Give Love on Christmas Day

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a/n: Merry Christmas!

dedicated to all of you 💖


"Where's Maria? "

John and his friends were infront of the mansion, joining together so that they could buy gifts.

It was the morning of December 24th.

"She just messaged me! " Samuel exclaimed "She said she couldn't come because her Uncle grounded her. "

"On the day before Christmas? That's too much. " John frowned.

Hercules clicked his tongue "So she's not coming this year again..."

"This is the third time she didn't come." James sighed, hugging himself.

"Maria's not coming?" Eliza suddenly appeared, frightening the group

"Jesus Christ where did you come from?"

"Yeah, again." John sighed "I hope she's doing well."

"Of course she's not doing well! We have to go get her!" Eliza exclaimed, grabbing a scarf out of nowhere.

"We tried last year, it didn't end well.." Samuel said "She only ended up with more scars."

"Well that's more reason why we should go save her!" Eliza glared at them "Do you want Maria to suffer another Christmas alone? "


"Do you want her Uncle to keep her trapped forever?"


"Do you want Maria to be depressed this Christmas!?"


"Then let's go help her!"



Maria was in her bedroom, laying down on her bed as she reads a book.

"Oh my God Nico is gay?..." She mumbled under her breath, staring at the book "I love him twice as much now..."

Her reading was interrupted by a knock at her window.

She cautiously went near it and slowly opened the curtain, only to be greeted by--"Eliza?"

"Mari!" The said girl grinned "Good, your alive."

"Uh... Okay?" Maria looked at her with an expression of both shock and confusion "What're you doing here?"

"Well duh! We're rescuing you!"

"We?" Maria looked confused.

"WE!" Her friends suddenly appeared behind Eliza, causing Maria to back up a little "G-guys.."

"Now go pack your stuff and let's go!" Eliza exclaimed, Maria looked worried "I-I can't just go.. M-my Godparents--"

"Fuck your Godparents! Let's go boi!" Kira suddenly appeared, along with George Eacker and Aisis.

"W-where did you three come from?" John looked surprised.

"I have my ways." George smirked evily, making them all shudder.

Maria looked at them with a sad smile "Look guys, this is really sweet and all but--"

"Maria." Eliza looked at her intently "You can't let your Godparents do this to you forever, and don't worry. If they do try to find you--Angelica will take care of it."

Eliza took both of her hands and intertwined it with hers "Please, run away with me."

Maria blushed "I..I.."

"Please?" Eliza looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

Maria let out a strained sigh "A-alright..."

"Yes!" Eliza and the others cheered "Let me just go pack my bag--"

"Done." George Eacker says as he leaned onto the Maria's luggage "Now let's go."

Maria blinked but nodded, she was about to climb out the window when--


They all froze as the woman started walking towards her "A-auntie..." Maria looked at him with a mortified expression "I-I was..I was just--"

"You forgot your phone." She smiled warmly before handing her phone.

"A-auntie..? W-what..?" Maria looked at her, surprised written all over her face "Just promise me you'll visit." She said as she pulled Maria for an embrace.

Maria was too shock to speak, her aunt let go of her and looked at Eliza with welcoming eyes "Promise me you'll protect her."

Eliza smiled at her "I promised that to myself a long time ago."

Her Aunt smiled before looking at Maria and kissing her forehead "Don't worry, I'll take care of your Uncle."

"B-but Auntie--"

"Shush, Now go before he comes." Her Aunt said before carrying Maria out to the window.

"I love you Maria, and your parents did too..." Her Aunt smiled before closing the curtains, leaving Maria in the brink of tears.

"C'mon babygirl, let's go home." Eliza smiled as she held her hand.




Maria giggled at the sight of the woman infront of her "Don't worry Eli, we're just gonna buy some gifts."

"B-but.." Eliza looked at her with pleading eyes.

Maria smiled "I'll be back before you know i'm gone. "

Eliza frowned "Fine..."

"Are you guys done?" Hercules said, annoyed "It's already been half an hour."

"Coming!" Maria squeaked "I'll see you later Eli."

"Nuuu come back~"


"John, What are you gonna get me?" Hercules asks once they got to the mall.

"How about a hug?" John said, widening his arms.


"I tried." John signed, lowering his arms.

