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a/n; whilst i was playing minecraft with my friend i accidentally screamed 'WHY ARE YOU KILLING THE CHICKENS!?" and eversince then it became a joke and they always tell me that whenever i pass by or see me.

dedicated to xXBoneXx (tysm for the fanart!)


"Today's the test!?"

John stared in disbelief at the disheveled look of his friends, all stressed about the Scholarship test and their.... Relationship problems.

"It's been moved today." Samuel gasped out "Only five students will be chosen,"

"Only five..." John whispered "Then we should do our best." He said determindly.

"But we haven't studied..." Maria frowned.

"Then we'll use our stock knowledge." John replied as he fixed the strap of his bag "It'll be fine, we'll be fine."

"Do you really think that?" Hercules said, staring at him intently.

John hesitated for a moment "Y-yeah.." He replied "Let's go."


"If you had to choose, if you had to choose--"

"George, get the fuck away from me." Alexander hissed at the young man "No way."

"And why is that?"

"Because you haven't even answered my question." He said.

"What question?" Alexander raised a brow "You just repeatedly kept saying 'if you had to choose' for the past thirty minutes."

George sighed "You know what I mean."

"I don't."

"You really want me to tell you?" George raised a brow.

"Spit it out, spit it out." Alexander urged impatiently.

"If you had to choose between John and Eliza, who would you choose?"

Alexander was silent for a moment "Did I already made that clear during last New year's eve?"

"No, you didn't." George said "The only thing you proved that night was the unbelievably amount of stupidity you have."

"How dare you--"

"No." George kept his usual stoic espression "How dare you."

"How dare you break John's heart." He took a step forward "How dare you ruin Eliza's life." He took another step "How dare you create a domino effect on the rest of us by accepting that useless marriage proposal--"

"You don't understand." Alexander looked away "It's for the compan--"

"For the company my ass," George hissed "You're just afraid of admitting you're inlove with John so you accept the marriage to block all your feelings for hi-"

"I AM NOT INLOVE WITH JOHN!" Alexander yelled as he slammed his fist against the table "But he's inlove with you-"

"I-I know.." Alexander's voice started to break "And t-that enough scares me that I might fall inlove with thag brat too."

"You already are." George said, a hint of hope in his voice "You just aren't accepting it."

Alexander looked down "T-this is for the best." He said "Atleast, this way- John wouldn't have to suffer with me--"

"But he is already suffering," George intervened "Along with many others, because of you."

"And why would he even suffer if he was with you?" George asked "Wouldn't he be happy? He loves you, I don't understand."

"I don't expect you to understand," Alexander said "You wouldn't anyway.."

"Then try me." George insisted "Tell me why," He said "Make me understand."

Alexander stared at the persistant boy infront of him before sighing "I'm doing this for John."

"What do you mean you're doing this for Jo-"

"Shh- Shut up, let me speak without you interrupting me." Alexander hissed, making George silent.

"If I do this, i'll be doing him a favor in return." He said "Why?  You ask?"

George nodded "Picture this, NYC's Millionaire dating a 17 year old orphan boy- What would they think?"

"Oh my God Alexander! Is this about you're damn reputat--"

"It's not about my reputation," Alexander interrupted him "It's John."

"So? He'll get famous! So what?" George said "If he were to date me, his future would be ruined."

"What...?" George whispered "Our age difference, our sexualities, our standards... It's too unacceptable."

"I'm worried that if I allow myself to fall inlove with John, i'll ruin his future doing it." He said.

"His future career would be damaged, his education will be distracted, his stress will grow and people will think bad of him."

"Think about it." Alexander said "A huge scandal will break through all over the country, affecting my career- I'll appear as a pedophile."

"Then sooner or later, all my companies will go bankrupt- How will I provide my family? How will I provide John?" Alexander said anxiously.

"And what will be our reason for this? Because of Love? Because we fell inlove?" Alexander looked at George.

"People won't take love as a reason."

