I Lo---

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"H-herc..." Lafayette moaned as Hercules threw him in his bed, towering him. The larger man buried his face on the crook of his neck, sucking his sweet skin.

"A-Ah! M-mon chèri!" Lafayette moaned loudly when Hercules sucked a certain spot on his neck, Hercules felt a shudder of excitement ran through him.

He pulled away from his neck and stared at the beautiful frenchman below him, he slowy leaned in- Lafayette doing the same.

They slammed their lips together, Their drunk breaths mixing with one another, Hercules licked the bottom of his lips, asking for entrance in which Lafayette obliged obediently.

Hercules sloppily slipped his tongue inside of his mouth, tasting the beer. He growled when Lafayette started grinding his hips onto him.

Hercules pulled away and held Lafayette's waist, making the smaller man whimper from the loss of pleasure "Not yet."

Hercules ripped their shirts off, the cold air hitting their half naked bodies, Lafayette moaned when Hercules started trailing kisses on his stomach.

Lafayette held Hercules' cheek, making the larger man face him "E-eat me, d-devour me..." He begged, looking at him with drunk eyes.

"M-make me yours..."


"Ugh, traffic sucks." Peggy groaned as she slumped in her seat, taking out her phone.

"I know, but were almost there..." Angelica sighed as she felt the woman lean on her shoulder.

"I can't wait to see him again, it's only a matter of time.." She mumbled sleepily before drifting off.

Peggy and Angelica looked at each other, worry in their eyes.

They hoped John has confessed before it's too late.


"Where's Herc?" John mumbled worriedly, walking around- trying to find his friend.

"Don't worry much, John." Aaron smiled "He's a grown man, he can handle himself."

"But can he handle his alchohol?" John glared at him "HER--"

"SHUT UP!" Jefferson screamed, annoyed "I'm trying to drink here!"

"John!" Kira suddenly appeared and pulled John away from the pair "H-hey! K-kira!"

She pulled him close "Tell him now before it's too late."

Kira pushed him harshly, John stumbling backwards towards another body "Oh i'm so--Alex?"


"YES! WE MADE IT!" Peggy screamed and jumped out the car, kissing the hard ground "I missed you land."

"That's disgusting." Angelica said "Hey wanna go explore the estate before we go in--H-hey! Wait! DON'T GO IN YET!"


"John?" Alexander looked at the flustered man "Are you okay? I've been looking for you."

"I-i'm fine! A-and what do you mean y-you've been looking f-for me?" John stuttered out "Mrs. Fune said you've got something important to say, what is it?"

John froze, she set her up, but this was his chance. This was his perfect chance to confess.

But what if Alexander rejects him? It'll be the worst memory of his life, maybe he should wait?

But he really wanted to tell him, should he?

Alexander, on the other hand. Refrained himself from smirking at the conflicted teen infront of him.

Alexander knew the boy hold special feelings for him, it was obvious. And now that he was about to confess, this was his chance.

The both of them couldn't wait.

John gulped and stared at Alexander straight in the eye, with all his strength and with this new burst of confidence, he said.

"I Lo---"

The door suddenly bursted open.

"W-wait! please!"

"I can't wait any longer! I need to see him!"


John turned around to see the most beautiful girl he's ever seen in his wholel life "Lexi?"

Lexi? What? Who is this woman?

"Eliza...?" Alexander whispered breathlessly, a shocked expression on his face- A new emotion flickering in his eyes.

"Oh Lexi..." The woman-- Eliza, ran towards him, ignoring the murmuring crowd "Lexi!"

John watched in horror as Eliza jumped into Alexander's arms and leaned in to steal Alexander's first kiss.

John felt his world crashing down, he couldn't hear anything but ringing, he felt his heart break at the sight, and he felt even more hurt when he didn't see Alexander pull away or push her off of him.

Instead, he stood still.

John felt numb, tears falling down his eyes "J-john...." He heard Peggy call out his name.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw Kira. Who stared at the whole scene with a look of disappointment and pain in her face, she turned around and left. Leaving a mysterious aura as she did so.

John couldn't take it anymore.

He ran, ignoring all the cries and screams after him. He ran in the hallway, but stopped when he felt someone hold him "John...? Sweetie? Is everything al--Why are you crying?!"

"Son, who did this to you?"

John stared at the couple infront of him before bursting into tears "N-no... Everything is not okay.."

John ran away from the couple, who screamed after him, he ran away from all the pain, from all the heartbreak, from Alexander.

He ran away.


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