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a/n; one last fluffy chapter before i break all your hearts.

this chapter is dedicated to universallfuxk


"Amusement Park?"

Maria looked at John with glimmering eyes "It's not just an Amusement park- It's a Christmas themed Couple's Amusement Park!"

John raised a brow "And your telling me this because...?"

"Because I want to go!" She pouted  "Then go, I don't wanna waste my time in an Amusement park."

"But you need to have a partner in order to get in!" Maria exclaimed "Then why me?" John groaned.

"Well duh, I'm a single pringle- Your a single pringle, Why not you?" Maria said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Why not Herc? or Sam or James?" John said, crossing his arms "Herc is already going with Lafayette- Mr. King won't allow Samuel to go with me and James isn't interested at all!"

"What about Peggy?" John said, making Maria avert her gaze "I-I'd rather not..."

"Why?" John looked confused "W-well, I'm still trying to eradicate my feelings for her--"

"YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR PEGGY?!" John screamed, causing Maria to cover his mouth "Yes! No shush!"

John gently removed her hand from his mouth "How about Eliza?"

Maria blushed "S-she h-has a boyfriend r-remember?"

John frowned "Oh, right.. Alex.." He said sadly, looking away.

"Alright, I'll come with you." John said, grabbing his wallet from the bed.

"YES!" Maria cheered as she pulled John away "Let's go! Herc and Sam are probably waiting!"



"Did I just fucking hear what I think I just hear?" Eliza gritted her teeth, staring at the TV screen.

"This is not happening." Alexander said as he grabbed his wallet.

"Let's go, we're coming with them." Eliza said as she grabbed Alexander's hand and pull him out of the room.

"You both sound like they're overprotective partner!" George Eacker yelled after them.



"Well you both took your time." Jefferson said sarcastically "You made poor Jemmy here wait.

"What are you both doing here?" John asked, raising his brow "I thought you weren't interested James?" Maria said.

James buried his mouth on his scarf "Jefferson won't stop bothering me..."

Hercules smirked "Just admit it, you wanted to go to the amusement park too didn't you?"

James blushed "N-no! I didn't!"

"Can we all just leave?" King said impatiently "I hate waiting."

"Alright, let's go--"

"Wait! We're coming too!" Eliza screamed after them "Slow down Eliza!" Alexander panted.

"A-alex...?" John felt his heart hurt a bit.

Maria smiled, though she felt a pang of pain in her chest "C-cool.."

"Wait for us!" Martha and George Washington appeared, hand in hand "We want to see what a commoner's amusement park looks like."

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Peggy grinned, grabbing Charlotte's hand "W-wait, we can't go! We're single remember?"

Peggy looked at her "Well, we can go with each other!" She grinned.

Charlotte blushed "B-but we aren't a couple...yet.." She mumbled the last part.

"There's a thing called lying you know." Peggy rolled her eyes.

Charlotte frowned "R-right... L-let's go, p-platonically.."

Peggy let out a sad smile "R-right.." Ouch, platonic-zoned. She thought sadly.

"Were coming too." George said, Aisis besides him.

"You two are a thing?" John looked surprised "What? No we aren't." Aisis rolled her eyes.

"I'm coming too!" Kira grinned.

"But you don't have a partner." George snickers.

"Yes I do." She said, a wolf appearing besides her.

"Your going with that thing?!" Aisis screamed "Are you mad?!"

"HEY! This is not a thing! As a matter of fact this precious animal has feelings too you know!" Kira gasped, running her hand at the creature's fur.

"Is having a wolf even illegal in New York?" George Washington mumbled.

"Apparently, weird shit can happen in this story, so I'm not evem surprised anymore." Martha sighed.

"No cursing." Washington scolded.

"Sorry daddy." Martha teased.

"Ewww that's disgusting! Shame on you for saying that infront of children." Kira said.

"Don't act so innocent Kira, I've seen your yaoi stash under your bed." Alexander hissed.

"HEY! Those are private." Kira pouted.

"Let's just go." John sighed.


"Welcome to *insert random amusement park name* Enjoy our Christmas themed couple park! Now, can I have the names of the lovely couples?" The lady said, though her fake mustache was disturbing them.

"Uh, Hercules and Lafayette.." Hercules said as the lady started writing something on a piece of paper.

She suddenly grabbed them both and locked both of their hands in a pair of handcuffs "W-WHAT THE HELL?!"

"So this way, you both won't get seperated!" The lady grinned.

"W-what is this--Mullete? What is Mullette?" Lafayette looked confused at the word written on the Handcuffs.

"It's your ship name, now go in before I drag you in." She said darkly, making the couple squeak before running inside.

"Next!" She said sweetly, making all of them shiver at the sudden change of personality.

