Orphan takes care of Billionaire

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a/n: guys i made a hamilton oneshot book entitled 'freedom || hamilton oneshots' and im so happy cuz not only i get to write oneshots but i get to practice and explore my writing too-yayyy- anyways, enjoy the first actual fluff of this story.

-3rd person POV


"Shut up you brat, your making it worse." Alexander hissed, pulling the blankets to his chest.

"You should get sick more often, it suits you!" John laughed "You actually look adorable-No one would suspect how much of a devil you really are!"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Alexander screamed "Aw, don't you want little ol' John to take care of you?" John teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Get out right this instant, don't tempt me you brat--You'll regret it." Alexander threatened, glaring at him.

"Tempt you? Ohohoho Lord, care to elaborate Alexander?"

"I'll make you wear a nurse outfit and let you take care of me."

"Okay, point taken you perv." John frowned and took his backpack from Hamilton's bed "Well! See you after school asshole! don't forget to drink your medicines!"

"I hate you."

"I hate you too." John grinned and left, leaving Alexander in his pain.


"Aren't you gonna look after Mr. Hamilton?" Hercules asked as they walked towards the door.

"He'll live, he's got Mr. and Mrs. Washington to look after him, and besides- He's a grown man, he can take care of himself." John said as he opened the door "And there's so much more important things I should take care of, like school."

When John opened the door, he was surprised to see Martha and George all dressed up, he figured they will go somewhere but he thought wouldn't they stay and take care of Alexander?

"Ah! John! Hercules!" Martha smiled when she saw the two teenagers "Off to school?"

"Yes Mrs. Washington.." Hercules answered, smiling at them two "Well! Allow us to drive you towards school, it'll be better than walking." George insisted as he lead them towards his car.


"Um, Pardon me for asking Mrs. Washington, But where are the both of you going?" John asked, breaking the silence.

"Work, of course." Martha answered.

"But what about Alexander?" John asked again.

"What about him?" Martha said.

"Well, um... Who's gonna look after him?" John asked nervously, scratching his nape.

Martha smiled, touched by John's generosity, she knew that even though they both refuse to admit it, John and Alexander deeply cared for each other. Normally, Alexander wouldn't go after someone under a rain or a hurricane twice, but she saw there was no hesitation in Alexander's eyes when he ran after John that night yesterday.

"He can take care of himself." George replied, glancing at Martha with a mischievious eyes

Martha quickly caught up with his husband's act "Yeah, but I'm quite surprised."

John's shoulders tensed "How come?"

"I mean it's not everyday Alexander gets sick, this is his first time getting sick since we took him in." George said, glancing at John every now and then.

Hercules listened carefully, curious to what the couple are planning "W-what?" John said breathlessly.

"Well, I guess it's his fault for going under such heavy rain two times in a row." Martha said, emphasizing some words in her sentence.

Hercules finally caught up with their act and smirked "Mrs. Washington, I have a question." He asked innocently, though he could've sworn he saw Martha smirk a bit "Yes Hercules, Sweetie?"

"When was the last time Mr. Hamilton got sick?" He asked with fake curiousity in his voice, glancing at the oblivious freckled teen every now and then.

"Let's see... He hasn't been sick since his mom.." Martha frowned a bit "Well, he was 12 at that time, so..." Martha looked at the two boys at the back seat.

"11 years."

John choked on nothing "1-11 years?!" He screamed, his eyes widening- He quickly regained his posture and coughed. He was amazed by Alexander, for 11 years he managed to take care of himself without getting sick. Alexander truly was an amazing person.

"Yes, Alexander always kept himself healthy despite the fact that he practically works himself until he blacks out. He always ate his vegetables and drank his vitamins. He make sure he never stresses himself so he doesn't get himself sick, I'm sure he never imagined that there would come a day that he would run after a kid under such heavy downpour, twice." Martha said.

"So it's my fault..." John mumbled, frowning. Hercules glanced at him "Don't worry about him John, you have more important things to worry about, like school." Hercules said.

"He'll live, he's a grown man, he can take care of himself." Hercules continued spouting familiar words that came out once from John's mouth, trying to make him feel guilty.

"Hercules is right, and besides- if he needs help, he's got a bunch of workers that'll provide him with what he needs." George added, making John feel guiltier.

After a moment of silence, John finally came to a decision "George, please stop the ca--"

The car instantly came into a sudden stop.

