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a/n: it was currently 3am while writing this and everyone was still asleep so I sneaked out and got my phone...also, here's something fluffy, sorry for not updating yesterday, also sorry for just publishing it now, were having a Christmas cleanup, like literally we turned this house upside down just to clean every spot--and now I finished at 12am bcz Christmas cleanup was over... But there's still more to clean tomorrow omfg save me

this chapter is dedicated to @emma_is_a_unicorn



It was 4 in the afternoon and almost everyone from the masion was outside, staring at the snowy fields.

"It's snowing!" Acleous grinned happily, grabbing a pile of snow before throwing it up all in the air "Achilles! It's snowing!"

"Way to state the obvious, Acleous." Achilles replied boringly, sitting down on the snow.

"Don't sass your brother, Achilles." Eliza smiled, walking towards them with Maria on her side.

"I wasn't..." Achilles mumbled under her breath, crossing her arms.


"The snow is so beautiful!" Thomas suddenly appeared "It's almost as beautiful as you Jem--"

"It's fucking cold." James hissed, glaring at Jefferson.


"Wow! The snow is so pretty! Right Mr. King?" Samuel beamed, taking some snow into his hands.

"Yeah..." The King replied, staring at him with a lovestruck expression.


"si b-beau.." Lafayette mumbled, hugging himself from the coldness.

"Lafayette! You forgot to wear a scarf!" Hercules yelled worriedly, running towards him.

"Mon ami, it's oka--" Lafayette was cut off when Hercules removed his scarf and wrapped it around his neck "Herc, you'll get cold."

"It's better than you freezing to death." Hercules frowned "Herc..."

"It's fine, I'm a big guy." Hercules grinned reasuringly, trying to mask his freezing expression.

Lafayette sighed and grabbed the other end of the scarf and wrapped it around Hercules' neck "L-laf?"

"There, this way- We're both all warmed up." Lafayette smiled.

Hercules blushed, but grinned nervously "O-okay.."

Lafayette examined the warm fabric "This scarf is very unique, the stitching is quite fascinating too- Where did you buy this? I would like to buy one too myself."

Hercules looked flattered "I actually made this scarf, it's pretty easy actually.. "

Lafayette looked surprised "C'est incroyable! You really are such an amazing man Hercules.." He smiled, leaning closer to him.

Hercules glanced at his lips before leaning closer too "Y-yeah... "

"PDA!" George Eacker screamed before snapping a photo of the two and running away.

Lafayette and Hercules quickly jolted away from each other, carefully inching closer together again so that the scarf wouldn't tighten on their necks.

"W-what the hell?" Hercules breathed out "I've got to have that picture." He mumbled.


"Snow?" Alexander questioned before placing his hands inside his pockets "No, it's rain- What do you think you dumbass?" John scoffed.

"Tsk, I was wondering why it's snowing you brat." Alexander hissed "Well no shit sherlock- it's December."

"December 21st." Alexander shot back "Isn't it a bit too late for snow?"

"My bad!" Kira yelled, waving her hand from afar.

Alexander clicked his tongue "Stop complaining Alex." John sighed "But--"

"Just, no."


"How beautiful..." Theodosia giggled as she admired the gorgeous scene infront of her.

"Not as beautiful as you." Aaron said quietly from behind her, thinkimg she wouldn't hear it.

Theodosia turned around, a small blush on her face- But when she saw the handsome man behind her, her blush became more visible.

"T-thank you... Y-you too..." She mumbles before realizing what she had said and running off in embarrassment.

Aaron was as red as a tomato, frozen in his spot "S-she heard me..."

Alexander snickered at the sight "Woohoo! You go Burr!" John cheered teasingly, causing the said man to turn around and glare at him before walking away.

Hercules, who was also near them- Smiled in amusement "So Theo's finally found the one after so many years."

Lafayette smirked besides him "They would make a cute couple."


"E-eliza! S-stop! I-it's c-cold!" Maria squeaked when Eliza threw continuous balls of snow at her.

"O-Oh! S-sorry Mar--" Eliza was cut off when a huge ball of snow was thrown at her face.

"Gotcha!" Maria grinned victoriously before running off.

Eliza laughed "You won't get away for this Mari!"

"Is it just me, or are those two close as hell?" Angelica asks, staring at them with a dumbfounded expression.

"I think they're cute." Charlotte giggled "Not that I'm complaining, I'm glad their getting close." Angelica shrugged.

