Chapter 11 - Coco Bob

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A/N : Alright, I changed my mind. :) This is the second last chapter, and the longest one. I listened to the above song while writing it, and it really fits in with the entire theme, so I do hope you choose to listen to it while reading this chapter. I hope you enjoy, and it's been an awesome journey. 

Mozart opened his eyes, expecting her to be flying or hovering or something of the sort. It was a little insulting to see her step out of a black Apache helicopter. Granted, she had bothered to paint 'Coco' on the side of the machine in bright pink paint. Regardless, he was transfixed as she swung the door open and slid out gracefully, her feet landing on the cement rooftop as the thundering of the rotors died down. Draqueesha stepped out from behind the door, grinning, no beaming from ear to ear. Her black mane framed her face, the wild black curls and frizz hanging around and making her appear like some wild feral cat. Like a lion. Even her eyes were narrowed to slits, white gashes with dots of dark brown glaring at him. Draqueesha's coffee skin shone with a healthy glow, and for a long while he couldn't look at anything else.

"What's the matter?" she asked innocently, batting her eyelashes "Don't like my helicopter?"

"Coco?" was all Mozart could manage his voice strangled and incredulous.

"It was the name of my first dog. Her last name", she stated, stroking the helicopter with a gentle hand "Is Bob".

"Bob?" Mozart cursed himself for sounding so gormless.

"He was the kind man who lent me this gorgeous beast".

"But why a helicopter?" Mozart gave an internal sigh of relief; he was up to four words now.

"I've always said there's nothing stronger than love" Draqueesha stated, looking off into the distance, and then she snapped her head back to Mozart "Except an Apache helicopter, because they've got guns!" Her voice was unbearably high pitched in excitement.

Mozart scanned her, looking for the sword. At first, all he could do was stare at her stupid, stupid t-shirt. It was an insult to anyone's intelligence. It read 'What does a nosey pepper do? Gets jalapeno business!'. Along with the imbecilic t-shirt, she wore a pair of Bahaman shorts, and strappy sandals. Then, on her back he spied the scabbard, the shiny black leather the only acceptable piece of clothing.

"I know, I know," she fake pouted "You think my t-shirt is stupid. But I think it's punny!" she chuckled to herself, and snorted for good measure.

Mozart continued to glare at her, lip curled in disgust. She had all the knowledge she could possibly hope for, and this is what she did with it? Wear ridiculous clothes and steal helicopters? If he had that sword...

"You disgust me." He stated simply.

"Darling I know" she said, waving her hand dismissively. "your face says it all. And you're hardly one to pass judgement. You're wearing Adrianna's yoga pants. D'you know what she's done in them?" then she smirked. "Who she's done in them?"

"Shut up." Mozart stood a little straighter, and pulled out the viola. He put the bow to the strings, looking her in the eyes defiantly. She bared her teeth, moving to take out the sword. The sword swung towards him without grace as he finished the first bar. Darting nimbly out of the way, he continued moving the bow against the strings.

He danced upon the rooftop, moving from genre to genre as seamlessly as he danced. Draqueesha growled and came after him. He moved again and again, panting in time with the music. He became the song, his heartbeat keeping him on pace. He couldn't tell if it sped up when the piece did, or if he sped up because of his heartbeat. Whatever it was, the song continued without a hitch. The melodies flowed in harmony, drowning out Draqueesha's hisses of anger. She kept coming, swinging and jabbing and never seemed to tire. Mozart on the other hand, began to grow desperate, his heart racing faster and faster as he reached the crescendo. His fingers cramped and his hand ached and his neck was stiff and he began to wonder if the piece was doing anything at all. He watched the sword carefully, and it remained the same, glimmering and shimmering beautifully, but it stayed in Draqueesha's hand.

Mozart's juddering breaths made his chest ache and he was in despair. He couldn't keep this up. Then a glimmer of hope, the sword's outline began to flicker. He played faster and faster, hope lending strength to his fingers, and arms and neck and legs. He danced and played as Draqueesha realised what was happening. She kept her left hand on her sword, and pulled her phone out with her right, fumbling a little with her weaker hand. She stopped looking at him while sliding out her songs. They waited with bated breath. Mozart kept playing, music was his only weapon against the fearsome foe he now faced. He was as dependent on it as it was on him. It sustained him, kept his fire raging, but he was the only one who could produce it. Passion burned bright within his chest as the song began pouring forth from Draqueesha's speaker.

The sword thrummed with purple energy, which it sent out in crackling waves.

Mozart leapt over one as the fight began. He dodged and swept, heart racing and face flushed.

Draqueesha kept one hand on the phone and the other on the hilt of the sword as she slashed and jabbed, but the sword was fighting her as much as she as fighting Mozart.

The rainbow sword, stuff of legend and passed around for aeons became angry, unable to choose who to go to. It filled the air with a metallic tang.

The entire rooftop was filled with static forces attracted to one another. The electricity ripped through Mozart's body and he finally crashed to the rooftop, unable to go on any longer.

At the same time the dubstep song on Draqueesha's phone ran out.

The sword ripped itself out of her hand, leaving it torn and bloodied. Draqueesha collapsed onto the harsh ground, clutching her wrist in agony.

The sword hovered above it all, juddering and angry and unable to decide. The hilt tried to move towards Mozart, as if it wanted to be grasped, but the blade moved towards Draqueesha, like a savage beast wanting to spill blood. It was a hungry, thirsty monster unable to stalk its prey. It couldn't choose it's master. IT couldn't decide. So it ripped apart instead.

Like a lion, it roared, but instead of an angry, raw scream a collection of songs spilled out, impossibly loud and impossibly tangled.

