RWBY Cliches, Rants and Tips

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Hello and welcome back to another chapter of The ACTUAL Fanfiction Advice Book.

I'm your host, DragLuard, a legally certified Wattpad author who just got over being terribly sick for almost two entire week, which explains why there was no update last week.

I wanted to let you guys know, but I barely could look at my phone or laptop. Hell, I even barely managed to leave the bed to get to the bathroom. 

Anyway, there will be some news you guys need to hear before we begin with the lessons.

I will change my update schedule. No longer will I update on the weekend, but have short chapters. From now on, my updates will be more random, but with longer chapters for you guys to enjoy and me to cover all stuff that happens.

Next, like in the pool on my site, the DxD story Monster in Human Clothes will be updated, along with the RWBY story that i'm still working on. Maybe update the DxD story this weekend, don't exactly know. RWBY, maybe next week, need to see how things go with school and all that.

Now, before we begin let me make one thing clear about the things I will talk here:

This is strictly about the Fanfiction, not the actual RWBY series. 

The reason I tell you that is because some might think I talk about the series (I will say some things about the series), but its mostly about the fanfictions written about it. 

I love RWBY as a series. Sure it has some moments that I didn't exactly like, but it is still not enough for me to trash talk about it. It has a interesting plot, characters, the fighting choreography is a pure masterpiece and many more stuff.

Monty Oum was a genius to who we all held great respect for him, and I would never take his worlds in my mouth for stupid reasons like some fans use it. To me and many others who hope to become either writers or animators, both him and the show are a inspiration, someone to look up to. I personally, don't care about the ships (which is a huge problem in the fandom). As long as the crew does their thing and knows they are doing it good, then let them do it. 

Don't like the course the series is going? Don't watch it.

Don't like the whole Secret War thing between Ozpin and Salem? There are other characters to watch and enjoy.

Don't like if a ship is being to forced? Don't pay attention to it.

I hope you all understood what I tried to say, especially you crazy fans out there who all say stuff like "Monty wouldn't like the course the series is taking." or "Bumblebee is such a awful ship. They should have stayed with Black Sun".

To those people, ... well personally I would want them the worst possible things cuz to me its the same thing as they trash talked about Monty, who I see as the Stan Lee of anime-style web series. 

Don't say stuff like that cuz you probably didn't know him on a friend level or you are just being a brat whose series isn't going as you want to.

Well, with that being said, lets move from the crazy fandom to the fanfictions.


1) Abused and Neglected


You know, just thinking about what to write here made my blood pressure skyrocket.

Ah, yes the all to familiar RWBY x Abused and Neglected Reader/OC. How familiar are we with that.

It makes up like ... 

A good part of the stories here.

Now, we can separate those type of stories in two different categories: the good ones that make sense and actually awake some emotions and the ones written by edgy 12-16 year olds who are the same people who scream "SAO is the best anime" and "Fortnite is the best game".

Jesus, bleach never looked so tasty when I wrote those last sentences.

When you write this type of story, it isn't just "oh lets have the reader be misthreaded by his family, he runs away, becomes incredibly OP and later forgives the family cuz he wants the girls in him harem".

To all that use that formula above, I have this to say:

You are a state-recognized idiot.

Firstly, you can't forgive someone willy nilly at the snap of a finger. It takes a lot of time and effort from the family to show you you want their forgiveness. If you accept it or not, that is up to you.

Second, I don't care honestly about the OP part. Like always, if it makes sense, alright. But not so OP it can beat the Twin Gods. 

Thirdly, about the harem.


Just no.

Incest is definitely no wincest.

What most people when writing forget this is supposed to be something that will make you feel for the MC and maybe some other, not want to kill the abusers (unless they really are some jerks *cough*Jacques*cough*).  

Also, its always the Rose/Xian Long family, one of the nicest there is. Even the Belladonna is not safe. The Schnee ... eh, I can somehow see it. More like mental abuse, rather than physical.

With thousand of those type of stories, only maybe a handful which are done both correctly and that make fucking sense. If you know any, please send me cuz I can't read the ones mentioned.

"Forgiving the abusers can also be done as a sign that one is better then them, you know forgive what they have done but never forget. I mean the MC holding this grudge over years some times seem very wrong for me, even worse if the MC has found a new family and a better life"- AshanTrueDragonGod


2) Character interpretation/How characters are portrayed


You know, this is actually my biggest problem when writing any story: i'm afraid I won't portray the character in a way that you guys can say "Yup, that sounds something he/she would do or say".

I don't want to ruin some great characters by my bad (average at best) writing. Thats the reason I never managed to write a One Piece story.

