The Jealous Billionaire

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a/n: currently writing at my classmates house while cooking pancakes and wrappers for the booth. And now im home- i decided to go home early cuz we're just gonna have a program this afternoon. (i went home at  12:00pm)

This chapter is dedicated to amberboots



John stared at the girl infront of her, she looked so stressed, bags under her eyes "Please help me."

"I-it's the middle of the night..?" John chuckled, rubbing his eyes before yawning.

"C-can I ask a favor...?" She asked in a voice that was barely even audible, John raised a brow "Is this a legal matter?" He whispered cautiously "Yes! And it's important to me..."

"What do you need?"

"John your so much smarter than me." She said, staring up at John intently.

"O-okay?" John ushered, confused yet interested at the same time.

"I-I know I don't t-talk that much, b-but I-I just want to let y-you know h-how your incredible in class! So kind and intelligent, I-I need a perfect tutor--Y-your the solution!"

"Okay that wasn't really necessary--I'll do it, When do we start?"

"Right now until tomorrow morning..?"


"Hear me out!" Maria held John's arm "No way," John replied without looking at her "Please! I need you to teach me right now so i'll be ready for the quiz bee tomorrow!"

"I know your already ready for it."

"No! I need your teachings!"

"We have school tomorrow Mari! We can't stay up late."

"I won't rest until I studied!"

"You'll blank out tomorrow."

"No I won't!"

"Get some rest Mari."

"You're making a mistake..."


John was about to close the door, but Maria--using her last bits of courage, held the knob and forced it to open "Hey!"

"Aren't you my friend? Aren't we supposed to help each other?"


"We look out for each other, that's what this group is for...D-did you regret taking me in?"


"Then please help me!"

"But this is absurd! We've already past our curfew!"

"John, We stole, We cheated, We skipped-- But you always stayed behind-always being the good guy! For once in your do something bad for the good of your friend, I don't understand why your too scared to even try!"

Maria gasped and covered her mouth. Sweat falling down her face "I-i'm sorry... I-i'll leave.."

"Just come on in." John sighed as he pulled her into the house, leading her towards his room.


"Who the fuck is that?" Alexander hissed, staring the screen--watching John and the girl bring out textbooks.

"Your so desperate." George Eacker said, crossing his legs "Eversince John left your arms to get the door and let that girl in-You instantly checked the CCTV cameras to stalk them."

"I'm not stalking them," Alexander glared at the child "Just making sure nothing...bad happens between the two, what are they talking about?" Alexander said, muttering the last sentence.

"Define bad."

Alexander sighed "It's the middle of the night, John and a anoynomous girl is alone in the bedroom, Hello?"

"Well, that's exactly you and John's situation before he left."

"Well, it's different-Were friends." Alexander retorted, looking back at the screen "Friends don't sleep with each other half naked."

"Oh please, that was once." Alexander hissed "I didn't know normal friends don't sleep together." He continued.

"Well, friends also don't do kinky stuff with each other while the other is wearing a maid costume."

"Define kinky."

George rolled his eyes and jumped off the table and looked at the screen "There just studying."

"Studying during the night can lead to many things." Alexander said.

"Like sex?"

"Like sex."

George sighed "Stop overeacting Hamilton, Unlike you--John has his decency."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

George ignored his comment "And besides, John is gay."

"No he isn't." Alexander said boringly "Yes he is." George retorts.

"How do you know?" Alexander looked at him.

"I don't. I just know."

"Don't just assume that people are gay George, it's rude."

"Well did I complain when you assumed that people are just like you?"

"Fair point."

Alexander could've sworn John looked at the camera but completely forgot about it when he saw the woman hug John, He widened his eyes and zoomed in "Oh no you don't."

"Glaring at a TV screen won't do you any good Hamilton." George smirked "You need to take action before that girl steals your man."

"What? No, I do not like that Brat that way." Alexander glared at George, a tint of red in his cheeks "Then explain to me why you attached cameras in only his room and why your stalking him because he's with some girl you don't even know?"

"First of all, the cameras was for to caught him doing embarrassing things so I can use it against him, second- I'm not stalking him, just watching him in case something he will regret in the morning happens." Alexander said, looking back at the screen.

"You sound like his Daddy."

"You don't know how wrong that sounded George." Alexander said, blushing "Oh believe me, I do."

"Tsk, that girl is acting too close to John." He growled, clenching his fist "You know I could help you with this."

Alexander smiled "Really? You'll do th--"

"For a small price."

Alexander face-palmed, Of course there were charges "Alright, name your price."

"A million dollars."

"WHAT?! ARE YOU MAD?!" Alexander screamed, George was unfazed "I see you don't want my help then."

"W-wait--F-fine, A million dollars, but only AFTER you finish the job."

"Operation Sabotage John and that girl's little date is a go."


"Why do I have this weird feeling that were being watched?" Maria said suddenly, looking away from the textbook "I feel it too." John said, looking around.

His eyes got glued on the camera hanging on the corner of his room.

"Hey Maria, can you hug me?" John requested, looking away from the device. Maria looked confused "Why?"

"Just do it."

Maria shrugged and hugged him, John then looked back at the camera and saw it's lenses moved, John smirked "I knew it." He mumbled.

"Knew what?" Maria asked, pulling away "Nothing, just keep acting close to me 'kay?"

Maria shrugged but nodded.

From that point on they continued acting close to each other.

A few minutes later, George came and say in between them "Uh, George--were kind of studying."

"And i'm kind of eating my cereal, so don't me." He glared, taking a bite of his cereal "Then can you eat somewhere else?"

"No, I want to--" His eyes widened when he saw the woman next to him "Maria?"


George then stood up "There's nothing to be worried about then." He said as he left, leaving the bowl of cereal.

"What was that about?" Maria asked, shrugging "You know George?" John asked, ignoring her question.

"Yeah, kind of-- So his name is George huh..?" She smiled slightly "I see..."

John averted his gaze back to the camera "Hey, follow me."

"Huh? J-john? Where are we going?"


Alexander gritted his teeth "That brat, bailing out on a simple job." He growled, but his eyes widened when he saw John and the girl stood up from the bed "Where are they going...?"

Alexander was panicking by now, what of something happened to John? Whay if that girl raped him?

He felt a new emotion in his heart, and whatever it was-He didn't like it."

The door suddenly opened "Busted."

"Brat?" Alexander widened his eyes and turned off the televisions "W-what're you doing here? O-oh! and can you introduce me to your friend?" He glared at Maria.

Maria shivered, fear rising up "Don't try and change the subject, I knew you were watching us." He glared "But my question is why?"

"It's because he's jealous that little Mari here might steal you away from him." George snickered "I am NOT jealous!" Alexander screamed.

"Alexander? Jealous? How cute." John smirked "Don't worry bout a little thing Lexi, nobody ain't gonna steal me away from you~" He teased.

"Don't worry Mr. Hamilton, I don't like John that way." Maria smiled "And why should I believe you?"

"Because..." Maria tiptoed towards him and whispered something in his ear, Alexander widened his eyes "O-0h!"

"That's why I didn't go any further Hammie~" George smirked as Alexander nodded.

"Wait? What am I missing?"

"Oh nothing." Maria smiled and looked at Alexander "I'm Maria Lewis, by the way- It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine." Alexander smirked, shaking her hand "Wait? Maria what'd you say to him?"

"Nothing," She smirked.

"Oh c'mon Maria! I'm your best friend! Maria don't walk away from me--Maria! MARIA!"

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