"Is there something wrong Son?"

"Anything you need sweetie?"

"Something you need to go back to Jack?"

"Umm.." John was a bit surprised, but shook his head "Thank you the offer Martha, but i'm afraid this is far enough."

"What do you mean sweetie?" Martha asked sweetly "Um, Thank you for the offer again but I think i'll stay home and look after Alexander, I owe him that much." John said as he opened the door.

"But John, What about sch--"

"It can wait Herc, I've got more important things to take care of.." He said and stepped out, only to realize what he just said and looked back at his friend "And by i-important I mean f-finishing what I-I owe A-alexander before he uses it again to make me work for him for another m-month!" He said and ran away, not before slamming the door closed.

After a moment of silence, The three all fist bumped and laughed.

"Your plan worked, darling." Martha giggled, kissing his husband's cheek.

"What can I say?" George said proudly, turning his face so his lips would meet his wife's.

Martha giggled, until they heard a uncomfortable cough from behind him "O-oh! right! George, dear-- we are not alone." Martha said, flustered.

"R-right." George said and faced the blushing man behind them "Hercules, my boy-- I must say, you catch on pretty quickly." George said, trying to change the conversation.

"Well, even though I know John is quite smarter than me, I believe I have more common sense than he does." Hercules snorted "But to put it simply, John is probably the most oblivious man i've ever met."

Martha laughed "I can see that." She looked out the window "I hope their relationship takes a step forward because of this."

"Though I have to admit, John and Alexander would make a cute couple." George said as he finally drove away.

"Well, i'm not sure if the both of them swing that way, but I do like the thought of them being together." Martha commented then looked at Hercules "What do you think, Herc?"

The said man smirked "I've shipped them since the beginning."


John quickly ran back to the mansion, when he reached it he went straight up to Alexander's room. He inhaled heavily then knocked.

"If your not Martha, then leave now or i'll shoot you out of New York using the same canon Lin-Manuel Miranda stole from the British."

John shuddered, he sounded so serious, he shooked his head, then opened the door "What the fuck did I just sa--Brat?"

"Yo." John waved awkwardly, sitting down on the edge of Alexander's bed "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"Well your supposed to be at work so..."

"Brat, Don't sass me." Alexander hissed, John sighed "I decided to stay and take care of you because if you hadn't ran after me during that rain last night i'd probably be a sex toy by now." John said, shivering at the thought.

"Well don't bother, I can take care of myse-- W-what are you doing?" Alexander froze when John placed his forehead to his "Your temperature is really high,"

John pulled away, not noticing the blush on Alexander's cheeks "Would you prefer Coffee or Milk?"

"Neither." Alexander said stubbornly.

"Coffee it is." John grinned and left to get his drink.


John came back a few minutes later with a cup of delicious coffee "Careful, it's hot."

"Way to state the obvious brat." Alexander said, grabbing the cup.

"Don't make me regret this Alexander." John hissed as he watched Alexander drink the coffee, only to spit it out "What the heck?! It's too bitter!"

"What? Really? But I asked the girl to add more sugar!" John exclaimed as he grabbed the cup from Hamilton and drank it "Oh your right, it is bitter- I'll be back, I just need to add more sugar in thi--Alexander?" John was cutted off when he saw how flustered Alexander was.

"You desperate fool." He said "What? What'd I do--"

"You drank on the exact same spot I drank on!" Alexander exclaimed, John went red. They practically just shared an indirect kiss. Alexander smirked "You know if you wanted me to kiss you, you could've just aske--"



John came back again after he fixed Alexander's coffee "Here, it tastes better now."

John tried to hand him over the cup of coffee but Alexander was too stubborn to take it "Stop acting like a stubborn child, Alexander."

"Okay since when have you started calling me by my name? Have you lost all respect brat?" Alexander hissed.

"What? I like your name, I think it's adorable Alexander~" John teased

"Don't call me by my name, it's weird." Alexander said, crossing his arms.

"But Alex~"

"Okay you're starting to creep me out." Alexander shuddered, John rolled his eyes and forcefully handed him his coffee "Drink this."

Alexander sighed and drank the cup of coffee "It's still bitter."

"You ungrateful twit, can I atleast get a thank you--What are you doing?" John said when he saw Alexander getting up from bed "Work."