"Hey, Which blanket do you think James would like?" Hercules ask as he showed John two blankets- One having a mac and cheese pattern on and the other having a rubber duckie pattern.

"The duckie, the mac n' cheese one is just weird." John answered "Hey let's go to the book store!"

"Let me just pay for this." Hercules walked towards the line "Psh, I'll go on ahead."

"Wait! Don't leave me in this line!" Hercules screamed in desperation.

"I don't know you at this moment."



"What to get Maria...?" John mumbled as walked down the aise, trying to find the perfect gift for his friend.

"Hmm... Harry Potter? It's too common, Percy Jackson? She's read that a thousand times already.." John gritted his teeth.

"Magnus Chase...?" John raised a brow before grabbing the book "Huh, seems interesting... This is it, I'll get this."

After he bought the book, he went outside to see Hercules "Oh, Herc I--"

"Who are you?" Hercules hissed sarcastically.

"I love you too, Herc."


"Okay, I can't find a gift for John." Maria groaned as she walked with James and Samuel.

"Just buy him what he likes." James says as they walked into another shop "But you guys already bought him what he likes."

"Then find something else he likes."  Samuel said boringly.

Maria raised a brow "I can't wrap Mr. Hamilton."

There was a moment of silence.

"Oh my fucking God Maria you did not just--"


"Hey, What do you think Samuel would like?" John asked as they walked inside another store "Well, he probably wants new boxes of tea."

"I can't give him a box of tea for Christmas, Herc."

"W-well? I dunno..." Hercules looked away and found something at the corner of his eye, He swiftly grabbed it and showed it to his friend "How about this?"

John looked at the leathered yellow diary that had a lock "It's perfect, i'll take it."


"Shit, John is going to love that."

Maria smirked at her friends as she carried a huge turtle plushie all the way to the cashier "I know right--H-hey! Um, Miss--Can you wrap that? Thank you so much."

"Hey Sam, what do you want for Christmas?" James asks boringly, crossing his arms "I don't know actually.."

"Hey guys, let's go buy the rest." Maria came back, holding a huge box almost as big as her lower body.


-*after gift shopping*

"Well! That's all of it!" John grinned as they walked towards the mansion.

"Have you gotten Mr. Hamilton a gift?" Hercules said suddenly, making John blush "W-why would I bought him a gift?!"

Hercules raised a brow "Duh, He saved our lives. Even I have something for him- Also, aren't you and Mr. Hamilton friends?"

John looked down "You have a point.."

"But... What can you give a person that has everything?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Damn rich people."


When they reached the mansion, it was chaos.

Workers were scattered everywhere, decorations filled the room and different people were there too.

"What the hell?" John breathed out "What is going on?"

John saw Alexander pass by "Hey Alex--"

"Not now, John."

John frowned "Okay..."

They all head back to John's room.


"I don't know what to give Alexander."

"How bout you just cosplay for him, I'm sure he'll love that." Hercules smirked.

"No way." John was beet red "Should I get him a new pillow?"

"That man probably gets new pillows each day." Samuel says from the bed.

"Uh, a necklace?"

"That's nothing but garbage for him." James said from the corner.

"...A book?"

"Please John, You can do better." Maria frowned.

"Oh c'mon! Help me out here!" John groaned and flopped down the bed besides Samuel "You guys are lucky, you've already found a gift for your millionaires."

"Our millionaires?" Samuel looked confused "Uh, your gift for King- Maria's gift for Eliza and James' gift for Jefferson."

There was a moment of silence.

"FUCK!" The three bursted out of the room in the speed of sonic, leaving two dumbfounded men behind "...Okay...?"

"How bout you Herc, got Laf anything?" John asks boringly, making Herc smile "Yeah, it's not finished yet though."

Herc widened his eyes "I-I have to finish it now!" He mumbles before dashing off, leaving John alone in his suffering "Okay fine, leave me."

John sighed and looked at the wall, only to find a single ant "Huh, even an ant can go rogue."

John widened his eyes "I have the most brilliant idea ever."


Alexander was in his desk, writing important papers for the Christmas celebration later tonight, that was until- John barged in.

"John, not now please.." He mumbled, not looking away from the paper "Aw c'mon Alex! Take a break!"

"Can't." He gritted his teeth "I-I have so much work to do."

