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a/n; from now on i'll screenshot all my favorite comments and post them on the top.

this chapter is dedicated to @Bisexualwitchbitch


"O-oh! I'm s-sorry!" Alexander squeaked as he stumbled upon one of his workers, who were too frightened by his apology to even reply.

"G-gah!" Alexander groaned as he tripped down the stairs.

"Uh, is there something wrong with Mr. Hamilton?" One of the workers asked.

"I-i'm sorry, I-I wasn't looking..." Alexander apologized.

"Nah he's fine."

"He's apologizing to the fucking stairs."

"He'll be fine."

"Good evening Gentlemen..." Alexander greeted the two "It's morning Mr. Hamilton.."

"Oh?" He looked surprised "Hey what date is it today?" Alexander suddenly asked them "It's December 16 Mr. Hamilton..." They answered and rushed off.

"Really...?" Alexander said, confused, he shook his head "I need m-more coffee.."


"What have you done to my son?"

"I-I don't know what your talking a-about Mrs. W-washington.." John sweat dropped "Call me Martha, please," She sighed "It's just, he's been acting more..Nice, did you do something to make him like that? He even brought back all the employees he fired!" She screamed "Did he hit his head?"

"N-no, I just t-talked to him in the car.." John answered awkwardly "And kissed the corner of his lips." Hercules smirked.

"WHAT?!" Martha started squealing "My heart-aaaAAAHHH!"

"I-it's just a kiss! It wasn't even in the li-lips! And I d-doubt he hasn't kiss someone before so he probably doesn't even care about it--much less remember it." John said, a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Oh hun, believe it or not but my son still has virgin lips." She giggled.

"WHAT?!" John looked mortified while Hercules nudges his "This is great Jack,"

"What do you mean this is great?!" John hissed at his friend, who just grinned in response "This means when you and Mr. Hamilton do it, you'll be all shy and gentle."

"Nah, it will be rough- I know my son, he likes it rough." Martha smirked "Oh my God why are we talking about this?"

"Of course Hammie would have a few kinks of his own." Jefferson suddenly appeared, along with Aaron.

"What kink though?" Aaron said, crossing his arms "Definitely the Daddy kink." George Washington appeared.

"OKAY ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" John screamed, flustered. They all went silent.

"Who will be top though?" George Eacker broke the silence "Oh my G--"

"It will definitely be me." Alexander said as he walked towards John, who was frozen in place "John."


Alexander stopped infront of him and placed his hand on his chin, he leaned towards the freckled teen, but stopped when their lips were inches apart "How dare you caught me off guard like that? How dare you kiss me without my consent?"

"I-i'm sor-"

John was cut off when Alexander carrased his lips and leaned towards his ears "I'll get you back." He whispered hoarsely and left, leaving a mortified John.

"Oops, your in deep shit now Jacky."


John has been avoiding Alexander for the past few days.

It was really obvious, but John didn't care, all he cared about was avoiding Alexander and not let him take advantage of him again.

"You can't keep this up, John." Hercules sighed "I can and I will." John said and crossed his arms "I am not letting that demon's lips kiss my innocent ones."

"Tsk, not that you'll hate it anyway." Hercules mumbled "What?"


"But Herc," John sighed "What should I do?"

"Let him kiss you and be done with it." Hercules groaned "B-but I want my first kiss to be special, I-I wanna share it with the one I love..."

"Not everybody gets that chance Jack, life isn't just gonna give you what you want." Hercules said.

"I know..." John mumbled and started walking away "See you Herc."

"See ya."


John was about to walk upstairs when he saw Alexander going down with Washington.

"Shit." He whispered and slowly walked away, but Washington noticed him and called "John!"

Alexander looked at John with curious eyes, he knew John was
avoiding him, and he knew why "U-uh! H-hello Mr. Washington, A-Alexander! I have to go now! Bye!"

John quickly dashed away.

"Huh, that was weird-- right Alex-Huh? Son? Where are you?"


John stopped his tracks and leaned towards the wall, panting heavily as he wiped all the sweat from his face "T-that was close.."

"Oh really?"

John frozed he heard Alexander, he was about to run when the said man pinned him on the wall, placing his knee in between his legs near his crotch, his hand pinning down both his hands and using the other to caress his face.

John stared in both horror and excitement as Alexander started to lean in, he closed his eyes- preparing for the warmth on his lips.

But he can't let this happen.

So, with all of his strength, he pushed Alexander and ran towards his room, locking it and jumping towards the bed.

"You really are dumb, aren't you?" John looked at the door with a shocked expression "How d-did you--"

"I own this house, I have the master key." Alexander said in a matter-of-fact tone. John slowly backed away to the bed as Alexander walked towards him, climbing the bed and going in between John's legs.

"Don't be afraid.." Alexander whispered and leaned in, John closed his eyes, he felt tears on the corner of his eyes, he started trembling, this was it-- He was gonna lose his first kiss.

Not that he didn't like Alexander, he just wasn't ready to kiss him yet.

John waited for the warmth to come in his lips, but it never came.

Instead, he felt something warm on his forehead.

He slowly opened his eyes to see Alexander placing a soft kiss on his forehead "A-alex..?"

"Shh, I know you're not ready yet." He whispered gently "Sorry for scaring you peaches..."

Alexander pulled away from his forehead and caressed John's cheek, he slowly pushed him down the bed, pinning him down.

Alexander buried his face on his neck, his hot breath warming John up, the said man felt his nerves calm down, but then he gasped.

He felt Alexander trailing kisses on his neck "A-alex..." Alexander then started sucking on his skin.

John gasped when Alexander sucked on a certain spot, he grabbed Alexander's hair gently and looked at the man "A-alex.."

Alexander continued sucking that same spot "A-alex..!" John threw his head back "A-alex.."

Alexander pulled away and droppe to John's side, he pulled John closer to him and hugged him, burying his face at the crook of his neck.


"Yes peaches?"

"T-that tickles..."

"You're just gonna have to live with that."

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