Chapter 14: The Job

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Gon's POV

Killua and I walk off the blimp. I look at the giant sign. 'Swardani City', it read. I look and see a tall, tall building. It had HXH on it. That must be the hunter association building. Well... I've been here before but I didn't focus on it at all. "Come on" Killua mutters. I jog to catch up. "Sorry" He hums. "So what kind of job should we take?" I tilt my head. "Whatever you recommend." Killua puts his hands behind his head. "Hmm... It shouldn't be too hard since you can't use nen. But it can't be too easy or we wont get a lot of money..." "Why don't we just see our options first?" I ask. "That might be a good idea." 

"Babysitting a rich dog. Assassinating a politician. Hunt some rare animal. Be a bodyguard for a politician who will possibly be assassinated." Killua reads them off. He sighs. "There's nothing good!" I grab the paper about the rich dog. "Apparently this dog hates most humans. He's easy to take care of except the fact he hates humans. We would only be watching the dog for a week" Killua snatches the paper and reads it. "Pays pretty well." I grab the hunting one. 

"This one..." I quickly scan it. I shred the paper. "Eh? What was that for?" Killua asks. I cross my arms. "Remember Kon? Well the job was to capture a foxbear." "Oh" Killua hums and looks at the paper in his hands. "Let's do the stupid babysitting job. Here, read the fine print."  He hands me the paper then I read it. We would be staying at the mansion for the week. Food is provided. Then in small letters, it says that the owners aren't responsible for death. I hum. "Let's do this one." "Ok" 

We accepted the job. The house was actually at the edge of town. The house was humongous! Killua didn't blink an eye though. Probably because his house was like three times bigger and he owned a mountain. Killua pushes on the doorbell. We hear a large bell ring and echo throughout the house. We hear a deep barking noise. The door opens, revealing a small woman and her really, really tall husband. "Oh! You must be Killua and Gon! Come in! Come in!" We follow the woman in. 

We get the tour of the house. It was a massive house. We were forbidden to go in the basement and the attic. We didn't have to worry about cleaning the house. They had maids. We were going to stay in the guest bedroom, it was a big bedroom, had a bathroom connected, and it had a king size bed. "Ok. We're going to let the dog out. You two, stay as still as you possibly can" The husband warns. Killua and I look at each other in confusion, then we nod. 

We hear the bark echo throughout the house. I hum. I see Killua glance at me in the corner of my eye. A giant, giant fluffy white dog comes bolting down from the hallway. My eyes widen. She's adorable! The dog stops in front of me. She was tall, her pointed ears reaching up to my chest. Her eyes were a piercing light blue, lighter then Killua's. She walks over to Killua. "Her name is Trystial. We call her Try. She's very... judging." The wife says. I see Try's eyes scan over Killua. She can clearly smell death on Killua. "She can smell death" Killua says. I can't believe he just said that out loud. "Eh?" The couple asks. 

Before Try can attack Killua, I hug her. "It's alright. He's not here to harm anyone. Relax. I wont let him if he does for some reason" I whisper into her fur. Trystial snarls at Killua then lays on the floor. I kneel on the ground and pet Try's head. The couple looks at me in shock. Trystial whimpers. "I don't know what breed she is. But she can clearly smell the death on me. Some breeds are able to see souls or can tell who is kind and who is violent." Killua explains. 

I stand up and face them. "Killua has had a... bad past. So some animals or some people instantly don't like him. He's a good guy I promise. He's moved on from his past." I say. Killua raises an eyebrow. "Wild child over here grew up around animals. She kinda can talk to animals." I kneel in front of Trystial and start petting her. Trystial lifts her head. "How long have you had her?" I ask. "A few years. Try is five years old." I cup Try's cheek. "You've had a bad past too, haven't you? I'm sorry" Trystial whines. 

The couple explains that they have business to take care of, that requires them to leave the country. We wave them off. "Gon? Explain" Killua says. I sigh. "You know me too well" "Of course." I turn around and walk towards Trystial. "You were right about her seeing souls and smelling death on you. I couldn't catch all of it but... Trystial saw a good soul once, when she was wild. She trusted the man. But then the man turned out to be a poacher. This part I couldn't fully understand. Something about guarding something. I don't know." "So Try was protecting something, ended up revealing it to poachers?" "Something like that?" Killua hums. 

