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Shiro's POV

After we lost communication with Pidge I was unable to stand. I had been shocked so many times it wasn't even funny.
"For your sake you better hope your friend does as she's been told." Zarkon snickers.
"She would never! She knows it's too risky!" I yell and look up at him but like before it only got me a shock.
"Zarkon! Stop this! Let him go! I'll do what ever you say! Just let him go!" Kam Yelled.
"No! Kam you can't!" I yelled when the pain stoped.
"I have to." She mumbled.
"Fine. Let him go" Zarkon announced... no way. Just like that he was going to let me go?... I was pulled to my feet and pulled from the room.
"NO! Kam!" I yelled as I am pulled down the hall. Were they really going to just let me go? I highly doubt it. And I was right, we made it back to the cell and they threw me in.
"Liar! You tricked Kam! Let me out!" I slammed my fists on the closing door. I sit down On the bench after tiring  my arms out. I need to find a way out. I need to get ahold of Pidge or the others. Now...

Kam's POV

"Now. You have agreed to do as I say... enter your lion" Zarkon demands. I give him a small glare before being pulled to my feet. I then notice a huge door open up and the purple lion was behind it... now is my chance... just play it cool. Stay calm Kam. Don't blow it. I walked towards my lion as I heard another door open and I saw the black lion.
      "How do you plan on making this work? You need the black paladin to pilot the lion." I stoped and asked.
      "I am the black paladin. I am the original. The lion will obey" Zarkon hissed. This isn't good. I thought he would need Shiro... but that's stupid why would he let Shiro go if he needed him. What if... he didn't let him go... thoughts were racing through my head. My mind was spinning. If I'm going to get out of here I need to get in my lion: so that's exactly what I'll do.

Time skip
No one's POV

   Kam has been in her lion for ten minutes and is playing it cool. Zarkon has tried and tried to get the black lion to obey. But the lions won't obey. They have to bond. And it seems as though the black lion's bond only has room for one... Shiro.
    "Bring the paladins" Zarkon hissed. Paladins? Kam thought. Who's the other?
Shiro's POV

    I'm once again pushed down the long hall way and through the double doors.
    "SHIRO!" I heard Kam yell. I followed her voice... it was the purple lion. She was inside the purple lion. I let my eyes wonder towards the black lion.
     "I need you to pilot the black lion" Zarkon sounded annoyed.
    "Why can't you?"
    "My bond has been severed."
    "What makes you think I will do what you want?"
    "Maybe this will be a useful tool." He smirked and all I did was glare. I felt the centuries grab my arms and held me with a firm grip.
"Ugh! Would you let me go?!" I heard a familiar voice.
"No.." I mumbled.
"Pidge!" I Yelled.
"Shiro? Shiro!" She Yelled and tried to get to
Me but Zarkon has a firm grip on her.
"Pidge hold tight! I'm coming!" I Yelled and was able to break free from the centuries grip. I made it but 5 feet when i came to a quick stop at the Sound of a loud scream. I noticed Pidge was being electrocuted.
"Let her go!"
"Get in your lion and do as I say... then maybe... just maybe the pain will at least stop." He smirked.
"Shiro! Don't do it! I'll be alrig-Ahh" she screamed. I clenched my fists and my jaw.
"No! Shiro! You can't!" She went on.
"Do it" Zarkon demanded
"I am." I hissed. I was pushed along towards my lion. "I can and will walk get off me" I demanded. And surprisingly they did. I need to get Pidge and Kam out of here. Considering they have Pidge they must have the green lion. Kam could get out with her lion I could get Pidge and I out with mine...but we can't leave the green lion. How the hell was this supposed to get this to work? But right now it didn't matter how, it just mattered that is happened, and fast.
I entered my lion and sat in the pilot seat. I watched as the eyes of the purple lion turned the same yellow that ours do. I glance at Pidge to see a stern, and focused expression towards me.
"Now form Corton. Or the puny girl gets it" Zarkon threatened. He held his hand out and a sparking purple ball appeared in his hand. When did he learn magic? I thought only the witch could do that.
"You won't get away with this. You only have two members of our team. The other will come" Pidge announced.
"I will kill you if you don't shut up" Zarkon glared at her and moved his hand closer.
"No you won't. You need me alive... I'm your only leverage. You kill me you lose the lions... but really. If you really think killing me will do you a favor... please, be my guest" she spat in Zarkons face. I'm proud of her for standing up for her self and also being ready to lay down her life for the universe. But we can't go on with out her, so I'm getting her out. As Corton or not.
    "Shiro. Shiro can you hear me?" It was Kieth. I could hear him through my com.
    "Kieth? Yeah I hear you. Where are you?" I ask him.
    "We are on our way to get you out. Hold tight. We lost Pidge though. We think she's on board" he explained.
    "No. You guys need to stop. They have Pidge. You do anything they will kill her. I've got this...for now" I told him. Luckily Zarkon can't hear me, and I have my helmet back... or Pidge would we be doomed.
    "We can't just leave you Shiro. We are short two members... we can't form voltron without you guys" he went on.
    "Listen to me Kieth. I am your leader. And i need you to quietly get the green lion back to the castle... I'll get Pidge and Kam out"
    "That is an order"
    "Yes sir" he sighed.
    Well... here goes nothing... or maybe everything...

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