The Billionaire cares

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a/n: im frickin sick-also, warning; rape attempt

-3rd person POV

John felt only one thing, Fear.

John kept running, he wasn't just afraid of Alexander, he was afraid of something he didn't even know what. Rain drenched his clothing, his feet splashing in the water underneath him.

He remembered what happened between him and Alexander before he ran away, he felt like that happened before in his past, but he couldn't seem to remember what.

John then realized what was happening, then got even more scared if possible. He didn't know where he was, he was lost.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" An evil voice whispered, he hitched a gasp when he saw 7 people surrounding him, obviously thugs "Little lamb lost in the rain?"

"Leave me alone." John tried to sound brave, but he was too weak to fight. Fear filled his veins, the thugs laughed at him "Trying to act brave? little lamb? How cute."

One of the thugs tried to grab his arm, but John instantly punched him in the face, causing the man to groan in pain and fall the ground, creating a loud splash.

John then felt a strong impact in his abdomen, he screamed in pain, falling to his knees "Careful, little lamb- I wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face." He cooed.

"Hey, this one's feisty! He's a keeper alright!" The man he punched stood up from the ground, a devious smirk on his face "We'll keep 'em, but i'll let you morons have a bit of fun with him."

The thugs erupted into cheers "Did you hear that little lamb? You get to play with us!"

John felt hands grab his arms "L-let me go! s-stop!"

(warning: attempt of rape starting)

He gasped when he felt a hand slip inside his shirt "N-NO! S-STOP! PLEASE!"

"Shh! quiet!" The man hissed and traced his fingers to the freckled man's waist. John shivered, tears falling down his greenish eyes, he felt someone suck on his neck, he thrashed around, trying to get out "Stop moving you brat!"

John let out a scream "SOMEBODY HELP ME--!" He was cut off when a hand covered his mouth "I told you to be quiet you bitch!"

John's eyes widened im horror when he felt someone removing his belt, he struggled to get free, but no avail.

Suddenly, John felt a strange feeling of deja vu.

He felt more scared then ever, tears fell down his eye like waterfalls, he tried to make some noise but he knew that no one would hear him, especially with the heavy rain.

He felt the man licking his neck start grinding at him from behind, John felt utterly disgusted as the man started to let out a shaky moan. Suddenly, the thug that was preventing him from making a sound placed his fingers inside of John's mouth.

The freckled boy choked, tears fell down his eyes. The man started thrusting his fingers down to John's throat, making the younger boy have a hard time to breath.

His pants were suddenly stripped down from him, John let out a muffled scream and struggled harder to break free. He felt the rain drip down to his thighs, the cold air making his legs weaker every second.

John was loosing hope, but he doesn't want his life to end up like this. So, with his remaining strength, he bit the man's fingers, hard, making the man pull his fingers out "SHIT! THAT FUCKING HURT!"

John, with the tiniest bit of hope, screamed out in desperation "ALEXANDER!"

"Aw, is the lamb trying to call his boyfriend?" One of the thugs cooed "He won't help you slut, so stop resisting and surre--"


John widened his eyes at the familiar voice, he felt tears of joy replacing his tears of fear. He silently thanked the heavens for the miracle that was bestowed upon him.

There, stood infront of them in his almighty glory, was none other than Alexander Hamilton.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" The man grinding on John stopped, looking at Alexander in amusement, still holding onto the boy's waist "A wannabe hero huh? How cute." The thug roaming John's body stopped.

"Hmph, he seems familiar." The man removed his hands from John's shirt, facing Alexander with a curious look.

"Let him go and I'll consider letting you live." Alexander hissed with the scariest glare anyone could muster. The thug infront flinched, but glared back "What can you do?"

"Oh, you don't know what I'm capable of you assholes." Alexander smirked maniacally, his pupils widening.

"Hah! What's a small kid like you can do? You're outnumbered brat. Leave now if you don't want your suit to get dirtied." The thug infront said, a tint of nervousness in his voice.

Alexander raised a brow "Call me small, one more time."

The thug infront smirked "Sma---"


In the speed of lighting, the man was knocked unconscious, Alexander towering infront of him "one." He mumbled, looking at the thugs.

The thugs let out a gasp, the 5 of them let go of John while the other still hold onto the freckled man tightly "Oh, you just crossed the line old man," One of the thugs growled.

"No I didn't," Alexander said, clenching his fists "You did."

All the thugs simultaneously charged at small man, but Alexander wasn't fazed at all. He quickly punched the thug that was the nearest to him and kicked him in the head, knocking him out unconcious.


The other thug tried to kick him, but Alexander quickly went down and kicked him in the legs- resulting the man to fall down, his head hitting the ground hard, making him black out.


The other thug looked mortified "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" He charged towards Alexander and managed to punch him in the nose, Alexander groaned in pain but kicked him in the shin, resulting the man to scream and hold onto his groin in pain. Alexander quickly saw his chance and knocked the man unconcious with his knee.


The two thugs looked at each other before running towards Alexander in opposite sides, Alexander quickly stepped back, resulting both of the thugs to hit each other instead, knocking one of them unconcious, Alexander scoffed


When the other thug stood up, he was quickly kneed in the stomach, he groaned in pain as Alexander punched his face continuously, not giving him a chance to regain his posture. Alexander then gave him the final blow, making the thug black out.


Alexander sighed, and realized there was still one thug left.


When Alexander looked at John, he froze.

The thug holding him had a gun pointing to his head, a frightened look on his face "D-DON'T MOVE OR I'LL S-SHOOT!"