"Martha and George Washington." Martha giggled as the lady wrote something again before cuffing them together

"Commoner's parks are so much fun! Now c'mon honey!" Martha giggled before pulling her husband inside.

"Make way! King coming through!" The King yelled impatiently "King and Samuel Seabury." He smirked at the lady before winking.

The lady stared at them before cuffing them both "Kingbury huh? This isn't gonna end well... Should've chosed Leebury when they had a chance." She mumbled as she watched them go inside.

"Um, P-peggy and Charlotte.." Charlotte mumbled before the lady cuffed them.

"I can't think of a ship name." The lady smiled apologetically before ushering them inside the gates.

"Jefferson and James." Thomas grinned before hugging James from behind "Get off of me."

"Aw you both make such a cute couple!" The lady squealed before cuffing them "Jeffmads!"

Thomas winked at the lady before gently pulling James in.

"George and Aisis- Don't bother cuffing us if you don't want to meet your end." George hissed before going in.

"Well that was rude." The lady frowned before standing up and pulling John and Alexander "H-hey wait!"

The lady cuffed them both "Nothing like good ol' Lams!" She grinned.

"W-wait! You got it all wrong! We aren't together! T-they are!" John squeaked, pointing at both Eliza and Alexander with his other hand.

The lady smirked "Nah, you both look more like couple material- Herc's stories are enough proof."

"W-wait- M-M-Ma--" John was cut off when the lady pushed them inside.

"Now! You both look more adorable!" She grinned before pulling Maria and Eliza together "Marliza for the win!"

"H-how did you know our na--"

"GO INSIDE!" She screamed befre pushing them both after she cuffed them.

"Good job." Kira grinned, The lady removed her mustache "No problem," She said as a small girl appeared behind her "Now we've got to go before the real gatekeeper comes back."

"I owe you one- Martha, Francis." Kira grinned before walking inside with her wolf.

Martha smiled before coughing uncontrollably "Mom?! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... It's getting cold, Let's go back home m'kay?" Martha smiled as Francis held her hand.

Francis frowned "O-okay..."



"Thomas please, calm down.." James said as he started tugging the cuffs "Let's go..."


The man smirked and gave him more balls "Y'all just wasting your time." He said "You ain't winning nothing."

"Your doing it wrong." George Eacker said as he grabbed the ball from Jefferson's hand "Like this."

George suddenly brought out a weird looking gun and placed the ball inside "Target locked on."

"Stand back."


"Thank you George." James smiled as he hugged his new bear.

"No problem." He says before walking away.

Jefferson sighed "Damn George, stealing my thunder."



"John!" Hercules suddenly pulled John to the dart booth "Let's play."

"Way ahead of you bro." He grinned.

Alexander sighed and looked at Lafayette "I never knew you and Hercules were a couple."

Lafayette blushed "We aren't."

Alexander raised a brow "Don't lie to me, I saw you two kiss during that Christmas party- And don't tell me there was a mistletoe because I was pretty fucking sure there wasn't any on top of you both."

Lafayette looked away "It was just a kiss."

"So it means something?" Alexander looked at him intently "N-no, it's just platonic.."

"Are you sure?" Alexander looked serious "Y-yeah..." Lafayette scrunched his brows "B-but how about you and John? You both are practically married couples by now."

It was Alexander's turn to look away "I-it's complicated.."

"Complicated?" Lafayette scoffed "You have a girlfriend."

"Your no better." Alexander hissed, making Lafayette shut up "You do realize you have--"

"Shut up." Lafayette said, gritting his teeth "You don't think I don't fucking know? You don't that feeling haunts me every single day of my life? Are you that inconsiderate?"

"Don't talk to me like that." Alexander hissed "Don't forget that I took you in that night, I made you my secretary even though you didn't get to finish your studies- You owe me your life, and yet you disrespect me?"

Lafayette went silent "....I'm sorry Monsieur, it won't happen again."

Alexander glared at him "Learn you place Lafayette." He said strictly "Or else you'll get thrown out again."

"Uh, you guys okay? I can almost feel the tension." Hercules joked nervously, scratching his head.

"H-hey Alex, wanna go check out the roller coaster?" John said, casually holding his hand.

Alexander blushed at the bold gesture "Y-yeah, sure.."


"Tsk, disgusting." King said as he fixed his scarf "The food here is so cheap."

"What do you expect King? Roasted pig?" Samuel laughed as he took a bite or the snow cone.

"Why are you eating a snow cone  when it's already snowing? Heck, why would that vendor even sell snow cones in December?" King said, confused.

"It's because I want to." Samuel smirked as he continued eating his snow cone.

"Oh really? Okay then." King laughed "I would like to buy a slushie please."

It was Samuel's turn to be confused "Why are you buying a slushie?"

