John the Orphan

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Tomorrow there'll be more of us, They always say. Oh the irony of that word, I think to myself as another child got adopted. Yep, 6 years later and John Laurens is still stuck in this orphanage, Great.

I mean, I guess it's fair. Who would adopt a pathetic thing like me?

But atleast i'm not the only 17 year old kid "John!" speak of the devil.

"Yo Herc!" I grinned at my best friend, he grinned back at me and gave me a shoulder hug before he pulled me out of the orphanage "Let's go! we're gonna be late for class!" He said, as we ran towards our highschool.

"Have a nice day you two!" Theodosia- the assistant of the owner, said as she waved goodbye to the both of us, we smiled back at her and proceeded to go to school.

"Settle down, class" Professor John Jay said as the students started finding their way back to their seats, I glanced at Herc and saw him smile at me, I smiled in return and brought out my notebook to take down notes but instead I started doodling.

"John Laurens," I froze as my name was called, I stood up immediently and looked at Professor John, who was looking intently at me

"Can you tell me who won the Election of 1800?" he asked, I gulped and tried to dig up some information in my brai--Wait, dig? Dig, digg, diggs--AHA! "it was Daveed Diggs Professor." I smiled, he snorted in response and gestured me to sit down, I frowned.


"I hate Professor John," I groaned as we left the room "Everyone does, Laurens" Herc laughed as we made our way to the cafeteria "Where's James?" I said, noticing the absence of James "He's sick so he didn't come to school today, he's at his apartment." He replied

"Oh," I said, then suddenly thought of an idea "Wanna skip and go take care of him?"

"Woah," Herc said, surprised "I never thought I would hear that from you, John." I frowned "What do you mean?"

"Well, you just don't look like the type who does those things ya 'know?" He said "What?! No way!" I defended, flustered "Haha, seriously bro? Let me remind you that one time you stole a bike from a stranger because your late?"

"I didn't steal it, I borrowed it."

"Yeah sure," He grinned as he sat down on one of the cafeteria tables "We'll visit him after classes, you don't want to ruin your record of perfect attendances dont'cha?"

I sighed in response.

"John!" A familiar voice called out, I turned around to see Samuel Seabury with Maria Reynolds, both walking towards us, smiling "Hey guys!" I greeted as they took a seat "So, ho--"

"Don't. Don't ask" Sam immediently answers, which we all laughed in response as we continued to talk while we ate our lunch.

After classes ended, me and Herc quickly rushed to go see James when--"Hey! where are you guys going?" I hear Maria shout in the distance, we ran towards her "Were going to James's place, wanna come?" Herc grinned "Heck yeah!" Sam replies enthusiastially, pulling Maria as we ran towards his apartment.

"W-wait! how about we just take a cab?" Maria suggests "James place is a bit too far don't you think?" She murmers shyly, Maria still hasn't quite adjusted with us, especially since she's the only woman in the group, and the incident with James Reynolds 2 years ago, I frowned at the thought.

"Well, if your feeling tired we can take a cab Maria," I smiled at her "W-well, it was just a suggestion, but If you guys want to walk then it'll be f-fine with me..." She stuttered "Let's walk then! it'll be a good exercise for all of us too!" Sam grins before throwing his arm into Maria's shoulder

"Tsk, Maria's such a slut." I heard one of the a girl say to her boyfriend, I think she's in my class...What's her name? I think it was Duke?

Maria looked broken, I frowned and held her hand reasuringly "Don't listen to them Maria, they're not worth your time." I say as she gave me a sad smile

"Yeah that's right, control your whore, Laurens!" Her boyfriend laughed, along with 3 other men.

That's it.

"Herc, call 911- I'm about to commit a murder."

In the end, they all just ran away. So we all went to James's place to find him all curled up on his bed "Hey Madds," I whispered softly as I ran my hand through his hair, he shivered in response "J-John...?"

"We're all here buddy," I smile as the rest of the gang waved at James "W-what're all doing h-here..?" He said weakly as he sat down "Well duh, we're your friends Madds, we won't leave you to suffer alone." Herc said "We'll always be here for you Maddy!" Sam grins "So c'mon let's go watch a movie!" Maria grins as we all ran to the TV, With Herc carrying James towards the living room.

We decided to watch Heathers the Musical, Again.

"Bye guys! Bye Madds!" Me and Herc sad as we left Madison's apartment, Sam and Maria decided to stay and look after Maddy for the night.

"What time is it?" Herc asks


"Wha-no," Herc laughed "Seriously bro, Timecheck."

"It's already 8:30pm"


"SHIT IT'S 8:30 PM!"

Me and Herc raced towards the orphanage, and once we arrived we slowly opened the door, trying not to wake anyone up "They're all asleep, were sa--"

"Where have you been?" Theodosia's familiar voice boomed the room as the lights turn on.


Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

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