Lester joins the party (if only briefly)

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I don't own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does
Kayla POV
Percy opens the door to reveal Lester standing there, soaking wet in the rain. Why he does not magic himself dry, I do not know. You'd think he'd get used to being Apollo again after a few weeks, but no. He visits at least once a week, and while it is embarrassing, it's nice to know that our dad didn't forget everything he learned as a mortal. And that he still cares.

"Hello Percy. I was looking for Austin, Kayla, and Will. Chiron told me that they were here.", asks Lester. "We're over here, Dad!", I call out, hoping to throw Rachel off of whatever awful thing she is planning. I have been ignored this whole time, it HAS to be me next.

"Hey, Lester! Want to play Truth or Dare?", says Leo, completely forgetting that Lester is Apollo now, and could vaporize him with a single thought. "Ok. I kind of miss being a mortal and playing these games.", Lester replies, a hint of sadness in his voice.

He sits next to us, and we chat while Rachel thinks about who she is going to target next. "Excited for school?", Dad asks. "I think I stand a chance in Junior year. Not a Valedictorian, but I'll pass. Apparently, science cannot carry your whole grade.",  I say.

Our nice conversation is interrupted by Rachel saying, "Apollo, Truth or Dare!" Only Rachel could get away with this, I think. Lester panics, looking around the room and spotting Jason. "HOW are you ALIVE! I watched you DIE! We had a FUNERAL for you!!", Lester screams, half sobbing.

"Oh, funny story. So, I kinda died, but not really. Tempest found me, carried me to the Waystation. Did you ever find my 'body'? That was the Mist. Python had some sort of plan for me, but you killed him before he could find me. Me and Piper aren't back together, but we're still friends!", Jason says.

I'm actually kinda shocked. Nobody told me about anything that happened over there, me and Jason weren't friends. Lester accepts his fate, and says, "Dare, my honor is tarnished enough from crying like that." I can respect that. I only cry in private, Will is the same. Anyone who frequents the infirmary enough does the same. No need to cry in front of people who need you.

"I dare you to eat the slimiest worm in the mud. Piper, Kayla, you are going to make sure he does it. And take a picture. Go on now, do it!", Rachel says. Only Rachel could think of a dare this diabolical. Lester hangs his head and goes outside, and we follow. Piper has the camera. Lester picks up a worm, hesitates for a second, then eats it.

"Wow", I said, impressed by his bravery. I did not think Dad would actually go through with the dare. We head back inside, and tell the tale of his bravery. Piper shows everyone the picture. It's hilarious, and a really good picture. Piper is as good at photography as she is good at fighting.

If you've ever sparred with her, you'll know how good of a fighter she is. She's the cause of the one and only physical scar I have, a gash on my arm that she still tells me she's sorry for, and I keep telling her that she's not at fault for. I was stupid and didn't move fast enough. I am okay with swords, but Piper has the advantage of more practice. I'm more of an archer, anyways.

Dad breaks the silence. "Okay, I think I know who I'm asking next. There's a meeting on Olympus I have to be at, so I can't stay. Leo, truth or dare." "I was waiting for this, dare, all the way!", Leo responds. "Okay. I dare you to let everyone here draw something on your face with a Sharpie. Including me.", Lester says.

He walks over to Leo, sharpie materialized in his hand. He draws a sun, then passes it to Percy. He draws a sandcastle. Calypso draws Festus out of pity. Frank draws a bear fighting with the drawing of Festus. Piper draws a snowboard. Jason draws a heart. Hazel writes "REPAIR BOY" in really big letters across his forehead. Must be some inside joke. Annabeth draws a campfire. Rachel draws a snake. Or is it a worm. I can't see from here. It's probably a worm. Nico draws Mrs O'Leary.

