Chapter 15: Leopika Wedding Planning

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Gon's POV

I groan when I hear my phone. I sit up and pat around the side table as I rub my eye. I pick up my phone and answer it. "Hello?" "Hello Gon. Sorry did I wake you?" I yawn. "Just a little bit. How's it going Kurapika?" I ask. "We finally have a date for our wedding." "Really!? That's great!" Killua sits up, yawning. "Are you able to come over?" Kurapika asks. I yawn again. "One sec." I set the phone down. Killua leans in and kisses me. I hum and kiss him back. "Morning" He says after a moment. 

I tell him about the call. Killua puts his head on my shoulder. "Just... give us a few hours to get ready, eat, and head over" Killua mutters. I pick up the phone again. "Hello?" "Do you have your answer Gon?" Kurapika asks. "Just give us a couple hours to get ready" "Ok. Oh. I should've asked if you guys are even nearby." I wave a hand. "We're not that far." "Ok. See you in a bit" "Bye!" I hang up the phone. 

"I guess this gives us a chance to surprise them" I say. Killua slips on a shirt. "I suppose." I look down at the ring. "It's been what? Three years since we saw Leorio and Kurapika?" I ask. "Just about." I slip my shoes on then grab Killua's hand. "Ready?" He asks. I nod. "Always!" Killua activates his nen, then we both run to Leorio's house.

I knock on the door. The door opens. "Gon!" Leorio tackles me in a hug. I hug him back. "Leorio!" Leorio pulls back and takes a good look at me. "You look good!" I smile and nod. "Thanks!" Leorio pulls an unwilling Killua into a hug. "I don't want hugs old man!" "Too bad!" I giggle. "Hello Gon" I turn around. "Kurapika!" I tackle him in a hug. He hugs me back. "Look at our little girl, grown up into a woman." He says. I smile up at him. "Thank you! You're looking better yourself" "Thank you!"

"The wedding is one month from now. We were wanting you two to be the maid of honor and best man." "Of course!" "I don't see why not" Killua shrugs. I pinch his hand. "Ow! Gon!" He snatches his hand away. "Looks like she has you on a leash" Leorio laughs. I smile and lean on Killua's shoulder. "He refuses to be honest with himself. I'm trying to change that" Killua glares at me. I kiss his cheek. "Love you" He looks away. "Whatever" 

I help Kurapika with dinner. "I was wondering if you could help us plan the wedding." He asks. I smile. "Of course!" I chop up some vegetables. "Do you know the location? Or the colors?" Kurapika nods. "The beach where Leorio snapped some sense into me. I was thinking blue and red." "Ooh~ Pretty!" I slide the vegetables into the pot. "Also Gon, don't think I didn't notice that ring" 

I show him the ring. It was a pretty silver ring. It had a small round sapphire on it. "Oh that's pretty. I assume Killua bought it?" Kurapika asks. I smile. "He did. He said he chose this ring because I wouldn't stop saying his eyes are pretty." Kurapika chuckles. "Sounds like him." I laugh. "But then I said I wanted to be the one who chose his ring since he chose mine." "What are you thinking?" Kurapika strains the vegetables then instructs me what to do next. 

"I'm thinking of a silver ring for him also. But I was thinking of getting a rectangular gem for his. One that will match my eyes." "So a gem that's a golden brown?" I nod. "Yup!" "Andalusite. That's a gem I recommend." Leorio says from the doorway. I tilt my head. Leorio continues. "It's a brown gem that has a golden glow to it. Matches your eyes almost perfectly. There is another one I would recommend better, Enstatite, but it's a softer gem which makes it not good for jewelry." 

Leorio walks over and kisses the side of Kurapika's head. I hum. "I remember when we were younger, you showed Killua some dirty mags full of girls. Actually, now that I think about it. I never thought this would've happened when we first met" I put a hand on my cheek. Kurapika gets a nasty look on his face. "You... showed Killua dirty mags?" Leorio puts his hands up. "I-I this was in the past!" Killua walks in and wraps an arm around my hips. 

"I have to watch this." He snickers. "I was a different man then!" "You mean a grown adult showing a fifteen year old porno mags!?" Kurapika hits Leorio in his face. Killua bursts out laughing. I sigh. "Leorio is an idiot" "Yes he is." Leorio falls on the ground. Kurapika huffs. "Thank you for telling me Gon." I nod. "No problem." Kurapika sighs. "I can take if from here Gon. Thank you for your help." I nod. "Anytime!" Kurapika sighs. "I'll show you to the guest room. You two can stay there as long as your here" "Kay!" 

I whimper when Killua bites into my shoulder. I put my hands on his shoulders. "What? Are you going to stop me?" he asks. I shake my head. "No." "Good." He leans up and kisses me. "Mmm" I kiss back. I gasp when he grabs my ass and forces me to grind on him. I move my hips against his. "There you go." Killua says. I lean down and suck on his neck. I leave a nice hickey on him. I cover my mouth when Killua thrusts his hips up. "I want to hear you" "What about the others?" "Screw them." 

