DxD Cliches, Rants and Tips

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Hello and welcome back to another chapter of The ACTUAL Fanfiction Advice Book.

I'm your host, DragLuard, a legally certified Wattpad author and your menthor/teacher/sensei during this book. Unless I have to do something or just got sick.

Anyway, as Christmas and New Year is nearing. Usual its a good thing, but since I will be going tomorrow on a trip to visit my grandma, thus also unfortunately will also see the cousins and rest of family that lives there. So, that leads us to both good and bad news.

Bad news = from tomorrow till, I think around the 2nd January I won't be able to update any of my stories.

Good news = I will still be able to see your messages and stuff like that. Not to mention, I will have enough time to focus on my DxD story, FT story and maybe a new RWBY story.

In case I make a new and probably final RWBY story, I can only say this so you know what to expect:

Anyway, lets turn to the subject at hand: general cliches, tips and rants for the DxD stories here.


1) The Main Character and other characters


How many times have we seen the following points of a MC?

- transfers to Kuoh without any real explanation

- has a Sacred Gear that nobody knew about, even if its damn strong

You know, I love to keep some stuff the same and use some ideas others use, but come on.

After to many times, it just gets boring or annoying.

Not to mention when we get to the family and heritage. Its either of a Dragon, Devil (mostly Lucifer or Satan) or sometimes even of beings from Cthulhu mythos.

The last is done mostly for tentacle lemons.

Why not use some inspiration of actual beings from mythologies, seeing as they all are real in DxD?

I mean, would it be cool to see the MC or reader be the descendant of Karna?

Or how about Typhon?

Or, if you want extra originality, why not use just some characters from other series, change their story so its fits DxD (which is pretty easy if you have a good imagination) and make the MC his/her descendant?

I mean, how awesome would it be if the MC (in most cases us, the readers) be the descendant of lets say Reinhard from Dies Irae?

Not only would you be pretty OP, (probably) have a group of extremely strong people at your back and call, but also have a idea I personally never seen be used.

Now, his personality, appearance are all discussed in the previous chapter.

Lets move to powers.


2) Powers 


So, the MC has either a pretty strong Sacred Gear (which is mostly a Dragon or being who is the most strongest being at all) or he just has powers passed down his family, yet he is the only one who uses them?

And the worst part, none are properly explained.

Smells like complete bullshit if you ask me.

I understand that you people want to make your MC the best there is, but he can't be that if he doesn't make sense power wise.

Here is a small picture that shows how most people separate the different MC's, including fictional.

As you can see,  your future or current MC is either:

A) Team Hard work = gains the strength and powers through training and mastering his powers 

B) Team Talent = gains the strength and powers though luck, genetics or, the absolute worst way, asspulls

My honest advice is, if you plan on keeping a power hidden for some time, give subtle hints about it, what it does or from where it comes from.

Lets take my DxD story for example: you guys know that the MC's right hand has some sort of power, but don't know what kind of power. You only have a few small clues of what it is, and even then, its not something big.

No need to worry, I have planned it already.

Anyway, the last point is the Sacred Gear.

In case you use a Sacred Gear, you can either use one of the already existing ones (Annihilation Maker is my personal favorite) or make a new one.

If you make a new one, here is a good tip you can use:

Instead of having a beast or creature sealed inside, how about have a historical or fictional figure sealed inside?

If you can't think of someone, how about this person.

If you don't know who that is, its One-Eyed Othinus, the Majin (Magic God) from the To Aru series.

Not only is she OP, but also a pretty interesting way of creating new plot lines, our next theme.


3) Plot


This is a relatively short theme.

Most people don't try to change the plot of DxD, even tho you can do that. 

Most cases they just add new story arcs and move on with the actual plot like nothing happened.

You can avoid this problem by also changing the history of DxD by changing some events, adding more characters and so on.

I remember reading a DxD story that did follow the cannon plot, but still held its own unique way.

That story belonged to this author.


Not only did he manage to fuse the elements of Elsword to DxD, but he did in on a level that I honestly believed it could actually happen.

I'm not telling you to change the entire plot, but just on the level that it shows that you didn't copy cannon.

I know, its a rather short theme, but its the same as the next.


4) Peerage


You see, Peerages can only be held by High Classed Devils. And most MC become them willy nilly just because they have a strong connection, bloodline or did something like defeat a threat.

Now, I will quote what my friend said.

Said friend is 


"Most writers choose characters for the peerage, if given, that are already absolutely OP, like Esdeath. And they fill the whole peerage with those characters but that takes away the chance to have some character development for the peerage members."

He has a good point.

Most Peerages are either to OP (even if that couldn't be in some cases possible) or are just big tiddied girls who don't do shit.

If you want to make a good Peerage, keep the number of OP people acceptable, give them their moments to shine and DON'T make each a harem member.

Three morons from DxD did just that and nobody likes them now.


5) Harems


My last point of today.

The harems.

You know, as a normal human male, I like the idea of a harem.

IF it makes sense.

You see, I see myself as a romantic.

So, I would always prefer a small harem (2-3 girls) of girls that I like than a huge harem (5-all girls, even some genderbend ones, which I absolutely hate) of just hot girls.

That is the problem. Most authors when writing harems think which girl they want to bone than the girls they genuinely want to have a relationship with.

Thats why I toned down the harems in my last few stories. Hell, I even plan to make my RWBY story a single pairing.

Anyway, my point is that you should, if making a harem, aim so that the girls are the ones that would actually fall in love with your MC.

Also, try not to have some of the repeated members.

While some are alright (example: Koneko, Serafall, Kuroka, Rossweisse, Le Fay, ...) some are just plain on annoying (Tomato, Daddy Issues, Church Crybaby).

As you can see, I hate the last three mentioned. 

Especially when your MC end up being against them at the start and then this happens:

"Oh, they were bitches to me at the start, but now I know that they had a reason for it. Might as well forgive them and start a relation, even tho there are others who clearly showed interest in me."

If I ever see someone doing that just to get more girls jumping the MC's bone, he better be prepared for me going full DOOM on his and the thots asses.

My point: when choosing harem, choose with your heart, not your dick.


And that concludes todays lesson. Hope you learned a few things.

Now, for an important note.

As you read it, this will be the last update on any of my stories before I go on vacation till the 2nd January.

So, this means this is my last update not only this year, but also this decade.

And honestly speaking, i'm damn proud of it.

Not only are we leaving the decade to which we grew up with awesome games, series, animes, memes and many more, but we also pulled through.

I honestly didn't expect me to get to this point, with over 700 followers and many made friends.

I honestly would like to give a shout out to all people that come to my mind that made this experience what it is today.











The order has nothing to do with anything. And trust me, those are not all of the amazing people. Just some of them. I didn't forget any of you guys and I don't think that you are bellow those mentioned guys.

Its just my fingers hurt from typing, but you will get that I also mean you.

And not to forget my dear readers, who showed time and time that they have my back.

I hope I will prove that your support is not wasted, even tho I might appear annoying.

Anyway, like always vote and leave a comment.

See ya all next year. 

In case I can't make a notification in the next few days, happy early Christmas and a New Year to all you beautiful people out there. Peace out.

And here is something to get you into holiday mood. Enjoy.


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