Valentines Day

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a/n: ill have mercy and give you fluff (more like fanservice lol), super belated valentines guys 💓

this chapter is dedicated to those single peeps - you will be loved (by me ♥)


"Kira, if you don't stop following me I swear I will-"

"What? Hit me? That's child abuse, Francee~" Kira teased as she continued hopping behind him "Stop calling me that."

"Would you rather I'd call you Daddy instead? I've always wondered what it feels like everytime I read a oneshot with that kind of kink." Kira teased.

Francis blushed "You dirty child, how old were you again?"

"14 and still young!" Kira grinned "Anyways, let's go and get John and Alex, the carnival is opening soon."

Francis looked confused "Carnival? I don't understand..." Kira rolled her eyes "It's Valentines duh! We have to--"

Francis cut her off "NO WAY IN HELL IAM GOING ON A DATE WITH YOU!" He screamed as he turned his heel to run away, but Kira pulled back, causing the larger man to fall to the ground with an 'oof'

"Don't be so full of yourself." She hissed "I didn't mean 'us'- I mean't Alexander and John."

Francis was hurt, but he didn't show it "How am I included in this?"

Kira felt pity for him, but she hid it "Were going to take them to the carnival and help them progress their feelings for one another."

"And why in the Goddamn world should I do that?" Francis growled.

"Because you love John."

Francis was taken aback "....And...?"

"And you'd do anything to make him happy, right?" Kira said "Even if it mean't breaking your heart in the process?"

Francis sighed "I do love John.." He whispered "Then what will you do?"

Francis hesistated for a moment "I-I'll help him with Alex.."

Kira smiled pitifully "That's what I thought."

Francis was about to stand up when Kira suddenly jumped on his neck "W-WHAT THE HELL!?"

Kira giggled "Go fool."

"Fuck you."


"Your date will be tonight, 8 pm sharp, we have to show you guys off at that new restaurant that will be opening today, it will be a great start in announcing your engangement." Evil said as she shoved a pamphlet on his chest "Here are some information about it."

Alexander nodded and took the pamphlet "I will be going then." He said as he turned his heel, walking away from her before he could say something he'd regret.

His thoughts lingered to a certain freckled teen.

He gritted his teeth as he remembered the time where John embraced Francis that one time at the party.

He was there, he was watching as John took Francis in for a hug, and it took all his willpower not to murder Francis on the spot.

He didn't know what the hug meant, but one thing is for sure, John had either accepted or rejected Francis during that time.

He felt an overwhelming surge of jealousy in his stomach.

He walked towards his room, the voices of anxiety echoing inside his head, he opened his door, sighing as he stepped insi--

Well, shit.

"H-HAMILTON!" John was 50 shades red "I-I CAN EXPLAIN!"

Alexander had an unreadable expression painted across his face "I-IT WAS K-KIRA! T-THEY DID THIS TO ME! I-I WAS U-UNTYING M-MYSELF WHEN Y-YOU CAME I-I-IN--"

Alexander couldn't comprehend what was happening, his mind was fuzzy, he couldn't think straight- All he could think about was how he wanted to lick John all over like a sweet piece of chocola--

No, bad Alexander. Bad.

John thrashed around the red ribbon "Fuck, fuck, fuck- this is so inappropriate, I-I'll just f-fix myself t-then i'll be o-out of your h-hair---"

"Aw, I was kinda hoping for smut." Kira frowned as she stepped outside the closet, Francis following her, taking heavy breaths as he did so.

"Kinloch? You were in on this as well?" Alexander looked mad, his eyes staring at him intently.

Francis gulped "I was left with no choice." He responded in his defense.

Alexander raised a brow "Or perhaps you just wanted to see Laurens in this lewd position."

Francis blushed "I'm not that kind of person, Alexander- I'm a dignified man."

"Then why did you participate in this?" Alexander asked.

"I told you, this brat forced me to." Francis defended.

"You could've also easily declined this 'brat' but yet you chose to help her in putting Laurens in such a uncomfortable position."

"I--" Francis fell silent and looked away, knowing he had already lost the arguement before it even began.

Kira glanced at Francis with a serious look before averting his gaze back at Alexander with a grin.

"Stop being such an douche, Lexi- It's Valentines! We should be spreading love! Not hate." She exclaimed.