"This is the real world, people won't just accept this kind of relationship, we'll cause an uproar." He said "I won't risk John's life fot this relationship."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't love him. And I don't plan too even though it's hard not too..." He said "But I care for him deeply, that's it."

"That's why I accepted the marriage, So he would lose compassion for me- Hate me for all I care, But atleast he won't suffer."

"Then you'll be the one suffering," George said "He'll hate you, he might even ignore you for the rest of his life, and not to mention you'll engange in a loveless marriage with Eliza, you're practically digging your own grave."

"But atleast his future his safe." Alexander closed his eyes "All your friends will hate you, including your foster parents."

"So? They can hate me, I don't care." He replied "You don't plan on telling you're reason to them?"

"No, I don't intend too." Alexander replied "They'll hate you even more."

"I don't give a shit, they can ignore me for the rest of my life- I can live with being alone as long as John isn't."

"You're making a very big sacrice." George gritted his teeth.

"I'd make any sacrifice for John, no matter how painful the consequences, I'd die for him if it comes to that." Alexander said determindly.

"I don't care what becomes of me, as  long as he's happy..." Alexander trailed off.

"that would be enough..."

George was silent, unsure of what to say. Alexander then stood up and walked towards the door "I will be taking my leave, you should too."

"You really do love John, don't you?"

Alexander widened his eyes in surprise "Did you just hear anything that I have said?"

"I did, and that only made it clear on how much you deeply love John." George said as he turned around to face him "You are so willing to sacrifice you're whole being for him."


"No, you shut up- It's my turn to speak." George said "What you're doing for him is sweet and all but this isn't a reason to throw away your future."

"It's the only way--"

"This is the easy way, you just want the easy way out of this." George said "But what you're doing? It's stupid."

"You're right, bad shit will happen if you two became a couple-But marrying someone isn't gonna solve it." He said "You really are stupid, this some high level of stupidity." George sighed.

"Not only are you risking you're future but you're risking Eliza's too." George glared at him "Did you even think about her when you made this choice?"

"You shouldn't make such careless decisions alone when someone else is involved in the problem, you're being selfish." George said as he clenched his fist.

"Do you really think the problem will be solved completely when you do this?" George walked towards him "If you think you're saving John's future by doing this, you aren't-You're only ruining it by breaking hid heart and driving him to utter depression."

"Not to mention other's are gettung affected too." George said "Stop playing the hero Alexander, because what you're doing? Isn't right."

"This is why I didn't want to tell you, you are too much of a kid to understand." Alexander snapped "Don't try and ruin this, Eacker- Or else." He said as he left, slamming the door behind him.

George was all alone in the office, his dull eyes staring blankly at the door "You don't know me, I am not a measly brat."

"I may be 13, but my mind is older."


"Because of reasons, the Scholarship test has been moved today." The teacher said "The five who will get the highest score will be transferred to Paris to start early so they could adjust faster."

The teacher started handing out test papers "If you have any further questions, please ask now."

A student raised her hand "Ah, Yes Ms. Sawyer?"

"Umm, I just wanted to ask if.." She hesitated for a moment "If a student makes the five, what if they don't want the scholarship? Will they recieve a choice to decline?"

"Ah yes, they will given the choice to decline, and the student who also recieved a high score but didn't make the five will replace them."

"I see, thank you." Veronica said as she sat down.

"Alright, anyone else have questions?" No one responded "Then you may begin the test."

"May the smartest students make the five."


"Why are you such a fool, Hamilton?" Burr said as he slumped down the couch "You've been asking that for the past few days, Burr."

"It's just you're level of stupidity is unbelievable, accepting the marriage like that." Burr said "I'm still, how do the teenagers say it-- Shooketh?"

"But surely you have a good enough reason for it, right? Other than 'it's for the good of the company' reason.." Burr asked.

"...No, that's all there is to it." Alexander lied, as always.

Burr frowned "You're being selfish."

"So what?" Alexander hissed "What do you car--"

"I care because my sister is involved in this, Alexander." Angelica barged in "How could you make this decision without Eliza's consent?"

