Steven Universe

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A few years back I wanted to start making a series of one shots for SU but I never really felt comfortable writing it? Idk why. I had a few ideas so if you wanna take them for your own stuff you can. Bear in mind that these were made way before Steven met the diamonds and found out who his mum really was so shh

1) Steven and Pearl decide to fuse for something but she's so addicted to the feeling of being Rainbow Quartz again that she doesn't let him go. It's an internal battle inside Rainbow Quartz sort of like how Lapis treated Jasper. The story would follow them working through the issues of missing someone and how toxic it was to think of Steven as a mini Rose. They'd unfuse and Steven would be hella tired and pass out. Then we'd see the side of Pearl that desperately wants to keep her loyalty to this person that Rose wanted so badly but still has this bitter sense towards him because at the end of the day he's the reason Rose isn't there. 

2) Steven is depressed. That's it. Well no it's not but it's the basic story. It's the coldest time of year and he hasn't been able to go on any missions with the gems or go outside due to the weather. This has left him alone for long periods of time. The gems try to ignore that he's not his normal self because this is Steven and he could do anything he wanted. It's when they don't have any missions that they realize just how bad they let him get. He doesn't do much. He hardly sleeps but he doesn't get out of bed until he is literally starving and dehydrated to hell. Amethyst tries to get him to play some video games but gets frustrated when she's constantly brushed off. Pearl tries to get him up with the promise of training but he doesn't care about that either. Garnet tries to tempt him with cool artefacts that she'd got from missions but surprise surprise he aint biting. Lapis and Peridot visit because they haven't seen Steven and Lapis knows what's up straight away. She sends people out so it's just her and Steven and she asks what's up with him. It takes some convincing but he eventually opens up. He feels inadequate because he can never be Rose and he's worried the gems won't like him as much anymore because of this. They have a lil depression chat and then she explains it to everyone. The gems make sure to spend more time with him and Rose isn't really talked about anymore

3) Steven dies. Well sort of. Basically he's walking along in his city and oop a fucking car runs the bitch over. He goes YEET and is sort of dead? The story takes place inside his gem and he learns that he can choose certain features as long as they stay in a certain colour palette and his most recognizable things stay the same. It's like a game sort of. He goes through this battle on whether he should change how he looks so he can look like this cookie-cutter hero. Big muscles, tall and all-round a hard man. If he does all of that will it even stick since he is still a human and would have to keep it up? Whilst he does this we quickly cut to Connie finding his gem and rushing it over to the crystal gems because holy shit there is not a body. What now? They wait. Go back into his gem and he's like I shouldn't change people like me like this and I'm happy like this. He pops back out, they're all happy and Pearl yeets clothes at him because he's nakey since clothes weren't in his gem --- after the whole diamonds thing this isn't useable but let's just appreciate the effort I put into it

That's all the ideas I had. Will I ever do them? Nah probably not. I find it hard to write their characters but like i said feel free to use it

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