John frowned, then smiled slightly "Well, just give me a second to give you my gift."

Alexander looked surprised "Gift? Thank you but we aren't recieving gifts until later tonight at the gift giving."

"Wait, just listen." John chuckled before putting a jar on Alexander's desk, a jar with nothing in it but a single ant "What is this?"

"It's an ant." John smiled "What will I do with an ant?"

"Oh! It's not just any ant- This ant left it's colony! So it went rogue." He smiled "So it's a rogue ant."

"An ant...went rogue?" Alexander looked confused.

"I don't get it, I see no reason why you should give this to me." Alexander sighed "Thank you but--"

"Wait no! I didn't just give you this for no reason!" John said "John, please..."

"I got this rogue ant for you because it's just like you." John tried to contain his laughter "How is a fucking ant like me--"

"A-rogue-ant." (arrogant)

"EY.....!" John dabbed.


"What should I get Jefferson.." James muttered as he walked by the kitchen "Wait, Why should I give him a gift in the first place?"

James laughed dryly "Y-yeah, I shouldn't even give him anything- He's not my friend.."

James went silent for a moment "I'll just cook him something."


"Okay, so this one is named David, and that one is Paul, and that one is-"

"Okay why the fuck would you give me a book about male doctors?" Alexander hissed as he pushed the book away from him "Please, John- I'm really busy right now, I still need to go buy Martha a gift--"

"They aren't doctors." John frowned "They are man nurses."

"Okay then so why would you give me a book about man nurses?" Alexander growled.

"So then maybe one day you might learn more Man-nurse?" (manners)

"EYY....!" John dabbed.


Samuel walked around the jewelry store with Maria, trying to find the perfect gift.

His eyes locked on a pair of necklaces made for a couple.

"This is perfect." He mumbled under his breath "I'll take it."


Maria passed by two beautiful accessories she knew Eliza would love.

"This is it, This is the one." She smiled "I'll take it."


"John if this is another one of your attempts to make a joke I--"

"Shush! Just let me finish." John said as he made the final touches. "There! it's done."

"Why would you give me a miniature class set?" Alexander asked, confused and annoyed at the same time.

"Well! It's your class, and your the teacher!" John grinned "Uh, And this is for..?"

"It's for you to have a little class!" (Have a little class)

"EYYY...!" John dabbed.

Alexander inhaled sharply "Alright then." He stood up from his chair "I hope later at the gift giving tonight you packed more puns to let me know how much of an arrogant, selfish bastard I am."

John looked surprised "Alex--"

"Save it, Laurens." He said coldly before leaving the room.

John was frozen on his spot, until he decided to sit down on the sofa "What have you done John..?"


"Damn it.." John laid down on his bed "I can't think of a perfect gift, and it's almost time for the celebration to start.."

John rolled on his bed "What to give someone that already has everything...?"

John sat down "'Maybe I should write him a letter..?"


It was the Night before Christmas.

"Ah! Alexander you really outdone yourself on this one!" Martha smiled as she looked around the ballroom "And the Christmas lights, nice touch."

"I'll do whatever it takes to make this Christmas special for you." Alexander smiled before walking towards the table and checking on the food.

Martha stood there, dumbfounded "D-did my son really just said that..?" She shooked her head "Thank the heavens for blessing us with John."

"Wow! So pretty!" Sally gaped at the room "This is gonna be the best Christmas ever!

"There's so many food!" Acleous grinned "And so many gifts.." Achilles stared at the huge pile of gifts under the Christmas tree.

"They have slushies too." Nathaniel smiled "Want some, Charles?"

"No thanks.." Charles mumbled, trying to look for a certain teen.

"Sal!" Dolly hugged the said girl from behind "Merry Christmas!"

Sally giggled at her friend "Merry Christmas too Doll!"

"Tsk, I could've done better." Jefferson rolled his eyes "Now where's James?"

"Don't be so cocky Jefferson." Burr frowned.

"Don't call me a dick."



"Angelica!" Eliza called after her sister "Eliza!" Angelica beamed.

"And Peggy!" Peggy appeared, hugging them both.

"The Schuyler sisters.." Charlotte giggled.

"Wow.." Maria gaped at the ballroom "This is...I..Wow.."

"I know." Hercules smirked "Mr. Hamilton went overboard again this time."