"I don't care." Alexander said coldly.

"I knew you would say that." Kira smiled "But I came prepared, were going on a Carnival today!"

"Can't, too many plans." Alexander said.

"I don't care." Kira said with a knowing smirk.

Alexander looked annoyed "You little--"

"Alrighty then! I'll go help John dress up! Then we'll meet you both outside the mansion!"

Francis looked mortified "Wait, did you say both?"

"Yes, I did." She grinned "See you both later!" Kira said as she pulled John away, leaving the two.



John looked back worriedly as he walked with Kira "I-Is it really a good idea to leave the both of then together?" He asked.

"Trust me, it is." She said as she made a right "They need this."

"Why?" John frowned, Kira hesitated for a moment.

"They need to fix their broken friendship." Kira mumbled "It will help Alexander be more social again, trust me."

Kira looked back at him "You do know that they were best friends, right?"

John nodded in response "Then you understand?"

John was silent for a moment "I-I think I do.."

Kira smiled "That's good enough for me."


Francis watched as Alexander remove his suit, changing into a casual shirt that he picked for him "I feel uncomfortable not in my suit."

Francis smiled a bit "You look good, trust me."

Alexander frowned as he pulled the hem of the shirt "I don't know I think I should change back, what if--"

"You don't need to work at a Carnival, Alexander." Francis chuckled "Will you stop stressing about work so much?"

"Easy for you to say, I have a family to provide." Alexander hissed as he eyed Francis from head to toe "Unlike a certain someone."

Francis felt hurt "Why have you become so cold, Alex?"

"People change, and you will too." He said "Someday you'll learn to stop being such a naive brat and wake up to reality."

Francis frowned "What happened to you?"

"I woke up." He said "I have learned that the world will torment you until you break, so it's better to be alone than to be with people who will talk about you behind your back."

"But that doesn't mean you should push everyone away, Alexander." Francis retorted "It doesn't mean you should run away from people because your afraid of caring too much--"

"I am not afraid of anything." Alexander cut him off "Everyone has fears, Hamilton."

"And you fear that if you care too much about someone, they'll leave you someday and be devastated." Francis said "No, I don't."

"You sit in a throne of lies." Francis said seriously "Admit it, you're just afraid."


"Afraid of losing John."


"You guys sure took your precious time." Kira rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping off her voice "Let's go, the carnival is waiting."

Kira opened the door to the driver's seat and was about to step in when Francis held her back "What the actual fuck?"

Francis held her shoulders and carried her so they were facing each other "You cannot drive."

"Yes I can, I did it a million times already." She said "Now let me go."

"No way i'm letting a child drive, You go sit on the backseat, I'll drive." Francis said as he put her down "No way I am not sitting at the back sea--"

Francis sighed and carried her again, ignoring her complaints. He placed her in the front seat and put her seatbelt before rushing towards the drivers seat "There, happy now?"

Kira crossed her arms before looking away, mumbling incoherent things under her breath.

Francis sighed before looking back at Alexander and John, who were on the backseat, sitting as far away from each other.

He frowned at the sight.

"Alright, buckle up guys! It's a long way ahead of us." Francis said enthusiastically, trying to mask the rising tension.

The three of them groaned in response, looking out the window. Francis sighed before staring the engine, driving away towards the Carnival which was a 2 hour drive.

Kira felt exhausted.


"Are we there yet?"


"....Are we there now?"


"How about now?"



"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE KIRA! WERE NOT THERE YET!" Francis screamed in annoyance, silencing Kira.

It was quiet.

"....Are we there now?"

"Jesus Christ."

Kira giggled "I like it when you're mad."

"I like it when you shut the fuck up." Francis hissed.

Kira pouted "Why are you such in a sour mood? Lighten up a bit will you?"

Francis glared at her in the corner of his eye, but he didn't respond "How about I tell you a story?"

"Oh my God please no."

"Too late."

Kira grinned before coughing "There was a girl, she loves nature."

"Wow, you're such a great story teller." Francis rolled his eyes "Shh, listen up will you?"

"The girl had a tragic life though," Kira smiled "Everyday, she would go to the mountains, look into the horizons and wonder..." She looked out the window "When would she get the courage to jump down the mountain."