Anyway, you see a lot of people get this problem with RWBY: they portray the characters the way the fandom makes them look like, not how they really are.

Or in other words: they don't focus on all their traits.

The most common example is our main heroine, Ruby herself.

You might see her as this adorable little Grimm Reaper who is a buddle of joy and innocence (to the point of not knowing what sex is) and loves cookies to the point she could eat them 24/7.

Well, I can tell you that a lot of those things are wrong with that. Lets start shall we.

She is overall a buddle of joy, but she isn't innocent. She is 15 for Gods sake, she certainly had the talk with someone. Also, her uncle is Qrow, so we can assume (99% sure it happened) she overheard him talk about one of his "battles that he lost".

Also, it is officially stated her favorite food is strawberries. Look up the wiki, people.

I could go on about other characters, but I will write a special part for that in the future, but I will mention a group of people you guys get the wrong image of.

The Rose/Xian Long family.

Tell me just this:

where the fuck did you get the idea that those group of people that are easily one of the nicest people in the entire cast, can be a fucking abusive family?!


Or better, who got this idea?!

Where is it shown that they were ever a bad family?!

Summer was 100% a great mom, no questions asked. If you are writing her as a bad person, then Jesus you really must be desperate for your story to be liked or you hate her for God knows which reason.

Qrow also is by far no bad guy, just incredibly unlucky. If it weren't for his semblance, he would be the cool uncle, that is for sure.

Raven ... alright, she is a deadbeat mom on the same level Mash sees Lancelot as a deadbeat dad from Fate/Grand Order. But, she still isn't on the level of abuse.

Tai ... where to begin with this guy? How about this:

You morons give him to much crap.

Why? Maybe because of that Beowolf incident Yang had with baby Ruby. You keep whining: "Why didn't he stop them? Why didn't he do anything?"

You guys remember that the guy was in deep depression cuz 1 wife left him and another one disappeared or even died. How would you feel?

Of course he would like that cuz he suffered from a serious depression. Of course he would be somewhat neglectful towards Ruby and Yang. 

Come on guys, cut him some slack.


3) Semblance, weapons, powers


Alright, this one is rather short compared to the ones above.

In most cases, the MC has this OP Semblance and weapons for no reason at all. Or its a really simple and stupid reason like "I gained it through my hate for my abusive family" "I gained it through my will to kill all Grimm" 

Alright, we need to make some things clear.

For the weapons, if it is some ancient weapon in which is ... lets say Chuck Norris sealed, do you seriously believe that Ozpin, a 1000 year old wizard wouldn't know about it. Or even Salem, who wandered Remnant much longer than Ozpin did.

His weapon doesn't need to be some legendary weapon, it can be a simple dual weapon like we see in the show, a just regular weapon or you can just use your fists.

Next, Semblance we have the same problem. Except the Semblance is usually some broken stuff like Saiyan transformations, Golden Experience Requiem (which is the NORMAL semblance by the way) and stuff like that.

Where have you seen, in the show that a Semblance can be so broken?

If you want to have a strong MC, I can recommend you this guys for this RWBY story.


Not only is his MC based on a really strong character, but he made it look so natural overall. The fact that he is Nora's brother only makes it much, much better.

So, good job.

If you need some help with the Semblance, just look at some Quirks from My Hero Academia. They are at the same level as the Semblances in RWBY.

Hell, I even plan on using one Quirk as the Semblance for the upcoming RWBY story.

A small hint: its from a villain.


4) Pairings 


RWBY is wide knows for all the crazy ships there is, right?

Well, that doesn't mean our dear MC is spared of that.

When it comes to RWBY, I see it as a story line where the pairing can either be a normal single one or, in some specific cases, a love triangle.


Yeah, don't see it as such.

Sure, I like to read a good harem story, but for RWBY I would rather write a single pairings.

You need to find a character that would suit yours and if said character is already in a confirmed ship (shame on all who ruin Power Flower), well keep looking or do some changes.

If you are looking for a good story with a single ship with best girl in RWBY, I can recommend this author and his story.


The romance between the two is nicely done, not to mention the unique take on the story as it is.


Well, that concludes todays lesson. There is still more to cover, but that will be done in the future once I get back into writing after those 2 weeks. 

Like always, comment and vote.

Be in the look out for the DxD and RWBY stories.

The RWBY one will be maybe next week out and can't really promise much since i'm still going over some stuff.

For the DxD, maybe this weekend. If yes, then I can promise that a certain perver will get his ass kicked by this creature. Try to guess which it is, here are the tips:

- Monster Hunter

- pompadour

- boxing

See ya all next time. Peace out.

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