Spooky Scary Spider

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I don't own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does
Frank POV
        Thalia went into the bathroom to wash out the whipped cream.    I am still on the ceiling, trying not to get noticed.  I have so many embarrassing secrets, any truth will be utterly mortifying.  Also, I know most of these people's dares will be awful.  We played on the Argo 11 once, it took me weeks to get the Pegasus manure out of my hair (complements to Nico).

"Thalia's dares are awful too, us Hunters play all the time.  She never fails to come up with embarrassing truths and terrible dares.", says Reyna.  Now I am even more terrified. 
Thalia comes out of the bathroom, hair dripping wet.

  "Ok, Frank, get off the ceiling, and change to human again.  You'll need to be human to answer this:  Truth or Dare?", Thalia states.  I reluctantly come down from the ceiling and change back to human. 

"Dare", I say, not wanting to look weak in front of the others.  Annabeth, having been waiting to use the bathroom for a while now, rushes inside.  She drank like a liter of water just now, so I feel bad she had to wait. 

"Ok, while Annabeth's in there, you're going to transform into a big hairy spider and drop onto her when she gets out of the bathroom.  Stay on her until she notices.", Thalia whispers to me. I transform into a tarantula, climb onto the door frame and wait.  Annabeth opens the door, and I jump onto her head.  I walk around a bit, then she notices. 

"WHaT is CRAWLING on MY HeAD!!!!  GeT it OFF GET IT OFF!!!", Annabeth screams.  I walk onto her arm.  "AAAAAHHHH! SPIDER!!! PERCY HELP!!!",  Annabeth screams.  She swats me off of her arm, and I switch back to human.  Everyone bursts out laughing. "FRANK!  This was your DARE!  THALiA how COULD-" She was cut off by a knock on the door.  Percy opens it to see Calypso.

"Hi, have you seen Leo?  I checked the Hephaestus cabin, but he wasn't there.  I came from the Waystation to see him.", she asked Percy.  "Yeah, he's here with us.  Wanna play Truth or Dare with us?  Also, how'd you get here in the storm?", Percy asks.

"Oh, I took a griffin.  They don't really care about the weather all that much.  He's flying back to the Waystation as we speak."  Leo had told us about his misadventures in Indianapolis.  "Calypso, hi, come sit by me!There's snacks in that cart over there.  I'm so glad you came to visit, even if it is pouring outside!", Leo exclaimed.

  "Hey guys, I get to truth or dare someone, right?", I say. "Yep", says everyone.  I have a good one. "Piper, truth or dare?", I say.  "Dare.", she says.  "I dare you to let me crack an egg on your head. Leo, we have eggs, right?", I ask.  "Yep!  They're meant specifically for dares like this!", Leo replies with a smirk.  He takes everything out of the cart, and pulls what appears to be a fake bottom from the cart. 

Inside, there are lots of prank materials, disgusting foods, and a carton of eggs.  I grab the carton and take a couple eggs from it.  I proceed to smash them all on her head.  The yolk runs all over her hair, and I run to get her a towel before it drips onto Percy's floor. 

"Ugh, that was disgusting. 0/10, would not recommend.",  Piper remarks.  I hand her the towel.  "Thank you.", she says. "Ok, it's time. Rachel, truth or dare!", Piper says.

"Truth!", Rachel responds. "Do you still like Percy?", Piper asks. "Nope. I stopped liking him romantically as soon as I realized he was taken. Anyways, I wouldn't stand a chance with Percy anyways. Annabeth is much better than I'd ever be as a girlfriend. Also, I can't date as the Oracle." she replies.

"Wow. You really don't like Percy anymore?", says Annabeth. "Yeah. Besides, he's kinda childish. No offense.", Rachel says. "None taken. I watch Finding Nemo way too much for someone my age!", Percy says.

The horn blows for dinner, even though nobody is there. We automated it years ago. We grab plates, and I eat a salad and chicken. Percy, as usual, is eating blue waffles, and cutting them with his sword. Don't ask why. Weapons make efficient cutlery if clean. I've used arrows as skewers more times than I can count. And Percy cleans his sword more often than he cleans himself, I know that. We eat in silence for a few minutes, before there is another knock on our door.
Author's note-  Since nobody has commented, I am going to be adding Lester. He will not be staying long, but I wanted to add him.  The next chapter will be Kayla POV.  I'm saving Will for a Solangelo filled 6th chapter.  Have a wonderful day!
-if you don't like Lester, don't worry, he's only staying a chapter.

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