Maria Lewis

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A/N: Okay so I messed up, Maria's last name isn't 'Reynolds' from now on 'kay? it's 'Lewis'-I'll edit the previous chapters if I have time, and also-All your comments are appreciated, they give me motivation to continue writing this book so thank you for those who commented! I hope you guys keep commenting!


"Good morning asshole!" I chirped happily and took a bite of Hamilton's scrambled eggs as he was reading the newspaper "What the fuck!?"

I sat down infront of him and started eating "Why are you eating?"

"Because i'm hungry, Duh~" I said in a matter-of-fact tone, he glared at me as always "Why are you eating with me?"

"Is it wrong to eat with you?" I ask innocently

"I prefer to eat alone."

"Oh, that's why you don't have a girlfriend."

"Fuck you."

"Sorry i'm straight."

He ignored my statement and continued eating, I ate infront of him -quite loudly I may add- and after a while only one hotdog was left, I was about to get it when I saw Hamilton trying to get it too.

We both stopped midway.

I glared at him, in which he returned the gesture, I readied my fork, he did the same.

The tension was rising, the fight for the last hotdog will begin.

"That's mine, brat." He hissed

"No. It's mine, asshole." I snarled

I charged for the last hotdog, and he did the same, but when our forks reached the plate, the plate broke into pieces, and guess what?

The hotdog was gone.

"Where the hell is the frickin' ho--"

"Mm, Yum." A new voice said.

I turned to the unfamiliar voice and saw a child, he had jet black hair and chocolate skin, his eyes looked dull yet it had a hint of mischief, he wore a tiny gray suit and had gray pants to top it off.

"You." Hamilton hissed at the child, Damn, this man is rude to everyone.

"Hello to you too, Hammie." He smirked and sat on the table "Who's this?" He said, noticing me. A look of confusion in his eyes "Are these one of the orphans you took in?"

"Unfortunately, yes." He sighed as I rolled my eyes "You two seem close." The child said bluntly

"Close? with this Loser? Hah!" I laughed, the child looked amused "I qlike him already," He commented.

"The name's George, George Eacker." He said and shook my hand "Don't you mean George 'Schuyler'?"

"Eacker." He concluded, glaring at Hamilton.

Hamilton shrugged and continued eating, I finished my plate and stood up "That was a nice meal, Welp! gotta go to school!" I grinned and grabbed Hamilton's cup of coffee and drank it all before dashing away.



"Mornin' Maria!" I greeted the girl before sitting down next to Herc, Me and the gang had the same schedule so we practically have all our classes together, she smiled at me and brought out her textbook, in which I did the same, Herc brought out his laptop that he won from the lottery, some luck right?

"Alright Class! we have a new student attending, be nice to her alright?" Professor John Adams said before ushering the girl from the door inside.

"Hi! my name is Margarita Schuyler! But you can call me Peggy!" She grinned happily.


Oh my God.

When she first stepped in the classroom I could've sworn my heart stopped, she walked gracefully to the center, her long, curly locks bouncing as she took a step to the center, she faced the room and Wow.

I could stare at her eyes all day long, her lips were so kissable! her cheeks, I wanna pinch it so bad!

"Hi! my name is Margarita Schuyler! But you can call me Peggy!" She grinned happily, she looked so beautiful....

I resist the urge to kiss her right there. But I couldn't, not because we just met but because of the fact that...

I haven't come out yet.

Nobody knows i'm gay, nobody knows I swing that way. Not even my closest friends, it's not that I didn't trust them enough, it was because I was afraid of rejection.

I couldn't handle another rejection, not after that happened.

"Please take a seat besides Ms. Maria Lewis," I hear the professor say, I came to my senses and raised my hand so that she would know who I was. She walked towards me.


She smiled.


"Hello there!"

'Maria.exe stopped working.'

"U-u-u-u-uh H-h-h-hi..?" I managed to stutter out, i'm probably as red as a tomato right now, she giggled "Your cute."


"O-o-oh, T-thank you, your p-pretty cute too..." I mumble back, she smiled and sat down next to me, inching closer  until our shoulders were touching.


"That sounded really nice, coming from you Maria." She winked.

She winked.

She frickin winked.

And the way she said my name, God, it sounded so beautiful coming out of her lips.

Class started after that.

But instead of listening to the teacher, I focused on Peggy instead.

Way to state the obvious Maria.


"Hey Maria, do you know where this room is?" Peggy said as we left the room, I looked at her schedule and found out that we had the exact same schedule.

it's destiny!

"We have all our classes together!" Peggy suddenly exclaimed when she glanced my schedule, I nodded frantically as she held my arm and walked to our next class.

'Calm your hormones, Maria- this is all platonic.'

'But my gaydars going wild! she's definitely gay'

'Don't celebrate just yet, you just met her!'

My thoughts were interrupted by Peggy "Mar? are you okay?" Aww she even came up of a nickname for me "I'm fine....Pegs"

She beamed happily and gripped my arm tighter as we walked to our next class.

I hope this day never ends.


It was finally lunchtime. Peggy asked if she could come sit with us and I agreed, we both went to the cafeteria and saw John and the others waving us to come over.

I waved back at them and gently pulled Peggy towards the table. I sat dowb, Peggy sat besides me, the other's smiled warmly at her "Hey! Peggy right? i'm John, John Laurens." He grinned at her.

"My name is Samuel Seabury," Sam said as he shook her hand "James Madison." James mumbled loud enough for us to hear.


"HERC! PLEASE! Can you stop doing that everytime we meet someone new? You're gonna scare her off!" John cutted him up, Herc gave a bored shrug and sat back down, Peggy giggled "You guys seem fun. Well, I think you already know me but I'll say it again-I'm Peggy."

"You say," Samuel trailed off "Schuyler us your last name? as in Schuyler industries? Schuyler Mart, Schuyler--"

"Yes, Yep, and Yeah, we own them all." Peggy stated boringly. Wow, they are loaded.

"Damn, and Hamilton was rich..." John mumbled besides me, but I was who seemed to hear, I decided not to comment about it.

"Is it good? to be rich?" Samuel suddenly asked "Huh? Um, Yes? Why do ask? aren't you guys rich too?" All except Peggy laughed "Why are you guys laughing? if you guys weren't rich then where did you get the money to study here? not that I have anything against it but I'm just curious..."

"We're scholars." John answered happily, Peggy looked a bit surprised, but said "I guess that's reasonable." We continued talking after that.

What a nice day.

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