Francis started to feel interested, but he didn't show it "Then one day, the girl broke." She said "She just couldn't take it anymore."

"So, she went on the mountains, took a deep breath, and jumped."

"But survival instincts started kicking in and she grabbed hold of the edge." She said "She held on for what seems like forever, she held on for a long time."

"During that time, her hands were filled with so mant scars, her body was in so much pain and her brain was filled with despair." She continued "Then, after what seemed like forever, she fell."

Kira looked at him happily "The End."

Francis was silent for a moment "Then what happened?"

Kira looked confused "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I just said?" She raised a brow "Were you even listening? The End, I said."

Francis looked unfazed "That wasn't the end."

"Yes it was." Kira glared at him "What? Are you expecting a happy ending? Stories don't work that way bub."

"It's just like life, it won't just give you a happ ending."

"I wasn't expecting for a happy ending," Francis said, not averting his gaze from the road "I just want to know what happens next."

"It's the end! Can't you get that through your thick skull!?" She hissed "Yeah right."

"It is the end! Why won't you believe me?" Kira growled "A Story never truly ends, it just stops moving."

"Well, it's the end for me." Kira said.

"No, it isn't." Francis retorted "That's just what you want to thin--"


"Did she fell? Or did she let go?"

Kira fell silent.

Francis looked at her in the corner of his eye, pity written all over it "It doesn't have to be sad." He said "It doesn't have to be tragic."

"It doesn't have to end."

Kira looked out the window "So, what happened next?"

Kira hesitated for a moment "She woke up." She said in a voice barely audible "Realizing it was just a dream." She said "Realizing she will never find the courage to fall." Her voice broke.

"Realizing it wasn't the end."

Francis smiled softly, placing his hand on top of hers, caressing it softly.

A comfortable silence occured between them.

But at the backseat, Alexander barely heard anything, because his mind was too busy processing his present situation.

John was leaning on his shoulder, fast asleep.

He couldn't move.


"Yosh! Were here!" Kira exclaimed, jumping out of the car "There's so many rides! Look how tall the Ferris Wheel is! O-Oh! The Rollercoaster seems so extreme! Wah! That one is so huge! I am so gonna ride them all!"

Kira was about to run inside, but Francis held her back "Oh no you don't." He said "It's too dangerous."

Kira glared at him "I am the very definition of dangerous."

Francis rolled his eyes "You'll regret saying that once you're in a hospital bed, trust me- I know what's best for you."

"Ughhh, you're such a dad!" Kira growned "You can't ride those, you don't have any money- And any grown-up to supervise you."

"Or do I?" Kira smirked as she brought out a familiar looking wallet.

Francis looked mortified "H-HOW DID YOU GET M-MY WALLET!?"

"Is that even a question?" Kira smirked "Give it back!"

Kira giggled and started running around in circles "Not if you catch me first!"

"Stop playing your childish games brat!" He hissed as he ran after her "Now I have money, and a grown-up!"

Kira ran towards the entrance, Francis trailing behind her "THIS IS THE PART WHERE WE LEAVE! MAKE SURE YOU GUYS GIVE 'EM A GOOD SHOW!"

Alexander and John watched silently as the two vanish from sight, leaving them both, together.

"Umm..." John coughed awkwardly "So, now what?"

Alexander didn't know how to respond, the awkward tension was so thick, even thicker than his di--ego.

"Um.." Alexander was silently cursing at himself for being so awkward "H-how about we go inside first..."

John gulped "Y-yeah, okay.."


John and Alexander walked toward the entrance, they walked not too far away from each other, but not to close either.

They did this before, why was it so awkward? Is it because they were alone? Or is it because of their situation? Or is it all of the above?

This is every person's worst nightmare.

The Awkward first date.

Well, they didn't really c-consider it as a date, i-it wasn't exactly a date, it was more of.... averyplatonichangoutbetweenfriendswithabitoftouchingandstaringandloveydoveythingsbutjustfriends.

They were just friends.

Just friends.

Yeah, just friends.

"W-wanna get something to eat?" Alexander suggested, pointing at a bunch of stalls not too far away "Oh, I'm not hung--"

John's stomach growled.

'Why did you betray me, stomach?' John whimpered internally, looking down in embarrasment.

