'Happy' New Year

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a/n; Happy New Year!

dedicated to all my beautiful readers 💗💜💙


"Alright. I want all the fireworks to be absolutely perfect, The food must taste not just great but perfect- Everything must be perfect or else you'll all face the consequences." Alexander threatened, making all the workers nod frantically before running around.

"He never changes does he?" Martha sighed, drinking her cup of tea "What do you expect? It's Alexander." Her husband replied.

"Yeah..." Martha smiled softly "Though eversince he met John, he became more... Caring, don't you think?" She asks.

"That, I notice." George chuckles "I think everyone did." He continued.

"They are getting closer each day, and as each day pass- I can see that Alexander's feelings are getting stronger.." She mumbled.

"But he is conflicted, especially since Elizabeth came." George replied "But Eliza is falling for another, she just doesn't realize it yet."

"Or she is denying it." Martha gritted her teeth "You know her step-mom.."

George sighed "Right, that woman is a homophobe, if she finds out that another one of her children are gay she's gonna flip." He hissed.

"Why did Philip remarry with her anyway? I just don't understand why he left Catherine, she was a beautiful-kind woman..." Martha frowned "Why did he replace her with someone like...her?" She hissed.

Martha then averted her gaze to her son "I just hope they
both realize their feelings soon..."

George then looked down "Why do I have a bad feeling about this...?"


Small sobs could be heard on the dark hallway, a lone frenchman, stood their- crying his eyes out at the call he just recieved.

Lafayette was leaning on the wall, his phone on his hands "Merde.."

He furiously wiped the tears away from his face and grabbed the ring from his pocket.

"Je ne vous abandonne pas..." He mumbled determinedly.

"pas maintenant, jamais..."


"Where are you going Maria?" Eliza asks, pouting.

"O-oh.. I-I'm just gonna visit my aunt for a bit- I'll be back later, I promise." She smiles.

Eliza looked worried "Do you want me to take you there? You know, Your uncle might--"

"Don't worry Eli." She smiled reassuringly "I'll be fine, I'm a big girl now."

Eliza smiled a bit "O-okay, just be safe.. I don't know what i'll do if something happens to you.."

Maria looked at her with a thankful expression "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know i'm gone."

Maria then tiptoed towards Eliza and kissed her cheek.

"B-bye!" She squeaked out and left in a hurry, leaving a shocked Eliza.

After a solid minute, Eliza grinned ear to ear and pinched her cheeks "Control yourself! It was just a platonic kiss!"

Nevertheless, Eliza kept jumping up and down.

"Eliza..." She stopped when she heard a familiar voice behind her "Ah- Peggy! Angelica!"

Eliza happily hopped towards her sisters and hugged them "Advanced Happy New Year!"

Angelica chuckled nervously "You seem happy.."

Eliza's eyes sparkled "Oh! You won't guess what Maria did! She kissed my cheek! She kissed my cheek! God she makes me feel so--Ahhhh!!!" She started squealing around.

"Well, someone's inlove." Angelica said, making Eliza freeze "I-I don't love M-maria.." She giggled nervously "W-what makes you think t-that..?"

"Don't fuck with us Eliza." Peggy said seriously "Any airhead could tell you love Maria, it's so obvious."

Eliza looked at Peggy "Don't cuss to your sister just because your jealous that you think I have a feelings for her!"

Peggy looked shocked "I am not jealous! What makes you think I'm jealous?!"

"I know you like Maria." Eliza averted her gaze "A-and I can tell she likes you too..."

Peggy went silent for a while "I don't like her that way, Eli." She said "B-but I knew she liked me for while.."

Eliza stared at Peggy "I-I couldn't accept her feelings so I told her I like someone else.."

"And that 'someone else' is Charlotte I presume?" Angelica raised a brow "...Right."

Eliza snapped "You told Maria you liked Charlotte when you knew she liked you? Are you an idiot?!"

"I p-panicked!" Peggy cried "S-she was gonna tell me something a-and I panicked s-so I told her I l-like someone else.."

