Enrique and Eddie

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This story was made after I randomly drew  the same two characters everywhere so I began to make a story for them. I think I abandoned this because I wanted to make it a cartoon series but I lost the energy after storyboarding the plot points for the first season. 

Enrique was from a relatively working-class family and he's like a Marco/Sokka archetype - for those who don't watch either of the shows I mean he was a smart guy that was sorta weak but still had value for the team. Eddie was from an upper-class family that lived in the rich side of town and she was the main character. She was rebellious but friendly. Her whole thing was she was two different people. At home, she was the picture-perfect girl but outside she was this spunky girl that had mainly masculine stereotypes. Her and Enrique hang out twenty-four seven and sneak out together although Enrique's parents are very laid back and just leave him to it (this becomes an important plot point that i never developed.)

The story begins with Enrique and Eddie hanging out at the park at night. Then something crashes into the ground. Eddie, being the more curious of the two, goes to see it and touches the object. Enrique stays back and rambles about the danger of it. Nothing happens, they part ways, then go to sleep. The next day, they go out into town and see someone shoplifting. Eddie goes to run after him and suddenly runs faster than anyone else could and catches him. People are shocked and the series proceeds with her aliens coming to take the powers she got from the object that fell from the sky. It's sort of like Ben 10 esk with a little bit of Star vs The Forces of Evil. I intended to tackle issues such as misogyny, miscarriages of justice, classism, labelling within schools and neglectful parenting. Mostly this series was going to show off my sociology A-Level (because this is about as much use as I'd ever get from that A-Level.)

My favourite plot I did have was your classic side character has crush on main character. Enrique has a fat crush on Eddie and has been pining over her for years. Near the end of the first season (like there'd be more than one season) he finally confesses after saving Eddie. Eddie laughs it off and shuts him down.  He then proceeds to breakdown because he just saved this girl and she won't even take his request to date seriously. It's in this breakdown that he yells why she doesn't love him after everything he's done considering that what got him to love her. She starts crying and tells him he can't ever love him the same way because she doesn't love guys. She loves girls. He immediately apologizes but it takes a while for them to be friends again because he basically forced her to come out and berated her for not thinking of him in the same way. I might reuse this plot for other things because this would get a lot of conflict going with a resolution remaining unknown plus there is some suspense in it.

Will I ever come back to this story? Probably not. The tropes involved were just very kids showy and I don't think I can maintain family-friendly in the plot just out of personal preference. I could go back to it when I feel like it would make for a better story but for now it shall remain abandoned. 

I don't know if I've said this before in these chapters but if anyone wants to take inspiration from these lost stories or just wants to use the plot/characters you can! Just tag me in it so I can see it and get some of that sweet sweet credit :)

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