I hum and slide the ham into the oven. "I still can't believe you cook" I hear Killua shout from across the house. I jump when I hear a slam. "Dammit Try!" I quickly wash my hands and walk to the living room. I see Try laying on the floor by the wall. Killua was red faced and out of breath. "Um... what are you two up to?" I ask. "this dog is a nightmare!" Killua points at Trystial. 

I smile as I walk to Trystial. "I don't see how. She's a big softie" Try turns onto her back and wiggles. I laugh and rub her belly, scratching the good spot. I hear Killua groan. "I'm going to continue with dinner." "Ok" Killua plops down onto the couch. I head to the kitchen, wash my hands, and start to fry some vegetables. 

"I assume you learned to cook from Mito" Killua asks, sitting at the table. "Well of course. I also taught myself to cook by staying in the forest. I fished and hunted for food and I can't eat raw meat so..." I hear the oven beep. I skip over to the oven, slide on some oven mitts, and pull the ham out of the oven. "Man that smells good!" Killua says. I tilt my head. I grab a knife and quickly cut the ham into slices. I plate it up with the vegetables and carry the plates to the dining room. 

I feed Trystial then sit down next to Killua, who was already scarfing everything down. I smile then start eating. Killua gets up. I grab his sleeve. "What?" He asks. I look up at him. "You didn't eat your vegetables. Sit" "But-" "Sit" Killua sits down, pouting. "I hate vegetables!" "They're good for you! You can't live off of chocolate! You need some healthy things in you!" "I don't want to!" I quickly come up with a plan. 

I pretend to collapse on the ground. I look down and fake a sob. "I... want to live a long life with you. I need you to be healthy for that." I look up with tears in my eyes. Killua quickly eats his vegetables. "Done! Don't cry!" I tackle him in a hug. "Yay! Killua ate his vegetables!" He hugs me back. "You planned that!" I wink at him. "Of course! You're not the only one who can come up with plans." He lets me go. "Ugh. I lost my appetite." I sit back down in my chair and finish eating.

I take Try on a walk while Killua cleans the dishes. She was a very good walker. Although others were terrified of her. I don't see why. All I see is a giant lovable cloud. I faintly hear people screaming. Trystial hears it as well. I turn and face Try. I pat her head. "Can I trust you to head home your self?" I ask. She barks. I nod and smile. "Ok. I'll be back in an hour. If I'm not back by then, bring Killua here." She barks again. I pat her cheek. "Go" She barks then runs off. I walk towards the scream. I pull my phone out and act like I'm talking to Mito-san. 

I find myself standing in front of an alleyway. I don't see anyone. I tilt my head. "I'm going down a shortcut. I might lose service" I walk through the alleyway. I laugh. "Why are you like this?" I narrow my eyes. I see a shadowed figure. I smell blood in the air. Lots of it. I close my eyes. I faintly feel nen in the air. I open my eyes. "Hey girlie, what's up? Need something?" A man asks me. I eye my phone. "I have to go! Love you!" I pretend to hang up as I pocket my phone. I bring my hands together and smile. "Hi mister! I'm a little lost! Can you help me?" I cross my arms, letting my chest seem bigger. "I'll do anything" I smirk. 

I managed to break a few of his bones and almost made him immovable. But his nen was powerful. I couldn't see it. Until it made me pass out. I wake up chained against a wall. I look down. I was only in my underwear. No shirt, no bra. No pants. I hum. "Killua is going to be mad." "SHUT UP!" I look up and see the man from before. He was barely standing. I narrow my eyes then close them. I felt a few more eyes on me. "Ne, what time is it?" I ask. I feel a hand at my throat. "How about we have some fun before we kill you?" I open my eyes. It was a man who looked to be in his mid thirties. I spit in his face.

I spit out some blood after another blow to my gut. I start laughing. "What is it you bitch!?" The man shouts. "Killua is going to be soooo pissed. I don't think I'll be able to stop him this time" I glare at the man when he grabs my chest. "I ain't scared! Now how's this?" He starts squeezing. I laugh, hiding my disgust. "It can only be Killua" I hear a crackle of thunder. "What's that?!" The men start shouting and looking around. 

