Home Sweet Home

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Tom De Louis Soot POV

Later on the day, I've been in the garden on my tire swing that was tied to a widow tree. I swung back and forth as I continued practicing my mage skills. They've been getting better by the day, each night before I go to sleep I practice the invisibility spell, it gets easier the more I do it. Soon it feels like I will have total control over it! Maybe once Ranboo comes back I can finally show him how much I've accomplished.

The people whom arrived haven't left yet, but they haven't bothered me that much. They bandaged my neck, torso and arms, that I'm very thankful for. Reminded me of Ranboo, I guess you are the company you keep. He's been gone for too long... has he recieved any of my letters? He hasn't responded back. Maybe he didn't actually like me? What if he's been killed? Kidnapped?

My mind couldn't stop the train of thoughts, each one rolling in deeper and quicker. The thoughts made me miss the sunset, only dark colours such as dark blue and purple lit up the sky. Suddenly, I hear foot steps behind me, turning around in a flash as I became invisible.

"Tommy?" The confused male spoken, it sounded like eret. Getting up from the swing, I crept around him, scaring him in the process " BOO! HehahahA! Yes Eret?" I spoke, giggling in the process, he jumped turning around in surprise to find me behind him. " How did you- never mind about that, someone's here to see you" he finished, my heart fluttered. To see me? I thought as numerous things flew past my mind, I grinned wildly and rushed back inside leaving Eret in the dust. Jumping over bushes and running around the flower beds I managed to get inside the house from the front door.

Bursting in, I tackled the figure in a black cloak " Ranboo!" I beamed, squeezing the person tighter. Salted water escaped from the side of my eyes from joy. He's finally here. He hasn't left me! Joy overwhelmed me, as I refused to let go of him.

" What the- Tommy?" The male gasped for air, turning around and trying to get a good look at me. I released tension as my arms dropped, letting the hug fall as my face dropped in disappointment of the voice that spoken to me. It was Tubbo. He's back from school already? It's only September...

My face flushed red, emancipating the heat to the exterior area as I collapse my hands together. " You're not Ranboo.." I muttered under my breath, he turned his body to face me and turned his back on what seemed to be Niki. " Yeah, I'm not. This young lady here explained to me the situation, he went to the palace and hasn't come back yet?" He said crossing his arms and looking directly at me, my chest felt heavy and head felt lightheaded, but I still managed to respond with a small nod.

" I will be staying with you from now on Tommy, Niki must go back to the palace. " he stated to me as he turned around and started whispering to her something, too quiet to hear anything, I gave up on eavesdropping. Finally as he finished talking with Niki he ended with " Thank you for looking after him, sorry if he caused you any discomfort or trouble." Once again my heart ached at those ruthless words.

" Oh no problem at all! He wasn't much trouble don't worry about it." Niki said with a soft tone and a soft smile on her lips. Her words kind of healed the hole burning in my heart from the harsh words that escaped Tubbo's mouth, however that should be the least of my problems. " I will go an pack my things, Tom would you like to help me?" She offered, her kindness was sweet. Sweet enough for me to already be addicted to it like my sweet tooth eager to take eat anything sweet I see.

Agreeing upon the offer, I took Niki by the hand and went into her room, which in reality was Ranboo's.

Few minutes later of packing her stuff, she grabbed her bag lifted it and carried it to the living room. It was now dark, Tubbo insisted to have Niki go by horse back now as its faster. Niki agreed, they both looked at me " Tommy go put on something warm and longer trousers." Tubbo commanded in a monotone voice. I complied, going to get changed, I came back with longer trousers and a red jumper on me.

Tubbo placed Niki's bag in the large saddle bag on the horse, securing it in place. I froze on the spot, staring intensely at the horse. My body eager to turn back and stay home alone, but my mind couldn't decide which ones more frightening; riding a horse at night with two older people or staying home alone with no one. I felt being grabbed by my torso, making my blisters sting badly, biting the inside of my cheek to prevent any squirms from escaping. "N-NO- Tubbo- please." I squirm, fidgeting, trying to escape his grip. No use. " What? It's just a horse." He said, placing me on the saddle, seated in front of Niki, " See? It's not that bad." She stated.

" I won't fall off?"

"No, Don't worry you won't" Once again comforting me with a soft voice, meanwhile Tubbo saddled up onto the horse too, being the one in front; being sandwiched between two people bought some form of comfort to me. However, I couldn't forget about the horse and how dangerous and power it can be. Re living my memories, it was like a nightmare coming true. " Hold on tight everyone, we won't be long, it will be a fast." Niki reached to Tubbo and held onto him, ultimately making me secured for the journey. And with that, Tubbo galloped off into the woods.

It's been ages since I've been outside, especially in the dark. It was a strange and unearthly experience. Everything around me felt massive, as if I was the ant being stamped on by nature and it's wrath. I could barely see the trees, how is the horse moving around so smoothly? Jumping over large logs, dead animals and other questionable things. The horse sped right through the trees, bushes and over rivers out into a clearing; it felt as if it were hours that we were riding, but seeing bright lights in the distance and the faint sound of music gave me hope that we weren't lost. 

" Tubbo, you know where the imperial palace is?" Niki questioned loudly, as the wind travelling by made it impossible to hear anything, " Yes, now hold on!" He exclaimed back as the horse raced down the steep hill, making it into the town city. Bright lights and lanterns hung from string that were attached to buildings and hanging above the people, different variant of music played from different directions, you could smell pies, cakes and muffins hanging  in the air, sweetening the experience of whatever was happening in town. " What the hell is happening here?" Tubbo questioned puzzled as the horse walked slowly through the sweaty crowds, Niki suddenly audibly gasped as some form of realisation," It's the crown princes Birthday!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands in excitement. 

" Who's the crown prince?"  

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