No plan

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Pidge's POV

"Where's Shiro?" Allura asked when we all entered the castle without him.
"He got captured... he left me in charge" Keith responded. The truth if reality started to sink in and tears built up in my eyes but I hid them from my team.
"What?! No! That can't be!" Allura was in disbelief.
"Who will pilot the black lion?!" She questioned.
"Is that all You care about?! The black lion?! Trust me I get it! Voltron can not fall into Zarkons hand's... but... do you not care a thing about Shiro's safety because you know... he's Shiro?! Not the black paladin??" I snapped. I snapped like a fragile twig under a foot.
"Pidge! Don't yell at the princess!" Kieth Yelled.
"No! She needs to hear this! You all do! And I'm sorry princess but you know what. Shiro comes first... not the lion." I said and left the room with a loud slam of the doors behind me. I need to get him back.
"Pidge come back." I heard hunk through my helmet com but all I did was shut it off.
"Hang in there Shiro. I'm on my way" I mumbled before heading towards my lion.

Shiro's POV

"Shiro. Shiro can you hear me?" I heard Pidge through my helmet com.
"Pidge? Pidge! Man am i Glad to hear your voice. We need to get out of here. But there's a small problem.." i responded
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She was concerned.
"No I'm not. But there's another paladin here with me-"
"Another paladin? Who?! I just left the team!" She Yelled.
"You left the team?! Where are you? Where are they?!"
"I'm on my way to get you... I'm not going to stand by and wait... and Keith will not be my leader until you are gone... and you aren't gone so I take orders from you. Not him" she responded with a confident tone.
"No pidge. Stop. You can't come in alone. It's not safe! Stay back! Please!"
"You just said you needed me! And what was it about that problem?"
"You aren't going to go back are you..."
"Fine. There's another paladin here... Kam of the forgotten purple lion. If Zarkon forms Corton it will Be the end. We need to get the lions off this ship. Now" I explained.
    "Got it. I have your location pinpointed. Coming in slow." Before I could respond the doors opened, it was a guard.
    "Zarkon summons you." He spoke and grabbed me by the arm.
    "Let him go!" Kam yelled. But they grabbed her too.
    "Walk" they pushed us along down the hall. When I started to slow down I felt a sudden shock on my back that caused me to cry out in pain.
    "Shiro? Shiro!" Pidge Yelled.
    "Would you stop that I'm fine. I'm walking" I responded to Pidge while also making it sound like I was talking to the centuries.
    We finally reached the end of the hall and in front of us towered two massive doors. We were pushed along through them and into the room.
    "Zarkon..." I mumbled.
    "Bow before Zarkon" a guard said and pushed me to the ground, Kam was beside me in the same situation.
    "You know Kam. I have enjoyed your company. It's been years since I found you and took you in." Zarkon spoke to her.
    "Took me in?! You kidnapped me! You enslaved me! You made me your source of entertainment! For years!" She Yelled back But all it got her was an electric shock.
     "Kam!" I called out and she hit the ground. She was weak and needed help.
     "That helmet... take it off him. Now" Zarkon ordered. He must know Im in contact with the others. My helmet was forcefully removed from my head and given to Zarkon.

Pidge's POV

    "Hello? Anybody there?" I heard an unfamiliar voice come from Shiro's com.
    "Shiro?" I questioned.
    "Close... but no. This is Zarkon. And who is this?"
    "Zarkon! I will kill you! Let them go! Let the lions go! Stop this madness now and my team and I will hold fire" I yelled.
    "Haha your funny. You sound like a girl. A puny little girl. You can't beat me." He spoke.
    "Ugh" i grumbled.
    "Pidge! Pidge!" I could hear Shiro in the back ground.
    "If you want your friend back you will bring me the remaining lions."
    "Pidge! Don't listen to hi-AHHH" I could tell Shiro was in pain.
    "Ah! What the?!" I yelled when I felt my lion get shot and I flung forward and hit my head. My vision went blurry and the sounds of shots around me muffled... this isn't good... and before I knew it I blacked out completely.

Kieths POV

"Pidge! Pidge come on open up!" I shouted while knocking on her door. There was no response so I just walked in. She wasn't there.
"Oh no." I spun around and raced towards the main deck.
"Pidge is gone" I announced
     "So is the green lion" Allura looked from the dash board to me.
     "Damn it Pidge." I mumble under my breath. I rub my head in frustration.
     "She's going to get herself killed if she goes in alone" Lance looks to me.
    "We can't just go in head first. We need a plan. So that's exactly what we are going to do" I say and move my eyes back and Forth between the remaining members.

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