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a/n: drawing girls (ahem my baby eliza) are my weakness, but i love drawing maria and charlotte.

this chapter is dedicated to @lolphilip


"I want everything to be absolutely perfect." Evil said as she flipped her hair "The press will be here later, so everything must be organized."

"Make sure to invite the richest, most popular people darling," Evil cooed, which Philip replied with a nod.

"M-ma'am," Eliza stuttered nervously "Must the Engangement Party be held today? Isn't it too early--"

"Shut up, you have no right to speak, girl." Evil glared at her "The earlier the better, they always say." She continued.

"The sooner you're marriage pass by, the better." She smirked "C'mon husband! Let's go!"

Eliza watched as her parents leave the room, leaving her in a painful solitude.

"I-I can't do this..." She mumbled tearfully "I-I..."

"I-I can't.."


"Engangement Party?"

"Yeah." Eacker replied as he cleched his fist "So you're job is too make sure everything goes absolutely wrong."

"I don't know." Aisis replied "Too risky..."

"C'mon Aisis! I need you!" Eacker said "Please, I beg you."

"I like you begging."

"Kinky bastard."

"Sige na nga" Aisis sighed "What? I don't understa--"

"Don't act like you don't know what I said." Aisis hissed "I know you, you can speak all the languages."

"You don't know jag shit about me." Eacker snapped back "Now, speak English."

Aisis glared at him "I said Alright, but I'll see what I can do."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't really 'destroy' the party," Aisis said "But I can make sure the press won't make it."

"Really?" Eacker said, slightly amazed "Alright then, 10,000 dollars if you manage to get rid of the press."

Aisis smirked "Make that 20,000 dollars."


"John, Mon ami.." Lafayette said outside the door "Please come out, whether you like it or not- You need to attent this engangement party."

"I pass." John's muffled voice said from inside "Herc might be interested though."

Lafayette felt his heart ache "T-that's why I n-need you to come.." He whispered "I-I need you to be the one to invite him."

"Why won't you do it?" John replied tiredly "H-he won't talk t-to me."

Lafayette moved away from the door when John opened it, looking at him with confusion "I'm sure he'd be more than happy to talk to you."

"No, he won't.." Lafayette sighed as he leaned his back on the wall "Why do you think so?"

"H-he found out about something..." He replied sadly "Something I should've told him the first time we met."

"What?" John asked "Do you have a wife or something...?" He said jokingly, chuckling a bit afterwards.

Lafayette didn't respond.

John was silent for a moment but then widened his eyes in realization "Oh my God."

"Mon am--"

"You have a wife!?" John exclaimed angrily "You have a fucking wife!?"


"Oh my God..." John said in a voice barely even audible "You knew this yet you willingly let Herc fall and do... Things to you!?"

John ran his hands through his hair "So that's why he's been acting strange lately..." He whispered "I-I can't b-believe this.." He laughed bitterly.


"No." John cut him off "Don't you dare go near him anymore." He warned "I-I'll tell him we need to go to the party, just... Don't." John said as he walked away, leaving Lafayette in his remorse.


"I'll be going now, Auntie." Maria smiled as she grabbed her bag "I'll see you soon!"

"Leaving so soon?" Her aunt frowned "It's still so early..."

"Well, I-I need to attend E-eliza's engangement party tonight." She said "I can't miss it, she did made me her maid of honor..."

"I-I see..." Her aunt smiled sadly "O-okay then, Goodbye auntie!"

Maria was about to leave when her aunt grabbed her arm "Wait."

"Huh?" The teen turned around, looking at her aunt in confusion "What is it?"

"Are you okay?"

Maria was even more puzzled "I-I don't understand--"

"It's a simple question, Mari." She said softly "I-I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?" Her aunt raised a brow "Y-yeah, what makes you think I-i'm not?"

"I can see through you, Maria." She said "You're not okay."

"I... Wha...?"

"You love that Eliza girl, don't you?"

Maria widened her eyes before laughing nervously "I-I d-don't! What m-makes you think that?"

"Stop lying." Her aunt said "It's so clear, especially when you talk about her."

"I don't love her that way, Auntie." Maria faked a smile "She's just a friend."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Y-yeah! I mean, w-why would I even like her?" She laughed nervously "She's a girl, a gorgeous girl with high standards."

"She's famous, an angel like personality, and she's getting married to a guy which is my total opposite." She whispered.

"I-I'm just nothing to her." She said "So i'll just support her in any way I can because..."

Maria went silent, realizing what she was about to say "B-because I--"


"A-auntie i'm fine--"

"You're crying."