It was over in a flash. In a split second, all of their heads were ripped off and I was out of the cuffs. I sigh and rub my wrists. "Why are you always so reckless?!" Killua shouts. I look up at him and tilt my head. "Someone was in trouble. I was too late though. I almost won but-" "You don't have nen." Killua eyes me. "They sure got you good." He takes off his shirt and throws it at me. "Put that on." I catch the shirt and put my hands on my hips. "What if I don't want to?" I ask, sticking my tongue out. He glares at me. "I'm mad at you" I pout and slip the shirt on. 

I walk behind Killua. "I'm sorry!" I say. "Not good enough" He snaps. He turns around. I flinch and look at the ground. He puts a hand on my head. "I'll forgive you when you come up with a solution." I nod. "Kay~" I hear him sigh. I put a hand on my belly. "Alright. Let's head back. I'll wrap you up and you can tell me all about it." I look up at him and smile. "Kay!" 

I put on a bra then call Killua in. He walks in with a first aid kit and a blush on his cheeks. I tilt my head. "What's wrong?" Killua flicks my forehead. "Oblivious idiot!" "Eh?" He sighs. "Just... come here." I scoot closer to him. He digs into the first aid kit and pulls out some ointment. I hear Try whine against the closed door. I tilt my head. "I'm fine Trystial. Sorry for scaring you!" I say. She barks. 

I hiss when Killua slaps some ointment onto the forming bruises and bumps. "He sure got you good" "I was punched and kicked several times!" "You deserve that idiot!" I whine and dig my fingers into the sheets when he rubs ointment over a spot that the guy repeatedly hit. I suddenly get the answers I needed. "If I need help... Call Killua!" Killua hums. "Anything else?" My bottom lip wobbles. "Think things out instead of jumping in recklessly?" "One more thing?" His head tilts, a smirk growing. I rub my eyes to get rid of the tears. "Don't be afraid to ask for help?" Killua rubs my head. "Bingo! Correct!" 

I sob into Killua's shoulder as he wraps me up. "Th-They also groped me. I feel gross! They took pictures and-" Killua tapes the edge of the bandage and hugs me. "That's enough. I killed them and smashed their phones. They won't harm you again." I nod. I slowly pull back from him and cover my face. I turn red when I realize it. "What? I thought blushing was my thing" "You saw me topless!" He turns red also. 

He closes the first aid kit. "I thought you were shameless?" "Around Killua is different!" I put Killua's shirt back on. "What makes me different!?" I poke his chest. "Because Killua is Killua!" "That makes no sense!" I cross my arms. He pokes my forehead. I pout. He shakes his head. "I forgot how you weird you were for a split second." I shake my head then I kiss his cheek. "Thanks for saving me and for patching me up." He blinks a few times then scratches his cheek. "It was nothing." 

The week went by surprisingly quick. We pretty much did nothing but try to reteach me nen, watch some TV and walk Trystial. I watch as Killua paces around the room. He was calling Alluka. The doorbell rings. I get up and walk to the door. I look through the hole then open the door. "Welcome back!" Trystial runs over, barking like crazy. She licks the couple. "Looks like everything went alright?" the man asks. I nod. "Of course!" I help them carry their bags in. "Killua is on the phone at the moment, if that's what you're wondering." "Ah ok." 

They inspect the house. "Everything looks nice." I hear a bark and Killua shout. "Trystial! I'm on the phone!" Another bark. I whistle. Trystial barks and comes running towards me. I laugh when she tackles me with a hug and kisses. I pat her head. Trystial lays on the ground. "She is so well behaved! I was half expecting her to hate you more by the end of it." The lady says, laughing. I smile. "No. A friend of mine told me once that hunters are very good with animals. I grew up in a forest. All the animals there were my friends. Even the foxbears." 

They hand Killua the money, they actually gave us more then promised. When we confronted them, they said that we did fantastic and would actually would like us to be their go-to for dog sitting. I agreed. Killua only said no promises. We say our good byes then head out. We head to the closest bank. "So... where to next?" I ask. "Wherever we want!" He says. I smile and look up. "Let's travel the world. See things. Go places. Just you and me." Killua stops and faces me. "Having fun." I giggle then kiss him. "I almost want to say settle down. But not for a long, long while." He grabs my wrist. "Long, long time." 

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