"Oh no you don't." John hissed and pushed him back so he was laying down "H-hey s-stop pushing me-ACHOO!" Alexander sneezed.

John stared at him, then started giggling uncontrollably "What are you giggling about?"

"Y-you're sneeze...I-it's too adorable!" He laughed, making Alexander flustered "Y-you! Sh-shut up! I-i'm going to w-work!" Alexander said and was about to stand up when John suddenly held both of his shoulders and pushed him back to bed "Now wh--"

"You are not leaving this fucking bed do you understand me Alexander?" John said sternly with a stare that could put even the devil himself into his knees in fear.

"Yes!" Alexander squeaked out, shrinking.

"Good." John smiled, stepping away from him.

"But I really need to finish my work! I'm already past my deadline!" Alexander begged "Please! I'll only write a few more papers!"

John raised a brow "How many?"


"Oh no you won't." John said, crossing his arms "Please~" Alexander pleaded, using puppy dog eyes on him.

"I ain't falling for those eyes Alexander, No means no." John said sternly, his mind already made up.

Alexander sighed in defeat, already starting to stress out about his work. John noticed this and felt worried for the older man. So, he finally came up with a conclusion.

"I'll write those papers as long as you get some rest is that okay with you?"

Alexander was shocked "W-what?" John sighed "You heard me."

"N-no way! What if you do something wrong? What if everything you wrote is a mess? What if--"

"Oh shush Alexander, I've written so many essays and stories before I'm practically an expert." John cutted him off.

"I want it to be written perfectly you brat." Alexander said "And i'm not sure if perfect is in your dictionary."

"Trust me--"

"Trust you?! How do you expect me to trust you?"

"I have a scholarship in my school Alexander, I have perfect A's in my grade and I never miss any classes except for today and yesterday, and besides, it's not like you have much of a choice anyway."

Alexander bit his lip "Trust me, Alexander."

"Can you stop calling me by my name? it sounds weird coming out of you mouth." Alexander lied, he actually liked how John says his name. It sounded more special coming out from him, but of course, he lets his pride do all the talking instead.


"So what?"

"Do you trust me?" John said, looking at Alexander intently "Fine." He replied "I trust you."



John then came back from Alexander's office carrying a pile of papers, he placed them on Alexander's desk then sat down on a chair "So, Alexander--What should I write?"

"You don't even know what the theme is? I changed my mind, I'll do it." Alexander insisted, only to be glared by John "What're these papers for anway?"

"This is for a new article i'm making." Alexander said "Your a writer?"

"I'm many things. That's what made me a billionaire, I can be a writer, a director- Heck, I can even be a lawyer."

"Are you a lawyer?"


John sighed "What's the theme?"

"The theme is about Defending Homosexuality."

John flinched. He suddenly felt curious, what did he think about homosexuality?

He wasn't really fond of the topic but he didn't really disliked it either. But he knew that in the Bible, Homosexuality was considered wrong. So how was he going to defend something that was already considered wrong in the bible?

He didn't really mind about Herc having a crush on Laf, but now-thinking about it, does he feel disgusted? And what about Francis? She was a homosexual, but did he hate her?

John thoughts was cut off by Alexander "Are you okay?" John snapped out of it "Y-yeah..."

"Are you uncomfortable with this topic?" Alexander asked "No! I was just thinking..."

"Are you against homosexuals?" Alexander asked curiously "I don't know..I never really thought much about it until now, I don't really know how I feel about it.."

"Care to elaborate?"

(warning; mentions about sexuality and christianity::: im not trying to offend anyone okay? im completely fine with homosexuals)

"Well, I mean.. It was said in the bible that liking someone of the same sex was wrong and is punishable by going to hell... But it was also said in the bible that we are free to love who we want to love right?" John started.

"I mean, i'm not against homosexuals--and i'm not against God either, but what if there are some people who can't control their feelings? To be honest I don't think someone just becomes gay, lesbian, bisexual or whatever gender they are-- I believe they change sexualities because they fall inlove." John continued.

"I agree that homosexuality is a bit wrong but does the people have any choice? They fell inlove for goddamn sake! And I think...I think..." John trailed off.

"I think homosexual love is the best kind of love because...You are actually sacrificing a big part of yourselves for your lover, You are willing to go through such lengths just to be with the one you love...now that..that is true love.." John smiled, unconciously saying what was on his mind, and when he finally realized what happened- Alexander was already applauding him.