Eliza sighed "You shouldn't have done that."

"I-I know, I was wrong." Peggy said "But that's fate brought you both together."

"Fate?" Eliza looked confused "W-were just friends."

"Don't deny it anymore Eliza." Peggy stared at her "We both know what we know."

"You and I know you like Maria."

"NO!" Eliza yelled "I-I'M NOT GAY! I-I--"

"Eliza." Peggy held her shoulders "I know your afraid, I was too.."

"But- People don't just become gay, bisexual, lesbian or whatever gender- They just fall inlove." She said.

"And that's what happened to you. You fell inlove." Peggy smiled.

Eliza had tears falling down her eyes "I..."

"Don't deny it anymore- Your only hurting yourself.." Angelica said "You love her, don't you?"

Eliza was silent, wet liquid falling down her eyes "....I do.."

"Then tell her." Peggy said "I-I can't.. A-Alexander--"

"Alexander can go fuck John." Kira suddenly appeared "Now go break up with the man before something bad happens."

Eliza smiled a bit "Yeah.. Your right- I'll break up with him later!"

"That's the spirit!"



Alexander walked towards the freckled teen, who was quietly laying down the grass "What are you doing here?"

"Thinking." He replied, still looking ay the sky.

Alexander laid down besides him "The grass feels disgusting."

"Just shut up."

They silently watched the clouds "This is boring."

"Can you just shut up Alexander?" John said, annoyed.

"I'm just saying." Alexander said as he rolled over to pin John down the ground.

"You're blocking my view." John looked annoyed.

"That's the point."

They continued to stare at each other, no talking- Just the silence.

"You have really beautiful eyes.." Alexander whispered, a mysterious force making him lean closer to him.

"Y-you too..." John breathed out, slowly closing his eyes.

Alexander continued leaning in "Can I kiss you...?" He whispered breathlessly as their lips were getting closer.

John was silent, then he sighed before pushing Alexander away from me "We can't do this."

Alexander snapped out of it before moving away from him "R-right... Sorry.."

"You have Eliza." John said, crossing his arms "I-I know..."

John looked at him "Alexander, You still haven't answered my question from before.."

Alexander was silent for a moment "I-I need to go."


"I-I have so much work to do.."


"Jemmy? Are you okay?"

Jefferson caressed James' hair as he coughed harshly in bed "I-I'm fine.." James whispered sleepily.

"Go to sleep James.." Jefferson whispered gently.

James sneezed "I-I need some time alone.. C-can you leave?" He said breathlessly, covering himself with blankets.

"Are you sure--"

"C-close the door on your way out."


"Lafayette, are you okay?" Hercules said as he saw the frenchman pass by him.

"Laf?" The said man didn't respond, just continued walking "Lafay--"

"Will you just leave me alone for one goddamn second?!" He snapped, glaring at Hercules.

Hercules flinched "I-I was just..I.. I was just worried about you.."

"Don't bother, just... Just.. Casse toi." He said furiously as he walked away.

Hercules stood still on his spot "I was just trying to help..."


Samuel was with King on the top o the mansion, waiting for the day to pass by.

"Samuel, you do know I love you right?" King says, taking the small boy to his chest.

Samuel hummed in response and laid on the older man's chest "And I love you very much.." He whispers back sleepily.

King caressed Samuel's hair and looked at him "Our love.." He smiled, his eyes glinting.

"Our love is... God."


It was almost 12:00am

"C'mon Daveed! Stop making such a mess!" Nathaniel giggled as his puppy started running around.

"Charles! Control your dog! He's disrupting Anthony!" Acleous yelled.

"Hey! Don't treat Thayne like that!" Charles said as he gently carried hia pup to his chest "He has feelings to you know!"

"Alright children, settle down now.." Theodosia said, but they still continued messing around.

Theodosia sighed "Kids..."

"I know right?" Aisis appeared besides her "You need help?"

Theodosia nodded tiredly "Sure.."


"Bigfoot isn't real." Nathaniel rolled his eyes.

