My first ever fanfic

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Believe it or not, the first fanfic I ever wrote was in fact not for Robin. It was for the first Avengers movie. In 2012 I was ten so you can imagine how bad the writing was. A little backstory to this is that I was writing way before I was ten. I've been making stories since I learnt to write and even before then my playground games were very story-driven. Because of this, I had a character type that I always used for the main character. This was an overpowered early teenage girl with parental issues and a shy yet sarcastic personality type. Even the power was similar all the time. They either had the power to control water or fire or both depending on how powerful they needed to be. Fire was always my favourite (pyromaniac since five.) Given this context, the character in the book was this character. Unfortunately, despite using this character all the time, I didn't have a name for her so I used my own name. It wasn't intended to be a self-insert, it was just I couldn't think of a name that fit. It is sorta funny looking back at this story because I wrote it with very little knowledge of Marvel. I just knew that Marvel owned the Avengers and X-Men. This will come up later. To save myself from the cringe of reading my own name, let's call this girl Ellie.

Fury pulls up to Xavier's school for gifted children looking for Ellie (a great start already.) He goes in, meets with Charles and Charles already knows why he wants Ellie. Following the events of the Avengers, they need to put the tesseract somewhere (i was ten and canon didn't exist shut it) because they need to keep it safe. He says he'll hand over the student as long as she's not hurt in the expense of the safety of the tesseract. Fury agrees and takes Ellie.

Cut to three years later. Loki is making some mischief back on Earth and Fury sends the Avengers to collect the tesseract. They're sent to an unknown mountainous region and are told to walk the last few bits. It's here where they comment on how far away this place is for civilisation because I just need my non-existent readers to know how lonely this girl is. They find a small house on the top of the mountain and knock on the door. No one answers. They go inside and are suddenly attacked from behind. They get stuck in blocks of ice and a fourteenish girl is seen in the doorway. This girl is Ellie. Like Tony Stark (team ironman even when I was ten) she has a glowing thing in her chest. She asks who they are and Black Widow shows her ID that proves they're from SHEILD. She melts the ice and asks them why they're there. They respond that they're picking up the tesseract so she asks where she's going. Only Black Widow knows why she asks this. She tells her to go pack a bag then explains what happened to Ellie. When Fury took her three years ago, it was for a surgery that would connect the tesseract to her heart. Apparently, with my ten-year-old logic, it had to be connected to her heart in order for her to maintain control over it as her powers could suppress its power. This is somehow safer than anything else. 

After the explanation, they're pissed because she's just a kid and blah blah. Before they can fully go off there's a bang outside and Loki is here to fuck some shit up. There's a massive fight and in this fight, Ellie gets involved. However, Loki already knows she has the tesseract so he just mind controls her. How Fury didn't think this would happen is just amazing. The Avengers are defeated and Loki snatches her away with plans to end the world. They regroup, go off on Fury, then go off to find her. To be fair, this bit is pretty well written considering my age. Quick pat on the back there. They find Loki took her to a cave and is keeping her mindless, ready to manipulate. They do some sneaking and defeat Loki because they always do. This breaks the link between him and Ellie which leaves her unconscious somehow.

Then she wakes up in the hospital room in the X-Men mansion. Charles is there and she asks if he remembers her. He says yes and they have this fun little reunion. She quickly notices some pain and Black Widow is there. She explains that she no longer has the tesseract. It was removed upon revision of the plans and she can come back to live at the school. It's a fun time and that until we follow Black Widow out to the helicopter. It's here we learn that if Loki was to come back, she would once again be under his control due to having it in her chest for so long. If the link was broken again, she would die. That's the end.

Edgy for ten-year-old I know but this story is kind of nostalgic for me. I don't think I'd be here on wattpad writing stories about Dick Grayson if I didn't write this story. It's sort of amazing that I went from being just a kid writing a really terrible oc story to the work I do today. I've come so far and gone through a lot of shit but I'm still that girl sitting in her room writing stories. Only now I have amazing people following me and commenting and just being the best supporters ever. I know this book doesn't get as many reads as my others so I might post this little bit on my main stuff because I don't say it enough but I really don't know what I'd do without the people who read my stuff and think it's actually good.

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