"I thought I already did? She's my girlfriend, she loves me- She told me herself." Alexander said.

"She doesn't love you anymore, Alexander." Angelica said "And how do you know?"

"Because..." She loves someone else. Was what she wanted to say, but she didn't want to make decisions for someone else, she didn't want to repeat Alexander's mistake "I-I just know, okay?"

"Tsk, just as I thought." Alexander crossed his arms.

"Alexander.." Charlotte appeared, along with Peggy "I-I know I don't have the right to say this but aren't you going too far? You're creating a domino effect with what y-you're doing..."

"This is for the good of our compani--"

"JESUS CHRIST HAMILTON! IS THAT ALL YOU COULD SAY!?" Jefferson appeared as he stomped through the doorframe.

"ARE YOU FUCKING RETARTED!?" He screamed as he grabbed Alexander's tie and pull him closer to him, looking at him with the hardest glare he could muster.


"I can't believe you." He chuckled darkly "I can't believe you did this knowing fully well that John was inlove with you."

"Was this you're intention? You accepting the marriage to see the poor boy break?" He said, making Alexander widen his eyes "NO!"

"THEN WHY!?" Jefferson screamed "WHY DID YOU DO THIS!?"

"BECAUSE I HAD TO!" Alexander cried, making everyone silent "I-I had too...." He sobbed in the floor, everyone looking at him with both pity and disappointment in their eyes.

"Alright, that's enough." Martha's soothing voice interrupted the tension "Alexander, sweetie- How about you join us for a cup of tea?"


"John! Hand these to table 10!" Martha panted as she wiped the sweat coming out of her skin.

"Martha.. Are you okay?" John asked worriedly as Martha started coughing "I-I'm just----"

"Martha." Hercules held her shoulder "Please rest, We'll take it from here."

Martha panted heavily "A-A-Alright... I-I.. G-Godbless..." She said breathlessly as she left.

John nodded at Hercules before looking at the busy shop "This is gonna be one hell of a night."

"Yeah, So you better start working." Hercules said before running off.

"John! Give this to the man over there! He's been waiting for half an hour already." Francis said as she shoved John a tray of coffee before rushing off.

John then walked towards the man "S-Sir! I-I am so sorry for the wa-wai--!"

He tripped.

"Kyaa!" John squeaked as he regained his balance, but when he looked at the tray, the coffee was gone.

"GAH!" A manly yelp could be heard infront of him, he looked up to see--


"Seriously!? Slow and Bad service!? What kind of shop is thi---"

"S-sir! In behalf of me and the management! I d-deeply apologize f-for--" John could feel tears welling up the corner of his eyes "F-for t-this--"

"H-hey! Hey, hey! Don't cry!" The man said worriedly as he wiped John's tears "It's my fault, sorry for overeacting- I was having a really bad day."

"N-no! You have all the right to react! I-it's my fault.." John apologized "L-let ne help you..."

John pulled the man towards the 'room' "W-woah! It's okay, you don't have to do thi--"

"No, please let me." John said as he looked at him for a solid minute "Um, please sit."

The man obliged as John grabbed a towel from the desk "M-may I..?"

The man nodded, making John smile a bit as he wiped the wet liquid off his face "Again, i'm really sorry."

"Don't be." He smiled in reassurance "I-I'm John." The freckled teen introduced as he continued wiping his face.

"Francis." The man grinned, making John raise a brow "Francis with an I or with an E?"

"What?" Francis looked confused, making John flustered "S-sorry! It was on instinct!"

Francis chuckled in return "It's alright." He said "You're really cute."

John suddenly wiped hard "O-OW!"

"GAH! SORRY! I-I WAS SURPRISED!" John yelped as dropped the napkin and rubbed his finger on Francis' cheek "Why are you surprised? Don't you get compliments often?"

"N-no..." John said shyly and looked down "What!? No way! Are you serious?!"