"I just hope they get close enough." Peggy said before wrapping her arms around Charlotte's neck and her legs at her waist "Carry me, reindeer."

Charlotte giggled at her best friend's childishness "As you wish Santa!" She laughed before running through the snowy grounds.

Angelica chuckled "I wonder when those two will finally have the guts to ask each other out."


"H-hey! Y-you're doing it wrong!" James screeched and removed the carrot "That's supposed to be at the face! not the body you idiot!"

Jefferson frowned "But that was supposed to be the dick--"

"JESUS CHRIST JEFFERSON!" Burr screamed from afar.

James sighed "Can't I just make a snowman in peace?"

"Yeah Burr! Shut up! You're ruining James' peace!" Jefferson hissed.

"I was referring to you." James mumbled before continuing to mold the snowman.


"Fuck you Charles!" Nathaniel screamed before throwing himself to the said boy "H-hey! Let go!"

"Why aren't you paying attention to me?" Nathaniel frowned "You jealous that gay man might steal your man?"

"Shut it!" Charles screamed before turning his gaze to Samuel and King "I won't allow it." He hissed.

"You sound like a yandere." Nathaniel frowned "Leave me alone."

"Not until you play with me."

"For fucks sake."


"I'm glad they're all getting along." Martha smiled as she held her husband's hand.

"Yeah, me too." George said as he kissed her forehead, holding onto her waist happily.


"Hey Alexander, I almost forgot- Can James stay here from now on? He got kicked out and-"

"Yeah, sure."

"-He needs somewhere too--Wait, what? Really?" John looked at him with a surprised expression "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Alexander replied boringly.

"Well! If it's that easy to ask permission then can Aisis stay there too?" George asks, appearing out of nowhere.

"Tsk, yeah-- All your friends can stay here for all I care." Alexander clicked his tongue.

Aisis clicked her tongue "Palastog." She scoffed.

"What?" Alexander asked, confused.


"Mr. Hamilton!" Sally squeaked happily, a tiny blush on her cheek "Let's make snow angels!"

"Uh, No thank you--"

Alexander was cut off by John's loud laughter "What's so funny brat?!"

"O-oh God! S-sally! Y-you should know b-by now that A-Alexander can't create s-snow angels!" John laughed.

Sally looked confused "Why not?"

"Yeah! It's easy!" Dolly appeared "Just do this!" She said as she laid down on the cold ground, creating snow angels.

John smirked "He can't create snow angels because the only thing he can do are snow demons--"

John was cut off when a ball of snow was thrown on his face.

"HA!" Alexander laughed uncontrollably, holding his knees.

John wiped the snow from his face and glared at Hamilton before smirking deviously "Oh it's on now, Hamilton."

Alexander's laughing stopped when a ball of snow got shot right at his mouth.

He spat it all out before coughing "F-FUCK! M-MY MOUTH WAS OPEN YOU IDIOT!"

"SERVES YOU RIG--" John shutted up when he saw Alexander aimed a snowball at him, he quickly swerved into the right and dodged the ball.

"COME BACK HERE MARIA--" Eliza was cut off when a ball of snow was thrown to her face "What the heck?! Alexander?!"

Alexander raised his hands up in defense "T-that was supposed to be for J-john!"

Eliza glared at him playfully before throwing a snowball right at his face "Bullseye!"

"Ah! Eliza! I thought you loved me?!" Alexander joked before throwing a ball of snow to her back.

Eliza quickly dodged it, but it resulted to hitting Maria instead, the said girl fell down with an 'Oof'

"MARIA?! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS ALEXANDER!" Eliza glared before using both of her hands to grab a huge ball of snow.

"Shit." Alexander was suddenly pulled away "H-hey!"

"Let's go you idiot!" John laughed before running away.

"Oh no you don't!" Maria giggled before grabbing a huge pile of snow before standing up and running after them, Eliza by her side.

"Catch us if you can!" John tempted before making a hard right.

"GOTCHA!" Eliza grinned before throwing the huge pile of snow at them. But sadly, She missed- Hitting James' snowman instead.

"MY SNOWMAN!" James screamed in horror, dropping into his knees.


"SHIT!" Eliza cursed so suddenly before taking Maria into her arms "Let's go princess!" She said before running.

"COME BACK HERE!" Jefferson yelled before running after them.

"You destroyed my precious snowman..." James mumbled "And now you will face the consequences.." He hissed before grabbing a huge pile of snow and dashing off in the speed of light.

