Chapter 6. Alone is just a word, right?

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Tom De louis soot's POV

I remember waking up to three people hovering over me, all with their faces in panic. I could barely make them out...

One had their mask on, while another looked like a female and the other, I couldn't make out their faces it was all a blur. 

" Tommy? Tom!" I heard a male speak in a muffled voice, I was dozing in and back out; my head felt as if it was crushed and smacked against a wall, while my lungs felt punctured as my stomach felt stabbed. I laid on what felt to be a sofa, unfortunately it was itching me badly along with what felt like blisters forming on my back, I groaned in pain as the sofa and pillows dug straight into my back.

" OH MY EMPEROR, finally he's awake." the females voice trembled through my ear drums as I heard the other two sigh in what was relief. I opened my eyes slowly, the light that beamed through the windows blinded me, however, managing to cope with it ( as it wasn't the worst part of the situation) my vision cleared from the smoke that covered my vision. I saw a man in a ski mask, another man with a large fluffy fringe and sunglasses and lastly the female that looked after me. 

" Hey man, you're good?" The guy in the ski mask questioned me as his heavy hand laid on my my shoulder, I struggled to sit up despite of being desperate to do so, my chest tightened harder as I grabbed hold onto the guys arm, attempting to reach his head as I chocked " Please- remove your hand." In realisation he immediately released his grip from my shoulder, causing an overwhelming relief to settle into my lungs, over filling them with joy. Managing to sit up, I realised we were in the living room as the sun shined brightly, " Niki. What's happening?" I asked, climbing into Niki's arms as an second instinct. " Woah, chill out mate, Niki called for us as soon as possible through a pigeon messenger, she was horrifically worried for you." Ponk stated as he gently grabbed my hand and held it. Looking around the room, everything was clean. I remember trashing the whole house when Ranboo first left.

Chairs, fruits, lamps, glass, everything and anything I could get my hands on; while Niki, dealt with it this whole time, and hasn't once left me. Now that my sickness has came once more... will she stay?

I glanced over at Niki with desperation and attention leaking through my eyes, I hugged her as I hissed in pain. My shirt has been gluing itself to my  ripped and melting back, she immediately jolted " Oh dear lord Tom- take your shirt off.. we need to do something about these... blisters?" she puzzled half way through her sentence and staring intensely at my arms and neck. " Eret, can you go please check for any medical supplies?" She asked politely as Eret obeyed and set off to hunt for the medicine as if it were a prey. " The medical supplies are in the kitchen, top right cupboard next to the fridge" Stating so, Eret redirected his attention to the kitchen cupboards.

Meanwhile, Niki examined my blisters with precision and care, scanning each and every drop of blood that left my growing body. " I've.. I've never seen anything like this before.. Tom how often does this happen?" She worryingly asked as her voice crackled a bit, " well... it happens every month or every few full moons, I-I really don't know." I paused mid way, " But, what I do know is that my skin starts to melt off. Dissolve and it burns, it feels like thousands-no- millions or even trillions of fire ants crawling around your body, biting, tearing each bit of flesh from your body until they are satisfied with their feast."

It was quite a dark explanation from a 12 year old, but I really couldn't know how else to describe this feeling of burning and itching every single time that happens. Eret managed to find the medical cubby, carrying back some form of medicine basket and a first aid kit that held all of the bandages available. Rushing to our side, he placed it infront of me, " I don't know what medicine you take, but here's a basket that was there and bandages." Eret spat out exhausted and sweating from the intense heat that was building up in the kitchen because of the sun beaming through the window. I scanned the basket carefully, no medication resigned to me. It was only Ranboo's... memory medication? My heart skipped a beat at the sight of the bottle that felt half empty as I took it out of the basket. 

I read the label prescribed to the medication itself to him. Ranboo; Glutamate regulators. Must be taken at least twice a day, in the morning and before bed. May cause Side effects from time to time, taking more pills than originally prescribed may  lead to even worse body functions or brain functions, must be taken with caution.

It felt like I was frozen in time, everything around me felt cold, slow and isolated. Suddenly, I was snapped out by Niki shaking my shoulder lightly. " Hey Tom? Is it this one?" She questioned, reaching for the bottle in my hand. I jerked away harshly from her hands, ultimately slapping them away "NO! I i mean no, not these. Sorry Niki I-I didn't mean to-" Apologising with tears pricking my eyes and puncturing holes in them, making my eyes leak with the salty liquid. Sharply wiping my tears and scavenging for my medicine, I found the numbing herbs Ranboo always collected from the store, snatching that I quickly put some of the leaves and dried berries into my mouth, swallowing them hardly as a wave of relief instantly hit me. I put the bag down, as I reached for an oil that stuck out from the crowd, grabbing it I gave it to Niki. " This is an oil that um... helps with providing my blisters with hydration and to ensure it is kept smooth while they're healing." Finishing my explanation, without hesitation she immediately started applying it on.

" Ranboo usually  also casts a spell on my arm to hopefully make the scars disappear or recover enough to not be seen." The silence was killing me, my heart fluttered with irregular beats as my hands started to tremble. I was surrounded by people, but why was I still feeling alone?

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