"Doesn't he always?" John smiled sadly, remembering his last conversation with Alexander earlier.

"So many food..." James gaped at the table "I'm getting hungry." Samuel groaned.

"Where's Alex?" John mumbled under his breath, looking around.

"Merry Christmas John!" Theodosia suddenly appeared "Theo!" John looked surprised, but smiled "Merry Christmas too."

Theodosia giggled then blushed a bit "Hey, have you seen Mr. Burr?"

John raised a brow, smirking "Someone crushing on the chocolate egg?"

Theodosia's blush became more visible "N-no! I just w-want to g-greet him too.." She said nervously, fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, yeah." John rolled his eyes "I think he's with Jefferson over there."

"Thank you!" Theodosia smiled before hopping towards him.

"Promise me I'll be one of your flowergi--boys at you wedding!" John teased before turning around to his friends.

"Hey John, let's go put our gifts at the Christmas tree!" Samuel beamed before placing his last gift at the tree.

John smiled before dropping the heavy paper bag and taking out his gifts then putting them below the tree "Hey John, What did you get Mr. Hamilton?"

John looked at Hercules with a smile "My everything."

Hercules looked confused at first, then widened his eyes "Y-you're giving him that?"

"Yeah..." John then stood up "I think it's the best thing I can give him."

"But isn't that like, your most valued possession?" Hercules stood up and grabbed both of his shoulders "Are you sure about this?"

John looked away from him "I'm sure."

"Kira put that fucking snake away from here." George hissed, glaring at both the girl and the snake.

"But he's my pet." Kira frowned.

"You can't have a rattlesnake as a pet, Kira." Aisis said, crossing her arms.

"Yes I can." Kira hissed before letting the snake wrap itself to her arm "And there's nothing you can do about it."

Alexander glanced at the clock "It's already 12:14 AM?" He sighed "We should start the gift giving soon so
we could eat then sleep afterwards."

Jefferson, who happened to be near him- Heard what he said loud and clear "Ah! So the gift giving is starting?" He smirked "I'll go first then."

Jefferson coughed and handed Alexander a small box, making the said man smirk "What is this? A key to another lame car I presume?"

"I won't do the same mistake I did last year Hamilton." Jefferson's smirk widened "Open it."

Alexander opened the box to reveal a piece of paper "What is this? Is this your number? Oh sorry-- This isn't a gift, it's a curse."

"Fuck you." Jefferson hissed "As a matter of fact that 'cursed' number is the number of the pilot for the airplane I bought you."

"Huh, not bad." Alexander smirked "But I could've done better."

Jefferson glared at him before handing Burr a small box that was similar to Alexander's.

Burr stared at the paper in the box "...This isn't your number isn't it?"

"Wha-No!" Jefferson clicked his tongue "It's the number of the pilot for the submarine I bought you." Jefferson smirked.

Burr raised a brow "Thanks, I'll put it with the other 10 submarines I already own."

Burr then flipped his imaginary hair "Alright, my turn."

Burr handed them a small box "What is this?"

Jefferson was the first to open his "Oh, Is this a real diamond?" He ask, unamused.

"Those necklaces costs a million each, your welcome." Burr winked.

"Tsk, I could buy these in my sleep." Alexander said before placing the box at the table "My turn."

Alexander gave them a small box.

Jefferson laughed "What is this? Keys to a new car?"

"Please, you could do better Hamilton." Burr snickered.

"Oh, those aren't keys to a car." Alexander rolled his eyes "Those are keys to your new billion dollar estate designed by yours truly."

Jefferson and Burr's jaw dropped "Jesus fucking Christ."

"Alright, you win again this year." Jefferson hissed "Unfair.." Burr gritted his teeth.

"Rich people." James sighed.

"I know right?" Samuel crossed his arms.

Alexander smirked then walked up to Martha "Martha."

The said woman looked at him with a smile "Son."

"Here's a little something for you." Alexander gave her a small box.

Martha sighed in relief "I'm glad it's not as big as last year." She shuddered, remembering the estate his son bought for him.

Martha opened the box and gasped "T-this..."

"I had my men search for it at the depths of the ocean."

"AHHH! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! I-I!" Martha continued screaming in delight before giving Alexander a big hug "THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

Washington grinned and held Alexander's shoulders "So you found her lost wedding ring, huh?"

