The Orphan Maid

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a/n: i'll try and start dedicating chapters from now on. But I'll mention them here just in case.

this chapter is dedicated to SmolJohnL

-3rd person view

"Look Alex, I can't work for you today- I need to go at my real job and work there or else I'll get fired! it's already been weeks since I last came!" John exclaimed, trying to pry Alexander off him, who was currently clinging on his arm, a bored look on his face.

"You don't have to work there you know, you have all the money you need right here." Alexander said boringly, laying down on John's lap "Just stay here and play friends with me."

"I can't just leave my job, I like working there, and besides- Martha needs us."

"Martha? my adoptive mother doesn't need you." Alexander raised a brow, clearly confused "No, that's the name of the woman who owns that place."

"Oh." Alexander said, dumbfounded "Well, you don't have to go." He said, closing his eyes "Alexander, please..."

"Stay?" Alexander begged with puppy dog eyes.

"Hey..." John averted his gaze, only to look back at him when Alexander held his chin and made him face him "Hey?"

Alexander leaned closer, his hand still on John's chin, John gulped then gently pushed Alexander away from him before standing up from the couch.

"I-I have so much work to do..."


John sighed as he made his way towards the Cafe, Hercules walking besides him. He figured that since it was a Saturday he could make it up with the work he lost since he was absent for so long.

"John! I haven't seen you in a while, Welcome back! I hope your feeling better." Martha smiled as she pulled John into a gentle hug.

"Thanks Martha." John smiled at the pale woman infront of him, scratching his nape "Well, let's not waste anymore time! We have so much work to do! Especially since today is--"

"The Revolution Cafe's 15th Anniversary." Francis cutted her off, smirking.

"That is so cool!" Hercules grinned "Happy Anniversary!" John greeted the empty Cafe, patting all the tables.

"And, we have a very special tradition during this particular day." Martha smiled, but the mischevious glint on her eyes say otherwise.

"What is it?" Hercules asked curiously.

"Well...." Martha trailed off.

"What?" John asked.

"Every anniversary, we turn this butler Cafe into...."

Martha and Francis simultaneously pulled two outfits from behind their backs that seemed to be the same size of the two men.

(guys place your guesses here)


John as Hercules watched at the costumes in horror, fear filled their veins, eyes widening in shock.

"N-no way in HELL i'm wearing t-that!" Hercules shivered, stepping back in fear.

"I'D RATHER KISS HERCULES THAN WEAR THAT--T-THAT T-THING!" John screeched "You mean kiss Mr. Hamilton?"

"Oh yes, you've already applied for this job, and there's no going back." Francis smirked deviously, nearing him.

"I am not doing this."


"I can't believe I'm doing this."

John inhaled sharply, trembling as Martha zipped the dress "Oh shush! You look so beautiful John!" Martha complimented.

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?" John raised a brow, looking at her "Well, yes."

John looked at the mirror, eyeing himself- He looked so weird, and he felt weird but strangely comfortable. He shooked away his thoughts,

remember John, this is just for the job, for Martha.

John sighed and averted his gaze to Hercules, who was gripping his dress uncomfortably "I look so fucking ugly."

"Suprisingly, you actually look good in those clothes- I'm jealous, I look like shit." John said, Hercules rolled his eyes

"Oh please you look so goddamn gorgeous with those clothes! No one would ever expect your a man!" Hercules exclaimed, standing up.

"Boys, can we just agree that you both slay on those outfits?" Martha snickered, John and Hercules sighed "Can we just sing or something for the anniversary? I look like a dried prune in these clothes."

"Oh no! This is the day where a LOT of people come to see the Cafe! And with you two wearing those clothes we'll be fully packed in no time!" Martha exclaimed, pulling Herc and John out of the closet.

"A-A lot?" John whimpered, his pupils widening "Yep, a lot."

"So boys! You know what time is it?" Martha grinned, changing the sign from closed to open.

"7:30 am?"

Martha rolled her eyes and opened the doors widely.

"It's Showtime."


The Cafe was already piling with customers as soon as it opened, wolf whistling at both John and Hercules as they welcome them inside.

"Damn it, there's a lot of people here..." John breathed out, sweat pouring down his face.

"Martha wasn't lying when she said a lot." Hercules repled breathlessly, drinking a glass of water.

"Well, time to get back to work." John said as he made his way towards the customers, a tired smile plastered on his face.


"Jefferson let me go this instant." Alexander glared at the man pulling him towards a seemingly loaded shop.

"Don't be such a goddamn killjoy Hamilton and try and enjoy life for once in a while, and besides- You will love it here, i'm sure of it." He smirked knowingly, running a hand through his poofy hair.

"I don't like where this is going.." Alexander mumbled uncomfortably, averting his gaze back to his car.

"Trust me, Mon ami, you will definitely like where this will be going once you find out who your gonna see." Lafayette wiggled his brows, walking towards the shop enthusiastically.

"This better be good." Alexander glared at the three men infront of him "Oh Yes, it will be good, the goodest shit you will ever see." Burr smirked.

