Alexander the Billionaire

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I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. When's it gonna get me? "Get the fuck out." In my feet, several feet ahead of me? "B-but sir! p-please! this is the only job I have l-left! I-I have a c-child--"

"Get out." If I see it coming do I run or do I let it be? "Sir please! i-i'm a s-single m-mo--"

"I don't give a single shit, get out." Is it like a beat without a melody? "PLEASE DON'T! PLEASE I BEG YO--" The guards pulled her out of my office, but she tried fighting back.

I stared emotionlessly as she was pulled away along with her stuff, I sighed and continued my work, but then suddenly George came in "Son--"

"Don't call me that, George." I hissed, George--my adoptive father, sighed "You should be more considerate with your workers," He said calmly "You shouldn't just go firing someone because they broke your pen--"

"I don't care," I cut him off "Son-"

"I'm not'cha son." I growled, he frowned "Your mother is worried about you." I felt my heart softened, I clicked my tongue as I realize what Washington is trying to do and said "i'll talk to her later."

"She wants to talk now." He said

I was silent, George stared at me, waiting for my action, I let out a groan as I stood up from my desk. George suppressed a smirk, knowing he won over me, I growled at him as I walked towards my the garden, knowing Martha will be there.

"Martha." I said softly, Martha turned around and smiled at me, she motioned me to sit besides her in the bench, I did what I was told and held her hand "Is there anything troubling you?"

"Yes, there is." She said, still looking at the fountain "Care to tell me?" I said sweetly "It's you."

I frowned at her response, I sighed and leaned back at the bench "Care to elaborate?" I whispered "You've been acting to cold, Alexander," She said "Your being too selfish,"

"I'm not selfish," I defended "Your self-centered, unconsiderate," She said again "Martha--"

"You don't even call me Mom anymore." She frowned "I'm a grown man Martha, it's not like your my real mom anyway."

I heard her sniff besides me, I quickly looked at her "Are you okay? did I say something wrong?" She started to cry "T-that hurts, Alex..." she whispered bitterly, I don't get it-- It's the truth, so why is she making a big deal about it? "Y-you've changed... You even b-brought back your l-last name..What h-happened?"

Knowing that talking more will make the conflict more complicated, I just hugged her and ran my hand through her hair, trying to give her comfort.

"W-what happened to you S-son? W-what h-happened to A-alexander?"

He's gone.

I went back to my office after that, continuing my work. That is, until my secretary who is also my best friend came in

"Monsieur Hamilton!"

"Monsieur Lafayette." I said to him, not averting my gaze from the paper "Someone is here to visit you, Mon ami." Now who woul--


"No. Don't let them in, tell them i'm not here, tell them I went to Finland."

"Seriously? Hamilton you've gotta work on your excuses man." A familiar voice said, I clicked my tongue

"Jefferson, Burr, may I help you?" I smiled "Cut the crap, Hamilton." Jefferson rolled his eyes "We know your pissed to see us," Burr grinned. I frowned and glared at them "And yet you both are still here?"

"Is it wrong to visit a friend?" Burr asked "It's wrong if you don't as permission, i'm busy, Leave at once." I said coldly as I continued to do my essay "C'mon Hammie, let's go-"

"Don't call me that." I snapped "Why not? Hammie." Jefferson teased, I just clicked my tongue in response.

"Thomas? Aaron?" Martha's sweet voice echoed my office "Ah, Good morning Mrs. Washington," Burr greeted "It's good to see your beautiful face, M'lady" Jefferson said as he grabbed Martha's hand and leaned towards it-Oh no you don't

"Stop flirting with my adoptive mother you bastard." I growled and pulled him away from Martha before he could kiss her hand "I-I wasn't flirting with Mrs. Washington! I'm not t-that type of guy!" Jefferson screamed, flustered "Oh really?" Burr scoffed.

"I'll let you guys know that i'm the most decent man in NYC." Jefferson said proudly

"Ha! says the guy who owns the largest, most successful gay porn industry in the world!"

I choked on nothing "L-lafayette! What the f-fuck?!" Lafayette grinned in response "HEY! atleast i'm successful!"

"Are you mocking me?" Burr said, obviously offensed- Though I have to admit, it is quite surprising that Jefferson makes more money despite the fact that Burr owns one of the biggest oil companies in the world.

"Lafayette, what's next on my schedule?" I asked the french man, he looks at his clipboard and smiled "You have an interview, Mon ami." He said excitedly "I see."

"You'd better prepare for the meeting son," Martha smiled "C'mon boys, let's leave Alexander for now." She said sweetly as the others left my office, mumbling things I probably don't give a single shit about.

"Tell us Mr. Hamilton, How did you get this far in life?"

"Well, it wasn't easy. I had to work hard and grab every opportunity I saw, it took a lot of guts and dedication. Even though I grew up with a wealthy family, I did not want to rely on them for the rest of my life, I trained myself to be more independent, so at the age of 12 I started writing and studying and I always aimed for the best. And when I reached the age of 19, my mind was older then. And I vowed not only to me but to the whole world, that I--Alexander Hamilton, will never throw away my shot, and that I know there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait....."

"Look at him, George" Martha said as she stared at her son, who was still blabbering happily to the interviewer "Everyone sees him as a kind, gentle, pure hearted man. But in reality, he's a cold, heartless human being." Martha said sadly "What happened to him...?"

"He's got his heart broken, Dear..." George replied "You know how devastated he was when-"

"AHHHHHH!" Burr screamed as he ran away from Jefferson "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!"

"Thomas? what's going on?" Martha asked, but Thomas kept chasing Burr until they were out of sight "Thomas was trying to get Burr to be the next model for the porn video he was creating." Lafayette answered Martha, Martha blinked twice but laughed awkwardly in response "Oh look, the interview is done."

I sighed as I went to my office, tired "Shit." I mumbled under my breathe "Mon ami, are you alright?" Lafayette asked, I forgot he was there "Yeah, i'm fine." I lied "How bout' you?" I asked, hoping I could change the subject, he looked suprised "O-oh..Um, i'm alright too, Mom ami." He smiled, but it was obviously a fake smile.

"Tell me, what's troubling you?" It came out more like a command than a question "Well," He scratched the back of his head

"I have a friend named Theodosia, and she works at an orphanage, but the owner passed away yesterday so she didn't know what to do because they couldn't pay the rent for the house they were staying in, she called me and asked for help but I couldn't give her an answer... I kinda feel bad now." He confessed, though he talked really fast so it took me awhile to understand what he was saying.

"Why should you feel bad? that's her problem-Not yours." I said bluntly, he frowned "'s, there are children in that orphanage Mon ami... If they get kicked out they'll have nowhere left to go..."


He fell silent, for some reason- I felt guilty. I don't know why but then I thought of an idea.

It was a risky idea, but if it meant making not only Laf but Martha happy, then i'm willing to do it.

"Say Lafayette, how many orphans are there in that orphanage?"

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