"I found yours too." Alexander smirked before handing him a box.

"I swear I don't know what came over us when we threw these rings to the ocean." Washington sighed.

"We were fighting, remember?" Martha grinned before hugging her husband "Oh, yeah."

Alexander walked towards the orphans "I have a little something for you brats too."

"Woah! What is it?" Dolly grinned.

A series of barking can be heard.

"AHHHH!!!!" Sally was the first to scream "P-PUPPIES!"

Alexander smirked "Just choose which one you like."

Sally got the poodle "I'll name you Philipa!" She grinned before hugging the furry animal.

Dolly got the Golden Retriever "I'll name her Jasmine!"

A Husky walked towards Achilles "Huh, I guess i'll name you... Renée."

Acleous grabbed the Beagle "I'm gonna call you Anthony!"

Charles got the Shih Tzu "I guess... Thayne? Yeah.. Thayne."

Nathaniel walked towards the Chow Chow "Your definitely a Daveed."

Alexander smirked in victory "You can call them whatever you like, just keep in mind their genders."

"Oh! This Beagle is a female!" Acleous frowned, then smiled again "Oh well! She can be gay!"

"I'm not sure that's how it works--"


"Alexander!" Eliza hopped towards Alexander and kissed his cheek, but she couldn't help but wonder why there was no spark anymore.

"I hope you like my gift!" She said as she grabbed his hand and put on a bracelet "I have one too! It's a couples bracelet- It costs a hundred grand."

Alexander smiled a bit "Thank you Betsy," He then grabbed two diamond rings from his pocket and wore one, then made Eliza wore the other.

"It's a couples ring." Alexander smiled "Not an engagement ring?" Eliza teased, making Alexander blush "I'm just kidding."

"Well then," Alexander glanced at a certain freckled teen "John--"

"NO! We'll give him our gifts first!" Hercules slightly pushed Alexander away, making John sigh in relief "John."

John chuckled "Alright, Lemme have it--"

Hercules gave John a big hug "Merry Christmas!" John laughed as Hercules let go of him "My turn! Here's my very special gift!"

John gave Hercules a huge hug "I knew it!" Hercules laughed.

Samuel rolled his eyes "Alright, John- Here's my gift." Samuel handed John a box.

"This better be goo-- OH!" John smiled widely "You got me art supplies!"

"They're all branded too," Samuel winked "I know how much you love art."

John grinned and hugged him "Thanks Sam," They both pull away "Here's my gift."

Samuel raised a brow as John grabbed a box from the Christmas tree and give it to him "Open it."

Samuel ripped off the wrapping and gasped "OH MY GO--"

"I knew you'd like it." John grinned as Samuel hugged the leathered locked diary "Thank you so much!"

"No problem." John grinned at him.

James then shyly hand John his gift "Hope you like it.." He mumbled to him.

John smiled and opene the box "Oh my God." He gasped.

"These headphones are AWESOME!" John grinned "I love it! Thank you Madds!"

James smiled in relief "I'm glad."

John then handed James a huge box "Here's mine!"

James looked surprised "Oh.." He slowly opened the box to reveal a--- "Teddy bear!"

James smiled at the huge bear on the box before pulling it into his arms "Thank you, John."

John winked at him "Anything to make you happy."

"Hah! My gift is the best!" Maria grinned as she handed John a big box, John smirked as he slowly opened it "We'll see about tha-- H-HOLY RABIES!"

"aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" John squealed at the sight of the huge turtle plushie on the box "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST!"

John threw himself to Maria "THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER!"

Maria grinned "I know."

John then pulled away from her and gave her his gift "I'm guessing this is a book." Maria grinned.

John hummed playfully in response as Maria removed the wrap "Holy shit."


John smirked "Glad you liked it."

Maria kept jumping around "THIS IS THE BEST!"

Hercules grinned at the sight then grabbed a small box from the Christmas tree "James, here's my gift."

James took the box and opened it, he widened his eyes at the soft blanket that was neatly placed in it "Macaroni and Cheese pattern?"

"W-well! It was the only pattern they had on a soft leather like that! And I figured since Macaroni and Cheese is your specialty I-"

"I love it." James smiled at Hercules before giving him a box "Here's yours."