Aisis raised a brow "I was just proving my point."

"Welcome to the 21st century bub." Nathiel said as he drank more of his slushie.

"Hey John, you okay?" Hercules asked his friend, a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Yeah, i'm fine.." John said as he glanced at Alexander, who was too busy talking to his workers.

"You all seem down, Is there something wrong?" Maria asks worriedly "Did something happen?" Samuel looked concerned.

"We're fine..." John faked a smile.

"You don't look fine." James frowned.

"We're fine."

Aaron continued staring at Theodosia before looking away "Why do I have such a bad feeling that something is about to happen...?"

Jefferson continued drinking his wine "What do you mean?"

Aaron looked at his friend "I-I don't know.. I can just feel it.."

Jefferson sighed and glanced at James "...I think I feel it too."

Charlotte was on the phone, busy talking to someone about an urgent matter, but Peggy was starting to get worried.

Angelica clenched her fists "This feeling... It's so familiar..."

Kira was standing by the window, George silently walking towards her. He leaned his back on the wall, looking at the crowd.

"....You can feel it too, don't you?" George said, not averting his gaze "Of course."

"You know what's gonna happen though?" George said seriously "I do."

"Is it bad?" He asks "Depends."

"Depends on what?" George looked at her.

"Depends on how long it will take for Elizabeth to break up with Alexander." She said, not looking at him.

George stared at her suspiciously "What are you planning...?"

"I'm not planning anything." She says, moving away from the wall "I'm just a normal girl who just knows what's coming."

"Then tell me." George said "What's coming?"

Kira didn't look back at him as she walked away "The plot twist is about to begin."

George continued glaring daggers at the girl's back "I don't know if she was being metaphorical or serious..."

"But whatever she mean't..." He gritted his teeth "It's gonna be bad.."

Eliza ran around, trying to find a certain billionaire-Her eyes lit up when she saw the familiar guy before walking towards him "Alexander."

Alexander looked at her, smiling "Eliza." The said woman smiled back "Alexander."

"I need to tell you something." Eliza said, a hint of courage in her voice.

"What is it?" He asks, completely oblivious about the situation.

Eliza gulped, this was it- She was actually going to do this. She was finally ready to let go of the one she used to love so dearly to finally be with the girl she met a few weeks ago.

Surely, they met in a short time but Love has no time right? That's what they say.

But she really did held deep feelings for Maria, and those feelings overthrew her feelings for Alexander- And she was okay with that.

And besides, it was also obvious to her that Alexander also held feelings to another, and that person was John.

She was finally ready to let go.

So, with a deep breath- She said.

"I'm brea--"

The door suddenly bursts open.

"My love, please slow down--"

"Shush! I want to see her, where is she?!"

Eliza turned around only to be greeted by a familiar face, she widened her eyes in horror as she came to realize who it was.

"M-mom...?" She whispered breathlessly.

"It's Ma'am to you woman!" She hissed as she stopped infront of her "How dare you run away from us?"

"I-I.." Eliza couldn't speak "You ran away because you're inlove with this--Oh."

The woman eyed Alexander from head to toe "This is him? This is your boyfriend?"

Eliza gulped "Y-yes but--"

"Mrs. Schuyler!" Martha walked near her, a fake smile plastered on her face "I'm so glad you came here uninvited!"

"M-mom.." Peggy walked near her, but the said woman looked at ernin disgust "Get away from me you fag."

"Woah! Hold on a minute." Jefferson yelled "Who do you think you are? Barging into the ballroom like this?"

The woman raised a brow "I'm Mrs. Evil."

Jefferson choked "Mrs. E-evil..?" He tried to contain his laughter.

Aaron walked near him and slapped him harshly in the back "I'm so sorry for my friend's rude behavior Mrs. E-evil.." He coughed loudly, trying to contain his laugher.

"I-is your name short for anything Mrs. Evil?"

"It's short for Evilie." She hissed "Now get out of my sight, and take this disgrace with you." She said and pointed at Peggy, who was looking down.

