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A/N: rushed chapter


"Who was that kid anyway?" King ask boringly "He's just one of the orphans."

"Why was he here? you're picking favorites now?" Angelica raised a brow "No, I hate him actually- He's just working for me for a month because he owes me something." I smirk.

"God your a fox." Angelica said sarcastically "No wonder you don't have a girlfriend." She added.

"I don't care about girls." I say

"Oh, so you swing that way?" King grinned, I frowned "I just said I wasn't interested in relationship."

"You didn't deny it." King says "Deny what?"

"Deny what I said about you being gay." He smirked cockily, I rolled my eyes "I don't really care about what my sexuality is, I can be pansexual or gay for all I care." I say boringly as I drank my coffee

"So are you interested in this John?" I spit all the coffee out "No way, not in a million years." I said quickly.

"Why? You seemed pretty interested in him." King raised a brow "He amuses me, but I do not hold any special feelings for him." I snarled "He's just a brat, a petty little orphan brat."

"One day," Angelica started "You'll look back to this day and laugh-" I crossed my legs "Why?"

"You'll laugh knowing I was right all along." She smirked "Just you wait Alexander, I know you like I know my own mind." 

"One day, someday- maybe not now, but someday. You'll look back at this day and think 'Angelica was right all along, I do love John'" She mocked, I scoffed "If that happens, i'll give a million dollars to charity."

"Better prepare the million dollars then." She snickers, I glared at her. That won't ever happen, not now, not ever.

I won't fall for that brat.


I walked towards my room to take a nap, when 3 men blocked my way "Um, excuse me I'm trying to walk here."

"We have recieved orders from Mr. Hamilton." The one at the center said, I raised a brow "What is this? Men in black?" I say though I haven't even watched the movie.

"You are to sign these papers, you must finish them all tonight." He says, handing me a hug pile of papers "What the hell?! I can't sign all these! there's like-- A hundred papers here!"

"200 actually."

I glared at the three and walked away, throwing all the paper in the floor.

I stomped towards the meeting room, my fist clenched from the all the anger, I slammed open the door and saw Hamilton on sitting down, talking to the employees, when he saw me, he glared at me "Can't you see? I'm busy right now, Casse toi."

"Don't 'Casse toi' me, How do you expect me to sign 200 papers in a single night! I have school tomorrow!" I screamed, he looked unamused "Leave, i'm busy- And I don't care, you will finish those." He says coldly.

"Look, I know I said i'll do anything but this is too much! I still have to study!" I scream, he raised a brow "How is your education my business?" I glare at him "I am not signing those papers."

"Yes you are."

"Make me." I snarled

"Don't try anything rash kid." He glared back, I crossed my arms "I am not signing those papers and that's final."

"I have enough of your bullshit." He growled, anger filling his voice "You don't know who your messing with, brat."

"Oh yes I do, a fucking imbecile that's who." He looked angry "Remember, this is all your fault."

"What is--"

"You, you're fired." He says, pointing at a woman who was sitting down, she looked horrified "M-me?"

"Yes you, your fired."

"Hamilton what the hell?!" I scream, he looked at me "I'll fire one person everytime you deny signing those papers." He says "Even you won't stoop that low." I say, a tint of nervousness in my voice.

"Watch me." He replied, looking back at the woman "You, I thought I told you to leave- Leave now or i'll make my men drag you out." The woman bursts into tears and ran away, sobbing, I stare at her as she ran away, a mortified look on my face, I look back at Hamilton "What the fu--"

"You, your fired, leave now." He says, pointing at a man who had a shock look on his face "Please don't do this..I-I have a child! pleas-- NO LET ME GO!" He said, thrashing around as the guards started dragging him away "No...Wait! W-wait!" I say fearfully "Stop this Hamilton!" I begged.

"Then say you'll sign those papers." He said coldly, I gulped "I will sign all of those papers! Just stop! please!" I begged.

He still wasn't satisfied.

"Now beg for forgiveness." He says, I glare at him "Isn't that too much?! I already said i'll sign the papers!"


"N-no! I won't!"


"Hamilton plea-"


"Don't do th-"


"You're crazy! You can't fire them all!" I scream, he smirked "Fire them all? that's a good idea."

"All of you in this room except the brat are fired, leave now or i'll call security."


I watch as all the people cry as they ran away, I smirk victoriously, now the kid will finally learn not to mess with me, this will teach him a lesson "How could you...?" He whispered breathlessly.

"When someone works at this company, I expect complete obedience." I say "Even if it's from scums like you, now you will learn never to mess with me aga-Huh?"


I froze as I watch warm liquid fell from his eyes. I couldn't believe it...

John was crying "I-I- T-they didn't do a-anything w-wrong..." He said, his voice breaking "Brat..."

"NO! SHUT UP! I HATE YOU!" He screamed and ran away, sobbing furiously.

I stood still at my spot, my heart clenching in pain, my mind in conplete utter chaos. I clutched my chest.

What was that brat doing to me?

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