"COME BACK HER--JEMMY?!" Jefferson stopped running when he saw James ran past him, running in an abnormal pace.

"Wow, I think I just fell more inlove with him." Jefferson grinned before trying to catch up with James.

Alexander and John hid behind a tree, panting heavily "D-did we lost them?"

"I-I think so--"

"GAHHH! HELP!" Maria screamed as they ran away from James, who was chasing them with a murderous look on his face.

"What the heck? Why does Madison look so scary?" Alexander breathed out as the hair from his skin rised.

"I don't know..M-maybe they destroyed his snowman..." John said between breaths "Should we help them?" Alexander asks.

John looked at him "Nah."

"PLEASE HELP US!" Eliza screamed hopelessly, still carrying Maria in her arms.

"A-are you sure?" Alexander asks again "They'll be fine--"


"I think we should help them." Alexander says "Ugh, fine." John moaned before grabbing a ball of snow and running towards James, Alexander behind him.

"Yo Samuel! You gonna help or not?!" John yelled when they passed by Samuel and King, who were too busy staring at each other's eyes to notice the chaos.

Samuel quickly snapped out of it "HOLY SHIT DID SOMEONE DESTROY JAMES' SNOWMAN?!" He screamed in fear "I-I'M COMING!"

"H-hey! Wait!" King said as he ran after Samuel.

John swiftly threw a snowball on James' back "C'mere Maddy!"

James turned around, blinking when he saw John "Oh, did I go to far? Whoops." He chuckled before throwing the snowball right at John's face.

Eliza dropped to the ground, Maria laying down on her side "I-i'm so tired..."

Maria jolted upwards when a ball of snow was thrown at the side of her face "WHO THREW THAT!"

"Damn! I missed!" Hercules smirked before grabbing Lafayette's hand and running away.

"COME BACK HERE HERC!" Maria grinned before standing up, pulling Eliza as they ran after them.

John grinned before grabbing a pile of snow and throwing it at a random person's back before realizing it was Martha "SHIT! SORRY MARTHA!"

Martha giggled before dusting the snow off of her "I'm all fired up!"

"Hun, Yo--" Washington was cut off when a ball of snow was thrown at his face "Ha! Catch me if you can darling~" Martha purred before running away playfully.

"I'm too old for this." George says before grabbing a ball of snow and running after his wife.

"Ha! I want a piece of that action!" Kira shouted before grabbing a ball of snow and randomly throwing it at Burr's head "YOLO!"

"What the hell?" Burr hissed before wiping the snow off his head "Who threw that?!"

"Theo! Heads up!" Hercules yelled before throwing a ball harshly at her face, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Hercules Mulligan!" Theo scolded before dusting off the ice "Oh God."

Burr saw the opportunity and went near her "Want to team up M'lady?" He smiled before reaching out his hand.

Theo blushed before taking it, smiling slyly "Such a gentleman." She giggled "And yes, I would like that."

"HA! YOU WON'T DEFEAT US!" Peggy screamed before throwing multiple snowballs at random directions "PEGGY FOR THE WIN!"

"Look Peggy! Alexander's free over there! I'll take him!" Charlotte yelled happily before running near him.

Peggy widened her eyes "NO CHARLOTTE! IT'S A TRAP!"

Charlotte gasped when John suddenly appeared behind her, throwing a huge snowball harshly behind her back.

"Sorry Charlotte!" John yelled before running along with Alexander.

Peggy threw some snowballs towards the couple, but no avail-- She ran towards her friend, dropping to her knees as she placed Charlotte's head at her lap gently.

*insert overly dramatic music*

"Charlotte! Stay with me!" Peggy gasped, caressing her face "F-forgive me, P-peggy.." Charlotte whispered, her eyes half open "I-I made a mistake.."

Charlotte coughed harshly "Charlotte! Don't talk!" Peggy yelled worriedly, shaking her.

"T-the up to you.." Charlotte breathed before closing her eyes, admitting defeat "CHARLOTTE.....!"

Peggy gritted her teeth "I WON'T FORGIVE THIS!" She hissed "HOW DARE YOU TRICK CHARLOTTE LIKE THAT!"

"I-I'll avenge you... NO MATTER WHAT!" Peggy shouted determinedly before running after them.

"Those two are so overdramatic." Angelica sighed before she felt someone hit her in the back "Who did that?!"

King gulped "Sorry...?"