"Well said, brat.." He said, amazed "Well said.."


Five hours later John was finally finished writing the article, and he was quite proud of his work. He glanced at Alexander, who was fast asleep in his bed, he walked near him and placed his forehead with his.

Alexander was still hot. John sighed and decided to get him some soup, he went out of the door and asked one of the employees to get him some soup and a wet towel.

John then finally got what he asked for and went back to the room, he placed the soup in the nightstand and the towel in Alexander's forehead "Hey.. Wake up Alexander, you need to eat.."

Alexander groaned and slowly opened his eyes "Brat?" Alexander sat down carefully so the towel on his forehead won't fall "Here, eat some soup." John said and took a spoon filled with soup.

"I'm not hun--" He was cut off when John fed him gently "What did I just sa--Wait, it actually taste good." He said "Feed me more."

"Already on it." John grinned and continued feeding him "I finished the article by the way."

"Can I read it?" Alexander asked "Sure," John smiled "After you get better."

"Goddamn it brat." Alexander hissed "Just eat your soup Alexander."

"I can eat it by myself thank you very much." Alexander said, grabbing the bowl of soup, though a part of him wanted to let John feed it to him "Can you stop acting like a stubborn child and let me take care of you?!" John scolded, glaring at him.

"I don't need you to take care of me, i'm fine on my own- In fact, I feel much worse with you here, so can you just leave?" Alexander said coldly, placing the soup in the nightstand.

"You ungrateful bastard." John hissed and stood up "I can't believe I actually skipped school for you, your such an asshole, I thought this was a good chance to let me make it up to you for running after me under that heavy rain but I was wrong." John said "It's your fault for driving me away, and for carelessly running after me."

"So doing something right is my fault? Your the ungrateful bastard, I ran after you, I saved you from those people- I got sick for you." Alexander defended.

"Well that's because it was your fault for driving me away in the first place!" John screamed "I can't believe you, I thought you were actually changing into a good person. But I was wrong, your still that same inconsiderate man I loathe so much. I fucking h--"

"You hate me? Well no shit sherlock your just one of the hundred people who hate me." Alexander growled "That makes you no different from the rest."

"Then why do you let people hate you?" John asked "Because if there's hate, there is fear too, and where there's fear, so is order."

"So your fine with people hating you?" John asked yet again, his voice breaking. Alexander hesitated and looked away from the boy "I'm completely fine with it, everyone in this world can hate me for all I care."

"But why?" John hiccupped, and as Alexander expected, the child was already in the verge of tears, Why does he cry so much? why does he shed tears for a person he hates? "Why do you let people hate you? don't you feel hurt?"

Alexander really doesn't get this kid at all, why did he care so much? Why does he have such a big heart even to those who don't deserve it? "Why do you care so much?" Alexander asked unconciously.

"I care because it's sad Alexander.." He replied, a tear falling from his eye. Alexander hated this, he just can't understand it, but today, he was finally going to.

Alexander pulled John in his bed, he crawled on top of the teen, pinning his wrists down "A-alexander?"

"Why? Why do you care so much?" He asked, staring at John intently "Let me g-go Alexander..."

"Why do you shed tears for me, and why does it affect me so much?" Alexander asked yet again, ignoring John's pleads.

"L-let me go right now Alex!" John screamed, tears falling down his eyes "I-i'll stay out from your life from now on.. I'll stop bothering you, just let me go.."

"That's the problem," Alexander's grip tightened "You've entered my life and it's already too late to leave, no matter how hard I try to get you out i'm the one suffering in the end."

"Let me up A-Alexander..." John tried pushing him, but no avail- he felt weak under his gaz, tears fell from his eyes- But then he felt Alexander let go of his wrists and wiped the tears from his face "Why do you cry for me? and more importantly, why has it gotten to me?"

Alexander stared at John with such caring eyes "I've hardly even met you and yet I already want to protect you with all my might..."

John stared at him, shocked. His heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was gonna leap out from his chest. He felt so..Helpless.

"It's just...I feel so sad knowing your fine with people disliking you.." John said "B-but I hardly even know you.. And to make it worse the Washington's aren't even your real family- so maybe you grew cold because of your rough childhoo--"

"Quiet. Don't go there, you have no right to cross that line." Alexander hissed "Then give me the right."

"Why should I? What makes you so special? What makes you any different from the others?"

