Beginning and Main Character

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Hello and welcome to my ACTUAL Fanfiction Advice/Tip Book, also known as AFATB.

I'm your host for this shit-show, DragLuard, a legally certified Wattpad author. You might known me from many of my different works, which I recommend you to read, vote, share and most importantly: comment.

So, after noticing that there isn't many advice books, I made it my task to guide all those people out there and teach them how to write good Fanfiction fitting for this site. 

Well, there is this cliche book made by PhantomMaster_5 but he didn't update it in a long time. Also, his book helped me a lot, so a shout out for Phantom.

So, with the wast knowledge fitting for a person who is here for almost 3 years and the personality of  what can only be described as the Wattpad version of Magikarpusedfly, here we are.

We will cover many different point: characters, powers, romance, story and stuff like that.

Most of the examples here will be used from series which are most used here (mostly DxD), but you can use those tips for all stories.

WARNING: I might go into small rants and give my own opinions on some stuff, so be prepared. And for some harsh words.

With all that formal stuff out of the way, lets jump right into the first lesson of this book.

Also, feel free to leave your open thoughts and engage in good discussion with (I hope) fellow man of culture.




Before we start with this lesson, you have to ask yourself: what is a Main Character?

Is the god guy a Main Character?

Is the bad guy a Main Character?

Is my pet dog/cat a Main Character?

Is Keanu Reeves a Main Character?

To all  those above questions: Yes.

Yes, they are.

The Main Character is the character around which your story will resolve and we will follow him on his many different adventures raging from slaying monsters to dealing with tsunderes.

But, what is a Main Character you can find in other books. Here we will focus on how to make a Main Character.


1) Appearance


Lets be real here.

In how many stories have you seen (or read) where the MC is a standard pretty boy or just jacked so much that his eyeballs have muscles?

In to many, that's how much.

I know that most reader stories are used as a way of escape reality and enjoy this beautiful world we call anime, but come on.

Be real.

So, here is my advice: you MC doesn't have to look like a world class supermodel or be build like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

to be liked. Most of us here are average looking guys, so that can be used to make us feel more attached to the character.

If you are making the MC's appearance:

- start with a normal looking guy who gained his special features (rainbow hair, golden eyes, fangs, etc) with a good reason

- said special features don't have to be something special (eyes changed color after gaining a power-up). They can be even the most simple stuff (decided to dye his hair in a new color, to see how it fits), something to which, the readers, can relate.

- If the MC is already buff, don't make him be born that way. Make him train for that body, be it alone training or just going to the gym.

- If you also want to add your character any additional features, give said feature a reason to be there, not just "I though it would look cool". The reason can be a special or a simple one.

Point: as much as having your MC look like the most beautiful and awesome looking person alive is cool and all, you have to keep it real.


2) Personality


Random ass story: the MC is kind, helps anyone, has no bad feeling towards anyone, loves any being equally and is loved by anyone who he encounters, is a pacifist all the time, bla bla bla

Other random ass story: the MC hates being in any kind of company, only wears black, wants revenge for his dead parents, is a ass to anyone, bla bla bla 

Another random ass story: the MC loves any kind of woman and is indifferent to men, he flirts with anything that moves and sleeps with even more, loves boobs, ass, things equally, bla bla bla

Readers: ...

Other readers: ...

Samuel L. Jackson:





Those kind of MC's are not rare here. Either they are a general Mary Sue like Kirito

or a Edgelord like Sasuke 

or a total Casanova like Charlie Harper (no offense to said character or actor).

You have no idea how much annoying is to see the MC be that one-dimensional.

Here is what mostly annoys me: HE. NEVER. DOES. ANYTHING. WRONG.

It is always: "The MC destroyed half the city while trying to destroy the small time villain! No problem, he did it for a good reason!"

That is a problem with Fairy Tail.

The guild does as much as bad stuff (property damage and sexual harassment are the main ones) as the bad guys and still are the heroes.

You have to give your MC a few flaws so he can feel like a normal human. 

They don't have to be some special ones like he doesn't trust people with blond hair cuz the people who tortured him were all blonds. It can be something simple as being afraid of spiders cuz he has seen a spider face up close when he was a child. Something which probably happened to a lot of people.

They can still be good at heart, but it doesn't have to be directed to EVERY FUCKING PERSON WHO HE MEETS.

Example: meeting with Asia from DxD (this can also serve as a few lessons in originality)

Mary Sue: 

- walks with her to the church

- just outright lets her (a complete stranger) stay at his house

- leads her to the church and decided to stay with her cuz she seems like a sweet girl

Normal person:

- gives normal directions

- walks a small way with her to the church

I get it you want to help her, but she isn't that much of an idiot to not know the way of the church.

My point: make the MC seem like a person you can relate to. Don't make him a know it all, Mary Sue, Edgelord and stuff like that.


2) MC based on another character


I will be short about this one.

How much time have I seen a story where the reader is a Saiyan or the Doom Slayer or Deadpool or any other person you have seen over 5 times.

I want to be clear: I have no problems with this type of stories, mostly cuz we all pretended to be someone else as kids. 

My problem is how they are executed.

Most of them are either to much like said character and doesn't feel like the reader or are a complete another person, having no trait from the character.

If I have to choose a author who has done a great job on that type of story, this guy comes first to my mind (no offense to the others):


Not only did he pick a character who is rarely used, that being Accelerator (as a guy who prefers villains over heroes, I highly respect that choice), but he made a perfect balance.

Not only does the MC show traits from Accelerator, but he still keep his own personality.

That is a job well done.

Lets just hope he keeps the MC a loli magnet like Accelerator was.




If you are here, then that must mean you read my stories.

If you read my stories, then that must mean you know about my hate/love relation with DxD.

If you know about my hate/love relation with DxD, then you probably share the same hates as I do.

If you probably share the same hates as I do, then you are a good person with good taste.

If not and you actually like/love the perv and tomato, then you better skip this part.

So, lets start with the most known cliches. I will cover the rest in future chapters.

1) The MC always ends up in tomato's peerage. I mean, why?

Just why?!

What does she have that Sona doesn't have?!

No man of culture: Rias has more personality, better body, much more sweet and caring to her Peerage, which she sees as family.

DragLuard: O_o


Just cuz she has more screen time and is the "heroine" of the story, doesn't make her any better that any other character. Hell, I would rather choose either Sona's Peerage or Vali's group to join that tomato's group where I want to kill most of them.

2) Sacred Gear is always a Dragon Type one, mostly a third heavenly dragon or one stronger that Ophis and Great Red.

 If he is stronger than those two, how could he be turned into a Sacred Gear. I understand choosing a new host duo to lets say needing a new body, but other that that, the reasons are mostly crap.

There are ton of other mythologies from which you can take inspiration and make your own Sacred Gear. If you want a creature inside of it, here are a few you can use:

- Typhon, the Father of Monsters from Greek Mythology

- Anubis, God of the Dead from Egyptian Mythology 

- Heimdallr, The Vigilant from Norse Mythology

- Mercury, Messenger of the Gods from Roman Mythology

- Bakasura, The Great Devourer from Hindu Mythology

- Raijin, Master of Thunder from Japanese Mythology

- Baron Samedi, God of Life and Death from Voodoo Mythology

There are a lot more. If you need more help, there is a game like League of Legends called Smite which focuses around Mythology. You can use that as a way to get ideas for your Sacred Gear or even MC.


Well, that is for todays lesson. Hope you guys learned something.

As for me, you can always contact me here or on Discord if you need any tips.

Feel free to ask any question you have, chat with other people and overall leave your comments and thoughts about this all. 

See ya all next time. Peace out.

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