"Because I want to." King smirked "And besides, it makes me feel numb- It feels like I can forget all my worries for a while."

King looked at him with a smile "Care for a hit?"

Samuel smirked "Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?"

King smiled bitterly "Not anymore."

Samuel looked mortified. Great, you just had to say it didn't you Samuel?He thought, silently cursing at himself.

"When mom was alive, we lived halfway normal." He said, twirling his finger at the straw "But when mom left it was just me and my dad, we're less formal.."

The King looked up "I learned to make tea, I learned to work independently- Learned the world doesn't owe you a cent."

He looked at Samuel and threw away his drink "You're planning your future- Samuel Seabury." He said "You'll go to some college and marry a soldier."

He looked up "But the sky's gonna hurt when it falls." He then looked at Samuel "So you better start building some walls..."

The King suddenly kissed him.

"Freeze your brain..." He mumbled as he pulled away "Suck on that straw, get lost in the pain.."

"Shut your eyes tight..." Samuel continued absentmindedly, still surprised from the sudden kiss "till you vanish from sight.."

"Let nothing remain.." King whispered "Freeze your brain.." He chuckled.

"Shatter your skull, fight pain with more pain." The King chuckled nervously as he ran a hand through his hair "Forget who you are, unburden your load."

"Forget in six weeks, you'll be back on the road." He sang nervously.

"When the voice in your head, says your better off dead, don't open a vein---"

"O-okay, that's enough Heathers references for one day.." Samuel said nervously, afraid that his favorite musical might get to him.

The King looked at him with a mixture of lust, greed, and love "Just freeze your brain..." He mumbled.

"....Try it."


Maria and Eliza sat down the bench, watching Peggy and Charlotte run around the carousel as one of the workers try to chase them down.

"I swear those two do the most weird things." Eliza sighed as Maria smile softly at her "I-I think their kinda cute.."

Eliza raised a brow at her "Don't you like Peggy?"

Maria blushed "I-I do.. But not as much as before... S-she likes Charlotte, and I'll support her.. As long as she's happy, i'm happy."

Eliza looked at her pitifully, then smiled "Your so kind Maria.."

Maria looked down "You don't have to say that." An awkward silence occured.

"W-wanna go ride something?" Maria suggests "What do you want to ride?" Eliza asks.

Maria looked away, flustered "I-I'll ride what you want to ride.."

Eliza held her hand "Let's just sit here."

Maria looked at her "A-are you sure?"

Eliza smiled "This.. This is enough.. For now.."


George Eacker, Aisis, James and Jefferson continued walking.

James was walking besides George, Jefferson and Aisis trailing close behind them.

"What do you want to ride next James?" George asked him, stopping in his tracks.

James exhaled and looked behind him then averting his gaze back at George.

"I want to ride that." His finger was pointed at Jefferson.

Jefferson choked, Aisis spit out her hot chocolate, James went flustered while George smirked "I never knew you were that bold, Jemmy~" The 13 year old teased.


"Don't you mean huge di--"



"Laf, are you okay?" Hercules said worriedly, snapping the frenchman off his trance "H-huh? O-oui, I-i'm fine M-mon ami.."

Hercules frowned "You seem... Distracted," Lafayette didn't respond "Was this about your conversation with Mr. Hamilton earlier?"

Lafayette's ears perked up "Y-you heard?!"

"No, but you and Mr. Hamilton just seemed to be having a very serious talk with each other when we were playing.."

Lafayette sighed "It's fine Herc.." He said as he held his hand.

Hercules blushed "U-uh... Not that I mind and all but why are you holding my hand..?"

"We need to be a couple for today right?" Lafayette smiled "Then let's do it."


"Just shut up and kiss me."


"John, please tell me this thing is stable." Alexander said as he gripped on the handle of the roller coaster "Of course it is! They wouldn't be selling if it didn't right?"

"I-I don't trust this ride.." He said nervously "C'mon Alex! Live a little!"

"I don't wanna 'Live' if i'm gonna die doing it." Alexander hissed "I changed my mind, let's go-- O-ohh!"

"Too late!" John grinned as he held on the handle "Hold on Lex!"

Alexander was hyperventilating as the coaster started to go up "You scared?" John asked.

"I'm fucking terrified." He gritted his teeth.

"Good." John smirked "Because it's only starting."

The coaster started rapidly going down.



Martha smiled as the coaster started going down, casually eating her popcorn as her husband held for the handle for his dear life.

"Isn't this fun dear?" Martha smiled sweetly "I love the sweet sound of those screams, especially Alexander's scream!"

"Aren't they cute? Our son is holding onto John tightly." She giggled sadistically, watching the both of them from behind.

"I-I'm starting to regret marrying you." George said, hyperventilating.

"I love you too daddy."

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