Hurricane (reprise)

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-3rd person POV


"James, can you get us a towel?" John said as he gently placed the drenched man on the sofa, James looked shocked, but obliged, he grabbed some towels and gave it to John "Is that--"

"Hamilton? Yep." John answered, his gaze not leaving the said man as he unbuttoned his suit.

James gasped when John removed the piece of clothing.

Underneath his suit were scars, some big, some small, but it was obviously from long ago but still his arms were littered with so many cuts.

James felt tears on the corner of his eyes as he remembered some memories from not too long ago, but he blinked them away, trying to act strong as he assisted John in wiping the frail man's body.

John was shocked too, himself-- but he wasn't going to let James know that, he knew about James' past, so he spoke no words about it.

They silently worked.

When Alexander's upper body was dry, James excused himself and went to his room. John decided to leave him be, he obviously needed space so he he worked on Alexander's lower body.

His hands reached Alexander's pants.


John's face flushed when he realized what he was doing. He shook his head, thinking that this needed to be done, he gulped and unzipped his pants, sliding it off him.

His boxers were wet too.

John let out a shaky sigh, he decided to remove his boxers after he finished drying him off, he wiped his pale thighs that had tiny cuts too, he gently wiped his foot and in between his toes, he felt Alexander shift at hus movements, so he stopped and waited for a while.

When he was sure he was asleep, John placed his fingers on the elastic waistline of his boxers, John closed his eyes and quickly but carefully slid it off him before throwing a towel above his...thing

John then grabbed the neatly folded clothes James let him borrow and put it on him, closing his eyes when he was putting on the pair of briefs.

John sighed when he was finished, he heard the door open to reveal James "How is he?"

"Still alive," The freckled boy responded "You should put him in my room, he'll be more comfortable there." James insisted, John looked at him worriedly "Then where will you sl--"

"I could just sleep in the couch." James shrugged "I can't let you do that!" John refused, but James was already carrying Alexander to his bedroom "Jame--"


A loud lighting crash was heard from not so far away, And at the same moment the lights went off. Alexander squeaked in his sleep, clutching onto James, James gently placed Alexander to his bed, where the said man curled into a ball, trembling "Damn it, I didn't even got the chance to charge my phone." John cursed.

"Me too," James started "You should probably stay with him." James finished, looking at John.

"Already planning too." He said, sitting on the floor besides the bed, looking at Alexander "What was he even doing out in the hurricane in the first place?" James asked, crossing his arms.

"He was looking for me.." John muttered, James raised his brow "Uh, wasn't he the one who kicked you out in the first place?"

"I know, i'm confused too..." John gritted his teeth, looking at Alexander, who was shaking uncontrollably.

"You both have serious issues, i'm out." James said as he walked out the door, gently closing it.

John sighed and looke at Alexander, who has tears falling down his eyes "I-i'm so sorry J-john.." He mumbled.

John was taken aback, didn't Alexander hate him?

John chuckled bitterly "You are one complicated man, Alexader Hamilton."


in the eye of the hurricane

John was awoken by a ear piercing scream.

James rushed to the room, looking at John who was trying his best to calm Alexander down.

John looked at him with an 'I got this' look, James immediently understand what it mean't and left, closing the door.

John looked back at the man who was currently having a panic attack, John looked at him worriedly, What in the world was he dreaming about?

John hummed his father's lullaby, trying to lull Alexander out of his nightmare, the man started to calm down, his breathing going back to normal.

"J-john..." He whispered breathlessly, clutching at the bedsheets "Shhh, he's okay... I'm okay.." John breathed soothingly, holding Alexander's hands and intertwining it with his.

John didn't knew what he was doing, but he felt like he-- No, he knew from the bottom of his heart that he wanted to help the poor man, not because ge pitied him, but because he knew for a fact that he grew fond of him the first time he laid eyes on him.

Sure he was a bitch, but that didn't stop him from having even the tiniest bit of fondness to the said man, he did save their orphanage.

He felt a light tug on his hand, he glanced at Alexander, who was half awake "Go back to sleep, Alexander" John frightened himself, it was the first time he called Alexander by his first name.