Angelica glared at him "You have invented a new kind of stupid." She hissed before grabbing a pile of snow.

"Shit! Run!" Samuel screamed before pulling King-- running away from Angelica.

"Oh my God." George Eacker sighed at the sight "What a bunch of children."

Aisis raised a brow "You do realize your 13 right?"

"Shush." George said, keeping his stoic face "This is chaos."

"C'mon George, lighten up a bit." Aisis said "Your still young, you shouldn't involve yourself with adult business you know."

"You don't understand, I was made this way." George says, crossing his arms "Made?"

"Born, I mean born." George sighed "I'm going inside--"

He was cut off when a snowball was thrown at his face "Don't be such a kill joy Eacker." Kira smirked.

George sighed "I have no time for childish game--"

He was cut off again when Aisis threw a snowball at his face.

"C'mon Georgie~" Aisis purred "I know you want to."

George smirked in annoyance "Fine." He says before suddenly taking out two huge snowball guns.

Kira and Aisis shrunk "H-how did you get that?"

George smirked deviously "I'm George, I can do anything."

*insert very loud screaming*

"RUN BITCH RUN!" John screamed before running away from George, who was maniacally shooting huge balls from his gun "HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE GET THAT?!"

"GEORGE IS A VERY WEIRD KID! TRUST ME! HE CAN DO ANYTHING!" Alexander yelled before taking John into his arms "O-OI! LET GO!"


"Lafayette!" Hercules yelled before talking the frenchman to his arms "H-herc! M-mon ami--"

"This is insane!" Hercules grinned happily "This is so fun!"

"Faster you idiot!" James screamed in Jefferson's back "This is the fastest I can go!" Jefferson said between breaths.

"Hold on princess!" Eliza laughed before holding Maria closer to her chest "This is gonna be one hell of a ride."

"G-gah! M-mr. King! P-please let go!" Samuel squeaked when he felt King carry him "I won't EVER let you go!"



"M'lady! Please hold on!" Burr grinned as he carried Theodosia "G-gah! T-thank you!" Theo blushed as she placed her arms on Burr's neck, making them both flustered.

"CHARLOTTE!" Peggy tried waking up the girl who was fast asleep in her arms while running for her life, her feet aching.

"HA! You can't defeat me! I'm George Eacker! The only way to stop me if all you rich kids there give me a million dollars!"

"FUCK YOU!" Alexander screamed, pulling John closer to his chest.

"Fuck you too then!"

Martha smiled happily as they all continue to kill each other with snow "Ah, such a beautiful sight."

George stared at his wife with a shocked expression "Have I married a sadist?" He mumbled under his breath.

"Apparently, you did." Angelica chuckled, looking at the snow war that was currently going on.

"I WIN!"


After the huge fight, they all laid down in a circle in the snowy ground, panting heavily as they looked at the night sky.

"T-that was one hell of a fight..." Kira grinned before closing her eyes.

They all hummed tiredly in response.

John was fast asleep on Alexander's chest, the older man caressing his curly locks as he tried to look for more constellations other than the Capricorn and the Aquarius.

Lafayette was on top of Hercules, who was fast asleep. Lafayette inhaled Hercules' lovely smell before smiling, He inched closer to his chest, until he finally heard his heartbeat- The sweet sound slowly drifting him off to sleep like a lullaby.

Maria was cuddling with Eliza on the ground, both fast asleep. Satisfied with the warmth of each other's body.

Samuel and King were looking at the sky, pointing at the brightest stars as they waited for a shooting star to appear.

Burr and Theodosia were both looking at each other, casually talking and conversing in hopes to get more closer to one another.

Peggy and Charlotte were both creating snow angels, joking and laughing with each other.

Aisis, Kira, and George were all tangled up with each other, all snoring loudly.

The orphans were fast asleep, tired from all the fun.

James was laying down on the ground, hand in hand with Jefferson because of some stupid request.

There was a moment of silence.

"Hey James," Jefferson said, not averting his gaze from the sky "What?"

"Your hands look beautiful wrapped around mine." He said suddenly, making James look at him weirdly "Uh, thanks?"

Jefferson looked at him with a smirk "But they'd look more beautiful wrapped around my--"

Burr quickly cut him off.


(a/n: guys wattpad is being a bitch and won't allow me to publish on the app so I published it in safari-- i cant edit it and its already 1am and im rlly tired so ill fix it tomorrow im so sorry guys...)

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