That hellhound is slowly but surely growing on me. Even though she ate my bow. Will draws a first aid kit and a note that says "you need this", referring to the extremely common occurrences of Leo ending up in the infirmary with a bad injury. Usually large cuts, which are always a pain to stitch closed unless you are Will. Austin draws a saxophone. I draw a note that says "Idiot, put a little distance between you and sharp objects" on his cheek, then I drew a smiley face next to it.

Dad steps back a little to admire his work. "Bye everyone. See you all next week, please give me the picture you took of him, this is too hilarious to forget!" He stepped outside and vanished into the rain. I snap a picture of Leo's face. "Okay, so, Kayla, Truth or Dare?" Oh no. He's seen my message. He'll get me back for this, and knowing him, I'll be eating dirt or something nasty like that! "Truth", I respond. I'll take embarrassment over food poisoning any day.

"What's your worst nightmare", Leo asks. He had to ask this. I, stupidly enough, slip into a flashback.
The Giant War was over, leaving only despair in the place of the adrenaline keeping me going. With nobody left to shoot, I rush to the infirmary to help Will, stepping over corpses I was too late to save. I lift a gravely wounded Roman onto my back, and run the rest of the way there. Will rushed to me, and we started trying to save his life. I knew 3/4 of the way into the operation that he wouldn't live. But I still kept going, because if it had been me, I would have liked to know they didn't give up.

It was no surprise when he flatlined, and died. I was still stuck in the position of consoling his friends and comrades. I had been ready to maim and kill these people a few hours ago, and yet here I was, silently crying with them, over a boy I would never know. But they would never know I cried with them. I never cry visibly. Only when I'm alone do I dare let tears fall.

I snap back to reality, a tear rolling down my face. Everyone looked in shock and horror at me. Hazel broke the silence by saying, "You know you said that out loud, right?" 
Oh no.  This cannot end well.  Will stops hugging Nico and puts his arm around me.  He really does live up to his last name. 

"You realize I meant like, worst fear.  I mean, mine is running out of Celestial Bronze for projects." 
"Well why didn't you just SAY WORST FEAR!  YOU COULDA SAVED EVERYONE A VERY EMBARRASSING FLASHBACK!!!"  I snap at him.  I am finding Leo more and more unlikeable with every passing second.  I stalk over to the snack cart and grab myself some cookies and ice cream.  I sit back down, and eat my snacks while Will keeps hugging me. 

"If you had said worst fear, I'm pretty sure I speak for most of us Apollo kids when I say it's a patient dying.  If you asked Will that same question, you would have gotten the same answer.  Also, can I grab some stuff from my cabin.  We're probably gonna be here all night, so I wanna grab sleeping bags and pillows for us."

I run back out into the rain and cry under a big tree.  I mean it when I say I only cry when alone.  Will follows me out of the cabin, and I honestly couldn't care less right now. "Do you want to talk about it?", Will softly asks. "No", I reply, still crying. He sits down in the mud beside me. We stayed there for a bit, silently lamenting the losses we have suffered.

"Let's go get our stuff. I'd rather have Percy's friends get the beds and couches and stuff.", Will says. There's only three of us in the cabin right now, two of the others having joined the Hunters of Artemis (embarrassing for Dad), three on a visit to New Rome, and the other on a quest that's due to come back next week. We open the door, grab our sleeping bags, and the magical plates and cups we grabbed earlier from the Pavilion.

We head back to the cabin, and sit down again.  "Annabeth, truth or dare.", I say.  "Truth."  "Okay, what's the stupidest thing Percy has done."

"Oh, where do I start.  Once, he got his head stuck in a fish tank, another time he spilled a bag of flour all over his mom's kitchen, another time he stained my favorite white shirt blue trying to make blue pancakes.  There are so many embarrassing moments.", Annabeth said.    She kissed Percy, and I got sad for a moment that I don't have a date.  Oh well.

Author's note-  And with that, another chapter done.  Annabeth POV coming up next.  If you don't like Theyna, please skip next chapter.  If you don't support Solangelo, please leave, the chapter after next is full of them.  Also, they are my favorite ship!  Have a good day!

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