Hercules opened the box "Wow! A new sewing set! Your the best James!" He grinned before giving James a shoulder hug.

The friends kept exchanging their gifts.


"Kira, please take that snake away- Your scaring the orphans." George sighed "No way! This snake is my pet!"

"Kira, please." Aisis gritted her teeth "What if it bites someone?"

"It won't! I promise!" Kira said "And besides! It's Christmas! Let me have some fun."

"Jesus Christ."

"Oh look! Marliza!" Kira squealed and pointed her finger at the couple "Oh, about time."

"Maria!" Eliza called, waving at the beautiful girl, Maria smiled and walked towards her, grabbing her gift from the Christmas tree along the way.

"I got something for you." Eliza smiled as she gave Maria a small box.

"What is it?" Maria looked at the box curiously "Open it."

Maria opened the box and gasped "I-is this--"

"Real diamonds, yep." Eliza grinned "Oh my God, this must've costs millions- I-I can't accept this--"

"Shush." Eliza smiled and gently pulled Maria's hair "Let me put these on."

Eliza gently put the diamond earrings in Maria's ear, after that- She stepped away from her "Wow.."

Maria looked at Eliza shyly "D-does it look bad?"

"N-no.. You look a-absolutely gorgeous.." Eliza gulped, she shouldn't think these thoughts- It was forbidden.

"O-oh.. Thank you.." Maria blushed then handed her a box "I-it's not much but.. Here..."

Eliza opened the box to reveal a silver ring with a rose on the top.

"I-it's a friendship ring, I have one too- B-but if you don't like it you could just t-throw it awa--"

"No, I love it." Eliza smiled lovingly at her before removing the diamond ring from her finger then wearing the rose one.

"Hey, that ring.. It looks expensive and pretty- Should you r-really replace it for this cheap ring?" Maria said worriedly, looking at the diamond ring Alexander got for her.

Eliza stared at the diamond ring "Anything from you is more important." She said, making Maria blush.

What was she saying?

"A-are you sure?" Maria said "Does this answer your question?" Eliza smirked as she threw away the ring.

What was she doing?

"H-hey! Y-you shouldn't--" Maria was about to run after the ring when Eliza stopped her "Don't."

"Just stay here."


"I'm squealing." Kira grinned happily "It's happening!"

"Don't assume darling." Martha smiled and sat down besides Kira "It's not canon yet."

George Eacker raised a brow "You guys are weird."

"I married a weird, sadistic woman." Washington smiled.

"Hindi ko talaga maiintindihan ang kultura ng mga Amerikano." Aisis mumbled.

"Shush, Kingbury is starting." George said as a box of popcorn magically appeared on his lap.

"Yay Kingbury!" Kira cheered.

"M-mr. King!" Samuel called out, the said man turned around and smiled when his eyes met with the younger teen "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas too, Samuel." He smiled before grabbing his hand and kissing it, making Samuel squeal internally.

"I have something f-for you.." Samuel said, running a hand through his hair nervously.

King raised a brow as Samuel handed him a necklace with a certain chess piece as a design "It's a King.."

"Y-yeah, and I have a pawn." Samuel smiled nervously as he showed him the pawn necklace he was wearing.

King blushed "I-it's like a promise of l-loyalty to you M-mr. King." Samuel said, lovestruck.

The King smirked "So that means.." He placed his hand on his chin and made him face him "You belong to me?"

Samuel nodded, making the King chuckle "You belong to me and me only, remember that."

"Y-yes.." Samuel said drowsily "You are mean't to be mine." The King said, looking at him intently.

"I am all that you need."


"I can't hear a thing they're talking about, but judging from all the closure- I'm guessing it's good." Kira grinned.

"Shit, it's my OTP." Aisis smirked "JeffMads for the win."

"Nah, Lams is better." Kira said.

"What? No- Mullete is cuter." George argued.

"Y'all stand no chance, Marliza is the best." Charlotte appeared, wiping an anime tear.

"What? But I thought we were in the Lams ship together? You traitor!" Peggy cried.

"I think KingBury is nice though." Martha said "But nothing will defeat Lams."

"Can you all just shut up?! JeffMads is happening!" Aisis screamed.

"Jesus Christ." Burr mumbled as he walked with Theodosia.

"Jemmy~" Jefferson purred as he carried James from behind "G-gah! L-let go of me J-jefferson!"