"Y-yeah..." He replied, his hand still absentmindedly carrassing Francis' cheek.

"Well..." John perked up when he felt a hand on his wrist.

"They should learn to appreciate the beauty of a man such as yourself."

John became flustered "I-I--" He pulled back his hand "Um, T-T-Tha--"

Francis laughed "I apologize, I was being too bold with you."

"John! What are you doing he--ere?" Hercules looked at the both of them

"What is this? Who the hell are you?"

"Oh shit."


"Why won't you tell us, Son?" Washington said as he followed Alexander to the living room, Martha trailing behind him "Please, we'll understand."

Alexander opened the door "Hamilton?" George exclaimed as he put down his notebook.

"What're you guys doing here?" Alexander hissed "We never left." Peggy replied.

"Well you should leave, I'm busy." Alexander hissed as he opened the door widely.

"No way." Jefferson said "We'll leave when we want too."

"I have work." 

George slammed his book against the table "Work! Work! Work!" He sassed "All you ever think about is work!"

"Don't use that tone on me brat." Alexander glared "I'm you're superior--"

"You still haven't answered my question from this morning."

"What question--"

"John Or Eliza?"


"I'm so tired..." John moaned as he walked inside the mansion "Wanna go watch TV?" Hercules suggested.

John looked at him "Okay.."


All eyes were on Alexander "I don't see any reason on why I should answer this question."

"You're hesitating." Martha said "So there must be something you feel for John."

"I'm not hesistating, I just see no point on answering this ridiculous question." Alexander hissed.

"I see a lot of reasons why, you just don't want too." Washington stated "You just don't want to admit you're feelings for Joh--"

"I have no feelings for that brat!" Alexander yelled.

"Stop lying to yourself Hamilton." Jefferson said "Just admit you love him-"

"I don't." Alexander gritted his teeth.

"Oh really?" Burr laughed "You're being pathetic, Hamilton."

"I am not pathetic, I--"

"You're in denial." Angelica said "Just choose, Hamilton."

"Why are you insisting!?" Alexander snapped "She's you're sister! Yet you side with an--"

"He's changing the subject!" Peggy moaned out.


"You are." Charlotte cut him off.

"Eliza or John!?" George snapped

"Eliza or John!?" Martha repeated.





Everyone was silent, staring at Alexander with either an expression of shock, disappointment or anger in their faces.

"Eliza will be more beneficial to me." He said "She'll be a good wife, a great asset for our company and a reputation booster."

"Unlike John." Alexander panted "I'll gain nothing but hate with John."

"He's a guy, a kid, a fucking orphan." He gritted his teeth "He'll be a burden to the company."

Martha tried not to kill him right there.

"He'll only ruin my life." Alexander breathed out, tears welling at the corner of his eyes "A-and besides.."

"I l-love Eliza, n-not John."

Alexander gulped "T-that's my choice." He said "I'm marrying Eliza and that's final."

Everyone was silent, already preparing to kill Alexander right there, but a familiar voice made them all freeze.

"I-I see..."

Martha gasped.

Washington widened his eyes.

Jefferson was unable to speak.

Burr clenched his fist.

Angelica hitched a breath.

Peggy started to tremble.

Charlotte was in tears.

George had an unreadable expression on his face.

And Alexander?

He was all that combined together.

"J-john..." Alexander said with a voice that was barely even audible "I..."

"I'm so happy for you Alexander." John smiled, but it was obviously forced "I'm sorry for being such a burden to you! Don't worry, I'll be gone once I go to college!"

"J-john, wait-- L-let me expla--"

"I'm sorry I had to be you're friend." He laughed "I'm sorry i'm not enough!"

"I'm sorry you have to live with such a fucking useless orphan brat like me." He giggled "I'm sorry you had to fake you're affection towards me."

John smiled "I'm sorry I love you."

"I hope you have a great marriage!" He said as he walked towards him.

Alexander was frozen in his spot, his eyes dull of emotion, his smile tinted with negative emotions.


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