"Because I want to be here for you Alex, I want to be there and console you, I wanna care for you- I want to be someone you can trust, someone who'll be there for you, I want to be your friend." John admitted, staring at him. Determination filled his veins.

Alexander continued caressing John's face, wiping all his tears away. He finally stood up and unbuttoned his clothes "A-alex? w-what're you doing?"

"Undressing. You should probably start taking off your clothes too."

John went red "A-Alexander I can't do this! I-i'm too young! and our age differences--And I don't even like you that way! Heck- I'm not even sure if I swing that way either! I--"

"You perverted child, I just want to sleep with you- I want to experience sleeping with someone half naked, I heard you'll sleep better that way." Alexander cutted him off, making John more flustered than he already was.

"But i-isn't that what married c-couples do?" John asked nervously, Alexander looked a bit surprised "Oh, So that explains why only Martha and George told me that... Oh well, too late. I wanna try it-Now, strip."

"You do realize that sounded so wrong on so many levels?"

"Yep, but who cares. You wanted to be my friend right?" Alexander asked as he removed his pants, leaving him in his boxers.

John smiled and removed his shirt, same with his pants until he was finally stripped to his boxers "Yeah."

Alexander smiled, an actual smile which sent butterflies to John's stomach. Meanwhile, Alexander was trying so hard not to stare at John too much "You really don't have anything going on." Alexander lied.

"Oh shut up."

Alexander laid down on his bed and pulled John to his chest, warming each other up "Your warm.."

John on the other hand, never imagined that he would be cuddling with a billionaire in some point of his life, their naked torsos touching each other. He never felt so embarrassed in his life "Console me."


"Touch me, Hug me. Make me feel nothing but warmth from you.."


"You wanted to care for me right? Then please do it.."


"Hold me John."

John hitched a gasp, Alexander didn't call him a brat, a twit, or anything else. He called him by his name, his actual name. And it sounded so good coming out from his mouth, he felt so warm on the inside, his heart was beating in an irregular pace, his mind was so clouded.

John was blushing 50 shades of gra--red. He placed his arm on Alexander's waist and if possible, pulled himself even closer to Alexander "Is this right Alexander? Am I holding you right?"

"Brat, is it possible to hold someone wrong?"

Well that escalated quickly "Asshole, to think you're actually going to start calling me by my name." John frowned, looking up at Alexander's face.

"Don't get too cocky, your still a brat." Alexander said, carresing John's thighs.

Meanwhile, John was preventing himself from moaning "W-way to ruin the mood you dick."

"Mood? What mood?" Alexander smirked, leaning closer to John, the freckled boy didn't move, if he moved even for an inched they'd be exchanging salivas "You really are a brat."

"Just shut up and go to sleep you ass."



Martha, George and Hercules all arrived home. Martha decided to pick Hercules up from school and go home together, but what they didn't expect was a huge crowd surrounding Alexander's room.

"What is going on here? What has happened?" Martha asked worriedly, making the crowd scatter and back to their workplaces. Only Jefferson, Burr and a few others stayed.

"Oh nothing much, just watching some good ol' gay porn." Jefferson answered.

"WHAT?!" Martha instantly barged into the room, only to see her son and John cuddled up to each other wearing nothing but boxers "Good Lord, I prayed there relationship would take a step forward but I didn't mean it to go this far!" Martha gasped.

"Calm down hun, let's not assume things. We'll just ask Alexander when he wakes up." George said "Surely he has a good enough explanation for this, he's a grown man, he knows better. He has decency you know."

"And knowing John, he isn't gonna let things like this happen pretty quickly." Herucules reassured, making Martha sigh in relief.

"Let's just hope for the best."



Alexander wouldn't stop laughing.

"Shut the fuck up Alexander, this is all your fucking fault." John glared at him from Alexander's bed, his hands gripping the sheets tightly.

"How is it my fault?" Alexander asked, trying to contain his laughter.


Alexander smirked "You liked it though."

"Oh please."

"Just so you know, I sleep naked every friday." Alexander smirked "Well not today Alexander, you'll be sleeping with me." John said, glaring at Alexander, who just grinned and nodded in response.

"Well, as a friend of yours." John smiled a bit at his statement "I'll skip work and take care of you too."

Alexander smiled and placed his forehead on top of John's "So, Coffee or Milk?"


"Coffee it is."

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