Alexander looked absolutely furious, he clenched his fist so hard it started to bleed, he gritted his teeth, but he softened when he saw John.

John had tears on the corner of his eyes, but he had a determined look on his face. John stared at Alexander with a 'I got this' look.

Alexander hesitated, this was a matter of life and death. Will he stand back and trust John to take care of this mess? Or will he make a move that might result to death.

So, Alexander stood still. He trusted that John will make the right move, after all- He believed in him.

Alexander nodded softly, staring at John with a determined look, John smiled and looked at the trembling man behind him "IF YOU WANT HIM TO LIVE THEN Y-YOU'LL LET ME GO!"

Alexander inhaled sharply, waiting for John's next move "WELL?!"

Alexander almost took action when the thug cocked his gun "WHAT'RE YOU WAITING FOR?!"

In an instant, John stepped on the man's foot hard. The man squeaked and lost his composure, he dropped his gun and held onto his foot, but by the time he realized he made a wrong move, it was too late.

John punched the man on his jaw "THAT'S FOR GRINDING ON ME YOU ASS!"

The man groaned in pain, but the pain got worse when John kicked him on the abdomen "THAT'S FOR LICKING MY NECK!"

The man looked up at John, but it was a wrong move.

John headbutted the man on his head, knocking him unconcious "AND THAT'S!.... For me." John panted, clenching his teeth.

John fell into his knees, the rain long gone. He closed his eyes, but then he felt his body being lifted into space.

He opened his eyes and saw Alexander carrying him bridal style. Alexander looked at him with a face filled with guilt and worry, but John was more worried about the black eye on his face.

John unconciously held Alexander's face, gently rubbing his black eye with his thumb, Alexander continued staring at him, leaning towards John hand "Y-you're hurt..." John muttered weakly, A tint of guilt on his voice.

"Don't worry about me, peaches.." Alexander cooed "Worry about yourself instead, I can't even imagine what horrible things they did to you.." He said worriedly "This was all my fault, I shouldn't have overreacted." He confessed, his voice breaking.

John continued draping his thumb across his bruised face, Alexander let out a shaky sigh, placing his hand on top of John's "'s my fault, I've gone to far when I said those lies during that interview, i'm sorry..." John sniffed, his eyes widening when he realized he has been crying.

"Shhh, don't cry peaches..." Alexander soothed "Don't worry, i've called for help. We'll be home soon.." Alexander said with a smile that seemed to calm all of John's nerves

"Home..." John smiled back, his eyes slowly closing as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

But he could've sworn he felt something warm connect on his forehead before he blacked out.


John awoked when he felt someone heavy throwing themself onto him.

"Gah!" John squeaked and jolted out of bed, pushing the person off him "Ow! that hurt!" He finally saw who it was, and it was no surprise when he saw Hercules smiling on him, all the worry and fear going away his eyes.

John glanced at the clock before glaring at him "Herc, it's 12:00 AM." He hissed, Hercules laughed in response.

"Oh, you're awake." Alexander said, going inside of the room "Good, cause everyone's been worried about you." He said as a bunch of familiar faces began to swarm the room "John! dear, are you feeling okay?" Martha said worriedly, rushing to John's bedside.

John felt himself smile "I'm fine Martha..." He said, glancing at Alexander- who was coughing uncontrollably "You got me worried there darlin'- I though you were a goner!" Jefferson flirted, though there was a tint of worry in his voice.

"JOHN WHY DO YOU KEEP SCARING ME LIKE THAT!?" Theodosia screamed when she entered the room, tears falling down her eyes.

John heard Aaron gasp when he saw Theodosia, John glanced at the man, who was staring at Theodosia with a lovestruck look on his face, he smirked then looked back at the red-faced woman "Sorry Theo, I'll try not to scare you next time."


"I promise, Geez calm down or else a certain millionaire is gonna lose interest on you."

Theodosia looked confused, but Aaron looked mortified, he glared at John, but the said man just laughed in response.

"I was really worried John..." Angelica said, frowning "I thought we lost you again..."

"Sorry Angie, i'll try not to make you guys worry again." John grinned nervously, but he saw Angelica smile a bit at the new nickname he called her.

"But atleast your back now." King said, sighing in relief.

"Son," George said, staring at John intently "Please be careful next time okay? Alexander won't always be there to rush after you when you run away." He scolded in a caring tone, John nodded in response.

"Yeah, it gets annoying that I have to be the one who chases after you in the rain, now I have to throw away a perfectly good suit." John's smile was replaced with a frown.

"It's not my fault you keep driving me away!" John hissed, glaring at him "Oh God." Angelica mumbled, placing her hand on her forehead "And you don't have to throw away that suit you know."

"I have too, it's drenched in rain, covered with dirt and is tainted with your hideous stench, and also- You should really lose some weight, you were really heavy." He groaned, but he lied at the heavy part, John weighed liked nothing to Alexander, and the older man knew he needed to gain some weight.

"Fuck you!" John hissed "I don't like you that way, Sorry." Alexander replied boringly.

John went flustered "You perverted old man! And it's no wonder I keep on running away! You always find a way to drive me insane!"

"Well it's not my fault you always find away to annoy the hell out of me! Especially that stunt you pulled on that fucking interview!"



"Here we go again.." Martha sighed, smiling worriedly "Aw, and I thought they were getting along too, especially when Alexander kissed John's forehead." George Eacker mumbled, a smirk on his face.



a/n: welp it looks like everything is back to normal.

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