Maria widened her eyes when she realized the hot liquid pouring down her eyes, she tried to blink them away but no avail, it kept coming and coming. And so was the pain.


"Shhh." Her aunt pulled her in for an embrace "Everything will be alright..." She whispered as Maria sobbed in her chest.

"I-I don't know how, but it will be."


"Sam, are you alright?"

Samuel snapped out of his daze when the familiar voice of Charles Lee rang through his ears "Y-yeah, Of course I-I am."

Charles stared at Samuel worriedly "Don't lie to me Sam," He said "Something is wrong, I can feel it."

"I'm okay." Samuel smiled "Don't worry about me."

"Is it Mr. King?" Charles said, making Samuel freeze in terror "N-no..."

"You're hesitating." Charles frowned "Are you sure?"

"Y-yeah." Samuel looked away, trying to hide his trembling figure.

"He isn't... Doing anything bad to you is he?" Charles whispered, making Samuel widen his eyes.

"NO!" He screamed, his body shaking.

"S-samuel!" Charles squeaked "I---"

Samuel stopped himself when he saw a familiar figure from not so far away.

"Samuel!? Are you okay!? You're as white as sheet!" Charles exclaimed, shaking him "I-I gotta go..." Samuel whispered in fear.




James was laying down in bed, covered in blankets.

He couldn't do anything productive, all he was able to do was think..

His life was ruined.

Was what he concluded in his head. He was a mess, everywhere he goes, anything he thinks are problems.

He was such a problem.

He had so much insecurities, fear, and sadness trapped inside his little head and he just couldn't keep it inside anymore.

There were so many voices inside his head, and he can never mute the sound. It hurts like hell, he just wanted it to stop.

His eyes landed on the small blade on the corner of his room.


"I'm ready, let's go." Hercules' dull voice echoed the hallways, making John shiver, he nodded in response as they started walking towards the ballroom.

John didn't dare to break the silence, but the tension was pressuring him. It was so quiet, only the sound of their footsteps could be heard.

John looked forward. The milky white walls never seemed to end, it was almost hypnotizing him, he felt like he was walking a hallway that went on forever.

His heart started to beat faster.

"John." Hercules' soothing voice calmed his nerves "Are you alright?"

"I...I-I.." John started to cry.

"W-woah! John!? What--"

Hercules was cut off when John threw his arms around him "I-I'm sorry!"

Hercules fell down to the ground, John sobbing in the crook of his neck "John....?"

"I-I'm so sorry...." John apologized, his voice so sincere and filled with emotion that it also brought Hercules to tears.

"D-don't cry Jacky... Y-you're making ne cry too..." Hercules cried as he wrapped his arms around John "I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know w-why i'm c-crying...?"

"D-don't apologize.." Hercules cooed "I-I don't know w-what you d-did, b-but whatever it is, I-I forgive you..."

John hicupped "I-I'm sorry..."

"I'm so sorry..."


"What!? The press can't make it!?"

"I-I'm afraid so ma'am..." The employee stuttered "T-they have found more interesting news at t-the p-park, it s-seems that all t-the f-famous a-authors including Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling has gathered together for--"

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THAT!" Evil screamed "THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PERFECT!" She sighed sharply before glaring at him "Get out of my sight."

The employee squeaked before running away in fear, leaving the mad woman in her office.

"This is unacceptable." She mumbled angrily "But the show must go on." She sighed before looking at herself in the mirror.

"Time to put the Kinloch's where they rightfully belong."


John hated every second he stayed in this Engangement Party.

He felt nauseous, he didn't want to be here. All he wanted was to stay in Ale-- his bed, all alone with his turtle Alex.

Don't even say anything about his turtle's name.

He wanted to leave, but he needed to be here. Why? He may never know, but maybe it was because Alexander wanted him to feel more heartbroken than he already was.

He walked towards the balcony, trying to avoid any eye contact. He just wanted to get away from such a suffocating place.

He leaned towards the railing, his eyes staring at the starless sky. His breathing became more softer, his mind more clearer.

He felt at ease.


John squeaked at the sudden voice before turning around in shock "C-charlotte!?"

"hi." She waved slyly, smiling sadly at him "Been a while huh?"

"Y-yeah..." John mumbled, looking away from her "How are you?"

"Shitty." He laughed bitterly, making the woman frown "That's not funny."

"Well, it becomes funny when it's all you can feel." He said before averting his gaze to the sky "You know, just a random thought-- But this night sky kinda reminds me of what i'm feeling right now."

