Cutie Mark

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As we all know, ponies get these things called Cutie Marks, a mark on a pony's flank that'll represent what the pony special talent is. Ponies get their mark at a young age when they first discover what their special at. Every Cutie Mark is unique, none of them are the same. As of now, ponies are the only species capable of getting these marks. No one knows why, but all they know is that it's a very special moment for all the little fillies and colts. Now, we shall once again go back to the past to see our little filly get her own Cutie Mark.

Now every pony gets their mark someday, but not always at the same age or time. Harmony got hers at the age of 4 while Viola got hers at the age of 7. One day the girls were being themselves at the park with their dad. Viola being the one to play like normal kids while Harmony sat on a bench writing in her songbook. It was fairly new and she wanted to try and earn her cutie mark in something music related like the rest of her family (at least most of them). She decided to try writing songs to see if she's any good at that. All she needs really is some inspiration of some sort. She knew exactly who to ask too.

Harmony carefully got down from the bench and walked over to her father who was talking to some other parents. She walked over shyly and nuzzled his left front hoof, looking up at him with her sweet innocent eyes.

DJ looked down at his daughter and smiled, fiddling with her lil curls and the end of her mane. "Hi cutie! What do you want huh?" He ask with his usually cheery voice. The other two parents chuckled and looked down at the lil cutie. Harmony flinched and hid underneath her father, being the sky pony that she was.

DJ told the other two to excuse them as he told Harmony to go to the bench with their snacks. Harmony did as she was told and waved at the parents as she walked over to the bench, her father right behind her. She new her father loved meeting other parents and kids, but why does he have to be so social all the time? Especially when she's here at least TRYING to have some fun writing.

As they both sat down on the bench and munched on some homemade cookies her mother made, Harmony opened up her songbook to the first page and nuzzled her father again to get his attention. "Daddy? I need some help..."

Her father looked at the empty page and smiled. "Sure my little music note. What you need?"

Harmony giggled and lifted her pencil with her magic. She wasn't no good at spells, which is ironic since that's her last name, but at least she can lift things with her horn! She tapped the end of the pencil on the blank page and started to make a lil beat with it. "I need something to write a song about. I'm trying to get my cutie mark in something music related and I think if I try writing, I can get one step closer to my mark! All I need is some inspiration."

DJ chuckled. "Well writing a song takes a lot of work. Inspiration can come from anywhere, whether it's a loved one or anything you love. You could write a song about anything really. Just write what's in your heart. It can also be any category you want. You could write a happy song, a sad song, a love song. Anything really! Just let your imagination guide you. There are endless possibilities little one."

Harmony then looked at all the kids in the playground. Some of them were playing on the equipment like her sister, others were underneath the trees talking with their friends, others were with their parents eating snacks and enjoying themselves. She then thought about the kids who couldn't do anything. The ones who were left on the streets, the one who got abandoned by their parents, the one who died at a young age. She wished that someone would go out there and help those poor souls. She might not be able to do it, but the least she can do is write something about them needing help.


Everyone in the household sat down on the couch, waiting for the little filly to come out of her room. She decided to perform for her parents the songs she wrote. She also decided to make Viola play the music since she was learning how too. Sure it wasn't on instruments since it wasn't like that, but Viola loves playing anything so it was OK with her. The two sisters nodded their head as they excited the room, Harmony teleporting them downstairs in front of their parents. Viola had her own little DJ set to play the music on when Harmony had her own microphone to sing into.

"Welcome Parents to this year's concert featuring me and my sister! I hope you'll enjoy this since this took A LOT of work to do. :3"

The music then began and Harmony started to sing the first verse of her song. She tried memorizing the lyrics she wrote, but had her songbook next to her to look off of just in case.

"Taking way to soon I'm not at all what used to be...
Shifting in a box, the past is nothing more than just a dream...
Now I hear the call of evil growing once again...
I'm powerless to change your fate,
But in the end I'll shelter you my friends!"

As the music started to pump up and get into the chorus, Harmony flipped her page and gulped as she looked at her parents, who seemed to be surprised by the little filly singing voice.

"Tonight we roam!
And if they listen really close!
They can hear us sing out song!
(La la la la)
And I can't give you all the things you had!
But you don't have to do this on your own!
Even if your not coming home!
You're not alone! You're not alone!"

The beat went hard as the sound of children singing "La La's" filled the room. Both parents smiled and nodded their head to the beat. The music then died back down and the second verse began.

"In our own little world forever lost to passing time...
No one knows what it's like to wear a mask that you are trapped inside...
One day the people clouds that hover over us will fade...
Then we'll be free to cut the strings,
To wipe the tears but now we walk in chains!"

The chorus started again once the beat hyped up again. Viola was certainly enjoying her time behind the set.

"Tonight we roam!
And if they listen really close!
They can hear us sing out song!
(La la la la)
And I can't give you back the things you had!
But you don't have to this on your own!
Even if you're never coming home,
You're not alone! You're not alone!"

As the beat hyped up, both parents clapped and cheered for both girls. Suddenly, out of the corner of Viola's eye, she saw her sister's flank flow and bright purple. She yelled out to her to get everyone's attention. Harmony then looked herself and flew up into the air, the glow taking over her body. Once it died down, everyone looked in shock.

"Sis! You got one! YOU GOT A CUTIE MARK!!!" Viola yelled in joy.

Harmony looked at her flank and smiled, getting up and jumping around excitingly. The cutie mark was a microphone with little stars coming out of it. Her parents teared up with joy and hugged the little cutie, congratulating her for getting her mark. Even if her talent was singing, she still decided to keep writing in her songbook just for the fun of it. You need a song to sing to right?

Why not crossover fandoms! We already done it with Five Nights at Pinkies! :3 Song that was sung is up top!

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