"Hey! Don't talk to Peggy like that!" Charlotte screamed "Ah, if it isn't Ms. Hazel- I'd recognize that accent anywhere."

Charlotte glared at her "Take back what you said about Peggy."

"Charlotte, please.." Peggy said, tugging her sleeve.

"Why should I? It's true, Homosexuals are just God's mistakes in this world, if there is a thing called a God."

"A homophobe? Hate her already." Aisis hissed.

"Why you--" Charlotte was pulled back by Jefferson and Aaron "N-no! LET ME GO!"

"Tsk, like an animal in a zoo." She whispered and harshly gave her husband his bag.

"Be a useful husband and hold my bag sweetie." She said sarcastically and looked at Eliza and Alexander.

"I admit, perfect looks- high reputation- and not to mention the richest man in NYC, Not bad.." She smirked.

Philip looked mortified "You must break those two immediately! I do not appro--"

"Silence!" Evil hissed, she looked at Alexander and walked towards him "You love my useless daughter, right?"

Alexander gulped "I don--"

"Well! If you do love her! Why wait? Let's make both our companies powerful by putting together our names." She smirked greedily.

"You both must me married at once! It'll be both beneficial to you and our company, surely you understand that- Right?"

A series of gasps could be heard.

"This is absurd! They can't get married! I do not approve of their rela--" Philip was cut off.

"Do you want me to get 'mad' Darling?" She said darkly, a familiar glint on her eye.

Philip went silent "...Your right, this will be great.. I-I agree, they must be wedded immediately."

"Ma'am, please think about this---" Angelica was cut off.

"I already did, And it's a fantastic idea! And it might be the only useful thing Eliza is gonna do for the company." Evil said.

Eliza was silent, but she was praying that this would all be over soon- that a miracle might save her from this wedding.

"Do you approve, Mr. Washington?" Evil raised a brow.

"We do n--" Martha didn't get to finish.

"I'll let Alexander decide on this one." Washington said "He's old enough to make these kind of decisions."

"Hun..." Martha was speechless, but Washington continued staring at Alexander with a serious look.

All eyes were on him.

Alexander was so confused, should he accept it? Did he even love Eliza that much that he was willing to spend the rest of his days with her?

But Mrs. Evil did have a point, with both their companies together they will be one of the most powerful names in the world.

Would he choose his work over his feelings again?

He looked at Eliza, who was looking at him with pleading eyes- But what does she plead? To accept the engangement or not?

He looked at George, who was eyeing him expectantly, curious to what his decision will be.

He looked at Martha, who looked at him with desperate eyes, almost teary if you ask him.

And finally, he looked at John- Who had a unreadable expression on his face.

He suddenly felt something inside him, he felt numb- dull, the sparkle in his eyes disappearing.

He took a deep breath, he finally came to a decision.

"I-I will accept the marriage." He said.

Gasps could be heard.

"Oh Good!" Evil beamed "Soon! You both will be known as Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton!" She said excitedly "And money making would be as easy as pie!"

"...I'm sorry.." Philip whispered.

"What have you done..." Eliza breathed out.

"This was your choice." Washington said disappointedly.

"Oh God.." Martha sobbed.

"It's always too late." Kira mumbled before disappearing in the wind.

"Fuck..." George Eacker cursed.

"Putang ina." Aisis hissed.

"You're a fucking idiot Hamilton." Jefferson growled.

"You should've waited for it.." Burr mumbled.

"Oh no.." Theodosia said breathlessly.

"Congratulations." Angelica clenched her fists.

"This is all going downhill.." Peggy cried.

"Damn it.." Charlotte said furiously.

"Your gonna regret this." King whispered.

"Shit.." Hercules cussed.

"This is getting out of hand..." Samuel choked.

"Oh no.." James gasped.

"W-where's John?" Maria said, looking for her freckled friend.

"John?" Samuel called out.

"Jacky?" Hercules yelled.

"John--" James squeaked.

The clocked strucked 12:00am as fireworks started lighting up the sky.


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