"I don't understand," Charlotte said, looking up "There's nothing there."

"Exactly." John grinned "Empty."

Charlotte stared at his lifeless eyes in worry "I don't believe that."

"Why not?" John said as he watched Charlotte lean in the railings "The sky is never empty, just... Covered."

"Covered?" John laughed "What an interesting choice of word."

"But it's true." Charlotte said, not looking at him "The sky is never empty, just clouded."

"Like you're feelings." She stated as she looked at him "You don't feel empty, You're just clouded."

"I don't get it." John said blankly "What I mean is..."

Charlotte placed her hand at John's chest, feeling his heartbeat "You're tired, you're depressed, you felt too much negative emotions that it's numbing you."

"I guess in a way, the numbness is the clouds that cover up the stars."

John raised a brow "So you're saying, that I practically felt too much shit these past days that I became numb?"

Charlotte became flustered "I-I... Sorry, I-I wasn't thinking!" She squeaked before removing her hand from his chest "That probably sounded so stupid! I--"

"Don't, it's okay." John said "Just stay here, You're prescence comforts me."

Charlotte looked at him in relief "S-should I do anything...?"

"Just talk." John said "Say what's on your mind, Charlotte."

Charlotte blushed "I-I don't know... Everyone says my thoughts are strange, they don't like anything that comes out of my mouth, except for Peggy--"

"I like you're thoughts." John cut her off "I like you're voice." He continued "It's soothing."

Charlotte was as red as a tomato "A-are you flirting?"

It was John's turn to be flustered "N-NO! I-I WAS JUST BEING H-HONEST--"

He was cut off when Charlotte laughed, and eventually- He started cracking up too.

"S-see!? There it is!" Charlotte said between giggles "That real smile of yours!"

"I-it's you're fault!" John grinned "You're too cute to handle."

"Playboy." She teased "But seriously, try and be happy from now on okay?"

"How?" John smiled sadly "There's nothing to be happy about."

"Yes there is." Charlotte beamed "Just.. Look around! Look around- At how lucky we are to be alive right now..." She said softly as she grabbed his hands.

"Look around, look around...." She whispered happily.

John smiled at the childishness of his friend before faking a cough then bowing infront of her "May I have this dance, M'lady?"

Charlotte giggled "Oui."

John grinned and swiftly grabbed her midriff, his hand around her waist and the other intertwined with hers.

"You'd make a great Chat Noir." Charlotte said randomly.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Meow'lady."

"Now that's just awful."

"That's the point."

(guys chill john&charlotte are all platonic, they're just finding comfort in each other)


"And then I was like 'Sit down John you fat mother fucker!!!"

"Omg! What did professor Adams did!?" Charlotte laughed "He suspended me, but it was all damn worth it!"

They both bursted out of laughter "I-I can't believe y-you did that!"

"Me neither! They all think of me like this classy, intelligent, perfect kid when in reality i'm just another dufus who was gifted with a brain!" John cackled.

"Same! They all expect so much of me since my mother divorced my dad for me, they all think i'm sooo gifted but the truth is i'm just another brat who got stuck in this kind of life." Charlotte exclaimed.

"Ah, I guess were both losers then... Are we?" John smiled

Charlotte smiled before replying "Yeah.."


They both turned around to the familiar voice.


John stared at the man in disbelief, Francis also returning the favor "J-John?"

"Charlotte!" Charlotte exclaimed happily.

"Why are you here?" John asked "That's my question also."

"Well, I was invited- Along with my family." Francis said "Family? Wha--?"

"Us Kinloch's are famous afterall."

"Kinloch...?" John widened his eyes "B-BUT CHARLOTTE! ISN'T YOU'RE MIDDLE INITIAL KINLOCH?!"

"Yeah, we're cousins." Charlotte grinned.

John's jaw dropped "N-no freaking way."

Francis laughed at his reaction "Alright, we told our story." He said "What about you? Did you also come from a rich family?" He asked "Are you a Chandler? You kinda resemble them."

"N-no... I-I--"

"Remember the story I told you about the orphans? John is one of them." Charlotte explained, making Francis widen his eyes "Don't tell me--"

"That he's the guy I told you about having a complicated but cute relationship with Alexander? Yup." Charlotte grinned.

"Oh..." Francis had a surprised expression on his face "Wait, you told about me and Alex?"

"Yup, every single detail." Charlotte grinned "He even ships you two."

"What? Really?" John looked surprised "Yeah, and that was also the reason I was having a bad day that time at the coffee shop."


"Well, Charlotte told me about you getting constantly heartbroken because of him, and it just pisses me off." Francis sighed "Why?"

