Backstory (Sad Alert ;-;)

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The life of a pony is supposed to be filled with happy endings and friendship everywhere right? Sadly, except for the happy ending part, Harmony didn't get the easy route to life. Today she's happy with her new life, but as a filly she suffered greatly which isn't supposed to happen at the age of 5. Today we go back to the past and see this mare's childhood. We will only be touching on her backstory, nothing more nothing less. Now that is out of the way, shall we begin? 

Back in the city of Manehatten, Harmony always saw the bad side of the city. Ponies being rude, pushing and shoving just to get to their destination, or just rude in general. School wasn't even better, it was worse than being on the streets.. At school you can't run away like you want to. You have to stay with the same pack of students for hours until you're dismissed. Harmony didn't like school at all thanks to the bullies and helpless teachers who don't do anything! She also had no one that'll protect her since her sister is in a different grade than her. She never talked to anyone (at least willingly) and always stayed by herself, wishing to go away from the city. Her mother always did talk about moving away, but she just needed some money. 

Right now the little filly is walking home from school. She doesn't ride the bus just for the sheer reason of the kids. It wasn't a far walk either so that's also another reason why. She sung a little tune to herself to try and cheer herself up. Harmony always did sang something when she went out, which sadly was a lot because she has to get groceries and school and all that stuff. Even if she is only 5, she still does chores in the house just to help out. She enjoys helping out when she can!

Harmony looks around and sees other adult ponies looking at her strangely. She sighed and looked back down at the sidewalk. She was used to ponies looking at her. They're most likely thinking why a 5 year old is out by herself without any supervision. Sometimes she thinks the same thing. Why does her mom make her go through such pain? 

As she approaches her apartment building, a school bus also appears. The doors open and her older sister jumps down the stairs and waves at her friends from outside. She then runs to Harmony and gives her a big hug, telling her about her day as she leads her inside and to their home. She kept on going as she walked into the kitchen where their mom was cooking dinner. 

"Hello girls." She said, having a slight sad tone in her voice. "How was school today?"

Harmony sighed and looked away. "The usual sadly....ponies are so mean! What did I do to deserve this huh!?" 

Melody stopped cooking and pulled her daughter in a tight hug. She seemed to have some deep thoughts about something, but neither of the girls was about to expose her. Was it because daddy was out for the week because of his new song he made? They didn't know...only she did. Melody kissed her youngest head and stroked her hair. "It's OK Harmony...We'll fix this OK?"

Harmony nodded and looked at her mother, nuzzling her nose before getting out of her grasp and heading to her room like she does everyday. Viola followed her sister, but gave her mother a big hug before leaving. Melody smiled and returned back to cooking, knowing just what to do with her daughter.... It's gonna hurt, but it's the only way that she can live a good life.


After dinner, Harmony made her way back to her room to finish up a song she's been writing for her daddy. Once she opened the door however, it looked different than before... Boxes filled up the floor filled with her things and toys. Some were also filled with food, drinks, CD's, and school supplies. On her bed sat her mother and crying sister. Harmony began to get scared as she walked closer to them. 

"W...what's going on mommy? Why is sissy crying?" 

Melody began to shed some tears as she carried Harmony on her lap. Viola hugged her tightly, still crying heavily. Melody than looked straight into Harmony's eyes and let out a sob. "I'm sorry sweetie....but you're leaving." 

"What do you mean!?" Harmony asked, tears now forming in her eyes as well.

Melody wiped her eyes and sobbed again. "It's better this way cutie... You've been suffering for too long now for no reason at all thanks to this damn city! I'm sending you away somewhere else where I know you won't be bothered. It's a small town called Ponyville and is said to be the friendliest place in all of the land! You'll be happy there! And besides, you always said you wanted to get out of this place right?"

Harmony widen her eyes  and gasped. "WITH MY FAMILY! I didn't want to go by myself! Who will take care of me!?"

Melody kissed her head and sighed. "I told your daddy to meet you there. He may be a bit late since he's at a meeting, but he should be with you to make sure you'll be OK. You'll be able to talk to us and check up on us whenever you want. I packed plenty of paper and ink just for you. Your songbook is also in the special box next to the food boxes."

Viola finally let go of her sister and wiped her eyes. "The train will be here soon to pick you up. We need to leave now. I'll miss you...."

Harmony finally let her tears down as she nuzzled her big sister. "I'll miss you too sissy. I promise I'll try and write as much as I can.."


Let's just say it didn't happen the way it was supposed to. Harmony stayed at Ponyville for a couple of days before getting terrible news. Before that though, she was trying to get used to being in a little town since she's a city pony. It was much more peaceful and way more beautiful than the city. She loved being in this small town! Sadly though there was some ponies that were rude and crazy, but most of the citizens were pretty nice. She still didn't speak much though since they're strangers.

Now, one day Harmony got her first letter from her mother. She was very excited since it's been almost a week since she left. She was lucky her mother sent so much food and paid for the house completely. She unrolled the scroll and started reading. It was the usual "hope your OK' stuff and Viola's point of view as well. Near the end though.......was the news..

'I'm so sorry to say this baby...but daddy's not gonna be able to go home with you. He had a very bad sickness and sadly passed on his way there. We're both very sad that he's gone and I know you will be too, but he's always gonna be in your heart and will watch you from the heavens. I'll make sure to pay for everything and send you food when I can. For now you'll have to take care of yourself. I'm sure if you ask others will be willing to help you. As I said, I'm very sorry Harmony. Please stay safe and alive please. Love you...'

That's when the depression started to come back. Her father wasn't coming home....he was gonna stay up in the heavens. Ever since that day, Harmony made sure to write songs just to make her father happy. Years passed by and the little filly still has to deal with idiots, but she knows that her daddy will protect her and that Celestia and Luna have her back. All she gotta do is survive the ponies wrath and keep following her new dreams and making daddy proud.


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