"You do realize goodest isn't a real word?"


Alexander sighed as they neared the shop, Alexander looked up at the sign.

"...'Revolution Cafe' Huh?" He muttered as he looked at the three men who were already making there way inside.

"Sounds good enough to me."


John felt all the hair in his skin rise up.

"Why do I have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen?" John muttered to Hercules, who was wiping the the glassware "Your being to paranoid- Nothing is going to happe--"

"Hercules?! Mon ami where are you?!"

"EEEEEEK!" Hercules let out an unmanly scream and jumped on top of the counter to the other side and hid under a desk, clutching his dress.

John then hid inside the closet, his heart beating so fast "W-what're they doing here?"

"Alright, so what's so good about this filthy ol' place anyway?"

John froze at the familiar voice, he felt himself tremble, he clutched the his dress tightly. Stop acting like a pussy John and do your fucking job, who cares what he thinks? this is all for the sake of Martha.

He took a deep breath then came out of the closet proudly, he held his head high, his chest out, he glanced at the four, only to see the shocked look on their faces.

Hercules did the same, he stood up from the desk and slided on top of the counter to reach the other side.

Lafayette's jaw dropped "M-merde..." He cursed. He suddenly felt his pants tighten.

"Damn..." Jefferson too, for the first time-Was speechless, he couldn't think of a flirty remark.

"O-oh man..." Burr whispered breathlessly, not believing at what he was seeing, and he had to admit as a straight man he was shocked he found the scene infront of him quite arousing.

Alexander, on the other hand. Looked absolutely mortified, he gritted his teeth and tried to remove all the dirty thoughts on his mind. Keyword; tried.

Hercules and John both strutted towards them, a smile plastered on both their faces "Welcome to the 15th Anniversary of the Revolution Cafe!"

They all gulped, eyeing both the men hungrily like wild animals hunting their prey "Let us lead you towards your seat--" John saw Martha at the corner of his eye mouthing something, he blushed when he realized what but obliged "--Master"

Hercules snorted then started leading them towards an empty table. John and the others trailing behind him.

When they made it to the table, Lafayette was the first to snap out of his trance "A-ah, H-Hercules, M-mon Ch-chèri.. Y-you look absolutely..G-gorgeous, I-I-I..Wow.." Lafayette couldn't think straight, all he could think about was how Hercules looked so arousing with that get-up and how he wanted the said man to take him to bed and just fuck him sensele--

No. Stop thinking such amorous thoughts Marquis. He scolded himself, though a part of him still didn't listen to his wishes.

"You both look hot." Jefferson flirted, though he felt ashamed- Was 'hot' the best he could do? that's not even close to what he was trying to describe them.

"Thank you?" John thanked him, though it came out more of like a question.

Burr stayed quiet, not wanting to have a say on the situation. Instead, he kept his thoughts for himself.

"I'm impressed, You actually managed to pull off that kind of outfit Brat, You should keep wearing those kinds of clothes, I'd but some for you if you li--"

"NO THANK YOU!" John screamed, flustered, Hercules snickered as the freckled teen regain his composure "Well, putting that topic aside-- What would you like to order Masters?"

Alexander bit his lip, the way John said that word made him feel so hot. But it would've been better without the 's'

"How much do you cost?" Jefferson smirked, which earned a smack from Alexander "What the heck?!"

"Don't flirt with him you prick, you don't have the right." Alexander hissed, glaring at him with so much hatred.

"Who gives you the right to stop me Hamilton?" Jefferson glared back.

"I do."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm Alexander Hamilton."

Jefferson scoffed and looked at Herc "How bout you baby? You free tonight? Want Daddy to take you somewhere nice?"

Jefferson was instantly met with a punch in his face "WHAT THE FUCK LAF?!"

"Ne lui parle pas comme ça, connard!" (Don't talk to him that way you asshole!) He screamed, looking at him with eyes filled with bloodlust.

Jefferson shrunk back to his chair, he didn't understand anything about what he said but his glare and tone was enough for him to back down.

Aaron sighed.

"What's going on here?" Martha came with a worried expression on her face, but it turned instantly into a glare when he saw Jefferson "You."

Martha pulled John and Herc behind her "Causing my employees trouble again?"

"Ah, forgive him Mam.. He has mental problems." Burr smiled "NO I DON'T!" Jefferson defended, a blush on his cheeks.

"This is getting troublesome." Alexander gritted his teeth as he stood up "Mrs. Martha, John will be heading home early today is that okay with you?"

"W-what?" Martha and John asked in sync "I'm sorry, but you can't jus--"

"Here's 10,000 dollars as a token of appreciation for understanding."

"Okay, take him. He's all yours."

"WHAT?!" John screamed, looking at Martha with a look of betrayal in his face "I TRUSTED YOU!"

"I love you too." Martha smiled "And I know he won't hurt you, Herc has been telling me a lot of stories."

When John was about to speak, Alexander pulled him up and threw him over his shoulders "A-ASSHOLE PUT ME D-DOWN!"

"No way, your ass looks great in this position."


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