Work! Work!

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A/N: sorry for the lack of updates! a lot of things are happening in school.


When school ended, me and Herc headed straight to the Cafe. When we got in, Martha greeted us with a smile "Hey boys!"

"Heeey~" I grinned happily and went to the 'Room' where we did everything and changed to my uniform, Hercules coming in after me.

We stripped and wore our uniforms, our back facing each other "Hey Herc can you help me with the tie?"

"Sure bud," He said and neared me, fixing my tie "Can you tie my bandana?"

"Already on it." I smiled and placed my hands on the back of his head, tying his bandana while he fixed my tie, our faces inches apart.

We didn't really care about the closeness, we've been friends for as long as I can remember, and we practically treat each other as brothers. And besides, I am straight.

We pulled away from each other afterwards and left the room, eager to start working.


"Okay one Caramel Macchiato coming up!" I grinned at the teen who shyly smiled back, I told Martha her order and started taking the other customers.

"Okay Herc, take care of the customers- I'll help Martha for a while." I said and dashed off, leaving Herc, who was groaning quite loudly.


"Okay Herc, take care of the customers- I'll help Martha for a while." John said as he dashed off, leaving me to suffer, I groaned loudly and started serving the other customers, who were rapidly increasing every minute "Damn it John.." I gritted my teeth, trying to catch my breath, I hear the familiar sound of the wind chimes and turned around to greet them but-


"Ah! Hercules! Mon ami! I hope you don't mind, a brought a couple friends here too." He grinned as the two people behind him waved at me, they looked familiar, one had poofy hair while the other had no hair at all "O-oh, it's fine." I stuttered "Let me take you to your seats." I led them to an empty table

"What would you like in this fine day gentlemen?" I smiled flirtatiously, Where did that come from? Lafayette had a tiny bit of pink in his cheeks but smirked "I--"

"I want you." Poofy hair said and suddenly grabbed my ass, resulting me to squeak loudly "E-eek!"

"T-THOMAS!" Lafayette screamed

"Sweet Jesus," Baldy said breathlessly

"HEY! JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" Martha screamed and stomped towards us, pulling me out of poofy's grasp "Relax, I just squeezed his ass, no harm done." Poofy hair shrugged


"M-martha! Please calm down! i-it was an a-a-a-accident...?" I tried defending him but it came out more like a question "Accident?! This pervert fucking squeezed your ass!" Martha growled

"Martha, Were making a scene..." I mumbled to her, she widened her eyes and looked around to see a crowd surrounding us, mumbling and taking photos and videos, she looked horrified.

Oh no! we might lose customers if we keep making scenes like this!

"Ey yo yo yo yo yo!" A familiar voice butted in, all the attention turned to the voice and I saw John on top of a table, looking at me straight in the eye "WHAT TIME IS IT?" I immediently catched up to what he was trying to do and jumped on one of the nearby tables screaming "S-Showtime!"

We ended up singing our asses off to entertain the customers, they seemed to enjoy the series of shows and forgot about the incident, after a few hours the customers left, leaving only a few ones and Lafayette with his friends.

It was closing time.

"Mon ami, I am so sorry." Lafayette apologized, holding my hands and repeatedly saying 'sorry' on his knees "A-ah, Lafayette it's fine..." I tried to convince him, but he didn't stop apologizing.

"Yeah Laf chill out." John chuckled "And if anyone should be apologizing, it should be Thomas fucking Jefferson here."

"I'm hurt." Jefferson said, dramatically posing.

"Lafayette, really, please stop..." I said awkwardly, he stood up and bowed once again before saying 'sorry' for one last time.

"Alright, i'll let this go- for now." Martha grunted beforr handing us our checks "Here's todays pay you guys," She smiled before glaring at Jefferson "I'll see you tomorrow."

We left the cafe after saying our goodbyes, Lafayette offered to ride us home when we seperated from his two friends who's name were Burr and Jefferson.

He dropped us infront of the mansion, John insisted he goes in first and practically dashes away, I awkwardly stand infront Lafayette, scratching the back of my head "Thanks for dropping us off, Lafayette..." I smiled nervously, he returned the expression and held my hand, pulling it closer to his mouth "Anytime, Mon chèri," He said before kissing it, I blush slightly "Again, I deeply apologize in behalf of Jefferson, his actions were...Unacceptable," He gritted his teeth.

"It's fine, Laf." I giggled, only to realize what I said "W-wait I'm sorry! I-it slipped--"

"Non, non! It's fine Mon chèri!" He cutted me off, am I just seeing things or is that a small blush I see? "I like it, it's cute."

I was probably as red as a tomato "I-i'm g-glad L-l-l-laf!" I stuttered out, he chuckled before he slowly leaned towards me, kissing me on the cheek, his warm lips softly pressed on my cold skin "Au revoir, Mon chèri." He said as he went inside his car and drove off, leaving me frozen in place, flustered, helpless, and confused.

How did I- Hercules Mulligan, the most calm and collected person of the group. The toughest, manliest, and strongest man in my school, one of the school heartthrobs. Feel so weak around one guy?

I squealed and slapped both my cheeks, biting my lips.

What is happening with me?

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