"Sleep with me..." Alexander whispered, now that shocked John even more, he knew it as him unconciously talking but still "Your sleep talking Alexander, go back to bed."

John knew Alexander wasn't sleeping straight for the past few days, he knew how much he needed to rest "Please..." Alexander begged, lightly pulling John's hand.

John sighed and went to bed with the older man, he felt Alexander's arms slipped into his waist and pull him closer to his body.

John felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't deny that he was warm, and that was enough for him to cuddle into his chest, slowly drifting to sleep with him.


there is quiet

It was 3:34am when he woke up.

He was tangled onto Alexander, who was still holding him tightly, John gently pulled away from his grasped and covered him with a blanket, he glanced out the window to see that the hurricane was over.

He sighed in relief and went outside, only to be greeted by James drinking a cup of coffee "Can I have some of that?" John asked, interrupting the silence.

James looked at him "Your up early.." He mumbled, pouring another cup "I could say the same to you." John replied.

"I never slept." James said and handed him the cup of delicious caffeine, John drank it all in one gulp and placed it on the table "Powers back up again by the way,"

"I can see that." John replied "Where's my pho--"

"I charged it, it's on the table." James said as he grabbed a book and started reading it "Thanks, your the best James." John grinned and made a dash for the table and grabbed his phone.

357 texts

198 missed calls

Shits about to go down.

John quickly dialed Hercules' number.

"J-john?! Oh God! thank God your safe! Where are you?! Why haven't you answered my call--"

"I'm fine Herc, i'm at James' place," John giggled at his overeacting friend, he heard Herc sigh in relief at the other line "I figured, I just thought you weren't there since James' wasn't answering his phone either."

"Our phones were dead, and the power was out too." I reply "I'm just glad your okay, but Mr. Hamilton! Oh gosh! he's been missing until last night! His window was shattered! We think someone broke in!"

"He's here with me." John said, though he was confused on why his window was broken.


"Look, we'll explain when we get back- don't bother sending someone, tell Martha he's safe with me, we'll come when he wakes up." I say, Herc was silent, but then he said "A-alright, be safe..."

"Bye Herc," I said and ended the call "I'm gonna go out, James, give Hamilton some coffee when he wakes up-He can't function without it." John said and wore his shoes, not bothering to hear James' reply as he went out.


for just a moment

it was 4:30 am when Alexander woke up.

He sat down groggily, he looked around, unfamiliar of his surroundings. Where am I?

Then memories from last night came back, the hurricane, the mysterious man-


Alexander gasped, John could be out there, anywhere at this moment. He fely a pang on his chest, anxiety taking over him.

"Your awake." A man stood at the doorframe, carrying a cup which had a familiar aroma to it "Have some coffee, John said you can't function without it."


"J-john's h-here?" He croaked out, the man hummed in response as he handed him the cup of coffee "He was the one who brought you here in the first place."

Alexander was shocked, he couldn't believe it, the man who saved him last night was the man he was gonna save in the first place, how ironic.

"Wh-where is he?" Alexander asked after he drank the last drop of the bittersweet drink "He's gone out, probably chilling in the roof again." He replied, crossing his arms "I'm James by the way, one of John's friends."

Alexander scoffed "So he's got friends?" He quickly shutted his mouth, remembering that the person he was talking to was one of John's friends.

Instead of defending his friend, James laughed "Everybody's bound to have atleast one friend." He commented "Well, I don't." He raised a brow.

"I consider you as a friend."

Alexander looked at James like he was crazy "Uh, we hardly even met."

"We hardly even met and yet i'm letting you stay in my place." James replied, Alexander was silent, he did have a point there.

"You should probably go head over to John, he's been worried about you since last night." He said as he left.

John's worried about me?



Alexander went out after that, he also noticed that he was wearing different clothes, he decided to ask John about that later.

Alexander looked around, when a voice from above called him "Hamilton!"

He looked up and saw John, casually standing on the roof "How in the world did you get up there?!" Alexander shouted.

"I flew-" Alexander raised a brow "Well duh I used the ladder you idiot!" John shouted back, Alexander's gaze averted into the rusty old metal ladder at the side of the apartment "Is it stable?!" Alexander asked John, a tint of anxiousness in his voice.