Just as Killua goes to take my shirt off, there's a knock at the door. "Dinner is ready" I hear Leorio say. "Tch." Killua mutters. "We'll be out in a second!" I say. I look down at Killua. He looks up at me. "Just when it was getting good" I fix my hair. "I saw this coming. What did I say Killua?" I get off his lap. I look down. "Did you want me to go ahead without you?" I ask. Killua smirks. "I would like you to take care of I-" I smack him. "Later. You sex fiend." He huffs. "I was joking, probably" I smile. "Try not to take too long" I leave the bedroom. 

I set the table as Kurapika brings the food out. "It might not be that good. I'm still learning how to cook." He says. "I'm sure it'll be fine." I smile. "So for the wedding, have you made invitations yet?" Killua asks. Kurapika shakes his head. Killua sits down. "After dinner I'll make one up. Do you have a computer?" He asks. "Leorio has one for work. You can use that" I look around. "Speaking of... Where is Leorio?" Kurapika sets the food on the table. "He had an emergency at work. He said sorry he can't be here." 

"I understand." I say as Kurapika brings in some tea. We all start eating. "So when did you two get engaged?" Kurapika asks. Killua hums. "About two years ago." "So who proposed?" Kurapika asks. I raise my hand, smiling. "I did! We were in one country and the natives captured us. We were captured for like... a week I think? As soon as we escaped, I proposed." "How sweet" Killua leans back in his chair. "She beat me to it." I stick my tongue out. "After I proposed he pulled the ring from his pocket and threw it at me, he was so red I thought he was a tomato!" Kurapika and I laugh as Killua turns red. 

"Bath is ready" Killua says. "Kay~" I look at the website. "Whatcha doing?" Killua asks. I bite my thumbnail. "Looking up flowers for the bouquet." "Oh?" I hum. "So far I've got red carnations and bluei periwinkles." I show him the picture. "I think that's good enough" He says. I nod. "Most likely." I get up and head to the bathroom with Killua. "Oh one thing Killua" Kurapika says. "What?" Killua grunts. "Don't make a mess in my bathroom" I laugh as Killua turns red. 

I massage the shampoo into my hair. "I'm thinking of cutting my hair like Mito-san's." I say. "Really?" I nod and glance back at him. He was relaxing in the tub. I grab the shower head and rinse my hair out. "What do you think?" I ask, starting to condition my hair. I rinse the conditioner out. "I think it would look good." I stand up. "then it's decided! Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut!" I wrap 

I get in the tub and sit across from Killua. "Ahh, this is nice" "Uh huh." I sink into the water. We sit in a comfortable silence for a good.... twenty minutes. "Ready to get out?" "Yup." We both stand up and get out of the tub. After drying ourselves off and getting changed, we brush our teeth and get ready for bed. I slip on some undergarments, pajama pants, and a tank top. I brush my hair then follow after Killua to the bedroom. 

I yawn and stretch my arms in the air. I look down and see Killua sleeping still. I get out of bed and get ready for the day. I was the only one awake apparently, that's weird. Normally Kurapika is awake before I am. I slip on my shoes and walk to town. Time to get my hair done. I never had the chance to last week. I walk into a hair salon. "Hi welcome to Clip Famous! How may I help you?" The lady asks. I smile. "Hi! I just want my hair cut" "Alright! It's going to be a five minute wait. If you don't mind just taking a seat right over there...." She points to the chairs. I nod then sit down. 

"Gon" I stand up. "Follow me" I follow the lady to a chair. I sit down then she pushes a petal down to raise the chair. "What can I do for you?" I raise my hand to just above my shoulders. "I want my hair cut this short." "But you have such pretty hair!" I nod. "Thank you. But it's becoming a problem. I do a lot of... traveling and it's becoming hard to keep up on it. Plus, I want to try something different." "Alright!" She gets started.

I look in the mirror. My hair looked almost identical to Mito-san's! "It's perfect! Thank you!" We walk over to the register. I give her the Jenny. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" I thank her then leave the salon. My phone starts ringing. I answer it. "Hello?" I hear a yawn. "Gon? Where'd you go?" I smile. "Everyone was sleeping still so I had some time to go and get my hair cut. When did you wake up?" Killua yawns again. "A few minutes ago. Do me a favor and bring back some breakfast" "Kay!" I hang up then call the café closest to Leorio and Kurapika's house.

I pick up the food then head back. I tap the door with my foot. Killua opens the door for me. "That's a lot" "Yeah well we eat a lot and I got stuff for Kurapika and Leorio too." "Whatever you say" I set the bags on the table. "I just noticed your hair!" Killua randomly points out. I turn around. "And? What do you think?" He hums. "It looks good on you. Really good" "Why thank you. I got ten inches cut off." 

