the wedding?"

Evil turned around "Are you that stupid? How will our reputation boost then?"

Eliza gulped, this is was her chance, her chance to delay the media so she could still have peace and time for Maria "W-well, if we tell the press after the w-wedding, it'll c-cause an uproar, making t-the Schuyler-Hamilton the gossip of the world.."

Evil perked up "You're right." She said before smiling "Then we'll be the top of the news! It'll cause an uproar! Making us the talk of everyone's conversation! Boosting our reputation, giving us power without anyone realizing it--"


"What was that?" Evil was distracted by a unknown sneeze.

Eliza looked mortified "It came from the closet..." Evil mumblef before walking towards the closet.

Eliza snapped out of it, blocking her way "I-It was probably nothing!"

Evil raised a brow "I could've sworn I heard somethi--"

"Whaaaat? No!" Eliza laughed nervously "It's just probably my ringtone!"

"Ringtone? Who uses a sneeze for a ringto--"

"So about the press thingy- How about we talk more about it at the garden? Does that sound good to you?" Eliza said and walked towards her, making Evil step back until she was out of the door "Sure, but--"

"Anyways! I'll just prepare myself! So I'll see you then Mo--Ma'am!" Eliza grinned.

Evil, still looked unconvinced, shrugged it off before saying "Alright, I'll see you there."

"S-see you!" Eliza smiled as she closed the door, and once she closed it, she let out a deep breath before leaning towards the door "My God..."

"Eli?" Maria came out of the closet, her clothes disheveled "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, her slap still hurts though.." Eliza flinched as she rubbed her cheek "Really? Let me see..."

Maria walked towards her, gently caressing her cheek, staring at her with love filled eyes "Maria..."

Eliza was already leaning in when Maria stopped her "We can't do this..."

Eliza looked confused, and hurt "W-why?"

"You're enganged, Eli.." Maria sighed shakily "We can't keep doing this.."

"Can we atleast keep it up until after the wedding?" Eliza begged "We can't, what if get used to it? and what we can never move on?"

"W-we won't!" Eliza squeaked out in desperation, but she already knew she was lying to herself.

"We will.." Maria hicupped "And if we can never move on from each other until you get married, it'll hurt, especially me... And what will I be? Some kind of mistress? I don't want that Eli..."

"B-but.." Eliza wanted to cry, and by the looks of it, Maria did too "We need to start preparing ourselves, i-it's for the best..."

Eliza quickly wrapped her arms around Maria "I love you."

Maria had tears falling down her eyes, she wrapped her arms around her waist, burying her face onto her shoulder, bitter tears rolling down he cheeks "W-what are we E-Elizabeth?"

Eliza cried silently, trying to act strong for her "I don't know Maria..."

"I don't know..."


Alexander's slumber was disrupted by a phone ringing.

"John~ someone is calling you.." He said drowsily, lazily sitting up to wake the sleeping teen besides him "Ignore it..."

Alexander was fully awake now "You do not ignore phone calls young man." He said "What if it's important? A business call? A call that will change your life?"

"I don't fucking care."

Alexander frowned "I am very disappointed at you, John."

The older man sighed when he did nlt get a response, he stumbled towards the desk and looked at John's phone "Who is this? Scholarship? Who in the Goddamn world will name someone Scholarship?"

John was fully awake now.

"GIVE ME THAT!" He shrieked as he jumped towards Alexander "H-HEY!"

Alexander raised the phone, not letting the smaller boy get it, he frantically answered the call and put it on speaker before placing it on his ear "H-hello?"

"NO--MMMPH!" Alexander covered his mouth using his other hand, pushing him away as John tries to steal the phone away from him.

"Hello? Is this John Laurens?"

Alexander raised a brow "No, this is his guardian, who is this?"

"Oh, I'm Hermoine, I'm calling him regarding the scholarship program?"

John looked mortified, he frantically tried to steal the phone, he can't let Alexander find out, not yet.

"Scholarship program?" Alexander was confused "What Scholarship program?"

"He didn't tell you?" The lady sounded surprised "I could've sworn we told them to ask their guardians for permission..." She mumbled.

"Well, I am proud to say that John has passed the test regarding the Scholarship program, so he was one of the five who was accepted to the school." She said.

"Really? And this school is...?" Alexander sounded impressed, he was proud that John had made it to a probably famous school here in New York, but he wondered where. It was probably Columbia University---

"Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University, in France."

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