Miracles do happen

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This isn't happening. I stood still, my whole body shaking "Joh--"

"NO!" I screamed "THIS CAN'T BE!"




I shut my mouth and looked at Theodosia's teary eyes, she told us that the owner of the orphanage had died because of a rare disease, now with him gone... No one will pay for the house rent, and sooner or later we'll go homeless!

"I-I have an idea..." Theodosia started "I'll g-get more jobs so we can pay the rent slowly, it'll be hard but i'll manage" She managed to crack a smile "N-no, you'll overwork yourself Theo," Hercules frowned

"I'll be fine! don't worry!" She grinned, obviously fake "We'll help you, me and Herc can find part time jobs right?" I encouraged Herc, he grinned and nodded happily "Yeah! we can do it!" Theodosia smiled, for real this time "I would appreciate that..."

"Well! what're we waiting for Herc? Let's go look for jobs!" I grinned and pulled Herc out of the orphanage, eager to find part time jobs.

"Herc, I give up." I groaned as we walked the city of New york (IN THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD!) Herc sighed "John, we haven't even walked for 30 minutes and your already giving up?"

"I just realized that I don't have enough responsibilty for a job." I replied "Why?"

"Dude, I can't even babysit a 7-year old kid, much less have a job." I said

"Then do it for Theo, we can't keep on relying on her forever, She won't have time for herself! she doesn't even have a love interest! what kind of person doesn't have a love interest?!" Herc complained, I sighed "I guess you have a point..."

"Wait, look!" Herc pointed at a cafe with a flyer that practically screams 'HEY GET A JOB HERE!"

We quickly ran to the cafe and went inside, not bothering to care what kind of cafe it was--I mean, it's just a cafe.

Oh boy.

The moment we got in we wanted to leave immediently.

It turns out this cafe was a Butler cafe, I never knew there were Butler Cafe's in NYC. (lol just go with it 'kay?)

"Umm..." Herc looked at me, his eyes screaming 'RUN' but before we could leave a little girl wearing a butler uniform came to us "How may I help you?" she smiled sweetly

"Oh, nothing Miss we were just--"

"Don't 'Miss' me." She frowned, clearly offended. Oh, I get it "Oh, i'm sorry..Umm"

"I take that both of you are here for the job?" She asked, we both frozed- This was a life and death situation, should we; A, throw our pride, dignity and honor aside and work in this place. Or, B, GTFO.

Hmm, the second option seemed fine to me.


I was so pressured by a tiny girl that I accidentally squeaked "YES!" Hercules looked mortified, the little girl smirked and said "Follow me,"

When the girl turned around, Herc quickly punched me in the shoulder, I mouthed an 'Ow' as we followed the girl.

"FINALLY! NEW EMPLOYEES!" The owner practically threw herself onto me "THANK YOU SO MUCH! THERE IS HOPE AFTER ALL!" She screamed, almost crying.

Me and Herc glanced at each other, smiling-- Atleast we made her happy, and i'm sure Theo will be too when she finds out about our job, Hah! Success!

"Ahem, sorry 'bout that." She smiled "My name is Martha, and this is my daughter, Frances--"

"It's FRANCIS mom, Francis with a 'I' not a 'E'" The little girl-FrancIs said, her mother nodded awkwardly in response "Well! since I don't really care about giving you guys an interview so I'll just hand you over the jobs--So, what're your names?"

"I'm John Laurens," I smiled and shook her hand "And this is--"


"HERC!" I screamed, he instantly stopped and apologized, Martha didn't mind though, she actually looks really happy.

"So, as you can see- It's pretty obvious that this is a Butler Cafe, your jobs are really easy- Dress up as a Butler, please your customers, serve them whatever shit they order and do the same thing all over again!" She grinned, I like her already.

"That's it?" Herc said, surprised "Well... If you can, please attract as many customers as you can." Martha smiled "It's quite obvious that this place isn't successful and doesn't have many customers, but we try..."