"Don't be like that honey bun," Jefferson pouted "I got you a gift!"

"What?" James looked unamused, but his eyes widened in shock when Jefferson handed him the softest blanket he has ever held.

"So soft.." He mumbled as he hugged the piece of frabric "T-thank you.." He blushed as he looked at Jefferson with grateful eyes.

Jefferson blushed, how can someone be so adorable? "N-no problem.." He stuttered, he never stuttered before.

There was an awkward silence.

"I-I got something for you as well.." James said as he handed Jefferson a small tupperware which had a ribbon on top "I-I cooked it myself, it's not much b-but I hope you like it.."

Jefferson opened it and gasped "M-macaroni and Cheese, m-my specialty.." James was as red as a tomato "I-I gotta go! M-merry Christmas!" He squeaked before running off.

Jefferson stood there, dumbfounded. He tasted the cheesy goodness and gasped "T-this is the most delicious Mac' and cheese recipe I have ever tasted!"

His eyes followed James' running figure "I swear I'm gonna marry you someday."


"A-Aisis! Get a hold of yourself!" Kira said as she wiped the blood falling from Aisis' nose "I-I can't.. T-too cute.."

"James is such a cinnamon roll." Martha said, wiping a tear.

"Okay all of you shut up my OTP is happening." George hissed.

"Damn, George really can kill for his OTP." Kira gulped "I'm kinda scared of him now."


"Lafayette!" Hercules called out to his favorite frenchman, Lafayette turned around and smiled, walking towards him "Joyeux Noël! Mon ami!"

"Merry Christmas too, Laf." Hercules chuckled as he wrapped something around Lafayette's neck "Huh? What is this?"

"It's my gift, I stitched it myself." Hercules smiled, blushing "It's really warm and soft.." Lafayette smiled.

"Do you like it?" Hercules asked nervously "Like it? I love it!"

Hercules laughed "I'm glad." Lafayette looked at him lovingly, then widened his eyes "I forgot to buy you a gift!"

Hercules chuckled "It's alright, I--"

"Non, non, non, non!" Lafayette bit his fingertips, then he had an idea "Oh! Wait! I do have a gift!"

"Laf, it's okay--"

Lafayette cut him off with a kiss.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Martha, Aisis, and Kira's scream could be heard from the distance.

Lafayette pulled away after a solid minute "I hope that's enough." He whispered huskily before walking away, leaving a dumbfounded Hercules.



"I caught that all in tape." George said in victory.

"My fangirl heart can't take all of this." Martha breathed out.

"I can't breath." Charlotte said, clutching onto her heart.

"I think my soul left my body." Peggy said.

Washington sighed "I'm living with fujoshis." He looked at the door "Oh look, John is with Alexander under the mistletoe."

There was a moment of silence.


John was nervously talking with Alexander on the doorframe, he knew there was an awkward tension because of the act he pulled on him earlier- And he was feeling really bad about it.

Their coversation was interrupted when someone yelled 'Mistletoe'

He looked up, only to widen his eyes at the mistletoe on top of them "Shit."

A crowd began to form "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" They all chanted simultaneously, making John's heart beat faster than before.

"Let's just get this over with." Alexander sighed and held John's chin.

John felt a surge of different emotions go through him.

Number one, Did he want this? His first kiss because of a mistletoe? Sure he'll have it with his loved one but it will be forced, What if Alexander was just doing this because of peer pressure?

Number two, Did Alexander want this? It seemed like he was just being forced because of the mistletoe and the crowd, what if he regrets this? Or what if this might cause a fight between them and Eliza?

Number three, Eliza. She and Alexander were a couple, she'll be heartbroken, but since she had a kind heart she might understand, after all- Eliza was the most trusting and kind woman he had ever met.

On the other hand, Alexander stared at the trembling teen infront of him.

Alexander was sure he wanted to kiss John right here, right now- He didn't know why but he felt like he needed to kiss him.

But what if John didn't want it? What if he regrets it? After all, this is gonna be his first kiss- Would he really want his first kiss to be with a man?

But John had already confessed he loved him, sure he was drunk but a drunk man's words is a sober man's thoughts right?

Alexander sighed and leaned in, closing his eyes.

John shut his eyes tight, a lone tear falling as he awaited the warmth to come to his lips.