Killua whistles really loudly. At least three hawks come flying over. They all land on Killua's arm. "These are hawks Milluki trained to deliver the wedding invitations to the guests. If you don't mind loading them in the sacks on their back." Killua says. I nod then divide the invitation envelopes between each bird. Killua whistles again. The hawks take off flying. Killua and I go back inside we sit at the dining table. Leorio was working and Kurapika was choosing a tux. 

I tap the table. "So there's twenty people coming to the wedding. You and I are the maid of honor and best man. Should we have more bridesmaids or groomsmen?" I ask. Killua thinks for a moment. "No... I don't think so. They don't know very many girls so I think just us two will be fine." Killua slides a paper over to me. "I wrote a list of stuff we have down already" I quickly scan it. The wedding is going to be late July. Colors are blue and red. The reception place and stuff is booked. The hunter association is taking care of the registry and security. 

I hum and lean back. "So we need what, décor, catering ideas, what kind of vibe they want, clothing, the bands, the exact date, the cake, am I missing anything?" Killua nods. "The music, the dancing, speeches, maybe a presentation?" My phone rings. "Kurapika?" I ask. "Hello Gon. I was wondering if you two would want to find clothing for the wedding now?" I repeat the question to Killua. He nods. "Yeah." I echo it to Kurapika. "I'm at the big wedding store." "Ok! See you in a few!" 

Kurapika and Killua quickly find a tux for both of them. While they do that, I was tasked to find a red and blue outfit for me. I wasn't finding anything. I jump when I feel hands on my hips. "Hey sweetie." I groan. "Not interested." I turn around and see an older man. I walk over to the men's section, ignoring the man following me. I spot Killua. I jog over and hug him. "Gon?" I sigh. "Another one" I bury my face in his collarbone. I hear the man scream. 

I kiss Killua's cheek. "Thank you" "You just need to kick them in the balls." I pout. "I don't like to be violent unless I have a reason" "Anyways, did you find anything?" I shake my head. "No." Kurapika walks over. "Well, we're done here. Let's see if we can help" I nod then let go of Killua. We walk over to the women's section, to the dresses. They both show me some dresses, I turn them all down. "What are things you either want or dont want?" Killua asks, starting to get pissed. 

I tilt my head. "No sleeves, can't be strapless, I dont want it down to the floor, can't be at my thigh... No lace, um... no collar or a turtleneck. I think that's it" "Alright" They go through the dresses again. Then, Killua grabs one. "What about this one?" He raises it up. It stopped at my calves. It had thick straps. The top part was red then it faded to white then it turned to blue around my thighs. "That's a good one." I say. He pushes it into my chest. "Try it on" "Ok!" I grab the dress and head to the fitting room. 

I leave the fitting room and do a spin for Killua and Kurapika. "It looks good on you. But what do you think Gon?" Kurapika asks. I look down. "I think it looks good. It's comfortable." "Good. We'll get it then." I nod then go back into the fitting room and change back into my other clothes. We head up to the checkout, Kurapika pays for everything despite my protests, then we head back. 

"Are we having a rehersal dinner? Are we doing a batchelor's party? Or seating charts?" Killua asks, writing stuff down. "No. It's a small wedding." Leorio answers. Killua nods. "Alright. What about the food? Drinks, and the cake" Kurapika crosses his arms. "We'll decide the food later, but for the cake we're doing a butter vanilla on one teir and cinnamon vanilla on the other. The icing will be a mix of buttercream and cream cheese." We hear a hawk outside. I stand up. "I'll get it" I say. Killua only nods. "You should be able to. I had Milluki make you one of their owners." "Kay!" 

I whistle. Three hawks fly down and land on my arm. I take the envelopes out of their sacks. "Thank you" I say before I whistle. They take off. I walk back inside and look through the envelopes. "What is it Gon?" "All the inventations came back with a response." "Ooh~" I spread them out on the table. We count them out. "So out of the thirty, only twenty three are able to make it, huh" Leorio says. "Can't be helped. I'm just glad most of them are able to make it" Kurapika sighs. I nod. 

It was a week before the wedding now. Everything was going to plan. Now we just had to get the rings and make speeches as the maid of honor and Killua as the best man. This was the hardest part so far. "Done. Whatcha got?" Killua asks. I bury my face into the paper. "Nothing good" He pats my back. "Sit up. Let's get to work." I groan but sit up anyways. I hand him the paper. "Hm... Not bad. Just needs a few touch ups. Here, here, and here. Change this completely. Then that's it" "Thank you!" I kiss him. He hums then pulls back. "Any time." Then that's all the planning, we're done! Kurapika and Leorio are getting the rings. 

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