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"John, You should really apologize soon." Herc said in a serious voice "No way, i'd rather be kicked out than apologize to that asshole." I replied.

"John can you throw away your pride and just apologize to the dude?! I know you hate him but geez we'll all be living in the streets if it weren't for him!" I looked away, not wanting to hear his useless talking "Theo's bawling her eyes out for goddamn sake! if you don't want to do it for the orphans than atleast do it for Theo!" He screamed "Jack, please apologize."

"Yeah Jack, apologize." Acleous butted in.

"You should apologize Jack." Achilles said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah Jack, just say your sorry." Dolly said.

"Say sorry while it's not too late Jack." Sally followed.

"Jack just please write the apology letter." Charles commented while eating chips.

"Get your ass into writing the fucking apology letter Jack." Nathaniel said innocently while drinking a slushie.

"NATHANIEL PENDLETON WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CURSING?!" I screamed which he shrugged and continued sucking on the straw "AND CAN YOU GUYS STOP CALLING ME JACK?!"

"Just write the goddamn letter, Jack."


Hours later i've already written 51 essays and decided it was enough, I didn't realize how many I actually wrote until I stopped writing. Oops.

The benefits of being a genius.

I decided to take a nap because I still have 4 hours left and I deserved a break, so I laid on the couch and drifted off.


"The brat sure did take his time." I grumbled and glanced at the clock, he only had 5 minutes left "Is he seriously not gonna apologize?"

"Maybe he was having a hard time writing the letter Mon ami, you did say to write 25 pages." Lafayette replied "Are you seriously going to kick them out?"

"Of course, i'm a man of my word." He frowned "Martha will be disappointed..."

"I don't care, The brat crossed the line he wasn't supposed to cross and he is going to face the consequences."

"By kicking them all out?"

"Yes." I replied, the door opened "Ah, you ma- Oh, it's just you guys." I frowned as Martha, Jefferson, Burr and George come inside along with five other bodyguards, Martha came to me, a look of disappointment evident on her face "Are you actually doing this?"

"Of course I will."

"Isn't that a bit too harsh man? He's just a kid, the poor boy probably doesn't even know what he was saying." Burr frowned, I didn't bother replying "Son, are--"

"Don't call me son."

I glanced at the clock "He should be here in 3, 2, 1..."

As if on cue, he barged inside holding a pile of papers, he glared at me before he walked towards me and slammed it on the desk "There, I wrote 51 essays- You satisfied?"

"I am never satisfied." I said as he glared harder "Read it outloud." I commanded "Son, please don't--"

"Shut up." I glared at George before looking back at the brat, He growled and grabbed the papers and started to read "Dear asshole,"

I glared at him

"I'm just kidding," He rolled his eyes "My dearest,coma, Asshole," I heard Jefferson snort "I am deeply sorry............So you forgive me." He ended after an hour of reading "Okay, now  throw it in the trash." I demanded

"Seriously? I worked so hard in these." He frowned "Do I look like i'm joking?"

"Well, your face is a joke." I heard Burr chuckle along with Jefferson, except Jefferson was laughing his ass off "You--"

"Kidding, i'm kidding!" He said before tearing the papers one by one infront of me and throwing it all over my face "What the fuck?! I said the trash can!"

"I prefer this trash can." He said.

"You motherfuck--"

"Hey! Be more chill!" He grinned and walked towards a body guard who had a tray of Slushies, he took one and started walking towards me "Here, maybe this will help."

"Is he gonna do what I think he's gonna do?" Jefferson said, amazed.

"I think so." Burr said, his jaw dropping.

"He wouldn't." George said breathlessly.

"He would." Martha smirked.

I felt the cold substance dropping in my hair and all over my body, I shrieked before standing up, frantically wiping off the slushie off me "WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKING BRAT?!" I screamed at him as I try to remove the ice that somehow got inside my clothes

"Chill out, The ice is gonna melt." He said with a smirk, he turned around to the people behind him "What're waiting for? Laugh!"

The bodyguards started laughing uncontrollably, George was smiling and Martha looked at the brat with a proud look on her face, Jefferson was practically on the floor laughing his ass off while Burr was too shocked to function.

"This kid is a gift from God." Martha commented

"He's an angel sent to change our Son." George said, wiping an anime tear.

"This kid is fucking savage." Burr smirked.

"Have I mentioned I love this kid?" Jefferson said between laughs.

I glared at the brat, who was looking at me with a satisfied look on his face, I clenched my fist trying to contain all the anger inside of me.

It's on now.

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