The Welcoming Party

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a/n: votations are over guys, also sorry for short chapter- AND ALSO WARNING THERE WILL BE MILD SMUT ON THE NEXT CHAPTER

this chapter is dedicated to @Immortalgoomba176


"Welcoming Party?"

"Yup, so you can't go to school today." Angelica said sweetly, but it had a scary aura to it "O-okay.." John shuddered.

"For whom though?" Charles asked as he ate his cereal "It's a surprise." She smiled sadly and looked at her watch "Oh! look at the time! I better get going! Don't want to keep her waiting."

"C'mon Angelica! it's a one hour ride to the airport! You better hurry!" Peggy groaned boredly, trying to pull her sister.

"I'm coming." Angelica sighed and looked at John for one last time "I'll see you later." She smiled then left.

John felt an arm on his shoulder "I wonder who it is." Hercules' familiar voice rang in his ears "I wonder..."

John has a bad feeling about this.


John and Hercules walked towards the ballroom "I never knew there was a ballroom here." John commented.

"Me neither." Hercules replied, amazed.

"Damn rich people." John sighed.

The room was filled with workers and other people John assumed were party planners "Wow, is the president coming here?"

Hercules laughed "I hope not."

"John!" John's heart leapt out of his chest when he heard the familiar voice "A-Ale--"

He was quickly enveloped into a big hug "I-I'm so sorry please forgive me, I won't be able to live with myself if you won't forgive me--"

"A-Alexander! Calm down! I'm not mad!" John pushed him away, trying to ignore all the stares "I-it's actually my fault, I-I overeacted..Sorry."

Alexander looked relieved "I'm glad."

"Hercules! Mon chéri!" Lafayette's drunk voice can be heard from the other side of the room. Hercules gasped when he felt someone throw themself on him "L-laf!"

"H-herc~ Let's get drunk together!" He grinned and forcefully shoved a bottle of beer on his mouth, making him drink the liquid.

"LAF!" John pulled the frenchman off him "Are you okay Herc?!"

"I-i'm fine...." He hiccupped "I-I want more.."

"Herc! No! YOU'RE STILL 17 HERC! HERC?!"


"Okay what's taking her so long?!" Peggy groaned, slumping her shoulders, trying to make herself comfortable on the steel chair.

"Patience, Love.." Angelica said as she continued reading 'Commonsense' by Thomas Paine.

Peggy raised a brow "Hey isn't Thomas Paine your childhood crush?"

Angelica looked flustered "W-what are you talking about?"

Peggy looked amused "You still like him!" She smirked, Angelica glared at her "N-no!"

"Ayieeee! I ship it! But not as much as I ship John and Alex!" Peggy grinned.

"Oh my God."


"Okay, this is madness." John gritted his teeth, Hercules and Lafayette were already drunk as fuck, The music was deafening him and Alexander was nowhere to be found.


"Charlotte!" John grinned at the sight of his friend "How are you?"

"Good, you still have time." Charlotte looked at him determindly "Confess to Alexander while you still have time."


"Just do it!" She said desperately before they got seperated from the crowd "C-CHARLOTTE!? CHAR--"

John couldn't breath, he felt suffocated, he wanted to leave, the intoxicating smell of beer was filling his nostrils- He felt like vomitting, he fe--

"John!" He felt someone pull him to the side, John looked at his savior, and of course- it was no other than "Alex..."

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked worriedly and looked at the crowd "This is getting out of hand." He clicked his tongue "Whoever this person we are celebrating this welcoming party for, they will be the one who will clean up this mess." He gritted his teeth.

"Wait, you don't know either?" John looked surprised "No, I don't- Only Angelica and Peggy seem to know.."

"Oi Hammie, control the crowd will ya?!" George Eacker's familar voice rang in John's ear, Alexander sighed and smiled at John "I'll see you later."

"John." George said and jumped off the table "Finally came out of your shell huh?"

"What do you mean?" John frowned.

"I saw you talking with Mr. Washington yesterday, so you finally confessed your gay?" He smirked "How do you know...?"

"I know everything." He said cockily.

"Okay Mr. Know-it-All, if you really know everything then do you know who's the surprise person for this welcoming party?"

George fell silent "I...I don't know.."

John snickered "Figures."

"ORDER PEOPLE! OR ELSE I'LL LITERALLY FIRE YOU ALL OUT OF HERE USING A CATAPULT!" Alexander screamed menacingly, making the crowd go silent "GOOD!"

"My God will he ever stop those kind of threats?" George sighed.

"Probably not."


"Where is she? Where is she?!" Peggy mumbled excitedly "THERE SHE IS!" She screamed.

The two of them ran towards her and enveloped her with a big huh




"Your back!" The two sisters screamed, happy tears falling from there eyes.

The woman looked at them happily "I-i'm back.."

"I'm back."

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