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Jaune POV

The scouting party, us, returned to the Junkyard and saw that the place was wild as ever.

Yang was riding Grimmlock. Ruby and Blake were getting chased around by the Mini-Dino bots. And Weiss well she was being Weiss.

Weiss: Hey! Stop fooling around! Your gonna get yourselfs and ME hurt!

I chuckled.

Jaune: Hey! Were back

They all stopped what they were doing and greeted me.

Ruby: So, did you find anything?

Weiss: Yeah, You better have something or else me babysitting them would have been a waste -_-

Jaune: Sorry, but no...we didn't got anything....Atlas Sentinels shot him before we could ask him anything....

Ruby: Oh....

They all stayed silent.

Then Nora broke the silence when she rode Grimmlock.

Nora: WOOOO!!!

Every body facepalmed. I just made a little chuckle.

This never gets old...

I looked at tge time and saw it was almost 12 in the morning.

Jaune: Hey, did you guys have lunch yet?

RWBY: Nope

Jaune: Okay I'll go cook something for us, Ren help me with the pancakes

Ren: Sure


Nora and Grimmlock ran around the huge junkyard.

Somewhere in a Dessert....

Qrow POV

I talked with General Ironwood on the radio about having second thoughts of what were doing here.

Me, a few Atlas soldiers, and 4 Transformers Prison Officers stood on the dessert waiting for him.....Megatron.

Somehow Megatron managed to kidnap Atlas Officers and held them hostage.

He said he would return them safely on one condition.....we need to set free some of the captive Decipticons.

*sounds of a Roaring jet engine*
*sounds of Transforming sounds*

Well speak of the devil. I looked in front of me and saw Megatron dropping two people on the ground.

He walked towards me with his sword drawn out.

Megarton: Ahh Captain Qrow....Fancy seeing you again

Qrow: I can't say the same....Megaron. What do you want?!

Megatron: I simply want my crew back. I already returned the hostages so you better fufill your end of the barggain.

Damnit....I know that you'll hunt them down....but my two nieces are gonna get hurt if I do this....Gahh!! Ironwood you better have a back up plan for this...

Qrow: Alright, First One

Megatron: Mohawk

I looked at the officers and they nodded at me.

Qrow: Granted...

In a Prison Facility...

A chained up Mohawk Could be seen threatening the officers that held him captive.

Mohawk: Haha I'm free Mofo's, Yeah, Yeah, I'm gonna kill ya'll. You, and you, and you, I'm gonna kill ya'll later haha!

Back to Qrow...

Qrow: Okay..Next one

Megatron: Hmm....Nitro Zeus

I looked at the Officers. They nodded.

Qrow: *sight* Granted

Prison Facility..

Nitro Zeus was walking out of the hager but sttoped at some certain people.

Nitro: Thank you for your hospitality gentlemen, I will miss you guys, Say hi to you wife for me Todd, oh and Mike I know where you live Hahaha

One of the Scientists looked at Nitro.

Scientist: 😐🖕🏻

Nitro: Your lose

Back To Qrow...

I can't believe I'm doing this...

Qrow: Next!

Megatron: Berserker

I looked at the officers and they were giving me a no.

Qrow: Sorry, Pick again

Megatron: *Roar!!* if you do not fufill our deal, I will make all your deaths painful and slow

He drew out his sword and cut one of the cars in half.

Megatron: So, What's it going to be?

I looked at the terrified officers.

Qrow: Find a way to get Berserker out!

After a few typing on their devices they gave me a thumbs up.

Qrow: Granted! there You happy!?

Megatron: hehe...

Prison Facility..

Berserker could be seen inside a steel cage. An officer opened up his Mouth guard.

Berserker: I'll suck your Veins!!!

Berserker's cage was escorted outside the facility then the cage broke open.

Berserker: I'll hunt you f*cking insects down, but for now

He transformed and drove away from the facility.

Back To Qrow...

Qrow: Next!

Megatron: Onslaught

I looked at the officers and they hesitanly nodded.

Qrow: Granted

Prison Facility...

A large fortified wall with a little hole door could be seen. A large Non-human Gun was thrown outside from the said door.

Onslaught poked his head but couldn't fit in the hole.


Back to Qrow...

this is the last slot...

Qrow: Last One..

Megatron: hmmm.....Dreadbot

Prison Facility....

A large cell opened up revealing Dreadbot. He withdrew his Gun and looked at the prison officers.

Dreadbot: Raaaahhh!!

Dreadbot ran off from the facility.

Back to Qrow...

Qrow: OK, you got what you wanted.

Megatron: indeed...

Megatron started to walk away. But I stopped him.

Qrow: Why?

Megatron: Hmm?

Qrow: Why do you do this?

Megatron: Simple, I just want to go back home...

He transformed into his vehicle mode and flew off to the distance.

I then remembered that he was gonna possible hunt down the Autobots who had my nieces with them.

Qrow: Oh no...

I got the radio and spoke to Ironwood.

Qrow: Hey General, do you still got Bee's location?

Ironwood: Yes, I do have them. Why?

Qrow: Assemble a team of soldiers for me, its urgent.

Ironwood: and why should I do that?

Qrow: Damn it Ironwood! I can't explain it right now. Just Do It!

Ironwood: Very well.

A/n: Yay update 😅 sorry for the late update.....I was busy with some un-important shit...

Again Stay Cool

Skullbasher Out!!

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