The colours separated, Mozart bathed in a yellow streak and Draqueesha in a red one.

It sent the incandescent light shooting through the sky, and the thing shone with the power of a thousand burning suns, searing itself into the eyes of anyone who dared to look.

The sword was a thing of sheer power, and it was dying, bestowing the universe with a rabid, rancorous rage.

Mozart, Draqueesha and the helicopter were thrown of the roof with a sonic 'boom'.

The world became light and darkness and chaos and fury. It whirled around them spinning everything into impossible multicoloured patterns.

It was Hell.

It was Heaven.

It was beauty.

It was hideous.

The entire world turned


The building tore itself a p a r t.

And they







                                               D through.

And landed with a soft 'whump', caught a few feet from the street by a mattress of rainbow sparks.

The air left their lungs as they were lowered to the ground, faces facing skyward. They saw the seven shards of the rainbow sword, separated into seven different colours. They hung against the blue sky, bright and fierce. They spun together in a hypnotising clockwise motion, faster and faster, the colours swirling and blending to form a thing in between. It was a dead thing, which hung there, suspended and lost.

Mozart tore his grip away and looked around, surveying the damaged. The building they were standing on top of was cleaved in half, and fires were breaking out in the wreckage, spewing their destructive grey fumes into the air. The helicopter lay on its side, like a fallen bird, its tail reaching for the sky where it belonged. People stumbled and milled around, holding a hand above their eyes, trying to shield themselves from the blinding light. They were scraped, battered and bruised but certainly better off than the still forms which lay about, like leaves scattered in the breeze. The still forms which could no longer stumble or mill. His gorge rose at the sight of destruction. It was disgusting. Swaying slightly, he sat up, bringing one leg up, bracing himself then lifting up onto two unsteady feet. Turning his head to the side, he saw Draqueesha do the same.

She looked broken, and had a long gash running across the width of her face, from the falling debris, probably. It was crusted with gravel and bits of rock, and looked a ready sight for infection. Her t-shirt was shredded to bits, the disgusting message gone. Her entire body was scratched. Mozart looked down at himself, wondering what damage he had sustained. The gauze which was so carefully wrapped around his arms had unravelled completely, like a bloodied waterfall of bandages. Two strips dangled from his wrists, like bracelets. The cleaned cuts were overlaid with new ones, which were as dirty and filthy as the wreckage around him. His legs felt unsteady because they were covered with mottled blue, black and yellow bruises. Mozart's body looked like some sort of horrific canvas for a sadistic artist.

Mozart and Draqueesha turned to each other and their gaze connected. Draqueesha's thick lips wobbled, her square chin jittering like a toddler having drunk coffee. He opened his arms, and she stumbled into them, tears unleashing onto whatever was left of his shirt. Her hair was burnt and scraggly, she smelt like wood smoke.

"I-I'm sorry" she sobbed.

"It's not your fault", Mozart realised "It's nobody's fault but that damn thing's creator". Mozart held her tightly until her sobs quelled, and she leaned back, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. They stood there, hearing the sirens drawing closer, the people who were ready to swab and sew and clean, to wash away what had happened. The people who were ready to arrest them. He recalled the tasers and the guns. They couldn't handle interrogations. Draqueesha and him were both wanted criminals. There was no hope if they got caught, he would be thrown into a cell and he would never see the light of day once more. And Adrianna would forever think he had left them behind.

"We need to get out of here" he said, stroking the back of her head,

Then, as if on cue an angry roar filled the air, and the dying thing that hung, began to expand, throwing the shards of the sword away and nearly touching the ground. At first nothing happened, and then a gale swept them off of their feet, clearing the ground between them and the hole. Air rushed out, battering everything in its path. Items came spewing out, of all manners. Dressers, cables, weapons, desks and people flash frozen in their last moments. It all came out of the bottomless pit.

Mozart and Draqueesha looked at each other in shock as they struggled to stand.

"The sword!" Mozart cried, struggling to be heard above the rising winds. His clothes whipped around him, shaggy blond hair swept across his eyes. He was trembling like a steel bar bowing to the pressure. "It's starting to spew everything out!" Draqueesha looked at him in determination, setting her jaw.

"It's time for us to leave, then". She wasn't about to stick around. Together, they darted to the right, where the blue shard had fallen. They braved the winds, weaving in and out, dodging flying debris and trying to move with the currents. Twirling and ducking, they made it, and she lifted the shard in her injured hand, sharp blade digging into her cuts. With her other hand, she grabbed Mozart's. Looking at each other, they began striding forward, and then broke into a run.

Their hearts filled with exhilaration, and anticipation of the unknown. They weren't going to wait for anyone to shackle them; they were Mozart and Draqueesha, for God's sakes. They were the intergalactic space team, they very nearly had their own theme song. Friends forever, ready to delve into whatever adventure awaited them. Belting out a hoarse battle cry, they leapt, Draqueesha -holding the shard above her head.


My breath shakes as we approach the hole. I'm running away from my home, maybe forever. Nalas is my home city, and I don't know if I'll ever come back here. God knows what' in that portal, it's very unlikely I'll ever come back. Tears well in my eyes, and I close them, holding an image of Adrianna in my mind instead of this burning crashing Hell. At least I had Draqueesha.


With Mozart beside me, I feel unstoppable. He and I could face anything, come hell or high water. I'm not about to wait around and be shackled. I'm ready for the new, the unknown. I smile.


The two tumbled into the hole, the shard carving a path through the maelstrom.As they fell through, the hole closed behind them, and all that was left was a cold, dead silence.

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