The Orphan's Feelings

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a/n: publishing a chapter on the wattpad app then going to safari to dedicate it to you bcz ily guys and the wattpad app just doesn't have that dedication function, damn it.

this chapter is dedicated to PURPLE-Ryu12345


"She's coming back?" Charlotte asked, a bit of shock in her voice "Yep, it's official.." Angelica sighed.

"When?" Charlotte bit her lip "Tomorrow." Peggy answered.

"TOMORROW?!" She screamed in horror "T-this is wrong timing! N-not that I don't want her coming back but.."

"I know.." Peggy sighed and looked up the ceiling.

"I know."


"Hercules, I feel sick."

"No your not, now stop complaining and let's go to work." Hercules sighed "It's Sunday Hercules."

"Sunday?" Hercules looked dumbfounded "Oh."

"I feel a weird sensation on my stomach.. Tsk, it's that bastard's fault! Eversince he did that act I've been feeling weird and tingly inside!"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah...Woah." Hercules looked shocked "Let's rewind a bit."

"Uh, okay?" John looked confused "Eversince he did that act you've been feeling strange things in your stomach?"

"Not just in my stomach, but also in my chest! It just tightens and it hurts but feels so good! I don't know?! Am I crazy?!" John pulled his hair frustratingly "Yes, you are crazy."

"That's not helpi--"

"Crazy inlove."

John was as red as a tomato "I-I am NOT inlove with Alex! I'm not even gay!"

"Oh please, I've seen the way you looked at James' ass, your definitely gay." Hercules snickered as John became more red if possible "H-hey! You stare at his ass too!"

"I can't help it, his ass is fine." Hercules smirked "That's disgusting." John gritted his teeth "I'm not gay and that's final-- And I don't love Alex, were just friends." John glared as he stood up.

"Friends don't give hickeys to each other Jacky!"



"John? Are you alright?"

"K-kira?!" John squeaked out "Y-yeah, i'm fine.." He mumbled as he fixed his ponytail "Are you sure? You seem a bit...sick."

"He's just lovesick, darling."

"Mrs. Washington! I was just lea--"

"Don't be too polite Ms. Fune," She smiled "I don't bite...Hard." she giggled in a scary way, making both of them shudder.

"So John, have you finally realized your undying love with my son?" Martha smirked, making John blush "N-no..I don't like him that way.."

"Are you sure?~" Kira wiggled her eyebrows "Yes, i'm sure." John glared at her.

"It's a sin to lie, John." Martha said "Hate the sin-love the sinner." Kira said randomly.

"I'm not lying! I don't like Alexander that way!" John screamed.

"Oh my God John can you just give the readers what they want? They're all getting tired of your complaints, stop being in denial. Your gay as fuck and you and all of the people reading this crap know it, and we have proof." Kira said menacingly, bringing out a bunch of letters.

"Look, you can't force someone to love another." John sighed "But you already are, your just denying it."

"I don't love Alexander and that's final. I am not gay and I would fuck you both just to prove it." John gritted his teeth "Sorry but I'm married." Martha giggled.

"I'll pass, I don't want a gay man fucking my weewee with his woowoo just to prove he ain't gay when he clearly is." Kira crossed her arms "I swear John if you don't sort this feelings out right now, you'll be the one suffering in the end-And I should know, i'm the author."

"I have already sorted my feelings, and I know I don't like Alex that way, we are just friends- Nothing more, nothing less." John said as he left, leaving the both of them.

"Well then.." Kira sighed "I guess this book will be as angsty as I thought it will be." She mumbled before smiling at Martha and leaving.

"Well, that was certainly a show." Martha giggled and left.


John was just minding his own business when Aaron suddenly appeared along with Jefferson "Ah! John, darling- How are you today?"

"Don't think I didn't forget what you did Jefferson." John hissed "You just destroyed my innocence when you took me to that company."

"You took him to there?! Are you mad?!" Aaron screamed and looked  at John "And didn't I told not go anywhere with him?!"

"Sorry, mom." John said sarcastically, Aaron looked surprised- then stared at John directly in the eye "Your having problems with your feelings, dont'cha?"

"What? No!" John screamed "What m-made you think t-that?!"

"I can see it in your eyes John, your inlove. But you just won't admit it." Aaron said "Let me guess," Jefferson smirked "A certain billionaire stole your heart?"


"I was referring to myself." Jefferson pouted.

"Your lying," Aaron said "Any idiot would know that your inlove- You just won't admit it."

"I am NOT inlove with that bastard." John glared at them both before turning his heel and walking away.

"I don't love him, not now...Not ever."

"Why do you deny it John?" George Eacker sighed and sat down his bed "Deny what?"

"Your feelings fo--"

"I DON'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR THAT LOVELESS BASTARD!" John screamed in frustration "That asshole probably doesn't even know what 'love' is."

"Oh really?" George looked unamused "Well, believe it or not but Hammie has fallen inlove before."

John looked surprised "R-really?" George nodded "Yup, she was a really pretty girl- Exactly Alexander's type."

"She played hard to get though, but Alexander did his best to steal her heart- And he did."

"She was kind, nice and loaded." He shrugged "She treated me as if I were his son, but she's gone now." He sighed.

John looked at him pitifully "I-i'm sorry for your lost..."

George looked surprised "What? No."

"Huh?" John looked confused.

"Just because someone is gone, doesn't mean they're dead, John."


John walked faster when he heard the familiar voice "Hey! Where are you going?!"

"Away from you."

Alexander had a hurt expression "Why? Did I do something wrong? Tell me, John."