"Why keep it then? you could just sell it..." Herc said, Martha looked down, clutching her skirt "I can't just sell the place, it means so much to me. This is where I met my husband, he owned this place." She looked sad "Owned?" Herc asked, confused.

"H-he's in a b-better place now..." Martha choked, tears streaming down her eyes, Uh oh, we made our boss cry on the first day we met...Is that a good sign?

"I-i'm very sorry.." I apologized, she nodded and wiped her tears away "It's fine." Herc threw an arm around her shoulder, grinning "Don't you worry 'bout a thing Martha! We'll have this place packed and loaded soon enough!" Martha grinned "Yeah! Let's do this!" I cheered, putting my fist up the air.

"Well, here are your uniforms," Martha handed us a neatly folded pair of clothes "There's a dressing room right there, well- it's not exactly a dressing room, more like 'That's where you do everything else' room" She grinned at us.

I like Martha, she's cool.

We went to the room and changed our clothing, The uniform wasn't anything complicated, just a white polo and a black vest with some black pants and a tie, I removed my ponytail and brushed my hair, after that I neatly tied it again "Hey, John, can you tie my bandana?"

I helped Herc with his bandana and we left the room, Martha squealed when she saw us "You both look great!" We smiled at her "Thanks."

"C'mon let's go! time's wasting!" I hear Francis say, we went followed her out of the room "So, now what?"

"We wait for customers." She says, siting on one of the chairs in the cafe, bringing out her phone. Me and Herc shrugged before doing the same.

2 hours.

Still not one customer came, I looked at the time to see it was already 2 pm, I sighed "....France--"


"Yeah, Francis." I trailed, emphasizing her name "Um, how often do you get customers...?" I ask

"Well, not often, but there is this one guy who is our regular customer because he comes here every 8 in the morning and after that...None, sometimes maybe 2 people visits, maybe even 3- But they leave as soon as they saw me." She said in a monotone voice

"What?!" Herc said in disbelief "What?" Francis says, I sighed "There must be a way we can get more customers.."

"Well, you guys knock yourself out, i'm gonna go take a nap in the dressin-- 'That's where you do everything' room." she says and leaves "Herc, any ideas?"

"Huh?" He looked at me "Do we need to get customers? I mean, as long as we get paid it'll be fine!" He says, I frown "That's really selfish of you Herc, this place is special to Martha, and she would really appreciate it if it gained more customers."


"And besides, no customers means no money." Herc widened his eyes "LET'S GO!"

"H-hey! wait! we don't even know what to do yet!" I said and pulled him, he frowned but quickly smiled when he thought of something "Wait, I have a plan."

Plan A

"Hello kind sir! would you like to visit our cafe? we would rea--W-wait!" I sighed as another person completely ignored me and left, I glanced at Herc only to see him throwing a fit "Hey, calm your horses." (HA!) "Tsk, these people are the worst." Herc growled "This isn't working, wanna try something else?"


Plan B:

"Hey lady! try a fucking sample for goddamn sake!"

"HERC! WHAT THE FUCK?!--I'm so s-sorry miss! I-I..." The lady quickly hurried off, I punched Herc in the shoulder "What the hell dude?!" He crossed his arms and looked away "Patience Herc..."

"Patience?! WE'VE BEEN STANDING HERE FOR 2 FUCKING HOURS! IT'S ALREADY 5PM IF YOU DIDN'T NOTICE!" He stormed into the Cafe, I sighed and followed him.

Plan C

I'm not even gonna say anything.

"What now?" I say, slumping my shoulders, it's already 6pm and not a single customer came "I give up." Herc sighed sadly, I went outside and stared at the city, lights illuminating the beautiful NYC.

"I may not live to see our glory..." I sang quietly "But I will gladly join the fight..." My Dad used to sing this to me, he said that this song was from 200 years ago, during the war "Cause when our children tell our story..." I sang louder

"They'll tell the story of tonight..."