But instead he felt something warm on his forehead.

A series of awes and sighs could be heard from the crowd.

John opened his eyes to see Alexander staring at him with a soft smile on his face "I'll wait until your ready."

John blushed as Alexander pulled him towards the Christmas tree, the crowd slowly breaking apart.

"You see that huge box on the table over there? That's your gift." Alexander said as they walked towards it "Be careful, it's fragile."

John looked at him curiously before removing the fabric that was covering the box.

He gasped.

"Oh my God." Samuel looked amazed.

"Damn, that's true love right there." Hercules grinned.

"Okay, that just defeated my gift." Maria pouted.

"Cute." James smiled softly.

"KYAAA! OTP!" Kira fangirled along with Martha.

"I'm recording this." George grinned.

"My son is all grown up." Washington said.

"Not bad." Jefferson smirked as he ate his mac and cheese.

"Good Lord." Burr sighed.

"Aww.." Theodosia smiled.

"That's so sweet." Eliza smiled.

"I-IT'S A TURTLE!" John squealed before hugging the aquarium "THIS IS THE BEST!" John screamed and looked at Alexander "THANK YOU!"

"I 'promised' didn't I?" Alexander smirked, remembering the interview.

John threw his arms around him "I've got something for you too." He whispered before pulling him out of the ballroom.

"Don't forget to use a condom dears!" Martha yelled.


John pulled Alexander to the balcony "I hope this isn't one of your lame puns again." Alexander said.

John chuckled nervously "No, it isn't-sorry about that by the way."

"It's alright." Alexander said "Sorry for overeacting."

They looked at the stars as they enjoyed the comfortable silence, that is until John interrupted that silence "Here."

John handed him an envelope, in which Alexander took it gratefully, He took out the letter and the bracelet in it.

The bracelet was nothing special, it looked old- A letter 'H' hanging on it.

"It belonged to my dad." John said, looking at the stars.

"Theodosia gave it to me on my 16th birthday, saying it belonged to my father." He explained, not averting his gaze from the sky.

Alexander looked shocked "I can't accept this." He said "This is too important to you--"

"And that's why I want to give it to you Alex," He said, looking at him "Your important to me as well, that's why it's only fitting that I give it to you."

Alexander shook his head "No, this is the only thing you have left from your father, I can't take this- Who am I to take it? I'm nothing special--"

"You are special." John said "To me."

Alexander looked away "No, I can't- I don't have the r--"

"I Love you."

A silence occurred.

John averted his gaze back up to the sky "Read the letter."

Alexander didn't speak, instead- He read the letter silently.

'Cold in my professions – warm in my friendships – I wish, my Dear Alexander, it were in my power, by actions rather than words, to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that 'till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent of the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility, to steal into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it, and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on one condition; that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have so artfully instilled into me. . . .'

Alexander was speechless, The letter was written perfectly- He felt overwhelming emotions just from reading this letter.

"You know, Alexander..." John said "I never expected to fall inlove with you." He admitted.

"I mean, who would've thought? We hated each others guts." He laughed dryly "But, in the spam of 3 months, you managed to make me fall inlove with you."

John looked down "I-I'm glad It was you." He said "I'm glad I fell for you, even though I know you won't ever feel the same way."

John looked at him "But just so you know, I'll always be here." He said "I'll wait for you." He held both of his hands.

"I Love you, Alexander." John smiled lovingly, looking at him with gentle eyes.

Alexander didn't know what to say, and thankfully- John knew that "I'm not expecting an answer, I just needed to let this out- I know you and Ms. Eliza are a couple so I won't intervene." He said as he let go of his hands "But I can't help but wonder.."

John looked at him seriously "I noticed you seem hesitant around Ms. Eliza.." He admitted "I know I have no right to say this but still, I just got to ask.."

"Do you still hold deep feelings for Ms. Eliza?"


"Alright guys! Compress! The camera can't get you all!" The photographer said as he adjusted his camera.

"Kira, are you seriously holding that snake for the picture?" George said, glaring at her.

"Yep! And nothing you say will stop me." She grinned, making Aisis sigh.

"Get ready!" Martha smiled as she leaned closer to her husband.

"Alright! Places everyone! Put on a big smile!" The photo said "Now in 3.."





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