John felt his legs weaken when Alexander said his name "I-it's nothing..."

"Then why are you avoiding me again?" Alexander frowned.

John gritted his teeth and turned around to face him "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU RIGHT NOW YOU ASSHAT!" He screamed angrily and left, leaving a hurt Alexander.


John was walking in the hallway, mumbling to himself "I don't like that prick." He gritted his teeth "He's just an inconsiderate, selfish,
demon, mean, cruel, hot, handsome, intelligent, bad ass--Wait what?"

John squealed and slapped himself "What am I saying?!" He stopped walking "I-I don't like him! I'm not gay!"

John bit his fingertips "A-and besides, even if I do like him, I don't stand a chance with him.. H-he's probably got a lot of ladies, a-and he's definitely straight! I'm sure he's got plenty of beautiful girlfriends from before- Wait, no- That girl he probably has fallen inlove with was as beautiful as a Goddess, and rich too ...So why would he even go f-for me?"

"Because your everything he's ever wanted, John."

"G-GAH!" John turned around to see--"Mr. George W-washington! I-I was j-just l-leaving--"

"I see you've taken interest to my son." He smiled warmly "How about we talk about this over a nice cup of tea?"


"So, you're conflicted by your own feelings huh?" George chuckled as they sat down on the table. They were in the garden, a beautiful garden filled with beautiful flowers and a small table at the center, it also had this gorgeous fountain that made John feel at ease

"I-I don't know Mr. Washington.." John sighed "Go ahead, I'm listening."

"I'm still unsure.." John bit his lip and clenched his fist, But George held his hand, making John's nerves calm down, he unclench his fist and looked at the man infront of him "Don't be afraid son, you can be completely honest with me- I promise, I won't tell another soul what I heard."

John gulped then looked at his lap, not responding, he heard George sigh "Okay, i'll ask you then."

"Mr. Washington this isn't necessa-"

"How do you feel right now?" George said with a stern look, but had a calm aura on it. John gulped and averted his gaze.

"I-I feel so confused.." He mumbled incoherently "Care to elaborate?"

"It's just... I feel like there's these butterflies in my stomach, My chest feels so light yet it hurts, my mind is so fuzzy and I can't think straight.." John confessed "But I what i'm very confused about is my sexuality."

George hummed in response then motioned him to continue "I t-think I'm gay, but I don't want to be gay. I-it's wrong! it's against the b-bible!"

"B-but no matter how hard I try, or how many times I pray...I still can't think of girls in that way, and I find myself leaning more into boys instead..."

"John." George smiled at him "You need to accept your sexuality, it will remove some weight on your shoulders."

"NO!" John screamed "Homosexuality is w-wrong! It's a disgrace in the e-eyes of the Lord!"

"Son." John didn't realize the tears falling down his eyes "You've prayed, right?"


"Did God change you?"


"Then that means God wants you to accept who you are, The Lord didn't change you because this is who you were mean't to be."

"B-but it's w-wrong..." John hiccupped, he saw George stood up from the corner of his eyes and pulled him into am embrace.

"Don't be scared, remember that it was also in the bible that God will always love you for who you are, that he will always accept you. Always forgive you, because he created you. And he molded you to into this sweet, handsome young man named John." He smiled.

"So don't be afraid to accept your feelings, because your feelings are a part of you."

George pulled away and patted his back "T-thank you.." John smiled softly, wiping his tears away "So, how do you feel?"

"I-I feel....light, like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.."

"So do you accept it?" George asked "...Yeah, I do.." He smiled "Then say it."

John chuckled and looked at the the ground shyly "I-i'm gay."

George held his shoulders "You sound unconfident, say it again."

"I'm gay." John said yet again, sounding more confident as he looke straight ahead.

George smirked "I'm not satisfied, I want you to scream it."

John grinned and breathed in heavily as he shouted with pure confidence "I'M GAY MOTHERFUCKERS!"

He laughed, his heart beaming with happiness, his chest was filled with (gay) pride and joy, his laughter with so much content and his mind was more clear now.

He felt free, he was finally out of that dreadful closet he was hiding from, all his fear and anxiety finally disappitated.

George laughed along with him "I hope I helped somehow, son."

John looked at him with a thankful expression "Somehow? You've helped, a lot more than expected actually." John grinned at him.

George looked relieved "I'm glad."

There was a moment of silence.

"Well, it's getting late." George said and started walking away "I won't ask you about your feelings towards my son so you won't feel pressured, take all the time you need." He looked back at him one last time.

"Also, check your phone."

John was confused, he brought out his phone and saw a text from an unknown number--even better it said;

look up.

John was beyond confused, but he looked up because of curiousity.

He gasped.

Fireworks lit up the beautiful night sky, but what John was looking at was the message portrayed by those gorgeous lights.


            -'ASSHOLE' "

John stared agaped at the scene infront of him, his heart started beating so fast, butterflies filled his stomach, Then his phone rang, Absentmindedly, answered it and put in near his ear.

"John?! John?! A-are you seeing this?!" Hercules familiar voice rang through his ears.

"Yeah..." He said, lovestruck- he dropped his hand to his side, ignoring all Hercules' talks, he stared lovingly at the sight before him.

Only one person could've done this.

John smiled, he can't lie anymore, he won't lie to himself anymore. There's no denying it, he knew it- He knew from the bottom of his heart.

He chuckled in both happiness and bitterness, he threw away all the negative thoughts and focused on the beautiful scene displayed infront of him.

He felt so happy, no worries at all. He knew he was inlove, he knew he fell for him, And he fell hard. He wasn't gonna deny it anymore.

John was inlove with Alexander.

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