Orphan works for Millionaire

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I forgot how it happened.

One minute I was pissing Hamilton off then the next is that i'll be working for him for one frickin month.


Remember how I said 'i'll do everything' as long as we don't step out the pink car?

This is 'everything'

"You can't do this to me Hamilton, i've got a job, a part time job! and I have to go to school! I need to maintain my grades!" I said desperately, he looked unamused "I never knew someone like you needed to maintain his grades."

"Well, jokes on you bitch i'm a fucking Scholar." I said proudly "Stop lying, it's pathetic."

"It's true though Mon ami, he has a Scholarship on the school he is studying at." Lafayette suddenly barged in "I thought I told you to take the month's break Lafayette?" Hamilton frowned

"I just came to get a few things Mon ami." Lafayette replied, I looke back at Hamilton "I am getting paid, right?" I asked.

"Of course you are, and since I'm feeling nice you can name your price," He smirked cockily, I raised a brow "A million dollars." His cocky facade disappeared.

"What the hell would you do with a
million dollars?! put it in your piggy bank?!" He screamed, I rolled my eyes "I'm gonna save it up for college you dufus," I glared at ilhim "What do you think I was gonna do with it?"

He looked amazed at me, for once "I admit that's pretty responsible of you--" I raised my head up high proudly "Tha-"

"For a brat." He finished.

"Fuck you."


"I hate him." I groaned and laid my head on the table, poking on my food "Don't say that Jack, consider yourself lucky!" I drank on my coffee "You get to work for the most handsome and sexy guy in New York!"

I spit out my coffee "SALLY WHAT THE HELL?!" She shrugged "What?"

"It's true though, I wish I was you! so I can work for that fox for a whole month!" Sally said dreamily "He's a 23 year old man." I said.


"Your 12."

"Age doesn't matter, love will always prevail!" She defended "Love? Please, you don't know anything about love." She became flustered "Y-yes I do! and I know I love Mr. Hamilton is with all my heart!"

"Sally, that guy is a beast!" I screamed at her "Well, i'm sure he's a beast in bed."


"Chill out, geez..." She scratched the back of her head "Well, i'm sure he just needs someone to tame his heart, like how beauty changed beast!"

"So you think your this beauty?" I scoffed

"Well who else is it gonna be? You?" She sassed "Ew." I shivered at the thought of me and Hamilton together. That'll never happen.

i'd rather die than be with that asshole.


"Hello John, dear." A voice said from behind me, I turned around after grabbing Hamilton's schedule and faced the voice "Mrs. Washington!" I squeaked when I saw her, she smiled warmly at me "Please, call me Martha dear."

"Um, M-martha- How can I help you?" I ask, shoving the paper in my pocket "Well, I heard you will be working for my son for a month, so I'll just give you a few tips to make your job easier." She smiled

"Alexander loves coffee, he can't function without coffee when he wakes up." Oh look, me and the demon actually have something in common.

"He likes his eggs scrambled, he is a perfectionist when it comes to his work, and he always keeps around extra pens, and you better keep some in your pockets too, trust me it will be useful in the future," She continued.

"If you haven't notice yet he loves to write-" I rolled my eyes "I have notice, Why does he write so much? How does he write like he's running out of time?" I ask, her smile faded "Well, writing saved his life multiple times in the past, it's a part of him now..." I knew that wasn't all of it, but decided to drop the subject, what do I care about it anyway.

"Well, thank you for the advice Mrs. Martha, I have to go now." I smiled and started to walk away when she suddenly says "Oh! John, sweetie- can you tell Alexander his Godparents are here?"



"Hey Hamilton, your next meeting is at two o'clock," I said and glanced at my watch "It's already 11:00am, better get ready if you want to look decent for the meeting." He looked annoyed "You disturbed me to remind me about a meeting that starts at 4 hours?"

"Yep, better prepare now, it probably takes you more than four hours to prepare your ugly face, so go on now! time's wasting!" I grinned, he flipped his middle finger at me, I faked a gasp "Hamilton! How disgraceful! flipping that finger at a child! a child!"

"Oh I am so sorry!" He said sarcastically "You just look so old! anybody would mistake you as a grandpa!"

"Don't sass me Hamilton," I hissed, and suddenly remembered something "Oh yeah, almost forgot- Your Godparents are he--"

"MY GODPARENTS?!" He looked mortified, he started scrambling around and grabbed a luggage out of nowhere "I'm taking a week vacation, I've always wanted to go at the Philippines, I want to see what the Hundred Islands look like--"

"OPEN UP ALEXANDER!" A muffled voice said at the other side of the door, the person then started pounding on it "I KNOW YOUR IN THERE! AND YOU KNOW THE KING HATES WAITING!"


"Calm down George, let me handle it." A female voice calmly said "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR ALEXANDER!" Well....

The pounding got worse, Hamilton tried to get out using the window but the door bursted open, making Hamilton jump to his seat, pretending to work, when he saw the two people on the door, he faked a smile and stood up "Ah! Aunt Angelica! Uncle George!" He said nervously, standing up- The two looked unamused.

"Hello Hammie," A familiar voice said from behind them "George Eacker?" I said unconsciously, he went near me and smiled "Hello there stranger, Yes, my name is George Eacker- What's your name?" He said, I raised a brow, confused "But we've already met bef--"

"What's. Your. Name?" He cutted me off, looking at me with eyes that screams 'Just go with it' "O-oh, I'm John Laurens...." I introduced myself, still confused "Well! me and John will continue to get to know each other outside!" George says happily, the girl-Which I assumed was Angelica stared at me, amazed "This is the first time George got along with someone so quickly, you are a gifted boy John Laurens." She smiled warmly before going back to glaring Hamilton.

George pulled me out of the room and slammed the door behind us "Okay what is going on?" I ask, confused "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, that little charade we put on.." I say, crossing my arms, he sighed "Okay, they can't know I was already here the first time we mean't."

"Why?" I ask

"Because I was supposed to be at School." He says

"Well, you skipped! It happens sometimes..." I reassured him, he raised a brow.

"A school in Japan."

"Oh my God how the hell did you come back here on your own?" I say, shocked and amazed at the boy "I have my ways." He shrugged "That's why it's important that you don't tell them I was here before."

"Yeah 'kay." I say, I turned around towards the sound of the ruckus back at the room "So...those are your parents?" I ask.

"Nope, Angelica took me in and King George is Angelica's friend so Martha made them Hammie's Godparents, they aren't in a relationship though- King is gay af." He says "His name is King?"

"Well, not exactly- But he is called 'King' in his company and we got used to calling him that, but his name is George, like me." I nodded in understandment.

Huh, I didn't expect to learn this much about Hamilton today.

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