Fairy Tail Cliches, Rants and Tips

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Hey there readers. Its me, ya boi.

So, I know I have not been that active like in the past, but we all have that time. The time where we have great ideas, but are to lazy to write or have to much ideas to decide what to write.

Well, for me its a little of both.

But I decided to at least update this book seeing as you guys really love it. And what better way to update it than with the theme of my new book: Fairy Tail.

Of course, the chapter will be a little shorter that usual since most Fairy Tail fanficts I read are on Fanfiction.net and not here. So I can't exactly point some stuff about the stories here. Also, I will have a small announcement at the end.

It will mostly be about my stories, like always, but nothing to mayor. Just some stuff you guys need to know.

So, with that out of the way. Lets get started.


1) Magic the MC uses


We all know how Fairy Tail has a large list of Magics people use. Raging from quiet simple stuff we see normal wizards use, to some rather unique and powerful ones that can turn the user into a real one man/woman army, but the potential was wasted.

So, I have to ask this:

Why are people so obsessed with Dragon Slayer Magic?

I mean, sure it is awesome and some of the strongest characters are Dragon Slayers (just so we are clear, i'm talking about Acnologia, not a certain bad Asta), but there are some other Magics that are even more broken that DS Magic.

God Slayer was said to be stronger that DS Magic, yet all of the users were handled like cheap mini bosses in each their fight. Except Chelia, who got her moment to shine in Alvarez Empire Arc.

Even if we ignore the Slayer Magic's, there are ton of other Magic's that can be used and be even more OP that the Slayers ones. 

I personally prefer the Arc of Embodiment, just for the amount of stuff you can do it. Sadly, its user was a guy who had more drama that brains in its head. If I was ever reincarnated in FT world and given the free chance to learn any Magic, I would aim for it. The only limit is your imagination. Which, like all users of that kind of Magic, the canon users lack.

If you don't like any of the the actually canon ones, you can just make up your own. It wouldn't be shocking as most use that method, just with Dragon Slayer.

Fun fact: when I first watched Fairy Tail, somewhere right in the middle, I thought Erza's Magic was creating armors, so I found it cool. Later, when I found out that she actually owns those armors, the idea became less cool. 

They could at least gave us a few moments where she is getting her armors, not just simply say she obtained them. She is like the really bad version of Sinbad from Magi.

And I mean REALLY bad version. 

They at least showed him obtaining his Djinn's, not simply said he obtained them.

Magi is a good anime people can use for ideas. I highly recommend it.

There are of course other animes people can use for inspiration for their MC's magic. In fact, here is a ability people can use as the Magic. Especially if they want to make a OP characters.

All Fiction from Medaka Box.

All Fucking Fiction.

One of the most OP powers in all of animes. If you don't know what it is, look it up. You won't be disappointed.

Of course you can, like me, not give the character any kind of Magic. Make him a deadly weapon users. That is how I made my MC in my book. Of course, the fact that he is based on John Wick only shows how deadly he is.

I mean, all of the cast is human. A bullet through the brain will kill them, with or without Plot Armor.


2) OOC (Out of Character)


I will be quick about this one. 

I, and probably a lot of other people, are tired of all those Fairy Tail betrays Lucy fics.

I personally never read one, but I know something like that would never happen.

And stop making some people be meaner that they are. I mean, seriously, Lisanna is probably one of the nicest people there and you make her look like a bitch. That is not right.

Shame on anybody who has done it. 

Don't be like those guys.



3) Guilds


OK, so we know that the MC is in 99% of the cases always in Fairy Tail. Don't you sometimes get sick of that?

There are other Guilds your character can join. And in case you don't like any of the Guilds, just make your own. Hell, you can even add some character from other series if you like.

Of course, it doesn't have to be a Guild. It can be a normal organization or a simple group.

For organization, you can look on how I have done it. I simply made put my MC in Continental, and we all know what kind of organization that is.

I planned on using a group made from the Twelve Demon Moons as my original idea, but decided to change in into what I have now.

Small spoiler: some of the Demons will still appear in my story. 

When we are on that subject, it would be a great idea on having the Twelve Demon Moons + Muzan (add your MC if you want). They would made a much better Dark Guild that the Balam Alliance was. I mean, just look at them.

If they aren't a good bunch of bad guys, then I don't know who is.

And if any of you start saying some stuff like that the Demon Moons don't have the power of the Balam Alliance, need I remind you that if you take away their weakness of the Sun, they are literally immortal.

Well, unless you cut their head, but lets be honest. None of the characters on the protagonist side have the balls to kill a person.

That and there is also the fact that Muzan can easily one-shot any Fairy Tail character with his Breath of Dancing: First Form, Moon Walk.

Thank God I decided to adjust my Demon Moon plans for The Boogeyman story, or else those ideas would be forgotten. Or copied by someone.


4) Pairing


Again, I will be quick about this one.

When you look at a pairing story it is either with Erza, Mira or harem.

As much as I like to read some of them, they can get annoying really fast. 

Come on people, there are a lot of pairing opinions you can use. You just need to look.

I mean, when was the last time you saw Seliah as a pairing? Or Chelia? Or any side character?

If yes, then its mostly for harem stories, where the writer forgets about them. In most cases, that is.

Also, Fairy Tail doesn't seem like a harem like anime. Sure, its ... fan-servicey as fuck, but not harem.


That was it for today. Hope you managed to learn somethings.

Of course, like said above, here is the announcement I said.

After some thinking, I decided on the future of what type of stories will I write. So, here are the notes.

1) I will stop writing DxD and RWBY for the time being. The reason is mostly cuz I grew sick of them. Those type of stories are most dominant on this side and I grew sick of it. End of discussion. I will, however, read some if they catch my attention. But, write? For the time being, not a chance.

2) I will now publish one last One Piece story (most likely to be of Isekai genre). The reason is that I barely find a good one with a male MC/reader, so I thought if I wrote one, maybe it will inspire other people to write more. Sure, there are some. But, still not much.

3) If any of you need any help with your stories or need a general idea, feel free to PM me. I will take some time to give you a few tips, but don't expect me to respond the same minute.

4) My Advice, Fairy Tail, One Piece and League of Legends book will be the only ones to be updated for now on. The way they will be updated will be random so don't expect, lets say, my Fairy Tail book updated each week.

That is all I wanted to say. 

Like always, comment and vote.

See ya all next time. Peace out.

*hee hees away*

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