All About Lil Pony! (without Backstory)

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It was a regular day in the city of Manehatten. Ponies rushing everywhere to get to their destination, yelling and screaming filling up the ears of ponies, and of course the noise of vehicles and voices. Typical for a city to be acting this way for all the right reasons. Sometimes though, the city can be ruthless and mean towards other citizens. Maybe it'll be adult mares or stallions, or maybe even little fillies and colts. Sadly though, the bad side of the city shows itself a lot, especially to a little filly who's only dream is to get out as soon as possible.

Harmony Spell at this time was only 5 years old when a decision was made that'll change her life forever. Before we go there though, we shall see the life before that happened. You see, Harmony was a innocent little unicorn with colors of beauty. Her pastel blue coat and pastel purple mane, mixed well with her lavender eyes, gave the expression of cuteness and innocence in the little filly. Her mane was a little wavy with little curls on the ends (try straightening her won't work). Her cutie Mark was a microphone with little stars coming out of it, marking that her voice was magical whenever she sang.

She was very shy to those she didn't know. She never liked talking to strangers (basically anyone not her family) because she thinks she's embarrassing when she stutters. She is very nice though and will go out of her way to help those in need, manly other kids and babies for reason we'll soon see. Her singing voice is only heard by the ones she cares about. She doesn't like showing other ponies her talent because she's afraid of messing up and doing it to low. She's a pure hearted pony with the brightest smile and beautiful attitude. She just needs to learn how to control her stutter and talk to others more.

For her family, she lived with her mother, father, and older sister Viola Blue. She loved all of them and always showed she cares for each of them. She looked up to her sister more thought than anyone on the planet.

Viola was 3 years older than her younger sister. She was an earth pony with a dark purple mane and white coat, along with the white turning into blue down at her hoofs. She also had Crystal blue eyes that'll be sure to stand out the most. She was a happy filly with dreams of starting a new life outside of the city with her sister. She was the opposite of Harmony in some ways. She was loud and loved talking to others. She was very sociable and loved making new friends, especially those who loved music as much as her family. She was nice and gentle to her younger sister since she is very sensitive. She also likes teaching her and Harmony how to play instruments. Her cutie Mark was a violin in shape of a heart, indicating that she loved the violin and enjoyed playing instruments. Harmony was more of a singing pony than a musician.

Than there is Melody Sweets, Harmony's mother. She was a sweet unicorn that enjoyed socializing with other parents and children. Her light purple coat and white with pink striped mane made her look joyful and lovable, especially with her beautiful smile and lavender eyes. She was a bubbly mare that loved to bake and sing. She was mainly good at cooking deserts, but she was the main cook in the home. Her cutie Mark consisted of music notes decorated to look like cookies and cakes, showing how sweet her singing can be and how baking was another one of her talents. She was a loving mother that tried her best to make sure her little fillies were happy 24/7. Sadly though, that goal doesn't come true when it comes to Harmony. We'll see why soon.

For now we shall see the last family member in the household. The one Harmony loves and cares for. The one who called her Daddy's girl. Her father, DJ Twist. He was also a Earth Pony with a blue coat and grey mane, mixing well with his black eyes. He was a stallion that always gave a smile to everyone, even if he didn't feel the best. He didn't mind being the only stallion in the household, he only cares about his girls being happy and enjoying their lives to the fullest. He enjoyed making music and showing it off to his family when he gets the chance. His cutie Mark consist of a disk with two music notes on each side, one red and the other one black, to show his love of making music and making others dance and sing along to it.

Harmony enjoys being with her family. She can express herself fully when she's with them. She loves being alone in her room also, singing to herself as she cleans or just writing down some songs in her songbook. Her songbook is very precious to her and she's the only one who can touch it and look inside. Her father gave it to her as a present and told her to express her feelings in it and write whatever she wants as long as it's appropriate. She's cherished it like it was her child and brings it wherever she goes inside her satchel. She also loved sweets just like her mother. "Sweet Tooth" is a nickname her mother gave to her because of she'll always try to steal cookies from the cookie jar. She enjoys being with her sister and looking up to her. She thinks she's a good role model and an awesome pony to be with. To Viola, Harmony is her biggest fan.

Harmony doesn't hate anything...She just doesn't like them. She doesn't like when ponies say they "hate" something or someone. Hate is a strong word and should not be used to describe anything or anyone. At least that's what she thinks. She doesn't like telling ponies they're wrong or correcting them because she believes that it's rude to do so, even if it is necessary at times. She don't like to be rude or lie. She will never forgive herself if she ever did. She also doesn't like yelling in general, whether it's her yelling or others yelling. It just hurts her ears and makes them ring. She also doesn't like how sensitive she is. She can't take a joke or doesn't think jokes are that funny. They just seen boring or plain to her for some reason. Sensitivity runs in her system a lot. A little insult or threat can make her tear up and run away, which is why she doesn't like herself that much. She tried to be stronger and stand up to herself like how her sister does, but it usually ends up with her crying and running home to cry all day. It never does her way when she tries.

So as you see, there's a lot of things to know before going into the story of this little filly. You'll soon see the story and see how her life has changed for the worst...and for the best. Let's just say that this is gonna be some trip. For now though, rest your heads and put your mind to rest as we take a journey a little filly has to take to get where she is now. Let's just say that when she grows to be a grown mare herself, she gets her own happy ending. For now, this little filly has to overcome challenges that'll soon be (hopefully) resolved. I wish us luck and hope.


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