"Because duh," Francis said in a matter-of-fact tone "Who wouldn't be mad if you're best friend keeps on breaking a sweet innocent guy's heart?"

"Best friend? You're best friends with Alexander?" John looked at him in disbelief "To me, he was."

"I was 14 when I met him, he was 17 at that time and he just recently got adopted by the Washington's." He said "At first I was against the idea, but when I found out abouy his past... I was okay with it."

"I was the one who taught him the modern life." He said "Politics, bussiness, you name it."

"Then he met Eliza," He chuckled bitterly "I remember him saying that he hated her because she made him feel something he didn't like."

"Then I explained that he loved her, but he was against the idea." He said "He was afraid because he didn't want to love anymore because he thought love for him was bad luck."

"But he learned to accept it." He smiled "He was so helpless at that time."

"Eliza also learned to fall inlove with him, they were such a cute couple back then." He said "Then Philip Schuyler went along, he didn't liked it and took Eliza to Paris.. Alexander didn't even had the chance to say goodbye."

"He was heartbroken eversince." He said "He became so cold it's like I didn't even know him"

"But I stayed for the sake of his sanity." He sighed "But when I turned 18 I needed to move, so I left."

"It's been 3 years since we last saw each other." He smiled "3 long years..."

"Wow... So you're still 21?" John was amazed "Yep."

Charlotte smiled at his reaction "How bout' you two, how do you know each other?"


"We met at the cafe I work at." John cut him off "I accidentally poured coffee on him at that time."

Charlotte was silent for a moment "Oh my God."

"N-no way!" Charlotte exclaimed "He's the guy you fell inlove with!?"

"CHARLOTTE!" Francis screamed, flustered "WHY CAN'T YOU KEEP QUIET!?"

"OMG SORRY!" Charlotte squeaked "I-I didn't mean too--"

"What?" John looked at Francis, making the man more flustered "I-I DIDN'T MEAN TOO!"

"I-it's just.. You are so cute.. I can't help it.." He said bashfully "B-but if I had known you w-were the one C-charlotte was blabbering about, I would've stopped myself.."

"Wait, is it possible to like someone and ship them with another person?" Francis said randomly.

"Ask the fangirls." Charlotte replied.

Francis laughed at her comment "Look, John." He started "The first time I met you at that coffee shop- Something inside me just... Clicked."

"You were so cute, and hot- The kind aura I felt from you was so strong, I just instantly fell inlove."

"I-i'm not forcing you to l-like me back! I know you like Alexander and I respect that." He said "Just wanted to get that off my chest."

John was speechless "Okay I know this isn't the right moment but you two are kind of cute."

"Oh my God Charlotte--"


"What the hell?"

Alexander was glaring at Francis, who was dancing along with John (and Charlotte) "What the fuck?"

"Alexander." Eliza's cold voice interrupted her thoughts "If you're that jealous how about you go to the--"

"I am not Jealous." Alexander hissed "Who the hell is that motherfucker?"

Eliza sighed "You're so helpless."

"H-hey-- Where are you taking me!?"

"To them."

"WHAT!? No! Let go of me! We are not---Hi." Alexander froze infront of them.



Alexander stared at the man infront of him, his face red from jealousy "It's been so lon--"

"Stay away from John."

"What?" John was first to react "Why should he?"

"I don't like you being with him." Alexander said bluntly, glaring at Francis- Who had a shocked and hurt expression on his face.

"Excuse me?" John gasped "He is my friend."

"I don't want you being friends with him."

"Alexander." Eliza looked at him in disbelief "You have no righ--"

"Shut up, woman." Alexander hissed "Just stay away from him."


"Because--" Alexander stopped himself "B-because he's a Kinloch!"

"How dare you?" Charlotte looked hurt "Alexander, that's gone too far."

"Why do you care?!" John snapped "I don't care--"

"Stop lying, Hamilton." Eliza hissed "You do care--"


"Oh really!?" Eliza said sarcastically "I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT ANYTHING OKAY!?" Alexander screamed.

"Bad shit.. Happen to people I care about." Alexander mumbled.

Everyone was silent, until John said in the coldest voice he could utter.

"Then I will be fine."

Francis snapped.

"How dare you." Francis hissed, his face red of anger "First, you insult me- our family name- What the fuck is next?"

"I used to look up to you, but now... I'm starting to question it.." He said "I can't believe you're this cruel."

"You're a bitch." He said "You're a fucking bitch." He hissed.

"How do you sleep at night? With all the pain you're causing?"










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