Alexander chuckled softly "Cute..." He whispered, John completely oblivious to what he said.

"Let's go, Laurens." Alexander said as he grabbed his hand, but John quickly shoved it away "N-no!"

Alexander looked at him with a expression of both confusion and pain "Why?"

John looked away "Y-you're enganged Hamilton... W-we can't do this.." He said, Alexander frowned at his words.

A silence occured.

"John." The said man heart skipped a beat when he heard him say his name in such a caring tone "Can we just, forget about everything else, and just focus on what's happening right now? Please?"

John blushed "W-we can't just do that..." He whispered "I--"

"Please..." Alexander begged, what was he saying? "I just wanna be... Be more chill, with you..”

John can't look at him in the eye "This is the only time I get to relax, without having to worry about anything... But us."

John felt weaker with every word "B-but Eliza... M-Mrs. Evil... T-the Engangement.."

Alexander placed a hand on his cheek "I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken..."

John held the hand on his cheek "I don't need you to tell what I'd rather forget.."

"Clear the slate and start over.." Alexander cooed "Try to quiet the noises in our heads.."

Alexander smiled bitterly "We can't compete with all that."

John's gaze was averted when Alexander held his chin, gently turning his head so they were looking at each other "So, what if it's us?"

"What if it's us?" Alexander's eyes flashed with hesitance for a second "And only us.."

"And what came before..." He'd probably regret this tomorrow "Won't count anymore.." But he didn't care "Or matter.." All that mattered to him right now was John.

"What if it's you.." He deserves to be happy even for a little bit "What if it's me.." And his happiness can only be found in John "And what if that's all that we need it to be?"

"And the rest of the world falls away..." Alexander didn't what this moment to end "What do you say?"

John stared at him, a shocked expression on his face, a tear rolled down the corner of his eyes, but despite that, he smiled.

"That would be enough... For now.."

This was currently the most happiest day of their entire lives.


It was 6 pm.

They've just gotten off the Ferris wheel, hand in hand as they walked towards the entrance, it was silent, but not the awkward silence, the comfortable silence.

Alexander suddenly stopped on his tracks.

"Alex...?" John looked back at him, confusion written all over his face "We have to go, your date is in 8 pm remember? And it's a 2 hour drive to the mansion."

"I know..." Alexander said, tightening his grip on John's hand "But can we stay like this? For a bit longer? Please..?"

John sighed "We can't..." As much as John wanted to be with him like this for more, there are far more important things Alexander needs to attend to "Please... Just for a bit more.."

"But your date.." John looked at him, waiting for his response. Alexander, who was deep in thought, finally made a decision "Alex?"

"Let's stay, I'm not going to the date anymore." Alexander decided, making John's jaw drop "It's Valentines, so--"

"You can't just do that!" John screeched "T-that's the point! I-It's Valentines! Y-you should be with the person that makes you h-happy!"

"But I am with that person." Alexander said innocently, making John blush "Alex... You don't mean that.."

Alexander squezed his hand before placing a gentle kiss on it "I do, peaches..."

John felt so fluffy, his heart was beating so fast, he felt like the most happiest person alive right now.

His thoughts drifted elsewhere, what about Ms. Eliza? The engangement?

He breathed heavily before smiling, that doesn't matter right now.

All that matters was him and Alexander.

Sure, it sounds selfish... But he doesn't care anymore, he's been selfless for so long, he needs a break.

So he'll be selfish for a while longer.

"I love you, Alexander..."


"Where have you guys been?" Francis growled angrily, crossing his arms "We've been waiting for hours! We were so worried!"

Johb stared at him apologetically before placing the half-asleep Alexander in the car then going in "S-sorry, we got carried away..."


"Cut em' some slack, Francee." Kira groaned as she leaned on her chair "It's Valentines, they deserved it."

"You are not allowed to speak with me, young lady." Francis hissed "You're grounded."



"HEY!" Kira frowned "The bottle wouldn't fall down."





John watched tiredly as the two begin to fight again, he was about to drift off when he felt something on his shoulder.

It was Alexander.

He was too tired to even process what was happening, so he simply pecked Alexander's forehead before leaning on him too, but before he blacked out, he heard something.

"Happy Valentines day peaches.."

a/n: this was crappy :')

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