I started to sway, I closed my eyes, feeling the music. I remembered my Father, though I couldn't picture him well since I was still a child when he...left "Raise a glass to freedom," I remember his warm, loving touch "Something they can never take away." I remember how he sang it to me, I remember that he and mom sometimes sing it to me "No matter what they tell you..."

I loved them both dearly, but I was taken away. I never knew why "Raise a glass to the three of us," I miss them, why did they gave up on me? "Tomorrow there'll be more of us!" I don't remember how they look, or what there name is, but I will never forget-"We'll tell the story of tonight..." How they sang to me

"Raise a glass to freedom...."

I heard a sniff, I opened my eyes and saw a crowd infront of me, their eyes filled with tears, one by one they started to clap, until it erupted into a series of cheers and whistles, I felt a wet liquid in ny cheeks, only to realize I was crying, I quickly wiped them and smiled.

Let's just say that the Cafe had no choice but to open until 1 am.



"IT'S CALLED 'REVOLUTION CAFE' YOU FUCKER!" Francis screamed happily, joyful tears in her eyes

"JOHN! YOUR A MIRACLE FROM HEAVEN! AN ANGEL SENT BY GOD TO SAVE US!" Martha cries as he kneeled down and started praising me, she even did kowtow for fucks sake "Haha...Okay Martha you can stop now.." I said awkwardly


"WE CAN FINALLY PAY OUR FUCKING TAXES!" Francis screamed again, throwing money in the air like she just don't care.

"John, Herc, thank you so much..." Martha said genuinely, smiling as tears fell down her cheeks "Just doing our job Martha!" I grinned "As a token of my appreciation, here's 500 dollars for the both of you!" She said and gave us envelopes "Oh my gosh thank you so much!" I said and hugged her "Thanks Martha!" Herc grinned, then his face paled "Wait, what time is it?"


"No, seriously Laurens, what time is it?"

"Oh, it's 2:30 in the morning."





"SHIT!" We quickly grabbed our stuff "B-bye Martha! see you tomorrow!"

"It's a sunday, we won't open." She said "O-oh! see you on monday!" I said again as I was about to leave "You guys have classes!"

"OH! UMMM--"

"Just go here at 4pm during weekdays, it'll be fine."

"O-okay! bye!"

We quickly ran to the orphanage.

"WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?!" Theo screamed. Shit


"THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO MAKE FRANCE JOKES JOHN LAURENS!" Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shiiiit

"Look Theo were sorry we had to stay out kate because out jobs and--" I was cut off by Theo grinning and hugging me "SOMEONE IS ADOPTING ALL OF YOU GUYS!"

"Say what?"

"I'll still be here for you guys as your babysitter but we'll be moving first thing on Saturday next week! so better pack up!" she grinned "Wait, who adopted us?"

"Mr. Hamilton did!"

Alexander Hamilton. Probably the richest guy in NYC, one of the youngest, most successful man in the world, everyone knows his name.

"N-no way..." I was stunned, I was so happy, he was like my idol, someone I aspire to be when I grow up "How did this happen?"

"I have a friend working there, and I told to him our situation and he told Mr. Hamilton, then he called again and asked how many orphans were here and after that he told us that Mr. Hamilton will take all 8 of you guys! and he hired me to care for you all!" She beamed, I giggled at her happiness, I glanced at Herc, who was still speechless.

"So, how was Job hunting?" she asked, still smiling widely, I grinned at her and handed her the envelope "Success."

She opened it and her eyes widened at what she saw "OMG! WHAT JOB DID YOU APPLY FOR?!"

Me and Herc told her the whole story while we packed all the stuff, she was really happy for us for not only finding a job but also helped someone in need, we ended up staying till 6am in the morning so we didn't bother going back to sleep. Well, Herc and Theo fell asleep in the couch though, I smiled at the sight and went outside to breathe some fresh air, thinking how blessed we are.

God really can do Miracles.

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