"Well if it weren't I wouldn't be in the roof now would I?!" John answered "Don't sass me young man!" Alexander glared "Trust me!"

"That's the last thing i'll do!" Alexander says, glancing at the ladder "What if I fall?!"

"Hmm, that's not so bad!"


"You won't, I promise!" John grinned, Alexander sighed and walked towards the ladder, cautiously climbing it.

He finally made it to the last step wheb his foot suddenly slipped, he squeaked and closed his eyes, preparing for impact when John grabbed his arm, he looked at him, a smirk was plastered on his face but his eyes showed fear and worry "You aren't the active type aren't ya?" He says in a southern accent

"You think?" Alexander scoffed, but he silently thanked John for saving him from what could've been a horrible accident.

John pulled Alexander to the roof, the taller man wasn't ready for the sudden pull so he accidentally grabbed John's waist, John squeaked and glared at him, which he smirked in return "What was that?"

"Shut up."


in the eye of the hurricane

John and Alexander stood at the roof, looking at the horizon "Hey brat," Alexander broke the silence, not looking away from the horizon "Still calling me that?" John scoffed, looking at him-his brow raised.

"I'm sorry."

John was taken aback, shocked at his sudden apology "And thank you..." He followed, still looking at the horizon.

"F-for what?" John managed to say, still shocked "For saving me last night even after the horrible things i've done to you."

"Well duh, I had to save you, You were gonna die!" John exclaimed, looking at him with worried eyes "What were you even thinking when you ran out in that hurricane? A freaking hurricane Hamilton!" John said furiously.

it was Alexander's turn to be shocked, why was he reacting this way? He looked at him "I was worried about you..." He mumbled, loud enough for John to hear.

John widened his eyes "Y-you? W-worried?"

"Hey I may be rude but i'm still human." Hamilton snarled "I'm not heartless..."

John didn't know how to respond "I was worried because.... Because I-I grew quite fond of you alright?" He admitted, a tiny blush tinted on his cheeks as he looked away.

John eyes were as wide as saucers, he thought that he was the only one who grew fond of the other, but he was wrong "I guess were the same then..." John smiled softly, looking down.

Alexander widened his eyes, looking at the small boy infront of him. They both grew silent, until Alexander decided to break it "H-hey this is all platonic okay..?"

John became flustered and looked at him before nodding furiously, they continued to stare at each other's eyes, trapped in the moment, until John bursted into laughter, Alexander raised a brow "What's so funny?"

"I-it's just--" John started between laughs "T-this is our first conversation wi-without trying to kill one another!"

It was Alexander's turn to laugh, but he stopped when he noticed John looking at him in awe "W-what're you looking at?" He ask, a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"O-oh! it's just this is the f-first time I ever saw or hear you laugh..." John said, amazed. Alexander looked away, his cheeks flushed "Don't get used to it b-brat."

It was quiet again.

in the eye of the hurricane

"So... Now what?" John asked, looking at the horizon as yellow streaks started appearing.

"What do you mean?" Alexander asks, looking at him, John felt his cheeks flush "W-well! you know... Will things change b-between us from now on..?"


there is quiet

"What?" John glanced at Alexander, who was smirking, John instantly got what he mean't and grinned "Oh! right!"

"Hmm?" Alexander hummed, looking at the rising sun.

"Nothing will change! absolutely nothing!" John said happily, a tint of sarcasm on his voice, Alexander chuckled at the man infront of him, looking back at the horizon.

for just a moment

"So..." John trailed off, looking at Alexander's blue eyes "Frenemies? asshole?" He grinned.

Alexander, for the first time in forever, smiled. Not a smirk, a devious grin or a playful smile- A genuine smile, and John could've sworn his heart skipped a beat when he did it.

The sun visible now, creating yellow streaks of light, shining on Alexander and it made him look more charming than he already was, the yellow hue started spreading throughout the sky, indicating a new day, a new chapter of their lives starting.

Alexander winked at him, making the freckled boy's heary leap out of his chest.

"Alright, brat."

a yellow sky.

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