Doctor Who

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So I rewatched my favourite Doctor's series and couldn't find any fanfic for the half Doctor and wanted to make my own. Only problem was I didn't really know where to go with it so here's all the snippet I made that would've been the beginning of the one-shot book.

"I don't want to be called The Doctor anymore," the Doctor stated as he sat down to breakfast with a plate of jam on toast. He took a bite after making his statement, remaining nonchalant. The table went silent for a moment. Jackie and Rose exchanged looks before their eyes fell on him. Peter put down his newspaper, joining their gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something bad? Still not used to not being rude, was I rude?" he asked.

"No, it's not rude. It's just we've only known you as The Doctor," Rose answered. He put his toast down. 

"Well I'm not really The Doctor anymore, am I? Lack of Time Lordy stuff like the two hearts and regeneration. Just got the brains and the looks," he replied with a smile. "I'm like The Half Doctor and that's just demeaning, isn't it?"

"Well, what do you want to be called?" Jackie inquired, shaking off the shock of the statement. It would be odd calling him by a different name. Though she supposed he wanted to be more in touch with his human part. "I don't really know. Never really had a name other than The Doctor. Well, that's not really true I did have a name but it's not easy to say and it's a bugger to spell. John Smith is another one but God is that boring and I'm not boring," he rambled. "I'm not boring right?"

"Far from it," Rose assured him with a smile. She didn't know The Doctor by any other name but she could get used to calling him something else. "We could look up some names. The internet has loads," she added.

"The Universe had loads. The Internet has a handful in comparison." He got that look from Rose. "Sorry."

Once they'd eaten, Rose and The Doctor turned on the computer and began looking through names. "Maybe I could go with Alonzo! That's got a kick to it," he suggested excitedly. 

"I am not calling you Alonzo," Rose deadpanned.

"Why not? It's a fun name. Oh, and you could say allonzy Alonzo whenever we go anywhere and Alonzo is so fun to say. Aaalllooonnnnzzooo," he ranted, smiling brightly. Although she loved when he smiled, she wasn't letting him do this. He couldn't be called Alonzo. She couldn't stand calling him Alonzo. "Doctor, no. I refuse to call you that," she told him, her voice firm so he got the idea. He huffed, resting his head on his hand, pouting. "Don't do that. We'll find you a name that's just as fun." He mumbled grumpily under his breath as they looked at names. Then he shot his hand out and tapped on the screen. "Not Adolfo either. Nothing that's remotely similar to Alonzo."

"Fine, if I can't have something fun then I can have something mysterious," he said.

"You don't ask for much do you?" Rose commented, rolling her eyes lovingly. He didn't catch her sarcasm and continued to read through the names. He pointed out a few names but eventually found he didn't like them for one reason or another. "It's too long!" "I don't like the colour."

"Names don't have colours."

"Yes they do and I don't like that colour!" "It's too sad." "I don't like the way you say it." "Now that's just not a name."

Soon The Doctor fell silent which was never good for someone who always ran his mouth. It was his greatest skill. Talking someone's ear off came in handy more than you'd think. Rose glanced over to him and found that he was wearing a rather glum expression. "How do humans find this so easy? You just pick a name for a thing you've never even met and they always seem so perfect," he complained, gesturing to the screen frustratedly. 

"In all fairness, humans have nine months to think of baby names. That's if they're planning the baby at all," Rose pointed out. This didn't do much to lighten his mood. "We'll find you a name."

"I'm not in the mood to look anymore. Been still too long. Too boring," he replied.

"Don't be like that," she said when he stood up.

"I'm not being like anything. I'm being me. Mr No Name. Now that's something fun. First name No, second Name. Well, it would get confusing after a while. No No! I could probably keep up but no one else would. Oh, I just said no. Now did I say my name or did I just say no? You don't know. Ha sounds like no but I actually said know-" Rose cupped his face in her hands, reminding him to breathe. He was going a mile a minute without breaks and she'd rather not have him faint from not breathing. He sighed and stared at the floor. "I did the rambling thing again didn't I?" She nodded, letting go of his face with a sympathetic smile. 

"You know, you could just abbreviate your name?" she suggested. He raised an eyebrow. "How do you abbreviate The Doctor? Doc isn't a name."

"You could shorten it to D. Mysterious since people don't know what it stands for and fun because it's quick to say," she explained. A bright smile lit up his face.

"D! That's amazing. You're brilliant you!" he exclaimed, picking her up and spinning her around. She giggled happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"Why thank you D." His eyes lit up at the mention of his new name. He clearly loved it. 

Will I ever go back to this? Not really. There's not much I can do with him and I just find my ideas boring to read

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